def test_pgm(): import halomodel as mmhm from orphics import cosmology cc = cosmology.Cosmology(hmvec.default_params, skipCls=True, low_acc=False) mmhmod = mmhm.HaloModel(cc) mthresh = np.array([10.5]) zs = np.array([0., 1., 2., 3.]) ms = np.geomspace(1e8, 1e16, 1000) ks = np.geomspace(1e-4, 100, 1001) # ks,pks = np.loadtxt("mm_k_pk.txt",unpack=True) # !!! eeP = mmhmod.P_gg_2h(ks, zs, mthreshHOD=mthresh) + mmhmod.P_gg_1h( ks, zs, mthreshHOD=mthresh) meP = mmhmod.P_mg_2h(ks, zs, mthreshHOD=mthresh) + mmhmod.P_mg_1h( ks, zs, mthreshHOD=mthresh) mmP = mmhmod.P_mm_2h(ks, zs) + mmhmod.P_mm_1h(ks, zs) hcos = hmvec.HaloModel(zs, ks, ms=ms, halofit=None, mdef='vir', nfw_numeric=False) hcos.add_hod("g", mthresh=(10**mthresh[0]) + zs * 0., corr="max") # hcos.add_battaglia_profile("electron",family="AGN",xmax=100,nxs=60000) pme_1h = hcos.get_power_1halo(name="g", name2="nfw") pme_2h = hcos.get_power_2halo(name="g", name2="nfw") pmm_1h = hcos.get_power_1halo("nfw") pmm_2h = hcos.get_power_2halo("nfw") pee_1h = hcos.get_power_1halo("g") pee_2h = hcos.get_power_2halo("g") for i in range(zs.size): pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglin', xlabel='$k$', ylabel='$P$') pl.add(ks, (pme_2h[i] + pme_1h[i]) / meP[i], ls="--", color="C%d" % i) pl.add(ks, (pmm_2h[i] + pmm_1h[i]) / mmP[i], ls="-", color="C%d" % i) pl.add(ks, (pee_2h[i] + pee_1h[i]) / eeP[i], ls=":", color="C%d" % i) pl.vline(x=10.) pl.hline(y=1.) pl._ax.set_ylim(0.8, 1.3) pl.done("pgcomp_rat_z_%d.png" % i)
def __init__(self): #------ red shift binning (as defined in the config) self.zbins_nr = conf.N_bins self.zbins_z = remote_spectra.zbins_z self.zbins_zcentral = remote_spectra.zbins_zcentral self.zbins_chi = remote_spectra.zbins_chi self.zbins_chicentral = remote_spectra.zbins_chicentral #----- useful constants #from self._cSpeedKmPerSec = 299792.458 self.G_SI = 6.674e-11 self.mProton_SI = 1.673e-27 self.H100_SI = 3.241e-18 self.thompson_SI = 6.6524e-29 self.meterToMegaparsec = 3.241e-23 self.solar_luminosity_per_Megaparsec2_to_Jansky = self.meterToMegaparsec**2 * 1e26 * ( 3.827e+26) #----- CMB #convention: l goes from 0 to lmax_global. units are muK (not dim less). self.lmax_global = conf.estim_smallscale_lmax = np.arange(0, self.lmax_global) #small scale ksz fname = "data/ClTTksz_halo_latetime_AGN.txt" dt = ({'names': ('ls', 'C_l'), 'formats': [np.float, np.float]}) data = np.loadtxt(fname, dtype=dt) l_ksz = data['ls'] Clksz = data['C_l'] lin_interp = interp1d(l_ksz, Clksz, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) self.Cl_ksz_TT = lin_interp( self.kmax = 100. self.frequencies = conf.CIB_frequencies #power spectra calculation #we can switch halomodel off, and get power spectra from camb with a simple bias prescription if not conf.use_halomodel: print( "We don't use the halo model. Now calculating CAMB power spectra." ) #get camb cl power spectrum self.cambpars = camb.CAMBparams() self.cambpars.set_cosmology(H0=conf.H0, ombh2=conf.ombh2, omch2=conf.omch2) self.cambpars.InitPower.set_params(ns=conf.ns, r=0) #self.cambpars.set_for_lmax(2500, lens_potential_accuracy=0); self.cambpars.set_matter_power(redshifts=self.zbins_z.tolist(), kmax=self.kmax, k_per_logint=20) self.cambresults = camb.get_results(self.cambpars) self.PK_nonlin = camb.get_matter_power_interpolator( self.cambpars, nonlinear=True, hubble_units=False, k_hunit=False, kmax=self.kmax, zmax=self.zbins_z[-1]) print("Power spectra done.") #use halo model else: #make an halo model object print( "We use the halo model. Now calculating Pgg, Pge, Pee power spectra from halo model." ) self.mthreshHODstellar = galaxies.getmthreshHODstellar( LSSexperiment=conf.LSSexperiment, zbins_central=remote_spectra.zbins_zcentral ) #get the right HOD threshold for the experiment, as a function of red shift print("starting halomodel") self.hmod = halomodel.HaloModel(ukmversion="new", mdef="200_mean") self.logmmin = 8 #we cut by stellar mass, so this essentially integrates over all masses self.logmmax = 16 ks = np.logspace( np.log10(1e-5), np.log10(100.), num=1000 ) #we evaluate the halo model once on a z and k grid and interpolate below from that. # zs = np.linspace(0.1,6,50) #TEST sampling sufficient? zs = np.linspace(conf.z_min, conf.z_max, 50) #TEST sampling sufficient? # Pgg_sampled = self.hmod.P_gg_1h(ks,zs,logmlow=self.logmmin,logmhigh=self.logmmax,mthreshHOD=self.mthreshHODstellar)+self.hmod.P_gg_2h(ks,zs,logmlow=self.logmmin,logmhigh=self.logmmax,mthreshHOD=self.mthreshHODstellar) # Pge_sampled = self.hmod.P_ge_1h(ks,zs,gasprofile=conf.gasprofile,logmlow=self.logmmin,logmhigh=self.logmmax,mthreshHOD=self.mthreshHODstellar)+self.hmod.P_ge_2h(ks,zs,gasprofile=conf.gasprofile,logmlow=self.logmmin,logmhigh=self.logmmax,mthreshHOD=self.mthreshHODstellar) # Pee_sampled = self.hmod.P_ee_1h(ks,zs,gasprofile=conf.gasprofile,logmlow=self.logmmin,logmhigh=self.logmmax)+self.hmod.P_ee_2h(ks,zs,gasprofile=conf.gasprofile,logmlow=self.logmmin,logmhigh=self.logmmax) # Pgm_sampled = self.hmod.P_gm_1h(ks,zs,logmlow=self.logmmin,logmhigh=self.logmmax,mthreshHOD=self.mthreshHODstellar)+self.hmod.P_gm_2h(ks,zs,logmlow=self.logmmin,logmhigh=self.logmmax,mthreshHOD=self.mthreshHODstellar) # Pmm_sampled = self.hmod.P_mm_1h(ks,zs)+self.hmod.P_mm_2h(ks,zs) self.interp_PCIBCIB_1h = [] self.interp_PCIBCIB_2h = [] self.interp_PCIBe = [] # self.interp_Pee = interp2d(ks,zs,Pee_sampled,bounds_error=False,fill_value=0) # halomodel._setup_k_z_m_grid_functions(zs,mthreshHODstellar) print("set up") for frequency_id in range(0, len(self.frequencies)): print("doing frequency", frequency_id) frequency = self.frequencies[frequency_id] t1 = time.time() # PCIBCIB_sampled = self.hmod.P_CIBCIB_1h(ks,zs,self.frequency,logmlow=self.logmmin,logmhigh=self.logmmax,mthreshHOD=self.mthreshHODstellar)+self.hmod.P_CIBCIB_2h(ks,zs,self.frequency,logmlow=self.logmmin,logmhigh=self.logmmax,mthreshHOD=self.mthreshHODstellar) PCIBCIB_sampled_1h = self.hmod.P_CIBCIB_1h( ks, zs, frequency, logmlow=self.logmmin, logmhigh=self.logmmax, mthreshHOD=self.mthreshHODstellar) print("got one halo in", time.time() - t1, "seconds") t1 = time.time() PCIBCIB_sampled_2h = self.hmod.P_CIBCIB_2h( ks, zs, frequency, logmlow=self.logmmin, logmhigh=self.logmmax, mthreshHOD=self.mthreshHODstellar) str(frequency) + '_pcibcib2_bothfrs.npy', PCIBCIB_sampled_2h) str(frequency) + '_pcibcib1_bothfrs.npy', PCIBCIB_sampled_1h) print("got two halo in", time.time() - t1, "seconds") t1 = time.time() print("getting PCIBe") if compute_electron_cross: PCIBe_sampled = self.hmod.P_CIBe_1h( ks, zs, frequency, gasprofile=conf.gasprofile, logmlow=self.logmmin, logmhigh=self.logmmax, mthreshHOD=self.mthreshHODstellar ) + self.hmod.P_CIBe_2h(ks, zs, frequency, gasprofile=conf.gasprofile, logmlow=self.logmmin, logmhigh=self.logmmax, mthreshHOD=self.mthreshHODstellar) print("got cross in", time.time() - t1, "seconds") self.interp_PCIBCIB_1h.append( interp2d(ks, zs, PCIBCIB_sampled_1h, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)) self.interp_PCIBCIB_2h.append( interp2d(ks, zs, PCIBCIB_sampled_2h, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)) if compute_electron_cross: self.interp_PCIBe.append( interp2d(ks, zs, PCIBe_sampled, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)) print("Power spectra done.") #now we calculate the binned power spectra that we will need later self.Cl_CIBCIB = np.zeros((3, conf.estim_smallscale_lmax)) self.Cl_CIBCIB_1h = np.zeros((3, conf.estim_smallscale_lmax)) self.Cl_CIBCIB_2h = np.zeros((3, conf.estim_smallscale_lmax)) self.Cl_CIBCIB_binned = np.zeros((3, conf.estim_smallscale_lmax)) self.Cl_CIBCIB_1h_binned = np.zeros( (3, conf.zbins_nr, conf.estim_smallscale_lmax)) self.Cl_CIBCIB_2h_binned = np.zeros( (3, conf.zbins_nr, conf.estim_smallscale_lmax)) self.Cl_CIBtau = np.zeros( (3, conf.zbins_nr, conf.estim_smallscale_lmax)) self.Cl_tautau = np.zeros((conf.zbins_nr, conf.estim_smallscale_lmax)) self.calc_Cl_CIBCIB() print("calculated Cl_CIBCIB") if compute_electron_cross: self.calc_Cl_CIBtau_tautau() print("calculated Cl_CIBtau") self.Cl_CIBCIB_tot = np.zeros((3, conf.estim_smallscale_lmax)) self.Cl_CIBCIB_tot_binned = np.zeros( (3, conf.zbins_nr, conf.estim_smallscale_lmax)) if conf.CIB_model == "minimally_empiricial": self.shotnoises = [ self.hmod.CIB_shot_noise(nu) * self.solar_luminosity_per_Megaparsec2_to_Jansky**2 for nu in self.frequencies ] else: self.shotnoises = [ self.hmod.CIB_shot_noise(nu) for nu in self.frequencies ] if conf.cib_experimental_noise: #temperature CIB_beams = conf.CIB_beamArcmin_T * np.pi / 180. / 60. dT = conf.CIB_noiseTuKArcmin_T * np.pi / 180. / 60. with np.errstate(over='ignore'): self.Nl_CIB_T = (dT[:, np.newaxis]**2.) * np.exp( * ( + 1.) * (CIB_beams[:, np.newaxis]**2.) / 8. / np.log(2.)) else: self.Nl_CIB_T = [ * 0, * 0, * 0] for i in range(0, len(self.frequencies)): self.Cl_CIBCIB_tot[ i, :] = self.Cl_CIBCIB_1h[i, :] + self.Cl_CIBCIB_2h[ i, :] + self.shotnoises[i] * 0 + self.Nl_CIB_T[i][:] self.Cl_CIBCIB_tot_binned[i, :] = self.Cl_CIBCIB_1h_binned[ i, :] + self.Cl_CIBCIB_2h_binned[ i, :] #+self.shotnoises[i]+self.Nl_CIB_T[i][:] from datetime import date today = direct = (savepath + str(self.frequencies[i]) + "_" + str(conf.N_bins) + "_" + str(conf.CIB_model) + str(today)) if not os.path.exists(direct): print("making directory") os.mkdir(direct) + "/" + "CLs_CIBCIB.npy", self.Cl_CIBCIB_tot[i]) print("saved in", direct)
