def test_basics2():

    input = hl.ImageParam(hl.Float(32), 3, 'input')
    r_sigma = hl.Param(hl.Float(32), 'r_sigma', 0.1) # Value needed if not generating an executable
    s_sigma = 8 # This is passed during code generation in the C++ version

    x = hl.Var('x')
    y = hl.Var('y')
    z = hl.Var('z')
    c = hl.Var('c')

    # Add a boundary condition
    clamped = hl.Func('clamped')
    clamped[x, y] = input[hl.clamp(x, 0, input.width()-1),
                          hl.clamp(y, 0, input.height()-1),0]

    # Construct the bilateral grid
    r = hl.RDom(0, s_sigma, 0, s_sigma, 'r')
    val0 = clamped[x * s_sigma, y * s_sigma]
    val00 = clamped[x * s_sigma * hl.cast(hl.Int(32), 1), y * s_sigma * hl.cast(hl.Int(32), 1)]
    #val1 = clamped[x * s_sigma - s_sigma/2, y * s_sigma - s_sigma/2] # should fail
    val22 = clamped[x * s_sigma - hl.cast(hl.Int(32), s_sigma//2),
                    y * s_sigma - hl.cast(hl.Int(32), s_sigma//2)]
    val2 = clamped[x * s_sigma - s_sigma//2, y * s_sigma - s_sigma//2]
    val3 = clamped[x * s_sigma + r.x - s_sigma//2, y * s_sigma + r.y - s_sigma//2]

def test_basics2():
    input = hl.ImageParam(hl.Float(32), 3, 'input')
    r_sigma = hl.Param(hl.Float(32), 'r_sigma', 0.1)
    s_sigma = 8

    x = hl.Var('x')
    y = hl.Var('y')
    z = hl.Var('z')
    c = hl.Var('c')

    # Add a boundary condition
    clamped = hl.Func('clamped')
    clamped[x, y] = input[hl.clamp(x, 0,
                                   input.width() - 1),
                          hl.clamp(y, 0,
                                   input.height() - 1), 0]

    # Construct the bilateral grid
    r = hl.RDom([(0, s_sigma), (0, s_sigma)], 'r')
    val0 = clamped[x * s_sigma, y * s_sigma]
    val00 = clamped[x * s_sigma * hl.i32(1), y * s_sigma * hl.i32(1)]
    val22 = clamped[x * s_sigma - hl.i32(s_sigma // 2),
                    y * s_sigma - hl.i32(s_sigma // 2)]
    val2 = clamped[x * s_sigma - s_sigma // 2, y * s_sigma - s_sigma // 2]
    val3 = clamped[x * s_sigma + r.x - s_sigma // 2,
                   y * s_sigma + r.y - s_sigma // 2]

        val1 = clamped[x * s_sigma - s_sigma / 2, y * s_sigma - s_sigma / 2]
    except RuntimeError as e:
        assert 'Implicit cast from float32 to int' in str(e)
        assert False, 'Did not see expected exception!'
def test_basics3():
    input = hl.ImageParam(hl.Float(32), 3, 'input')
    r_sigma = hl.Param(hl.Float(32), 'r_sigma',
                       0.1)  # Value needed if not generating an executable
    s_sigma = 8  # This is passed during code generation in the C++ version

    x = hl.Var('x')
    y = hl.Var('y')
    z = hl.Var('z')
    c = hl.Var('c')

    # Add a boundary condition
    clamped = hl.Func('clamped')
    clamped[x, y] = input[hl.clamp(x, 0,
                                   input.width() - 1),
                          hl.clamp(y, 0,
                                   input.height() - 1), 0]

    # Construct the bilateral grid
    r = hl.RDom([(0, s_sigma), (0, s_sigma)], 'r')
    val = clamped[x * s_sigma + r.x - s_sigma // 2,
                  y * s_sigma + r.y - s_sigma // 2]
    val = hl.clamp(val, 0.0, 1.0)
    zi = hl.i32((val / r_sigma) + 0.5)
    histogram = hl.Func('histogram')
    histogram[x, y, z, c] = 0.0

    ss = hl.select(c == 0, val, 1.0)
    left = histogram[x, y, zi, c]
    left += 5
    left += ss
def test_image_to_ndarray():

    if "image_to_ndarray" not in globals():
        print("Skipping test_image_to_ndarray")

    import numpy

    i0 = Image(hl.Float(32), 50, 50)
    assert i0.type() == hl.Float(32)

    a0 = image_to_ndarray(i0)
    print("a0.shape", a0.shape)
    print("a0.dtype", a0.dtype)
    assert a0.dtype == numpy.float32

    i1 = Image(hl.Int(16), 50, 50)
    assert i1.type() == hl.Int(16)
    i1[24, 24] = 42
    assert i1(24, 24) == 42

    a1 = image_to_ndarray(i1)
    print("a1.shape", a1.shape)
    print("a1.dtype", a1.dtype)
    assert a1.dtype == numpy.int16
    assert a1[24, 24] == 42

def test_basics2():

    input = hl.ImageParam(hl.Float(32), 3, 'input')
    r_sigma = hl.Param(hl.Float(32), 'r_sigma',
                       0.1)  # Value needed if not generating an executable
    s_sigma = 8  # This is passed during code generation in the C++ version

    x = hl.Var('x')
    y = hl.Var('y')
    z = hl.Var('z')
    c = hl.Var('c')

    # Add a boundary condition
    clamped = hl.Func('clamped')
    clamped[x, y] = input[hl.clamp(x, 0,
                                   input.width() - 1),
                          hl.clamp(y, 0,
                                   input.height() - 1), 0]

    if True:
        print("s_sigma", s_sigma)
        print("s_sigma/2", s_sigma / 2)
        print("s_sigma//2", s_sigma // 2)
        print("x * s_sigma", x * s_sigma)
        print("x * 8", x * 8)
        print("x * 8 + 4", x * 8 + 4)
        print("x * 8 * 4", x * 8 * 4)
        print("x", x)
        print("(x * s_sigma).type()", )
        print("(x * 8).type()", (x * 8).type())
        print("(x * 8 + 4).type()", (x * 8 + 4).type())
        print("(x * 8 * 4).type()", (x * 8 * 4).type())
        print("(x * 8 / 4).type()", (x * 8 / 4).type())
        print("((x * 8) * 4).type()", ((x * 8) * 4).type())
        print("(x * (8 * 4)).type()", (x * (8 * 4)).type())

    assert (x * 8).type() == hl.Int(32)
    assert (x * 8 * 4).type() == hl.Int(32)  # yes this did fail at some point
    assert ((x * 8) / 4).type() == hl.Int(32)
    assert (x * (8 / 4)).type() == hl.Float(32)  # under python3 division rules
    assert (x * (8 // 4)).type() == hl.Int(32)
    #assert (x * 8 // 4).type() == hl.Int(32) # not yet implemented

