def test_catalog():
    """Request for catalog returns correct status and first dataset"""
    meta = hapi(server)
    assert meta['status'] == {
        'code': 1200,
        'message': 'OK'
    } and meta['catalog'][0]['id'] == 'dataset1'
def test_cache_short():
    # Compare read with empty cache with read with hot cache and usecache=True
    dataset = 'dataset1'
    start = '1970-01-01'
    stop = '1970-01-01T00:00:03'

    opts = {'logging': False, 'cachedir': '/tmp/hapi-data', 'cache': True}

    opts['usecache'] = False
    data, meta = hapi(server, dataset, 'scalarint,vectorint', start, stop,

    opts['usecache'] = True
    data2, meta2 = hapi(server, dataset, 'scalarint,vectorint', start, stop,

    assert np.array_equal(data, data2)
def test_subset_short():

    dataset = 'dataset1'
    start = '1970-01-01'
    stop = '1970-01-01T00:00:03'
    opts = {'logging': False, 'cachedir': '/tmp/hapi-data', 'cache': True}

    opts['usecache'] = False

    # Request two subsets with empty cache. Common parts should be same.
    data, meta = hapi(server, dataset, 'scalarint', start, stop, **opts)

    data2, meta2 = hapi(server, dataset, 'scalarint,vectorint', start, stop,

    ok = np.array_equal(data['Time'], data2['Time'])
    ok = ok and np.array_equal(data['scalarint'], data2['scalarint'])
    assert ok

    # Request all parameters and single parameter. Common parameter should be same.
    data, meta = hapi(server, dataset, '', start, stop, **opts)

    data2, meta2 = hapi(server, dataset, 'vectorint', start, stop, **opts)

    ok = np.array_equal(data['Time'], data2['Time'])
    ok = ok and np.array_equal(data['vectorint'], data2['vectorint'])
    assert ok

    opts['usecache'] = True

    # Request two subsets with hot cache. Common parts should be same.
    data, meta = hapi(server, dataset, 'scalarint', start, stop, **opts)
    data2, meta2 = hapi(server, dataset, 'scalarint,vectorint', start, stop,

    ok = np.array_equal(data['Time'], data2['Time'])
    ok = ok and np.array_equal(data['scalarint'], data2['scalarint'])
    assert ok

    # Request all parameters and single parameter with hot cache. Common parameter should be same.
    data, meta = hapi(server, dataset, '', start, stop, **opts)

    data2, meta2 = hapi(server, dataset, 'vectorint', start, stop, **opts)

    ok = np.array_equal(data['Time'], data2['Time'])
    ok = ok and np.array_equal(data['vectorint'], data2['vectorint'])
    assert ok
def test_parameter():
    """Request for dataset returns correct parameter metadata"""
    meta = hapi(server, 'dataset1')
    pklFile = 'test_parameter.pkl'
    pklFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'data',
    if not os.path.isfile(pklFile):
        writepickle(pklFile, meta)
        assert True
        metatest = readpickle(pklFile)
    assert DeepDiff(meta, metatest) == {}
def test_bad_parameter():
    """Correct error when given nonexistent parameter name"""
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        hapi(server, 'dataset1', 'scalarx')
def test_bad_dataset_name():
    """Correct error when given nonexistent dataset name"""
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        hapi(server, 'dataset1x')
def test_bad_server_url():
    """Correct error when given bad URL"""
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        hapi(serverbad, {'logging': True})
def test_server_list():
    """Test that specifying a server returns something."""
    assert hapi(server) is not None
def test_hapi():
    """Test that a call with no parameters returns something."""
    assert hapi() is not None
def hapiplot(*args, **kwargs):
    """Plot response from HAPI server.


            data, meta = hapiplot(server, dataset, params, start, stop, **kwargs)
            meta = hapiplot(data, meta, **kwargs)
        where data and meta are return values from `hapi()`.

        All parameters are plotted. If a parameter has a bins attribute,
        it is plotted using `heatmap()`. Otherwise, it is plotted using

        `data` is the same as that returned from `hapi()`.
        `meta` is the same as that returned from `hapi()` with the additon of

        meta['parameters'][i]['hapiplot']['figure'] is a reference to the
            figure (e.g., plt.gcf()). Usage example:

            >>> fig = meta['parameters'][i]['hapiplot']['figure']
            >>> fig.set_facecolor('blue')
            >>> fig.axes[0].set_ylabel('new y-label')
            >>> fig.axes[0].set_title('new title\\nsubtitle\\nsubtitle')
            >>> fig.tight_layout()

        meta['parameters'][i]['hapiplot']['colorbar'] is a reference to the
            colorbar on the figure (if parameter plotted as a heatmap)

        meta['parameters'][i]['hapiplot']['image'] is PNG, PDF, or SVG data
            and is included only if `returnimage=True`. Usage example:

            >>> img = meta['parameters'][i]['hapiplot']['image']
            >>> Image.open(io.BytesIO(img)).show()
            >>> # or
            >>> f = open('/tmp/a.png', 'wb')
            >>> f.write(img)
            >>> f.close()

    See Also
        hapi: Get data from a HAPI server
        timeseries: Used by `hapiplot()` to HAPI parameters with no `bins`
        heatmap: Used by `hapiplot()` to HAPI parameters with `bins`


        * logging: [False] Display console messages
        * usecache: [True] Use cached data
        * tsopts: {} kwargs for the `timeseries()` function
        * hmopts: {} kwargs for the `heatmap()` function

    Other kwargs
        * returnimage: [False] If True, `hapiplot()` returns binary image data
        * returnformat: [png], svg, or pdf
        * cachedir: Directory to store images. Default is hapiclient.hapi.cachedir()
        * useimagecache: [True] Used cached image (when returnimage=True)
        * saveimage: [False] Save image to `cachedir`
        * saveformat: [png], svg, or pdf

        >>> server  = 'http://hapi-server.org/servers/TestData/hapi'
        >>> dataset = 'dataset1'
        >>> start   = '1970-01-01T00:00:00'
        >>> stop    = '1970-01-02T00:00:00'
        >>> params  = 'scalar,vector'
        >>> opts    = {'logging': True}
        >>> from hapiclient import hapiplot
        >>> hapiplot(server, dataset, params, start, stop, **opts)
        >>> # or
        >>> from hapiclient import hapi, hapiplot
        >>> data, meta = hapi(server, dataset, params, start, stop, **opts)
        >>> hapiplot(data, meta, **opts)


    if len(args) == 5:
        # For consistency with gallery and autoplot functions, allow useage of
        # hapiplot(server, dataset, parameters, start, stop, **kwargs)
        from hapiclient.hapi import hapiopts
        from hapiclient.hapi import hapi
        kwargs_allowed = hapiopts()
        kwargs_reduced = {}
        # Extract hapi() options from kwargs
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            if key in kwargs_allowed:
                kwargs_reduced[key] = value
        data, meta = hapi(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4],
        meta = hapiplot(data, meta, **kwargs)
        return data, meta
        data = args[0]
        meta = args[1]

    # Default options
    opts = {
        'logging': False,
        'saveimage': False,
        'returnimage': False,
        'usecache': True,
        'useimagecache': True,
        'cachedir': cachedir(),
        'backend': 'default',
        'style': 'fast',
        'title': '',
        'ztitle': '',
        'xlabel': '',
        'ylabel': '',
        'zlabel': '',
        'logx': False,
        'logy': False,
        'logz': False,
        'tsopts': {},
        'hmopts': {},
        'backend': 'default',
        'rcParams': {
            'savefig.dpi': 144,
            'savefig.format': 'png',
            'savefig.bbox': 'tight',
            'savefig.transparent': False,
            'figure.max_open_warning': 50,
            'figure.figsize': (7, 3),
            'figure.dpi': 144,
            'axes.titlesize': 10,
            "font.family": "serif",
            "font.serif": rcParams['font.serif'],
            "font.weight": "normal"
        '_rcParams': {
            'figure.bbox': 'standard'

    # Override defaults
    opts = setopts(opts, kwargs)

    from hapiclient import __version__
    log('Running hapi.py version %s' % __version__, opts)

    # _rcParams are not actually rcParams:
    #'figure.bbox': 'standard',
    # Set to 'tight' to have fig.tight_layout() called before figure shown.

    if opts["saveimage"]:
        # Create cache directory
        dir = cachedir(opts['cachedir'], meta['x_server'])
        if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir)

    # Convert from NumPy array of byte literals to NumPy array of
    # datetime objects.
    timename = meta['parameters'][0]['name']
    Time = hapitime2datetime(data[timename])

    if len(meta["parameters"]) == 1:
        a = 0  # Time is only parameter
        a = 1  # Time plus another parameter

    for i in range(a, len(meta["parameters"])):

        meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot'] = {}

        name = meta["parameters"][i]["name"]