def match_ngal_mthreshHOD(): #FOR pszrcode #test red shifts where we match mmin and ngal zs_matching = np.arange(0.1, 6.1, 0.1) #zs_matching = np.arange(0.1,4.2,0.5) #zs_matching = np.array([0.5,1.5,3.,4.5]) zs_matching_nr = zs_matching.shape[0] print("z for matches:", zs_matching) #calc ngal_mpc_lsst from ngal_arcmin2_lsst at z_central #ngal_arcmin2_lsst_z = n_arcmin2_LSST_Schmittfull(zs_matching) #ngal_arcmin2_lsst_z = n_arcmin2_LSST_Wittman(zs_matching) ngal_arcmin2_lsst_z = n_arcmin2_LSST_goldsample(zs_matching) ngal_mpc3_lsst_z = convert_n_arcmin2_mpc3(ngal_arcmin2_lsst_z, zs_matching) #FOR 3d box code #zbins_z,zbins_bias,zbins_ngal,zbins_nr = get_bins_lsst_mat() #zs_matching_nr = zbins_nr #zs_matching = zbins_z[:-1] + np.diff(zbins_z)/2. #ngal_mpc3_lsst_z = zbins_ngal #----------------- get halo model results (vary HOD mass threshold, integrate over all halo mass) hmod = halomodel.HaloModel() massbins = np.arange(5., 16.05, 0.005) # ngalMpc3 = np.zeros((zs_matching_nr, massbins.shape[0])) nhaloMpc3 = np.zeros((zs_matching_nr, massbins.shape[0])) galaxybias = np.zeros((zs_matching_nr, massbins.shape[0])) halobias = np.zeros((zs_matching_nr, massbins.shape[0])) #grid calc ngal_mpc_halomodel for different mthresh. for m_id, m in enumerate(massbins[:-1]): log10mlow = 5. #fixed log10mhigh = 16. #fixed mthreshHOD = m * np.ones(zs_matching_nr) #varied ngalMpc3[:, m_id] = hmod.nbar_galaxy(zs_matching, log10mlow, log10mhigh, mthreshHOD) #gives [z,m] galaxybias[:, m_id] = hmod.bias_galaxy(zs_matching, log10mlow, log10mhigh, mthreshHOD) # fig=plt.figure(figsize=(7,5)) # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) # for z_id,z in enumerate(zs_matching): # ax1.plot(massbins,ngalMpc3[z_id],ls='solid',label=r'ngal_hmod at z='+str(z),color="C"+str(z_id)) # #plot the constant from LSST # ax1.axhline(y=ngal_mpc3_lsst_z[z_id],ls='dashed',label=r'ngal_LSST at z='+str(z),color="C"+str(z_id)) # ax1.set_yscale('log') # plt.ylim([1e-10,1e2]) # plt.legend(loc='lower left',frameon=False) # plt.grid() # plt.xlabel(r'$M_{\rm threshHOD} \ [M_\bigodot]$') # ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\bar{n}$ [Mpc]$^{-3}$') # fig.tight_layout() # # #fig.savefig('data/ngal_lsst_mthreshHOD.pdf') #----------- find the mmin for which the curves and the constant cross. mmin_z = np.zeros(zs_matching_nr) mmin_id = np.zeros(zs_matching_nr, for z_id, z in enumerate( zs_matching ): #TODO: shuld be done better, esp for sparse mass binning. #mmin_id[z_id] = (np.abs(nhaloMpc3[z_id]-ngal_mpc3_lsst_z[z_id])).argmin() mmin_id[z_id] = (np.abs(ngalMpc3[z_id] - ngal_mpc3_lsst_z[z_id])).argmin() mmin_z[z_id] = massbins[mmin_id[z_id]] print("mmin matches:", mmin_z) #plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 3)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.plot(zs_matching, 10.