    # Construct the bilateral grid
    r = hl.RDom(0, s_sigma, 0, s_sigma, 'r')
    val0 = clamped[x * s_sigma, y * s_sigma]
    val00 = clamped[x * s_sigma * hl.cast(hl.Int(32), 1),
                    y * s_sigma * hl.cast(hl.Int(32), 1)]
    #val1 = clamped[x * s_sigma - s_sigma/2, y * s_sigma - s_sigma/2] # should fail
    val22 = clamped[x * s_sigma - hl.cast(hl.Int(32), s_sigma // 2),
                    y * s_sigma - hl.cast(hl.Int(32), s_sigma // 2)]
    val2 = clamped[x * s_sigma - s_sigma // 2, y * s_sigma - s_sigma // 2]
    val3 = clamped[x * s_sigma + r.x - s_sigma // 2,
                   y * s_sigma + r.y - s_sigma // 2]

def f32(x, y, c, img):
    out = mkfunc("f32", img)

    if img.dimensions() == 2:
        out[x, y] = hl.cast(hl.Float(32), img[x, y])
        out[x, y, c] = hl.cast(hl.Float(32), img[x, y, c])

    return out
def test_multipass_constraints():
    input = hl.ImageParam(hl.Float(32), 2, "input")

    f = hl.Func("f")
    x = hl.Var("x")
    y = hl.Var("y")

    f[x, y] = input[x + 1, y + 1] + input[x - 1, y - 1]
    f[x, y] += 3.0
    f.update().vectorize(x, 4)

    o = f.output_buffer()

    # Now make some hard-to-resolve constraints
    input.dim(0).set_bounds(min=input.dim(1).min() - 5,
                            extent=input.dim(1).extent() + o.dim(0).extent())

                            o.dim(0).extent() < 22,
                            o.dim(0).extent() + 1,

    # Make a bounds query buffer
    query_buf = hl.Buffer.make_bounds_query(type=hl.Float(32), sizes=[7, 8])
    query_buf.set_min([2, 2])


    if  input.get().dim(0).min() != -4 or \
        input.get().dim(0).extent() != 34 or \
        input.get().dim(1).min() != 1 or \
        input.get().dim(1).extent() != 10 or \
        query_buf.dim(0).min() != 0 or \
        query_buf.dim(0).extent() != 24 or \
        query_buf.dim(1).min() != 2 or \
        query_buf.dim(1).extent() != 8:

        print("Constraints not correctly satisfied:\n", "in:",
              input.get().dim(1).extent(), "out:",
        assert False
def gauss_15x15(input, name):
    print('        gauss_15x15')

    k = hl.Buffer(hl.Float(32), [15], "gauss_15x15")

    rdom = hl.RDom([(-7, 15)])

    k[-7] = 0.004961
    k[-6] = 0.012246
    k[-5] = 0.026304
    k[-4] = 0.049165
    k[-3] = 0.079968
    k[-2] = 0.113193
    k[-1] = 0.139431
    k[0] = 0.149464
    k[7] = 0.004961
    k[6] = 0.012246
    k[5] = 0.026304
    k[4] = 0.049165
    k[3] = 0.079968
    k[2] = 0.113193
    k[1] = 0.139431

    return gauss(input, k, rdom, name)
文件: buffer.py 项目: zpmaths/Halide
def test_for_each_element():
    buf = hl.Buffer(hl.Float(32), [3, 4])
    for x in range(3):
        for y in range(4):
            buf[x, y] = x + y
    # Can't use 'assert' in a lambda, but can call a fn that uses it.
    buf.for_each_element(lambda pos, buf=buf: _assert_fn(buf[pos[0], pos[1]] == pos[0] + pos[1]))
def main():
    input = hl.ImageParam(hl.Float(32), 2, 'input')
    r_sigma = hl.Param(hl.Float(32), 'r_sigma', 0.1) # Value needed if not generating an executable
    s_sigma = 8 # This is passed during code generation in the C++ version

    bilateral_grid = get_bilateral_grid(input, r_sigma, s_sigma)

    # Set `generate` to False to run the jit immediately and get  instant gratification.
    #generate = True
    generate = False
    if generate:
        filter_test_image(bilateral_grid, input)

    print("\nEnd of game. Have a nice day!")
def _realize_and_check(f, offset=0):
    b = hl.Buffer(hl.Float(32), [2, 2])

    assert b[0, 0] == 3.5 + offset + 123
    assert b[0, 1] == 4.5 + offset + 123
    assert b[1, 0] == 4.5 + offset + 123
    assert b[1, 1] == 5.5 + offset + 123
def test_division():
    f32 = hl.Param(hl.Float(32), 'f32', -32.0)
    f64 = hl.Param(hl.Float(64), 'f64', 64.0)
    i16 = hl.Param(hl.Int(16), 'i16', -16)
    i32 = hl.Param(hl.Int(32), 'i32', 32)
    u16 = hl.Param(hl.UInt(16), 'u16', 16)
    u32 = hl.Param(hl.UInt(32), 'u32', 32)

    # Verify that the types match the rules in match_types()
    assert (f32 / f64).type() == hl.Float(64)
    assert (f32 // f64).type() == hl.Float(64)

    assert (i16 / i32).type() == hl.Int(32)
    assert (i16 // i32).type() == hl.Int(32)

    assert (u16 / u32).type() == hl.UInt(32)
    assert (u16 // u32).type() == hl.UInt(32)

    # int / uint -> int
    assert (u16 / i32).type() == hl.Int(32)
    assert (i32 // u16).type() == hl.Int(32)

    # any / float -> float
    # float / any -> float
    assert (u16 / f32).type() == hl.Float(32)
    assert (u16 // f32).type() == hl.Float(32)

    assert (i16 / f64).type() == hl.Float(64)
    assert (i16 // f64).type() == hl.Float(64)

    # Verify that division semantics match those for Halide
    # (rather than python); this differs for int/int which
    # defaults to float (rather than floordiv) in Python3.
    # Also test that // always floors the result, even for float.
    assert _evaluate(f32 / f64) == -0.5
    assert _evaluate(f32 // f64) == -1.0

    assert _evaluate(i16 / i32) == -1
    assert _evaluate(i16 // i32) == -1
    assert _evaluate(i32 / i16) == -2

    assert _evaluate(u16 / u32) == 0
    assert _evaluate(u16 // u32) == 0

    assert _evaluate(u16 / i32) == 0
    assert _evaluate(i32 // u16) == 2

    assert _evaluate(u16 / f32) == -0.5
    assert _evaluate(u16 // f32) == -1.0

    assert _evaluate(i16 / f64) == -0.25
    assert _evaluate(i16 // f64) == -1.0
def generate_compiled_file(bilateral_grid):

    target = hl.get_target_from_environment()
    # Need to copy the filter executable from the C++ apps/bilateral_grid folder to run this.
    # (after making it of course)
    arguments = ArgumentsVector()
    arguments.append(Argument('r_sigma', InputScalar, hl.Float(32), 0))
    arguments.append(Argument('input', InputBuffer, hl.UInt(16), 2))
    bilateral_grid.compile_to_file("bilateral_grid", arguments,
                                   "bilateral_grid", target)
    print("Generated compiled file for bilateral_grid function.")
def test_scalar_buffers():
    buf = hl.Buffer.make_scalar(hl.Float(32))

    assert buf.dimensions() == 0

    buf[()] = 2.5

    assert buf[()] == 2.5

    assert buf[()] == 32
def mult(input, scale):

    brighter = hl.Func("mult")
    x, y, c = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y"), hl.Var("c")

    value = input[x, y, c]
    value = hl.cast(hl.Float(32), value)
    value = value * scale
    value = hl.min(value, 255.0)
    value = hl.cast(hl.UInt(8), value)

    brighter[x, y, c] = value
    return brighter
def test_nobuildmethod():
    x, y, c = hl.Var(), hl.Var(), hl.Var()
    target = hl.get_jit_target_from_environment()

