def perform_inference(args):
    Performs inference on an input image, given a model.
    # Create a Network for using the Inference Engine
    inference_network = Network()
    # Load the model in the network, and obtain its input shape
    batch_size, n_chans, height, width = inference_network.load_model(
        args.m, args.d, args.c)

    # Read the input image
    image = cv2.imread(args.i)

    ### TODO: Preprocess the input image
    preprocessed_image = preprocessing(image, height, width)
    # Perform synchronous inference on the image

    # Obtain the output of the inference request
    output = inference_network.extract_output()

    ### TODO: Handle the output of the network, based on args.t
    ### Note: This will require using `handle_output` to get the correct
    ###       function, and then feeding the output to that function.
    input_shape = image.shape
    output_handler = handle_output(args.t)
    processed_output = output_handler(output, input_shape)

    # Create an output image based on network
    output_image = create_output_image(args.t, image, processed_output)

    # Save down the resulting image
    cv2.imwrite("outputs/{}-output.png".format(args.t), output_image)
def perform_inference(args):
    Performs inference on an input image, given a model.
    # Create a Network for using the Inference Engine
    inference_network = Network()
    # Load the model in the network, and obtain its input shape
    n, c, h, w = inference_network.load_model(args.m, args.d, args.c)

    # Read the input image
    image = cv2.imread(args.i)

    ### Preprocess the input image
    preprocessed_image = preprocessing(image, h, w)

    # Perform synchronous inference on the image

    # Obtain the output of the inference request
    output = inference_network.extract_output()

    ### Handle the output of the network, based on args.t
    processed_function = handle_output(args.t)
    processed_output = processed_function(output, image.shape)

    # Create an output image based on network
    output_image = create_output_image(args.t, image, processed_output)

    # Save down the resulting image
    cv2.imwrite("outputs/{}-output.png".format(args.t), output_image)
def perform_inference(args):
    Performs inference on an input image, given a model.
    # Create a Network for using the Inference Engine
    inference_network = Network()
    # Load the model in the network, and obtain its input shape
    n, c, h, w = inference_network.load_model(args.m, args.d, args.c)

    # Read the input image
    image = cv2.imread(args.i)

    ### TODO: Preprocess the input image
    preprocessed_image = preprocessing(image, h, w)

    ### TODO: Process depending on model

        print("Selected", args.t, "Model")
        if args.t == "CAR_META":
            processed_image = car_meta(image)
        if args.t == "POSE":
            processed_image = pose_estimation(image)
        if args.t == "EMO":
            processed_image = emotion(image)
        # Original
        # preprocessed_image = preprocessing(image, h, w)
        print("Error processing model")
    # Perform synchronous inference on the image

    # Obtain the output of the inference request
    output = inference_network.extract_output()

    ### TODO: Handle the output of the network, based on args.t
    ### Note: This will require using `handle_output` to get the correct
    ###       function, and then feeding the output to that function.
    process_func = handle_output(args.t)

    processed_output = process_func(output, image.shape)

    # Create an output image based on network
        output_image = create_output_image(args.t, image, processed_output)
        print("Success writing output")
        print("Error writing output")
    # Save down the resulting image
    print("Saving output...")
    cv2.imwrite("outputs/{}-output-{}.png".format(args.t, args.n),
def perform_inference(args):
    inference_network = Network()
    n, c, h, w = inference_network.load_model(args.m, args.d, args.c)
    image = cv2.imread(args.i)

    preprocessed_image = preprocessing(image, h, w)


    output = inference_network.extract_output()

    process_func = handle_output(args.t)
    processed_output = process_func(output, image.shape)

    for i in range(len(processed_output)):
def perform_inference(args):
    Performs inference on an input image, given a model.
    # Create a Network for using the Inference Engine
    inference_network = Network()
    # Load the model in the network, and obtain its input shape
    n, c, h, w = inference_network.load_model(args.m, args.d, args.c)

    # Read the input image
    image = cv2.imread(args.i)

    ### TODO: Preprocess the input image
    preprocessed_image = preprocessing(image, h, w)

    # Perform synchronous inference on the image

    # Obtain the output of the inference request
    output = inference_network.extract_output()

    ### TODO: Handle the output of the network, based on args.t
    ### Note: This will require using `handle_output` to get the correct
    ###       function, and then feeding the output to that function.

    process_func = handle_output(args.t)
    processed_output = process_func(output, image.shape)

    # Create an output image based on network
        output_image = create_output_image(args.t, image, processed_output)
        print("Processed output:", processed_output)
        output_image = image

    # Save down the resulting image
    cv2.imwrite("outputs/{}-output.png".format(args.t), output_image)
def perform_inference(args):
    Performs inference on an input image, given a model.
    # Create a Network for using the Inference Engine
    inference_network = Network()
    # Load the model in the network, and obtain its input shape
    n, c, h, w = inference_network.load_model(args.m, args.d, args.c)

    # Read the input image
    image = cv2.imread(args.i)

    ### TODO: Preprocess the input image
    preprocessed_image = preprocessing(image, h, w)

    # Perform synchronous inference on the image

    # Obtain the output of the inference request
    output = inference_network.extract_output()

    ### TODO: Handle the output of the network, based on args.t
    ### Note: This will require using `handle_output` to get the correct
    ###       function, and then feeding the output to that function.
    output_func = handle_output(args.t)
    processed_output = output_func(output, image.shape)

    # Create an output image based on network
    output_image = create_output_image(args.t, image, processed_output)

    # Create path if not exists
    path = "outputs"
    if not os.path.exists(path):

    # Save down the resulting image
    path = f"outputs/{args.t}-output.png"
    result = cv2.imwrite(path, output_image)
    if not result:
        raise Exception(f"cv2.imwrite(\"{path}\") failed")
def perform_inference(args):

    # performs inference on input image, given a model

    # create a network for using the inference engine
    inference_network = Network()

    # Load the model in the network, and obtain its input image
    n, c, h, w = inference_network.load_model(args.m, args.d, args.c)

    # Read the input image
    image = cv2.imread(args.i)

    # preprocess the input image
    preprocessed_image = preprocessing(image, h, w)

    # perform synchronous inference on the image

    # obtain the output of the inference request
    output = inference_network.extract_output()
    process_func = handle_output(args.t)
    processed_output = process_func(output, image.shape)

    # create an output image based on network
        output_image = create_output_image(args.t, image, processed_output)

            cv2.imwrite("outputs/{}-output.jpg".format(args.t), output_image)
            # cv2.imwrite('fha.jpg',output_image)
            # cv2.imshow(output_image)
            print('Cannot write image')
        output_image = image
def perform_inference(args):
    #create a network for using the inference engine
    inference_network = Network()
    #load the model in the network, and obtain its input shape
    n, c, h, w = inference_network.load_model(args.m, args.d, args.c)
    #read the input the image
    image = cv2.imread(args.i)

    #preprocess the input image
    preprocessed_image = preprocessing(image, h, w)

    #perform infernce on the image

    #obtain the output of the inference request
    output = inference_network.extract_output()

    output_func = handle_output(args.t)
    processed_output = output_func(output, image.shape)

    #create an output image based on network

    output_image = create_output_image(args.t, image, processed_output)
    cv2.imwrite("outputs/{}-output.png".format(args.t), output_image)