**mmin_z, ls='solid', label=r'mmin') plt.legend(loc='lower left', frameon=False) ax1.set_yscale('log') #plot rs ranges fname_base = "fnl_zbin_lsst_z4_withphotoz_5bins" #"fnl_zbin_lsst_z4_photoz" fname = "/Users/mmunchmeyer/Work/physics/gitpapers/ksz_tomography/python/plots/" + fname_base + ".txt" dt = ({ 'names': ('z', 'zmin', 'zmax', 'bin_V_gpc', 'fnl_gv', 'fnl_g'), 'formats': [np.float, np.float, np.float, np.float, np.float, np.float] }) data = np.loadtxt(fname, dtype=dt) for z_id in [0, 2, 4]: ax1.axvspan(data['zmin'][z_id], data['zmax'][z_id], alpha=0.5) plt.grid() plt.xlabel(r'z') plt.ylabel(r'$m^{\rm thresh}_{\star} \ [m_\bigodot]$') fig.tight_layout() #fig.savefig('data/mstarHOD_lsst_matching.pdf') #write to file #fname = 'data/mminHOD_lsst_gold.txt' #FOR 3d box code fname = "data/mthreshHOD_lsst.txt" #FOR pszrcode f = open(fname, "w") for i in range(zs_matching.shape[0]): f.write(str(zs_matching[i]) + " " + str(mmin_z[i]) + "\n") f.close() #now compare bgal_lsst and bgal_halomodel #calc bias at these z and mmin from halomodel and compare to lsst prescription #bias_lsst = bias_LSST_Schmittfull(zs_matching) bias_halomodel = np.zeros(zs_matching_nr) bias_lsst = zbins_bias for z_id, z in enumerate(zs_matching): bias_halomodel[z_id] = galaxybias[ z_id, mmin_id[z_id]] #halobias[z_id,mmin_id[z_id]] #plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 3)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.plot(zs_matching, bias_lsst, ls='solid', label=r'$b_g$ (LSST)', marker="o") ax1.plot(zs_matching, bias_halomodel, ls='solid', label=r'$b_g$ (halo model)', marker="o") plt.legend(loc='upper left', frameon=False) #plot rs ranges fname_base = "fnl_zbin_lsst_z4_withphotoz_5bins" #"fnl_zbin_lsst_z4_photoz" fname = "/Users/mmunchmeyer/Work/physics/gitpapers/ksz_tomography/python/plots/" + fname_base + ".txt" dt = ({ 'names': ('z', 'zmin', 'zmax', 'bin_V_gpc', 'fnl_gv', 'fnl_g'), 'formats': [np.float, np.float, np.float, np.float, np.float, np.float] }) data = np.loadtxt(fname, dtype=dt) for z_id in [0, 2, 4]: ax1.axvspan(data['zmin'][z_id], data['zmax'][z_id], alpha=0.5) plt.grid() plt.xlabel(r'z') ax1.set_ylabel(r'$b_g$') fig.tight_layout()
def test_pmm(): matt = True # set to False if you don't have Matt and Moritz's for comparison if matt: import halomodel as mmhm from orphics import cosmology cc = cosmology.Cosmology(hmvec.default_params, skipCls=True, low_acc=False) mmhmod = mmhm.HaloModel(cc) zs = np.array([0., 2., 3.]) #,1.,2.,3.]) #zs = np.array([0.,2.,4.,6.]) ms = np.geomspace(1e7, 1e17, 2000) #ks = np.geomspace(1e-4,100,1001) ks = np.geomspace(1e-5, 100, 10000) if matt: mmP = mmhmod.P_mm_2h(ks, zs) + mmhmod.P_mm_1h( ks, zs) #,logmlow=log10mlow,logmhigh=log10mhigh)[z_id,:] # print(mmhmod.halobias[:,0]) #print(mmP2h.shape) hcos = hmvec.HaloModel(zs, ks, ms=ms, halofit='mead', mdef='vir', nfw_numeric=True) mmhb = mmhmod.halobias #np.load("mm_halobias.npy",) mmnfn = mmhmod.nfn #np.load("mm_nfn.npy") # pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglin') # for i in range(zs.size): # pl.add(ks,(hcos.nPzk[i]-mmhmod.pknl[i])/hcos.nPzk[i]) # pl.add(ks,(hcos.Pzk[i][i])/hcos.Pzk[i]) # pl.hline(y=0) # pl.done() # pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglog') # for i in