def continuousTeleportationSimulation(psi, c_ops=[]):
    N = 8
    psi0 = tensor([basis(2, 0), psi] + [basis(2, 0) for i in range(N - 2)])
    schedule = []
    # encoding, Hadamards stage 1, 2
    schedule.append((constructHadamardH(N, range(N)),
                     constructHadamardCorr(N, range(N)), np.pi))
    # encoding, CZs, stage 3
    schedule.append((constructCZH(N, [0, 2, 4], [1, 3, 5]), None, np.pi))
    # encoding, Hadamards, stage 4, 5
    schedule.append((constructHadamardH(N, [1, 3, 5]),
                     constructHadamardCorr(N, [1, 3, 5]), np.pi))
    # teleportation, stage 6
    schedule.append((osum([Sy(N, i) for i in [1, 2, 3, 4]]), None, np.pi / 2.))
    # teleportation, stage 7
        (osum([Sz(N, i) for i in [1, 2, 3, 4]]), None, -np.pi / 2.))
    # teleportation, stage 8
    schedule.append((constructCZH(N, [1, 3], [2, 4]), None, np.pi))
    # teleportation, stage 9
        (osum([Sy(N, i) for i in [1, 2, 3, 4]]), None, -np.pi / 2.))
    # decoding, stage 10, 11
        (constructHadamardH(N, [1, 3]), constructHadamardCorr(N,
                                                              [1, 3]), np.pi))
    # decoding, stage 12
    schedule.append((constructCZH(N, [0, 2], [1, 3]), None, np.pi))
    # decoding, stage 13, 14
    schedule.append((constructHadamardH(N, [0, 1, 2, 3]),
                     constructHadamardCorr(N, [0, 1, 2, 3]), np.pi))
    # perform time evolution and return the final state
    return scheduledTimeEvolution(psi0, schedule, c_ops=c_ops)
def continuousDecodingSimulation(psi0, c_ops=[]):
    N = 8
    schedule = []
    # decoding, stage 1, 2
        (constructHadamardH(N, [5, 7]), constructHadamardCorr(N,
                                                              [5, 7]), np.pi))
    # decoding, stage 3
    schedule.append((constructCZH(N, [4, 6], [5, 7]), None, np.pi))
    # decoding, stage 4, 5
    schedule.append((constructHadamardH(N, [4, 5, 6]),
                     constructHadamardCorr(N, [4, 5, 6]), np.pi))
    return scheduledTimeEvolution(psi0, schedule, c_ops=c_ops)
 def testHadamardUnitary(self):
     H = constructHadamardH(1, [0])
     U = snot()
     U2 = deriveUnitary(H, np.pi)
     Ucorr = constructHadamardCorr(1, [0])
     assert Ucorr*U2 == U
     assert H.isherm
 def testHadamardUnitaryMulti(self):
     H = constructHadamardH(2, [0, 1])
     UH1 = snot(N=2, target=0)
     UH2 = snot(N=2, target=1)
     U2 = deriveUnitary(H, np.pi)
     Ucorr = constructHadamardCorr(2, [0, 1])
     assert Ucorr*U2 == UH1*UH2
     assert H.isherm
 def testHadamardHamiltonian(self):
     t = np.pi
     H = constructHadamardH(1, [0])
     U = snot()
     Ucorr = constructHadamardCorr(1, [0])
     for psi0 in [z0, z1, xp, xm, yp, ym, rand_ket(2)]:
         psiu = U*psi0
         psif = evolve(H, t/2., psi0)
         psic = Ucorr*psif
         overl = psiu.overlap(psic)
         assert are_close(overl, 1.)
     assert H.isherm