def comparePockets(p1, p2):
	d = deck.Deck()
	d.pull(p1[0].suit, p1[0].number)
	d.pull(p1[1].suit, p1[1].number)
	d.pull(p2[0].suit, p2[0].number)
	d.pull(p2[1].suit, p2[1].number)
	assert len(d.cards) == 48
	seq = [4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
	numSeq = 1
	score = 0
	handOne = hand.Hand([], 1)
	handTwo = hand.Hand([], 2)
	while True:
		communityCards = getComboFromSequence(seq, d.cards)
		handOne.cards = p1 + communityCards
		handTwo.cards = p2 + communityCards
		winners = hand.winner([handOne, handTwo])
		if len(winners) == 1:
			if winners[0] == 1:
				score += 1
				score -= 1
		seq = getNextCombinationSequence(seq, d.cards)
		numSeq += 1
		if numSeq > 100000:
			numSeq = 0
			print "Another 100000 combinations tested."
		if not seq:
	return score
	def endHand(self):
		theWinner = None
		maxWin = {}
		for p in self.players:
			maxWin[p.id] = p.pot
		if self.numInHand == 1:
			for p in self.players:
				if p.isInHand:
					winningIDs = [p.id]
		elif self.numInHand > 1:
			assert len(self.communityCards) == 5
			hands = []
			for p in self.players:
				if p.isInHand:
					hands.append(hand.Hand(p.pocket + self.communityCards, ID = p.id))
			winningIDs = hand.winner(hands)
			assert False
		displayText = ""
		handName = ""	
		for ID in winningIDs:
			p = self.getPlayerByID(ID)
			if len(displayText) == 0:
				displayText += p.name
				#If the winner revealed their hand include some text to show who won
				if p.hasRevealed:
					handName = " with "+hand.Hand(p.pocket + self.communityCards).handName()
					handName = "."
				token = " has won"
				displayText += ", "+p.name
				token = " have tied"
		displayText += token + " this hand" + handName
		splitPots = []
		while len(winningIDs) > 0:
			#First, we need to create split pots for winners who only partially contributed
			lowestPotContribution = -10
			for p in self.players:
				if (p.id in winningIDs) and (p.pot < lowestPotContribution or lowestPotContribution == -10):
					lowestPotContribution = p.pot
			#Make a new split pot
			potAmount = 0		
			for p in self.players:
				deduction = min(lowestPotContribution, p.pot)
				p.pot -= deduction
				potAmount += deduction
			splitIDs = winningIDs[:]
			splitPots.append((potAmount, splitIDs))
			#Remove all players who are no longer inHand from the winningIDs
			for p in self.players:
				if p.id in winningIDs and p.pot <= 0:
		#Any remaining money should return back to the original owner
		for p in self.players:
				p.bank += p.pot
				p.pot = 0
		#Now we need to distribute the splitPots (or single pot if there was no all-in plays)			
		for splitPot in splitPots:	
			amount, ids = splitPot
			fraction = int(amount / len(ids))
			remainder = amount % len(ids)
			for ID in ids:
				p = self.getPlayerByID(ID)
				p.bank += fraction
				if remainder > 0:
					p.bank += remainder
					remainder -= 1

