def save(): s = open(config_path(), 'w') s.close()
import traceback from config import Config try: from hal_configurator.lib.workspace_manager import Workspace except: pass __author__ = 'Costa Halicea' from hal_configurator.lib import config_path config = None try: config = Config(open(config_path(), 'r')) except: traceback.print_exc() print 'ConfigPath %s' % config_path() print 'Cannot Locate the Configuration file' def add_config_to_history(path): ch = get_config_history() if path in ch: ch.append(ch.pop(ch.index(path))) elif len(config.config_history) == len(ch): ch.append("'"+path+"'") ch.pop(0) else: ch.append("'"+path+"'") for i in range(0, len(ch)): config.config_history[i].path = ch[i] save() def get_config_history():
#!/Users/halicea/envs/hal_automator/bin/python import sys import os from hal_configurator.lib.app_config import config from hal_configurator.lib import config_path from hal_configurator.lib.plugin_loader import load_plugins_from_directory_list if config: plugin_dirs = [] cp = config_path() j = os.path.join dn = os.path.dirname abp = os.path.abspath for p_dir in config.plugin_dirs: if os.path.isabs(p_dir): plugin_dirs.append(p_dir) else: abs_dir = abp(j(dn(cp), p_dir)) plugin_dirs.append(abs_dir) load_plugins_from_directory_list(plugin_dirs) else: print 'No Configuration Loadeed, Continuing...' sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(__file__)) try: import hal_configurator.lib.configurator_console as console except: print 'Not configured for executor, only web server mode is possible' print "Running in", os.path.abspath(__file__) ui_enabled = True try:
def save():
pass from hal_configurator.lib.dict2obj import DynamicObject from hal_configurator.lib import config_path __author__ = 'Costa Halicea' class Config(DynamicObject): def __init__(self, d): j = json.loads(d) DynamicObject.__init__(self, j) config = None try: config = Config(open(config_path(), 'r').read()) except: traceback.print_exc() print 'ConfigPath %s' % config_path() print 'Cannot Locate the Configuration file' def add_config_to_history(path): ch = get_config_history() if path in ch: ch.append(ch.pop(ch.index(path))) ch.append(path) if len(config.config_history) >= 10: ch.pop(0) save()