    b_in = hl.Buffer(hl.Float(32), [2, 2])

    b_out = hl.Buffer(hl.Int(32), [2, 2])

    f = nobuildmethod.generate(target, b_in, 1.0)

    assert b_out.all_equal(123)
def test_partialbuildmethod():
    x, y, c = hl.Var(), hl.Var(), hl.Var()
    target = hl.get_jit_target_from_environment()

    b_in = hl.Buffer(hl.Float(32), [2, 2])

    b_out = hl.Buffer(hl.Int(32), [2, 2])

        f = partialbuildmethod.generate(target, b_in, 1)
    except RuntimeError as e:
        assert "Generators that use build() (instead of generate()+Output<>) are not supported in the Python bindings." in str(e)
        assert False, 'Did not see expected exception!'
def gauss_7x7(input, name):
    k = hl.Buffer(hl.Float(32), [7], "gauss_7x7_kernel")

    rdom = hl.RDom([(-3, 7)])

    k[-3] = 0.026267
    k[-2] = 0.100742
    k[-1] = 0.225511
    k[0] = 0.29496
    k[1] = 0.225511
    k[2] = 0.100742
    k[3] = 0.026267

    return gauss(input, k, rdom, name)
def test_float_or_int():
    x = hl.Var('x')
    i32, f32 = hl.Int(32), hl.Float(32)

    assert hl.Expr(x).type() == i32
    assert (x * 2).type() == i32
    assert (x / 2).type() == i32
    assert ((x // 2) - 1 + 2 * (x % 2)).type() == i32
    assert ((x / 2) - 1 + 2 * (x % 2)).type() == i32
    assert ((x / 2)).type() == i32
    assert ((x / 2.0)).type() == f32
    assert ((x // 2)).type() == i32
    assert ((x // 2) - 1).type() == i32
    assert ((x % 2)).type() == i32
    assert (2 * (x % 2)).type() == i32
    assert ((x // 2) - 1 + 2 * (x % 2)).type() == i32

    assert type(x) == hl.Var
    assert (hl.Expr(x)).type() == i32
    assert (hl.Expr(2.0)).type() == f32
    assert (hl.Expr(2)).type() == i32
    assert (x + 2).type() == i32
    assert (2 + x).type() == i32
    assert (hl.Expr(2) + hl.Expr(3)).type() == i32
    assert (hl.Expr(2.0) + hl.Expr(3)).type() == f32
    assert (hl.Expr(2) + 3.0).type() == f32
    assert (hl.Expr(2) + 3).type() == i32
    assert (hl.Expr(x) + 2).type() == i32
    assert (2 + hl.Expr(x)).type() == i32
    assert (2 * (x + 2)).type() == i32
    assert (x + 0).type() == i32
    assert (x % 2).type() == i32
    assert (2 * x).type() == i32
    assert (x * 2).type() == i32
    assert (x * 2).type() == i32
    assert ((x % 2)).type() == i32
    assert ((x % 2) * 2).type() == i32
    assert (2 * (x % 2)).type() == i32
    assert ((x + 2) * 2).type() == i32
def test_float_or_int():

    x = hl.Var('x')
    i, f =  hl.Int(32), hl.Float(32)

    assert ((x//2) - 1 + 2*(x%2)).type() == i
    assert ((x/2) - 1 + 2*(x%2)).type() == i
    assert ((x/2)).type() == i
    assert ((x/2.0)).type() == f
    assert ((x//2)).type() == i
    assert ((x//2) - 1).type() == i
    assert ((x%2)).type() == i
    assert (2*(x%2)).type() == i
    assert ((x//2) - 1 + 2*(x%2)).type() == i

    assert type(x) == hl.Var
    assert (x.as_expr()).type() == i
    assert (hl.Expr(2.0)).type() == f
    assert (hl.Expr(2)).type() == i
    assert (x + 2).type() == i
    assert (2 + x).type() == i
    assert (hl.Expr(2) + hl.Expr(3)).type() == i
    assert (hl.Expr(2.0) + hl.Expr(3)).type() == f
    assert (hl.Expr(2) + 3.0).type() == f
    assert (hl.Expr(2) + 3).type() == i
    assert (x.as_expr() + 2).type() == i # yes this failed at some point
    assert (2 + x.as_expr()).type() == i
    assert (2 * (x + 2)).type() == i # yes this failed at some point
    assert (x + 0).type() == i
    assert (x % 2).type() == i
    assert (2 * x).type() == i
    assert (x * 2).type() == i
    assert (x * 2).type() == i
    assert ((x % 2)).type() == i
    assert ((x % 2) * 2).type() == i
    #assert (2 * (x % 2)).type() == i # yes this failed at some point
    assert ((x + 2) * 2).type() == i

def contrast(input, strength, black_point):
    output = hl.Func("contrast_output")

    x, y, c = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y"), hl.Var("c")

    scale = strength

    inner_constant = math.pi / (2 * scale)
    sin_constant = hl.sin(inner_constant)
    slope = 65535 / (2 * sin_constant)
    constant = slope * sin_constant
    factor = math.pi / (scale * 65535)

    val = factor * hl.cast(hl.Float(32), input[x, y, c])

    output[x, y, c] = hl.u16_sat(slope * hl.sin(val - inner_constant) + constant)

    white_scale = 65535 / (65535 - black_point)

    output[x, y, c] = hl.u16_sat((hl.cast(hl.Int(32), output[x, y, c]) - black_point) * white_scale)

    output.compute_root().parallel(y).vectorize(x, 16)

    return output
# TODO: This allows you to use "true" div (vs floordiv) in Python2 for the / operator;
# unfortunately it appears to also replace the overloads we've carefully added for Halide.
# Figure out if it's possible to allow this to leave our Halide stuff unaffected.
# from __future__ import division

import time, sys
import halide as hl

from datetime import datetime
from scipy.misc import imread, imsave
import numpy as np
import os.path

int_t = hl.Int(32)
float_t = hl.Float(32)

def get_interpolate(input, levels):
    Build function, schedules it, and invokes jit compiler
    :return: halide.hl.Func


    downsampled = [hl.Func('downsampled%d' % i) for i in range(levels)]
    downx = [hl.Func('downx%d' % l) for l in range(levels)]
    interpolated = [hl.Func('interpolated%d' % i) for i in range(levels)]
    #     level_widths = [hl.Param(int_t,'level_widths%d'%i) for i in range(levels)]
    #     level_heights = [hl.Param(int_t,'level_heights%d'%i) for i in range(levels)]
def call_twoel(zone_name,
    N = datasize
    seed = 2

    inputs = [
            "name": "delo2",
            "d": 0,
            "value": 0.001
            "name": "delta",
            "d": 0,
            "value": 0.001
            "name": "rdelta",
            "d": 0,
            "value": 0.001
            "name": "expnt",
            "d": 1,
            "value": 0.00001
            "name": "rnorm",
            "d": 1
            "name": "x",
            "d": 1
            "name": "y",
            "d": 1
            "name": "z",
            "d": 1
            "name": "fm",
            "d": 2,
            "shape": [1002, 5]
            "name": "g_fock",
            "d": 2
            "name": "g_dens",
            "d": 2
            "name": "g_trace",
            "d": 4,
            "value": 0.0

    outputs = [
            "name": "rv",
            "d": 1,
            "shape": [1]
            "name": "g_fock",
            "d": 2

    inputs = {x["name"]: x for x in inputs}
    outputs = {x["name"]: x for x in outputs}