		#Remove bankrupt players from the game
		for p in self.players:
			if p.bank < 0:
				#Something went wrong and the player has negative money
				assert False
			elif p.bank == 0:
		self.passToPlayers({state.State.CONTINUE_ONLY: True, state.State.CONTINUE_TEXT:displayText})
		#Increment the dealer
		p = self.getPlayerByID(self.currentDealer)
		p.isDealer = False
		while True:
			self.currentDealer = (self.currentDealer + 1) % self.numPlayers
			p = self.getPlayerByID(self.currentDealer)
			assert p != None
			if p.isInGame == True:
		p.isDealer = True		
def comparePockets(p1, p2, c = [], analysis = False):
	d = deck.Deck()
	d.pull(p1[0].suit, p1[0].number)
	d.pull(p1[1].suit, p1[1].number)
	d.pull(p2[0].suit, p2[0].number)
	d.pull(p2[1].suit, p2[1].number)
	for ci in c:
		d.pull(ci.suit, ci.number)
	assert len(d.cards) == 48 - len(c)
	seq = [4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
	seq = seq[len(c):]
	numSeq = 1
	wins = 0
	ties = 0
	losses = 0
	if analysis:
		#Table is indexed by A's hand evaluations with an array storing counts of B's hand evalutations
		aTable = {}
		for i in range(9):
			aTable[i] = {}
			for l in range(9):
				aTable[i][l] = {}
				#Store win/tie/loss
				for m in range(3):
					aTable[i][l][m] = 0
	handOne = hand.Hand([], 1)
	handTwo = hand.Hand([], 2)
	while True:
		communityCards = getComboFromSequence(seq, d.cards) + c
		handOne.cards = p1 + communityCards
		handTwo.cards = p2 + communityCards
		if analysis:
			aRank = handOne.evaluate()[0]
			bRank = handTwo.evaluate()[0]
		winners = hand.winner([handOne, handTwo])
		if len(winners) == 1:
			if winners[0] == 1:
				wins += 1
				if analysis:
					aTable[aRank][bRank][0] += 1
				losses += 1
				if analysis:
					aTable[aRank][bRank][2] += 1
			ties += 1
			if analysis:
				aTable[aRank][bRank][1] += 1
		seq = getNextCombinationSequence(seq, d.cards)
		numSeq += 1
		if numSeq > 100000:
			numSeq = 0
			print "Another 100000 combinations tested."
		if not seq:
	if analysis:
		return aTable
	return (wins, ties, losses)
    def endHand(self):

        theWinner = None

        maxWin = {}
        for p in self.players:
            maxWin[p.id] = p.pot

        if self.numInHand == 1:
            for p in self.players:
                if p.isInHand:
                    winningIDs = [p.id]

        elif self.numInHand > 1:


            assert len(self.communityCards) == 5

            hands = []
            for p in self.players:
                if p.isInHand:
                        hand.Hand(p.pocket + self.communityCards, ID=p.id))

            winningIDs = hand.winner(hands)

            assert False

        displayText = ""
        handName = ""
        for ID in winningIDs:
            p = self.getPlayerByID(ID)
            if len(displayText) == 0:
                displayText += p.name
                #If the winner revealed their hand include some text to show who won
                if p.hasRevealed:
                    handName = " with " + hand.Hand(
                        p.pocket + self.communityCards).handName()
                    handName = "."
                token = " has won"
                displayText += ", " + p.name
                token = " have tied"
        displayText += token + " this hand" + handName

        splitPots = []
        while len(winningIDs) > 0:

            #First, we need to create split pots for winners who only partially contributed
            lowestPotContribution = -10
            for p in self.players:
                if (p.id in winningIDs) and (p.pot < lowestPotContribution
                                             or lowestPotContribution == -10):
                    lowestPotContribution = p.pot

            #Make a new split pot
            potAmount = 0
            for p in self.players:
                deduction = min(lowestPotContribution, p.pot)
                p.pot -= deduction
                potAmount += deduction

            splitIDs = winningIDs[:]
            splitPots.append((potAmount, splitIDs))

            #Remove all players who are no longer inHand from the winningIDs
            for p in self.players:
                if p.id in winningIDs and p.pot <= 0:

        #Any remaining money should return back to the original owner
        for p in self.players:
            p.bank += p.pot
            p.pot = 0

        #Now we need to distribute the splitPots (or single pot if there was no all-in plays)
        for splitPot in splitPots:
            amount, ids = splitPot
            fraction = int(amount / len(ids))
            remainder = amount % len(ids)
            for ID in ids:
                p = self.getPlayerByID(ID)
                p.bank += fraction
                if remainder > 0:
                    p.bank += remainder
                    remainder -= 1

        #Remove bankrupt players from the game
        for p in self.players:
            if p.bank < 0:
                #Something went wrong and the player has negative money
                assert False
            elif p.bank == 0:

            state.State.CONTINUE_ONLY: True,
            state.State.CONTINUE_TEXT: displayText

        #Increment the dealer

        p = self.getPlayerByID(self.currentDealer)
        p.isDealer = False
        while True:

            self.currentDealer = (self.currentDealer + 1) % self.numPlayers

            p = self.getPlayerByID(self.currentDealer)

            assert p != None

            if p.isInGame == True:

        p.isDealer = True