	def test_missedLectureCheck(self):
		day = datetime.date.today().weekday()
		hour = datetime.datetime.now().hour
		minute = datetime.datetime.now().minute
		if minute > 45:
			hour = hour + 1

		self.userEntity.history = []
		self.userEntity.lectures = []
		# adds a single lecture which has already occured, and therefore should be counted as 'missed'
		self.userEntity.lectures.append(Lecture(module='GENG0013', title='0', location='2', day=day, time=hour-1 , duration=1))
		# adds a double lecture which has already occured, and therefore should be counted as 'missed'
		self.userEntity.lectures.append(Lecture(module='GENG0013', title='1', location='2', day=day, time=hour-2 , duration=2))
		# adds a single lecture which is currently occuring, so shouldn't be missed
		self.userEntity.lectures.append(Lecture(module='GENG0013', title='2', location='2', day=day, time=hour , duration=1))
		# adds a double lecture which is currently occuring, so shouldn't be missed
		self.userEntity.lectures.append(Lecture(module='GENG0013', title='3', location='2', day=day, time=hour-1 , duration=2))


		# checks that, in all of the previous weeks, there is a match for each timetabled lecture in the history
		for i in range(1, getCurrentWeek()):
			for lecture in self.userEntity.lectures:
				matched = False
				for pastLecture in self.userEntity.history:
					if pastLecture.week == i and pastLecture.day == lecture.day and pastLecture.time == lecture.time:
						matched = True

		# an array representing the 4 lectures defined above
		# if they have been added to history, they invert their corresponding value
		# so the first two lectures should invert the first two values to True
		# while the second two should leave their values as True
		checked = [False, False, True, True]

		for pastLecture in self.userEntity.history:
			if pastLecture.week == getCurrentWeek():
				checked[int(pastLecture.title)] = not checked[int(pastLecture.title)]

		for checkedLecture in checked:
	def test_chall10(self):
		self.userEntity.history = []

		lecture1 = Lecture(module='GENG0013', title='TT Math Support', location='2', day=0, time=14, duration=1, week=getCurrentWeek(), attended=True)
		lecture2 = Lecture(module='GENG0013', title='TT Math Support', location='2', day=0, time=15, duration=1, week=getCurrentWeek(), attended=True)
		lecture3 = Lecture(module='GENG0013', title='TT Math Support', location='2', day=0, time=16, duration=1, week=getCurrentWeek(), attended=True)
		lecture4 = Lecture(module='GENG0013', title='TT Math Support', location='2', day=0, time=17, duration=1, week=getCurrentWeek(), attended=True)

		checkin1 = CheckIn(student=self.userEntity, lecture=lecture1, date=datetime.date.today(), time=datetime.datetime.now().time())
		checkin2 = CheckIn(student=self.userEntity, lecture=lecture2, date=datetime.date.today(), time=datetime.datetime.now().time())
		checkin3 = CheckIn(student=self.userEntity, lecture=lecture3, date=datetime.date.today(), time=datetime.datetime.now().time())
		checkin4 = CheckIn(student=self.userEntity, lecture=lecture4, date=datetime.date.today(), time=datetime.datetime.now().time())

		complete = challengecheck(self.userEntity, lecture1, checkin1)
		self.assertEqual(complete, [])

		complete = challengecheck(self.userEntity, lecture2, checkin2)
		self.assertEqual(complete, [])

		complete = challengecheck(self.userEntity, lecture3, checkin3)
		self.assertEqual(complete, [])

		complete = challengecheck(self.userEntity, lecture4, checkin4)
		self.assertEqual(complete[0].challengeid, 10)
	def test_chall9(self):
		lecture1 = Lecture(module='GENG0013', title='TT Math Support', location='2', day=0, time=10, duration=1, week=getCurrentWeek(), attended=True)
		checkin1 = CheckIn(student=self.userEntity, lecture=lecture1, date=datetime.date.today(), time=datetime.datetime.now().time())
		complete = challengecheck(self.userEntity, lecture1, checkin1)
		self.assertEqual(complete, [])

		lecture2 = Lecture(module='GENG0013', title='TT Math Support', location='2', day=0, time=9, duration=1, week=getCurrentWeek(), attended=True)
		checkin2 = CheckIn(student=self.userEntity, lecture=lecture2, date=datetime.date.today(), time=datetime.datetime.now().time())
		complete = challengecheck(self.userEntity, lecture2, checkin2)
		self.assertEqual(complete[0].challengeid, 9)