    # generate input data
    print("input/output size is", N, "^2")
    buffers = []
    buffers_by_name = {}
    for key in inputs:
        param = inputs[key]
        if param['d'] == 0:
            thing = 0.2
            shape = [N] * param['d']
            if 'shape' in param:
                shape = param['shape']
            thing = hl.Buffer(hl.Float(64), shape, name=key)
            if 'value' in param:
                if param['value'] != 0.0:
                    for pos in np.ndindex(*shape):
                        thing[pos] = param['value']
                values = np.random.rand(*shape) - 0.5
                for pos in np.ndindex(*shape):
                    thing[pos] = values[pos]
        buffers_by_name[key] = thing

    # get JIT pipeline
    zones = twoel_gen.define_original_twoel_zone().split_recursive()
    zone_names = zone_name.split(",")
    myzones = []
    for zone in zones.loops:
        if zone_name == 'all' or zone['name'] in zone_names:
    if len(myzones) == 0:
        if zone_name == 'list':
            print([z.name for z in zones])
            print("no zone %s found" % zone_name)
    zones.loops = myzones
    gen = twoel_gen.Generate_twoel(loopnests=zones, **kwargs)
    p = gen.pipeline
    target = hl.Target(target_name)
    zone_names = [z.name for z in myzones]
    print("compiling zones", zone_names, "for target", target)
    # plug in the parameter values
    for param in gen.inputs.values():
        name = param.name()
        if name in buffers_by_name:
            thing = buffers_by_name[name]
        elif name.endswith("_in") and name[:-3] in buffers_by_name:
            name = name[:-3]
            thing = buffers_by_name[name]
            raise KeyError(name)

    # dry-run
    p.realize(N, N)
    print(itercount, "timed runs")

    if itercount == 0:
        # when generating trace output, just doing the dry-run is enough.
        return 0.0, 0.0

    # benchmark it
    walltime = 0.0
    cputime = 0.0
    for _ in range(itercount):
        cpu_before = time.process_time()
        wall_before = time.time()

        rv, g_fock_out = p.realize(N, N)

        cpu_after = time.process_time()
        wall_after = time.time()

        walltime += wall_after - wall_before
        cputime += cpu_after - cpu_before
    print("walltime: %.3f" % walltime)
    print("cputime: %.3f" % cputime)
    walltime /= itercount
    cputime /= itercount
    print("walltime per iter: %.3e" % walltime)
    print("cputime per iter: %.3e" % cputime)
    throughput = N * N * N * N / walltime
    print("throughput: %.3e g() calls per second (roughly)" % throughput)
    rv = rv[0]
    g_fock_out = np.array(g_fock_out)
    return walltime, cputime
def test_complexstub():
    constant_image = _make_constant_image()
    input = hl.ImageParam(hl.UInt(8), 3, 'input')

    x, y, c = hl.Var(), hl.Var(), hl.Var()
    target = hl.get_jit_target_from_environment()

    float_arg = 1.25
    int_arg = 33

    r = complexstub(target,
                    array_input=[input, input],
                    int_arg=[int_arg, int_arg],

    # return value is a tuple; unpack separately to avoid
    # making the callsite above unreadable
    (simple_output, tuple_output, array_output, typed_buffer_output,
     untyped_buffer_output, static_compiled_buffer_output) = r

    b = simple_output.realize(32, 32, 3, target)
    assert b.type() == hl.Float(32)
    for x in range(32):
        for y in range(32):
            for c in range(3):
                expected = constant_image[x, y, c]
                actual = b[x, y, c]
                assert expected == actual, "Expected %s Actual %s" % (expected,

    b = tuple_output.realize(32, 32, 3, target)
    assert b[0].type() == hl.Float(32)
    assert b[1].type() == hl.Float(32)
    assert len(b) == 2
    for x in range(32):
        for y in range(32):
            for c in range(3):
                expected1 = constant_image[x, y, c] * float_arg
                expected2 = expected1 + int_arg
                actual1, actual2 = b[0][x, y, c], b[1][x, y, c]
                assert expected1 == actual1, "Expected1 %s Actual1 %s" % (
                    expected1, actual1)
                assert expected2 == actual2, "Expected2 %s Actual1 %s" % (
                    expected2, actual2)

    assert len(array_output) == 2
    for a in array_output:
        b = a.realize(32, 32, target)
        assert b.type() == hl.Int(16)
        for x in range(32):
            for y in range(32):
                expected = constant_image[x, y, 0] + int_arg
                actual = b[x, y]
                assert expected == actual, "Expected %s Actual %s" % (expected,

    # TODO: Output<Buffer<>> has additional behaviors useful when a Stub
    # is used within another Generator; this isn't yet implemented since there
    # isn't yet Python bindings for Generator authoring. This section
    # of the test may need revision at that point.
    b = typed_buffer_output.realize(32, 32, 3, target)
    assert b.type() == hl.Float(32)
    for x in range(32):
        for y in range(32):
            for c in range(3):
                expected = constant_image[x, y, c]
                actual = b[x, y, c]
                assert expected == actual, "Expected %s Actual %s" % (expected,

    b = untyped_buffer_output.realize(32, 32, 3, target)
    assert b.type() == hl.UInt(8)
    for x in range(32):
        for y in range(32):
            for c in range(3):
                expected = constant_image[x, y, c]
                actual = b[x, y, c]
                assert expected == actual, "Expected %s Actual %s" % (expected,

    b = static_compiled_buffer_output.realize(4, 4, 1, target)
    assert b.type() == hl.UInt(8)
    for x in range(4):
        for y in range(4):
            for c in range(1):
                expected = constant_image[x, y, c] + 42
                actual = b[x, y, c]
                assert expected == actual, "Expected %s Actual %s" % (expected,
def main():

    # This program defines a single-stage imaging pipeline that
    # brightens an image.

    # First we'll load the input image we wish to brighten.
    image_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),

    # We create a hl.Buffer object to wrap the numpy array
    input = hl.Buffer(imageio.imread(image_path))
    assert input.type() == hl.UInt(8)

    # Next we define our hl.Func object that represents our one pipeline
    # stage.
    brighter = hl.Func("brighter")

    # Our hl.Func will have three arguments, representing the position
    # in the image and the color channel. Halide treats color
    # channels as an extra dimension of the image.
    x, y, c = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y"), hl.Var("c")

    # Normally we'd probably write the whole function definition on
    # one line. Here we'll break it apart so we can explain what
    # we're doing at every step.

    # For each pixel of the input image.
    value = input[x, y, c]
    assert type(value) == hl.Expr

    # Cast it to a floating point value.
    value = hl.cast(hl.Float(32), value)

    # Multiply it by 1.5 to brighten it. Halide represents real
    # numbers as floats, not doubles, so we stick an 'f' on the end
    # of our constant.
    value = value * 1.5

    # Clamp it to be less than 255, so we don't get overflow when we
    # hl.cast it back to an 8-bit unsigned int.
    value = hl.min(value, 255.0)

    # Cast it back to an 8-bit unsigned integer.
    value = hl.cast(hl.UInt(8), value)

    # Define the function.
    brighter[x, y, c] = value

    # The equivalent one-liner to all of the above is:
    # brighter(x, y, c) = hl.cast<uint8_t>(hl.min(input(x, y, c) * 1.5f, 255))
    # brighter[x, y, c] = hl.cast(hl.UInt(8), hl.min(input[x, y, c] * 1.5, 255))
    # In the shorter version:
    # - I skipped the hl.cast to float, because multiplying by 1.5f does
    #   that automatically.
    # - I also used integer constants in hl.clamp, because they get hl.cast
    #   to match the type of the first argument.
    # - I left the h. off hl.clamp. It's unnecessary due to Koenig
    #   lookup.