range(3): # pl.add(ms,hcos.nzm[i,:],color="C%d" % i) # pl.add(ms,mmnfn[:,i],ls='--',color="C%d" % i) # pl.done() # pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglog') # for i in range(3): # pl.add(ms,[i,:],color="C%d" % i) # pl.add(ms,mmhb[:,i],ls='--',color="C%d" % i) # pl.done() # pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglog') # pl.add(10**mmhmod.logm,mmhmod.halobias[:,1]) # pl.add(ms,[1,:]) # pl.done() pmm_1h = hcos.get_power_1halo(name="nfw") pmm_2h = hcos.get_power_2halo(name="nfw") # sys.exit() print(pmm_1h.shape) for i in range(zs.size): pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglog', xlabel='$k$', ylabel='$P$') pl.add(ks, pmm_1h[i], label="z=%.1f" % zs[i], color="C%d" % i, ls="--", alpha=0.2) # pl.add(ks,pmm_2h[i],label="z=%.1f" % zs[i],ls="--",color="C%d" % i) pl.add(ks, pmm_2h[i] + pmm_1h[i], ls="--", color="C%d" % i) pl.add(ks, hcos.nPzk[i], ls="-", color="k", alpha=0.7) if matt: pl.add(ks, mmP[i], ls="-.", color="C%d" % i) pl.vline(x=10.) pl._ax.set_ylim(1e-1, 1e5) pl.done("nonlincomp_z_%d.png" % i) for i in range(zs.size): pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglin', xlabel='$k$', ylabel='$P/P_{\\mathrm{NL}}$') pl.add(ks, (pmm_2h[i] + pmm_1h[i]) / hcos.nPzk[i], ls="-", color="C%d" % i) if matt: pl.add(ks, mmP[i] / hcos.nPzk[i], ls="--", color="C%d" % i) pl.hline(y=1) pl.hline(y=0.9) pl.hline(y=1.1) pl.vline(x=10.) pl._ax.set_ylim(0.5, 1.5) pl.done("nonlindiff_z_%d.png" % i) for i in range(zs.size): pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglin', xlabel='$k$', ylabel='$P/P_{\\mathrm{L}}$') pl.add(ks, (pmm_2h[i] + pmm_1h[i]) / hcos.Pzk[i], ls="-", color="C%d" % i) if matt: pl.add(ks, mmP[i] / hcos.Pzk[i], ls="--", color="C%d" % i) pl.vline(x=10.) pl.hline(y=1) # pl.hline(y=0.9) # pl.hline(y=1.1) # pl._ax.set_ylim(0.5,1.5) pl.done("lindiff_z_%d.png" % i)
def match_ngal_mminhalo_halogalmatch(): #test red shifts where we match mmin and ngal #zs_matching = np.arange(0.1,6.1,0.1) #zs_matching = np.arange(0.4,4.1,0.1) #zs_matching = np.array([0.5,1.5,3.,4.5]) #zs_matching_nr = zs_matching.shape[0] zbins_z, zbins_bias, zbins_ngal, zbins_nr = get_bins_lsst_mat() zs_matching_nr = zbins_nr zs_matching = zbins_z[:-1] + np.diff(zbins_z) / 2. print("z for matches:", zs_matching) #calc ngal_mpc_lsst from ngal_arcmin2_lsst at z_central #ngal_arcmin2_lsst_z = n_arcmin2_LSST_Schmittfull(zs_matching) #ngal_arcmin2_lsst_z = n_arcmin2_LSST_Wittman(zs_matching) #ngal_arcmin2_lsst_z = n_arcmin2_LSST_goldsample(zs_matching) #ngal_mpc3_lsst_z = convert_n_arcmin2_mpc3(ngal_arcmin2_lsst_z,zs_matching) #convert arcmin to mpc ngal_mpc3_lsst_z = zbins_ngal #------------- get halo model results (single HOD mass threshold, vary the halo mass cut) hmod = halomodel.HaloModel() massbins = np.arange(8., 16.05, 0.005) #0.1 ngalMpc3 = np.zeros((zs_matching_nr, massbins.shape[0])) nhaloMpc3 = np.zeros((zs_matching_nr, massbins.shape[0])) galaxybias = np.zeros((zs_matching_nr, massbins.shape[0])) halobias = np.zeros((zs_matching_nr, massbins.shape[0])) #grid calc ngal_mpc_halomodel for different mmin. for m_id, m in enumerate(massbins[:-1]): log10mlow = massbins[m_id] log10mhigh = massbins[-1] #ngalMpc3[:,m_id] = hmod.nbar_galaxy(zs_matching,log10mlow,log10mhigh) #gives [z,m] #galaxybias[:,m_id] = hmod.bias_galaxy(zs_matching,log10mlow,log10mhigh) nhaloMpc3[:, m_id] = hmod.nbar_halo(zs_matching, log10mlow, log10mhigh) halobias[:, m_id] = hmod.bias_halo(zs_matching, log10mlow, log10mhigh) #for each z plot ngal_mpc3_halo(mmin) and a constant ngal_mpc3_LSST # fig=plt.figure(figsize=(7,5)) # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) # for z_id,z in enumerate(zs_matching): # #ax1.plot(massbins,ngalMpc3[z_id],ls='solid',label=r'ngal_hmod at z='+str(z),color="C"+str(z_id)) # ax1.plot(massbins,nhaloMpc3[z_id],ls='dotted',label=r'nhalo_hmod at z='+str(z),color="C"+str(z_id)) # #plot the constant from LSST # ax1.axhline(y=ngal_mpc3_lsst_z[z_id],ls='dashed',label=r'ngal_LSST at z='+str(z),color="C"+str(z_id)) # ax1.set_yscale('log') # plt.ylim([1e-10,1e2]) # plt.legend(loc='lower left',frameon=False) # plt.grid() # plt.xlabel(r'$M_{\rm min} \ [M_\bigodot]$') # ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\bar{n}$ [Mpc]$^{-3}$') # fig.tight_layout() # # fig.savefig('data/ngal_lsst_halogalmatching.pdf') #lsst schmittfull #----------- find the mmin for which the curves and the constant cross. mmin_z = np.zeros(zs_matching_nr) mmin_id = np.zeros(zs_matching_nr, for z_id, z in enumerate( zs_matching ): #TODO: should be done better, esp for sparse mass binning. mmin_id[z_id] = (np.abs(nhaloMpc3[z_id] - ngal_mpc3_lsst_z[z_id])).argmin() #mmin_id[z_id] = (np.abs(ngalMpc3[z_id]-ngal_mpc3_lsst_z[z_id])).argmin() mmin_z[z_id] = massbins[mmin_id[z_id]] print("mmin matches:", mmin_z) #plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 3)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.plot(zs_matching, 10**mmin_z, ls='solid', label=r'mmin', marker="o") #plt.legend(loc='lower left',frameon=False) ax1.set_yscale('log') plt.grid() plt.xlabel(r'z') plt.ylabel(r'$M_{\rm min} \ [M_\bigodot]$') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('data/mminhalo_lsst_halogalmatching_z4.pdf') #write to file fname = 'data/mminhalo_lsst_halogalmatching.txt' f = open(fname, "w") for i in range(zs_matching.shape[0]): f.write(str(zs_matching[i]) + " " + str(mmin_z[i]) + "\n") f.close() #now compare bgal_lsst and bgal_halomodel #calc bias at these z and mmin from halomodel and compare to lsst prescription #bias_lsst = bias_LSST_Schmittfull(zs_matching) bias_lsst = zbins_bias bias_halomodel = np.zeros(zs_matching_nr) dm = 0.1 for z_id, z in enumerate(zs_matching): bias_halomodel[z_id] = halobias[ z_id, mmin_id[z_id]] #galaxybias[z_id,mmin_id[z_id]] #plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 3)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.plot(zs_matching, bias_lsst, ls='solid', label=r'b_lsst', marker="o") ax1.plot(zs_matching, bias_halomodel, ls='solid', label=r'b_halomodel', marker="o") plt.legend(loc='lower left', frameon=False) plt.grid() plt.xlabel(r'z') ax1.set_ylabel(r'$b_g$') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('data/bias_lsst_abundancematching.pdf')