    # Remember. All we've done so far is build a representation of a
    # Halide program in memory. We haven't actually processed any
    # pixels yet. We haven't even compiled that Halide program yet.

    # So now we'll realize the hl.Func. The size of the output image
    # should match the size of the input image. If we just wanted to
    # brighten a portion of the input image we could request a
    # smaller size. If we request a larger size Halide will throw an
    # error at runtime telling us we're trying to read out of bounds
    # on the input image.
    output_image = brighter.realize(
        [input.width(), input.height(),
    assert output_image.type() == hl.UInt(8)

    # Save the output for inspection. It should look like a bright parrot.
    # python3-imageio versions <2.5 expect a numpy array
    imageio.imsave("brighter.png", np.asanyarray(output_image))
    print("Created brighter.png result file.")

    return 0
def f32(e):
    return hl.cast(hl.Float(32), e)
def main():

    # So far Funcs (such as the one below) have evaluated to a single
    # scalar value for each point in their domain.
    single_valued = hl.Func()
    x, y = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y")
    single_valued[x, y] = x + y

    # One way to write a hl.Func that returns a collection of values is
    # to add an additional dimension which indexes that
    # collection. This is how we typically deal with color. For
    # example, the hl.Func below represents a collection of three values
    # for every x, y coordinate indexed by c.
    color_image = hl.Func()
    c = hl.Var("c")
    color_image[x, y, c] = hl.select(
        c == 0,
        245,  # Red value
        c == 1,
        42,  # Green value
        132)  # Blue value

    # Since this pattern appears quite often, Halide provides a
    # syntatic sugar to write the code above as the following,
    # using the "mux" function.
    # color_image[x, y, c] = hl.mux(c, [245, 42, 132]);

    # This method is often convenient because it makes it easy to
    # operate on this hl.Func in a way that treats each item in the
    # collection equally:
    brighter = hl.Func()
    brighter[x, y, c] = color_image[x, y, c] + 10

    # However this method is also inconvenient for three reasons.
    # 1) Funcs are defined over an infinite domain, so users of this
    # hl.Func can for example access color_image(x, y, -17), which is
    # not a meaningful value and is probably indicative of a bug.
    # 2) It requires a hl.select, which can impact performance if not
    # bounded and unrolled:
    # brighter.bound(c, 0, 3).unroll(c)
    # 3) With this method, all values in the collection must have the
    # same type. While the above two issues are merely inconvenient,
    # this one is a hard limitation that makes it impossible to
    # express certain things in this way.

    # It is also possible to represent a collection of values as a
    # collection of Funcs:
    func_array = [hl.Func() for i in range(3)]
    func_array[0][x, y] = x + y
    func_array[1][x, y] = hl.sin(x)
    func_array[2][x, y] = hl.cos(y)

    # This method avoids the three problems above, but introduces a
    # new annoyance. Because these are separate Funcs, it is
    # difficult to schedule them so that they are all computed
    # together inside a single loop over x, y.

    # A third alternative is to define a hl.Func as evaluating to a
    # Tuple instead of an hl.Expr. A Tuple is a fixed-size collection of
    # Exprs which may have different type. The following function
    # evaluates to an integer value (x+y), and a floating point value
    # (hl.sin(x*y)).
    multi_valued = hl.Func("multi_valued")
    multi_valued[x, y] = (x + y, hl.sin(x * y))

    # Realizing a tuple-valued hl.Func returns a collection of
    # Buffers. We call this a Realization. It's equivalent to a
    # std::vector of hl.Buffer/Image objects:
    if True:
        im1, im2 = multi_valued.realize([80, 60])
        assert im1.type() == hl.Int(32)
        assert im2.type() == hl.Float(32)
        assert im1[30, 40] == 30 + 40
        assert np.isclose(im2[30, 40], math.sin(30 * 40))

    # You can also pass a tuple of pre-allocated buffers to realize()
    # rather than having new ones created. (The Buffers must have the correct
    # types and have identical sizes.)
    if True:
        im1, im2 = hl.Buffer(hl.Int(32),
                             [80, 60]), hl.Buffer(hl.Float(32), [80, 60])
        multi_valued.realize((im1, im2))
        assert im1[30, 40] == 30 + 40
        assert np.isclose(im2[30, 40], math.sin(30 * 40))

    # All Tuple elements are evaluated together over the same domain
    # in the same loop nest, but stored in distinct allocations. The
    # equivalent C++ code to the above is:
    if True:
        multi_valued_0 = np.empty((80 * 60), dtype=np.int32)
        multi_valued_1 = np.empty((80 * 60), dtype=np.int32)

        for yy in range(80):
            for xx in range(60):
                multi_valued_0[xx + 60 * yy] = xx + yy
                multi_valued_1[xx + 60 * yy] = math.sin(xx * yy)

    # When compiling ahead-of-time, a Tuple-valued hl.Func evaluates
    # into multiple distinct output halide_buffer_t structs. These appear in
    # order at the end of the function signature:
    # int multi_valued(...input buffers and params..., halide_buffer_t
    # *output_1, halide_buffer_t *output_2)

    # You can construct a Tuple by passing multiple Exprs to the
    # Tuple constructor as we did above. Perhaps more elegantly, you
    # can also take advantage of initializer lists and just
    # enclose your Exprs in braces:
    multi_valued_2 = hl.Func("multi_valued_2")
    multi_valued_2[x, y] = (x + y, hl.sin(x * y))

    # Calls to a multi-valued hl.Func cannot be treated as Exprs. The
    # following is a syntax error:
    # hl.Func consumer
    # consumer[x, y] = multi_valued_2[x, y] + 10

    # Instead you must index the returned object with square brackets
    # to retrieve the individual Exprs:
    integer_part = multi_valued_2[x, y][0]
    floating_part = multi_valued_2[x, y][1]
    assert type(integer_part) is hl.FuncTupleElementRef
    assert type(floating_part) is hl.FuncTupleElementRef

    consumer = hl.Func()
    consumer[x, y] = (integer_part + 10, floating_part + 10.0)

    # Tuple reductions.
    if True:
        # Tuples are particularly useful in reductions, as they allow
        # the reduction to maintain complex state as it walks along
        # its domain. The simplest example is an argmax.

        # First we create an Image to take the argmax over.
        input_func = hl.Func()
        input_func[x] = hl.sin(x)
        input = input_func.realize([100])
        assert input.type() == hl.Float(32)

        # Then we defined a 2-valued Tuple which tracks the maximum value
        # its index.
        arg_max = hl.Func()

        # Pure definition.
        # (using [()] for zero-dimensional Funcs is a convention of this python interface)
        arg_max[()] = (0, input[0])

        # Update definition.
        r = hl.RDom([(1, 99)])
        old_index = arg_max[()][0]
        old_max = arg_max[()][1]
        new_index = hl.select(old_max > input[r], r, old_index)
        new_max = hl.max(input[r], old_max)
        arg_max[()] = (new_index, new_max)

        # The equivalent C++ is:
        arg_max_0 = 0
        arg_max_1 = float(input[0])
        for r in range(1, 100):
            old_index = arg_max_0
            old_max = arg_max_1
            new_index = r if (old_max > input[r]) else old_index
            new_max = max(input[r], old_max)
            # In a tuple update definition, all loads and computation
            # are done before any stores, so that all Tuple elements
            # are updated atomically with respect to recursive calls
            # to the same hl.Func.
            arg_max_0 = new_index
            arg_max_1 = new_max

        # Let's verify that the Halide and C++ found the same maximum
        # value and index.
        if True:
            r0, r1 = arg_max.realize()

            assert r0.type() == hl.Int(32)
            assert r1.type() == hl.Float(32)
            assert arg_max_0 == r0[()]
            assert np.isclose(arg_max_1, r1[()])

        # Halide provides argmax and hl.argmin as built-in reductions
        # similar to sum, product, maximum, and minimum. They return
        # a Tuple consisting of the point in the reduction domain
        # corresponding to that value, and the value itself. In the
        # case of ties they return the first value found. We'll use
        # one of these in the following section.

    # Tuples for user-defined types.
    if True:
        # Tuples can also be a convenient way to represent compound
        # objects such as complex numbers. Defining an object that
        # can be converted to and from a Tuple is one way to extend
        # Halide's type system with user-defined types.
        class Complex:
            def __init__(self, r, i=None):
                if type(r) is float and type(i) is float:
                    self.real = hl.Expr(r)
                    self.imag = hl.Expr(i)
                elif i is not None:
                    self.real = r
                    self.imag = i
                    self.real = r[0]
                    self.imag = r[1]

            def as_tuple(self):
                "Convert to a Tuple"
                return (self.real, self.imag)

            def __add__(self, other):
                "Complex addition"
                return Complex(self.real + other.real, self.imag + other.imag)

            def __mul__(self, other):
                "Complex multiplication"
                return Complex(self.real * other.real - self.imag * other.imag,
                               self.real * other.imag + self.imag * other.real)

            def __getitem__(self, idx):
                return (self.real, self.imag)[idx]

            def __len__(self):
                return 2

            def magnitude(self):
                "Complex magnitude"
                return (self.real * self.real) + (self.imag * self.imag)

            # Other complex operators would go here. The above are
            # sufficient for this example.

        # Let's use the Complex struct to compute a Mandelbrot set.
        mandelbrot = hl.Func()

        # The initial complex value corresponding to an x, y coordinate
        # in our hl.Func.
        initial = Complex(x / 15.0 - 2.5, y / 6.0 - 2.0)

        # Pure definition.
        t = hl.Var("t")
        mandelbrot[x, y, t] = Complex(0.0, 0.0)

        # We'll use an update definition to take 12 steps.
        r = hl.RDom([(1, 12)])
        current = Complex(mandelbrot[x, y, r - 1])

        # The following line uses the complex multiplication and
        # addition we defined above.
        mandelbrot[x, y, r] = (Complex(current * current) + initial)

        # We'll use another tuple reduction to compute the iteration
        # number where the value first escapes a circle of radius 4.
        # This can be expressed as an hl.argmin of a boolean - we want
        # the index of the first time the given boolean expression is
        # false (we consider false to be less than true).  The argmax
        # would return the index of the first time the expression is
        # true.

        escape_condition = Complex(mandelbrot[x, y, r]).magnitude() < 16.0
        first_escape = hl.argmin(escape_condition)
        assert type(first_escape) is tuple
        # We only want the index, not the value, but hl.argmin returns
        # both, so we'll index the hl.argmin Tuple expression using
        # square brackets to get the hl.Expr representing the index.
        escape = hl.Func()
        escape[x, y] = first_escape[0]

        # Realize the pipeline and print the result as ascii art.
        result = escape.realize([61, 25])
        assert result.type() == hl.Int(32)
        code = " .:-~*={&%#@"
        for yy in range(result.height()):
            for xx in range(result.width()):
                index = result[xx, yy]
                if index < len(code):
                    print("%c" % code[index], end="")
                    pass  # is lesson 13 cpp version buggy ?


    return 0
文件: target.py 项目: zhou13/Halide
def test_target():
    # Target("") should be exactly like get_host_target().
    t1 = hl.get_host_target()
    t2 = hl.Target("")
    assert t1 == t2, "Default ctor failure"
    assert t1.supported()

    # to_string roundtripping
    t1 = hl.Target()
    ts = t1.to_string()
    assert ts == "arch_unknown-0-os_unknown"

    # Note, this should *not* validate, since validate_target_string
    # now returns false if any of arch-bits-os are undefined
    assert not hl.Target.validate_target_string(ts)

    # Don't attempt to roundtrip this: trying to create
    # a Target with unknown portions will now assert-fail.
    # t2 = hl.Target(ts)
    # assert t2 == t1

    # repr() and str()
    assert str(t1) == "arch_unknown-0-os_unknown"
    assert repr(t1) == "<halide.Target arch_unknown-0-os_unknown>"

    assert t1.os == hl.TargetOS.OSUnknown
    assert t1.arch == hl.TargetArch.ArchUnknown
    assert t1.bits == 0

    # Full specification round-trip:
    t1 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.Linux, hl.TargetArch.X86, 32,
    ts = t1.to_string()
    assert ts == "x86-32-linux-sse41"
    assert hl.Target.validate_target_string(ts)

    # Full specification (without features) round-trip:
    t1 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.Linux, hl.TargetArch.X86, 32)
    ts = t1.to_string()
    assert ts == "x86-32-linux"
    assert hl.Target.validate_target_string(ts)

    # Full specification round-trip, crazy features
    t1 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.Android, hl.TargetArch.ARM, 32, [
        hl.TargetFeature.JIT, hl.TargetFeature.SSE41, hl.TargetFeature.AVX,
        hl.TargetFeature.AVX2, hl.TargetFeature.CUDA, hl.TargetFeature.OpenCL,
        hl.TargetFeature.OpenGL, hl.TargetFeature.OpenGLCompute,
    ts = t1.to_string()
    assert ts == "arm-32-android-avx-avx2-cuda-debug-jit-opencl-opengl-openglcompute-sse41"
    assert hl.Target.validate_target_string(ts)

    # Expected failures:
    ts = "host-unknowntoken"
    assert not hl.Target.validate_target_string(ts)

    ts = "x86-23"
    assert not hl.Target.validate_target_string(ts)

    # bits == 0 is allowed only if arch_unknown and os_unknown are specified,
    # and no features are set
    ts = "x86-0"
    assert not hl.Target.validate_target_string(ts)

    ts = "0-arch_unknown-os_unknown-sse41"
    assert not hl.Target.validate_target_string(ts)

    # "host" is only supported as the first token
    ts = "opencl-host"
    assert not hl.Target.validate_target_string(ts)

    # set_feature
    t1 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.Linux, hl.TargetArch.X86, 32,
    assert t1.has_feature(hl.TargetFeature.SSE41)
    assert not t1.has_feature(hl.TargetFeature.AVX)
    t1.set_feature(hl.TargetFeature.SSE41, False)
    assert t1.has_feature(hl.TargetFeature.AVX)
    assert not t1.has_feature(hl.TargetFeature.SSE41)

    # set_features
    t1 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.Linux, hl.TargetArch.X86, 32,
    assert t1.has_feature(hl.TargetFeature.SSE41)
    assert not t1.has_feature(hl.TargetFeature.AVX)
    t1.set_features([hl.TargetFeature.SSE41], False)
    t1.set_features([hl.TargetFeature.AVX, hl.TargetFeature.AVX2], True)
    assert t1.has_feature(hl.TargetFeature.AVX)
    assert t1.has_feature(hl.TargetFeature.AVX2)
    assert not t1.has_feature(hl.TargetFeature.SSE41)

    # with_feature
    t1 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.Linux, hl.TargetArch.X86, 32,
    t2 = t1.with_feature(hl.TargetFeature.NoAsserts).with_feature(
    ts = t2.to_string()
    assert ts == "x86-32-linux-no_asserts-no_bounds_query-sse41"

    # without_feature
    t1 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.Linux, hl.TargetArch.X86, 32,
                   [hl.TargetFeature.SSE41, hl.TargetFeature.NoAsserts])
    # Note that NoBoundsQuery wasn't set here, so 'without' is a no-op
    t2 = t1.without_feature(hl.TargetFeature.NoAsserts).without_feature(
    ts = t2.to_string()
    assert ts == "x86-32-linux-sse41"

    # natural_vector_size
    # SSE4.1 is 16 bytes wide
    t1 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.Linux, hl.TargetArch.X86, 32,
    assert t1.natural_vector_size(hl.UInt(8)) == 16
    assert t1.natural_vector_size(hl.Int(16)) == 8
    assert t1.natural_vector_size(hl.UInt(32)) == 4
    assert t1.natural_vector_size(hl.Float(32)) == 4

    # has_gpu_feature
    t1 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.Linux, hl.TargetArch.X86, 32,
    t2 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.Linux, hl.TargetArch.X86, 32, [])
    assert t1.has_gpu_feature()
    assert not t2.has_gpu_feature()

    # has_large_buffers & maximum_buffer_size
    t1 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.Linux, hl.TargetArch.X86, 64,
    t2 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.Linux, hl.TargetArch.X86, 64, [])
    assert t1.has_large_buffers()
    assert t1.maximum_buffer_size() == 9223372036854775807
    assert not t2.has_large_buffers()
    assert t2.maximum_buffer_size() == 2147483647

    # supports_device_api
    t1 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.Linux, hl.TargetArch.X86, 64,
    t2 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.Linux, hl.TargetArch.X86, 64)
    assert t1.supports_device_api(hl.DeviceAPI.CUDA)
    assert not t2.supports_device_api(hl.DeviceAPI.CUDA)

    # supports_type (deprecated version)
    t1 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.OSX, hl.TargetArch.X86, 64,
    t2 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.OSX, hl.TargetArch.X86, 64)
    assert not t1.supports_type(hl.Float(64))
    assert t2.supports_type(hl.Float(64))

    # supports_type (preferred version)
    t1 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.OSX, hl.TargetArch.X86, 64,
    t2 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.OSX, hl.TargetArch.X86, 64)
    assert not t1.supports_type(hl.Float(64), hl.DeviceAPI.Metal)
    assert not t2.supports_type(hl.Float(64), hl.DeviceAPI.Metal)

    # target_feature_for_device_api
    assert hl.target_feature_for_device_api(
        hl.DeviceAPI.OpenCL) == hl.TargetFeature.OpenCL

    # with_feature with non-convertible lists
        t1 = hl.Target(hl.TargetOS.Linux, hl.TargetArch.X86, 32,
                       ["this is a string"])
    except TypeError as e:
        assert "incompatible constructor arguments" in str(e)
        assert False, 'Did not see expected exception!'
def main():

    # All Exprs have a scalar type, and all Funcs evaluate to one or
    # more scalar types. The scalar types in Halide are unsigned
    # integers of various bit widths, signed integers of the same set
    # of bit widths, floating point numbers in single and double
    # precision, and opaque handles (equivalent to void *). The
    # following array contains all the legal types.

    valid_halide_types = [
        hl.UInt(8), hl.UInt(16), hl.UInt(32), hl.UInt(64),
        hl.Int(8), hl.Int(16), hl.Int(32), hl.Int(64),
        hl.Float(32), hl.Float(64), hl.Handle() ]

    # Constructing and inspecting types.
    if True:
        # You can programmatically examine the properties of a Halide
        # type. This is useful when you write a C++ function that has
        # hl.Expr arguments and you wish to check their types:
        assert hl.UInt(8).bits() == 8
        assert hl.Int(8).is_int()

        # You can also programmatically construct Types as a function of other Types.
        t = hl.UInt(8)
        t = t.with_bits(t.bits() * 2)
        assert t == hl.UInt(16)

        # Or construct a Type from a C++ scalar type
        #assert type_of<float>() == hl.Float(32)

        # The Type struct is also capable of representing vector types,
        # but this is reserved for Halide's internal use. You should
        # vectorize code by using hl.Func::vectorize, not by attempting to
        # construct vector expressions directly. You may encounter vector
        # types if you programmatically manipulate lowered Halide code,
        # but this is an advanced topic (see hl.Func::add_custom_lowering_pass).

        # You can query any Halide hl.Expr for its type. An hl.Expr
        # representing a hl.Var has type hl.Int(32):
        x = hl.Var("x")
        assert hl.Expr(x).type() == hl.Int(32)

        # Most transcendental functions in Halide hl.cast their inputs to a
        # hl.Float(32) and return a hl.Float(32):
        assert hl.sin(x).type() == hl.Float(32)

        # You can hl.cast an hl.Expr from one Type to another using the hl.cast operator:
        assert hl.cast(hl.UInt(8), x).type() == hl.UInt(8)

        # This also comes in a template form that takes a C++ type.
        #assert hl.cast<uint8_t>(x).type() == hl.UInt(8)

        # You can also query any defined hl.Func for the types it produces.
        f1 = hl.Func("f1")
        f1[x] = hl.cast(hl.UInt(8), x)
        assert f1.output_types()[0] == hl.UInt(8)

        f2 = hl.Func("f2")
        f2[x] = (x, hl.sin(x))
        assert f2.output_types()[0] == hl.Int(32) and \
               f2.output_types()[1] == hl.Float(32)

    # Type promotion rules.
    if True:
        # When you combine Exprs of different types (e.g. using '+',
        # '*', etc), Halide uses a system of type promotion
        # rules. These differ to C's rules. To demonstrate these
        # we'll make some Exprs of each type.
        x = hl.Var("x")
        u8 = hl.cast(hl.UInt(8), x)
        u16 = hl.cast(hl.UInt(16), x)
        u32 = hl.cast(hl.UInt(32), x)
        u64 = hl.cast(hl.UInt(64), x)
        s8 = hl.cast(hl.Int(8), x)
        s16 = hl.cast(hl.Int(16), x)
        s32 = hl.cast(hl.Int(32), x)
        s64 = hl.cast(hl.Int(64), x)
        f32 = hl.cast(hl.Float(32), x)
        f64 = hl.cast(hl.Float(64), x)

        # The rules are as follows, and are applied in the order they are
        # written below.

        # 1) It is an error to hl.cast or use arithmetic operators on Exprs of type hl.Handle().

        # 2) If the types are the same, then no type conversions occur.
        for t in valid_halide_types:
            # Skip the handle type.
            if t.is_handle():
            e = hl.cast(t, x)
            assert (e + e).type() == e.type()

        # 3) If one type is a float but the other is not, then the
        # non-float argument is promoted to a float (possibly causing a
        # loss of precision for large integers).
        assert (u8 + f32).type() == hl.Float(32)
        assert (f32 + s64).type() == hl.Float(32)
        assert (u16 + f64).type() == hl.Float(64)
        assert (f64 + s32).type() == hl.Float(64)

        # 4) If both types are float, then the narrower argument is
        # promoted to the wider bit-width.
        assert (f64 + f32).type() == hl.Float(64)

        # The rules above handle all the floating-point cases. The
        # following three rules handle the integer cases.

        # 5) If one of the expressions is an integer constant, then it is
        # coerced to the type of the other expression.
        assert (u32 + 3).type() == hl.UInt(32)
        assert (3 + s16).type() == hl.Int(16)

        # If this rule would cause the integer to overflow, then Halide
        # will trigger an error, e.g. uncommenting the following line
        # will cause this program to terminate with an error.
        # hl.Expr bad = u8 + 257

        # 6) If both types are unsigned integers, or both types are
        # signed integers, then the narrower argument is promoted to
        # wider type.
        assert (u32 + u8).type() == hl.UInt(32)
        assert (s16 + s64).type() == hl.Int(64)

        # 7) If one type is signed and the other is unsigned, both
        # arguments are promoted to a signed integer with the greater of
        # the two bit widths.
        assert (u8 + s32).type() == hl.Int(32)
        assert (u32 + s8).type() == hl.Int(32)

        # Note that this may silently overflow the unsigned type in the
        # case where the bit widths are the same.
        assert (u32 + s32).type() == hl.Int(32)

        if False: # evaluate<X> not yet exposed to python
            # When an unsigned hl.Expr is converted to a wider signed type in
            # this way, it is first widened to a wider unsigned type
            # (zero-extended), and then reinterpreted as a signed
            # integer. I.e. casting the hl.UInt(8) value 255 to an hl.Int(32)
            # produces 255, not -1.
            #int32_t result32 = evaluate<int>(hl.cast<int32_t>(hl.cast<uint8_t>(255)))
            assert result32 == 255

            # When a signed type is explicitly converted to a wider unsigned
            # type with the hl.cast operator (the type promotion rules will
            # never do this automatically), it is first converted to the
            # wider signed type (sign-extended), and then reinterpreted as
            # an unsigned integer. I.e. casting the hl.Int(8) value -1 to a
            # hl.UInt(16) produces 65535, not 255.
            #uint16_t result16 = evaluate<uint16_t>(hl.cast<uint16_t>(hl.cast<int8_t>(-1)))
            assert result16 == 65535

    # The type hl.Handle().
    if True:
        # hl.Handle is used to represent opaque pointers. Applying
        # type_of to any pointer type will return hl.Handle()

        #assert type_of<void *>() == hl.Handle()
        #assert type_of<const char * const **>() == hl.Handle()
        # (not clear what the proper python version would be)

        # Handles are always stored as 64-bit, regardless of the compilation
        # target.
        assert hl.Handle().bits() == 64

        # The main use of an hl.Expr of type hl.Handle is to pass
        # it through Halide to other external code.

    # Generic code.
    if True:
        # The main explicit use of Type in Halide is to write Halide
        # code parameterized by a Type. In C++ you'd do this with
        # templates. In Halide there's no need - you can inspect and
        # modify the types dynamically at C++ runtime instead. The
        # function defined below averages two expressions of any
        # equal numeric type.
        x = hl.Var("x")
        assert average(hl.cast(hl.Float(32), x), 3.0).type() == hl.Float(32)
        assert average(x, 3).type() == hl.Int(32)
        assert average(hl.cast(hl.UInt(8), x), hl.cast(hl.UInt(8), 3)).type() == hl.UInt(8)


    return 0
def bilateral_filter(input, width, height):
    print('    bilateral_filter')

    k = hl.Buffer(hl.Float(32), [7, 7], "gauss_kernel")
    k.translate([-3, -3])

    weights = hl.Func("bilateral_weights")
    total_weights = hl.Func("bilateral_total_weights")
    bilateral = hl.Func("bilateral")
    output = hl.Func("bilateral_filter_output")

    x, y, dx, dy, c = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y"), hl.Var("dx"), hl.Var("dy"), hl.Var("c")
    rdom = hl.RDom([(-3, 7), (-3, 7)])

    k[-3, -3] = 0.000690
    k[-2, -3] = 0.002646
    k[-1, -3] = 0.005923
    k[0, -3] = 0.007748
    k[1, -3] = 0.005923
    k[2, -3] = 0.002646
    k[3, -3] = 0.000690
    k[-3, -2] = 0.002646
    k[-2, -2] = 0.010149
    k[-1, -2] = 0.022718
    k[0, -2] = 0.029715
    k[1, -2] = 0.022718
    k[2, -2] = 0.010149
    k[3, -2] = 0.002646
    k[-3, -1] = 0.005923
    k[-2, -1] = 0.022718
    k[-1, -1] = 0.050855
    k[0, -1] = 0.066517
    k[1, -1] = 0.050855
    k[2, -1] = 0.022718
    k[3, -1] = 0.005923
    k[-3, 0] = 0.007748
    k[-2, 0] = 0.029715
    k[-1, 0] = 0.066517
    k[0, 0] = 0.087001
    k[1, 0] = 0.066517
    k[2, 0] = 0.029715
    k[3, 0] = 0.007748
    k[-3, 1] = 0.005923
    k[-2, 1] = 0.022718
    k[-1, 1] = 0.050855
    k[0, 1] = 0.066517
    k[1, 1] = 0.050855
    k[2, 1] = 0.022718
    k[3, 1] = 0.005923
    k[-3, 2] = 0.002646
    k[-2, 2] = 0.010149
    k[-1, 2] = 0.022718
    k[0, 2] = 0.029715
    k[1, 2] = 0.022718
    k[2, 2] = 0.010149
    k[3, 2] = 0.002646
    k[-3, 3] = 0.000690
    k[-2, 3] = 0.002646
    k[-1, 3] = 0.005923
    k[0, 3] = 0.007748
    k[1, 3] = 0.005923
    k[2, 3] = 0.002646
    k[3, 3] = 0.000690

    input_mirror = hl.BoundaryConditions.mirror_interior(input, [(0, width), (0, height)])

    dist = hl.cast(hl.Float(32),
                   hl.cast(hl.Int(32), input_mirror[x, y, c]) - hl.cast(hl.Int(32), input_mirror[x + dx, y + dy, c]))

    sig2 = 100

    threshold = 25000

    score = hl.select(hl.abs(input_mirror[x + dx, y + dy, c]) > threshold, 0, hl.exp(-dist * dist / sig2))

    weights[dx, dy, x, y, c] = k[dx, dy] * score

    total_weights[x, y, c] = hl.sum(weights[rdom.x, rdom.y, x, y, c])

    bilateral[x, y, c] = hl.sum(input_mirror[x + rdom.x, y + rdom.y, c] * weights[rdom.x, rdom.y, x, y, c]) / \
                         total_weights[x, y, c]

    output[x, y, c] = hl.cast(hl.Float(32), input[x, y, c])

    output[x, y, 1] = bilateral[x, y, 1]
    output[x, y, 2] = bilateral[x, y, 2]

    weights.compute_at(output, y).vectorize(x, 16)

    output.compute_root().parallel(y).vectorize(x, 16)

    output.update(0).parallel(y).vectorize(x, 16)
    output.update(1).parallel(y).vectorize(x, 16)

    return output