        # Return cached image (case where we are returning binary image data)
        # imagepath() options. Only need filename under these conditions.
        if opts['saveimage'] or (opts['returnimage']
                                 and opts['useimagecache']):
            # Will use given rc style parameters and style name to generate file name.
            # Assumes rc parameters of style and hapiplot defaults never change.
            styleParams = {}
            fmt = opts['rcParams']['savefig.format']
            if 'rcParams' in kwargs:
                styleParams = kwargs['rcParams']
                if 'savefig.format' in kwargs['rcParams']:

            fnameimg = imagepath(meta, i, opts['cachedir'], styleParams, fmt)

        if opts['useimagecache'] and opts['returnimage'] and os.path.isfile(
            log('Returning cached binary image data in ' + fnameimg, opts)

            meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot']['imagefile'] = fnameimg
            with open(fnameimg, "rb") as f:
                meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot']['image'] = f.read()

        name = meta["parameters"][i]["name"]
        log("Plotting parameter '%s'" % name, opts)

        if len(data[name].shape) > 3:
            # TODO: Implement more than 2 dimensions?
                'Parameter ' + name +
                ' has size with more than 2 dimensions. Plotting first two only.'

        # If parameter has a size with two elements, e.g., [N1, N2]
        # create N2 plots.
        if len(data[name].shape) == 3:  # shape = (Time, N1, N2)

            nplts = data[name].shape[1]
            if opts['returnimage']:
                    'Only returning first image for parameter with size[1] > 1.'
                nplts = 1
            for j in range(nplts):
                timename = meta['parameters'][0]['name']

                # Name to indicate what is plotted
                name_new = name + "[:," + str(j) + "]"
                # Reduced data ND Array
                datar = np.ndarray(shape=(data[name].shape[0]),
                                   dtype=[(timename, data.dtype[timename]),
                                          (name_new, data[name].dtype.str,

                datar[timename] = data[timename]
                datar[name_new] = data[name][:, j]
                # Copy metadata to create a reduced metadata object
                metar = meta.copy()  # Shallow copy
                metar["parameters"] = []
                # Create parameters array with elements of Time parameter ...
                # .... and this parameter
                # Give new name to indicate it is a subset of full parameter
                metar["parameters"][1]['name'] = name_new
                metar["parameters"][1]['name_orig'] = name
                # New size is N1
                metar["parameters"][1]['size'] = [

                if 'units' in metar["parameters"][1]:
                    if type(meta["parameters"][i]['units']
                            ) == str or meta["parameters"][i]['units'] == None:
                        # Same units applies to all dimensions
                        metar["parameters"][1]["units"] = meta["parameters"][
                        metar["parameters"][1]["units"] = meta["parameters"][

                if 'label' in metar["parameters"][1]:
                    if type(meta["parameters"][i]['label']) == str:
                        # Same label applies to all dimensions
                        metar["parameters"][1]["label"] = meta["parameters"][
                        metar["parameters"][1]["label"] = meta["parameters"][

                # Extract bins corresponding to jth column of data[name]
                if 'bins' in metar["parameters"][1]:
                    metar["parameters"][1]['bins'] = []

                # rcParams is modified by setopts to have all rcParams.
                # reset to original passed rcParams so that imagepath
                # computes file name based on rcParams passed to hapiplot.
                if 'rcParams' in kwargs:
                    opts['rcParams'] = kwargs['rcParams']

                metar = hapiplot(datar, metar, **opts)
                meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot'] = metar["parameters"][i][
            return meta

        if 'name_orig' in meta["parameters"][i]:
            title = meta["x_server"] + "\n" + meta["x_dataset"] + " | " + meta[
            title = meta["x_server"] + "\n" + meta["x_dataset"] + " | " + name

        as_heatmap = False
        if 'size' in meta['parameters'][
                i] and meta['parameters'][i]['size'][0] > 10:
            as_heatmap = True

        if 'bins' in meta['parameters'][i]:
            as_heatmap = True

        if 'units' in meta["parameters"][i] and type(
                meta["parameters"][i]["units"]) == list:
            if as_heatmap:
                    "Not plotting %s as heatmap because components have different units."
                    % meta["parameters"][i]["name"])
            as_heatmap = False

        if as_heatmap:
            # Plot as heatmap

            hmopts = {
                'returnimage': opts['returnimage'],
                'transparent': opts['rcParams']['savefig.transparent']

            if meta["parameters"][i]["type"] == "string":
                    "Plots for only types double, integer, and isotime implemented. Not plotting %s."
                    % meta["parameters"][i]["name"])

            z = np.asarray(data[name])

            if 'fill' in meta["parameters"][i] and meta["parameters"][i][
                if meta["parameters"][i]["type"] == 'integer':
                    z = z.astype('<f8', copy=False)
                z = fill2nan(z, meta["parameters"][i]['fill'])

            if 'bins' in meta['parameters'][i]:
                ylabel = meta["parameters"][i]['bins'][0]["name"] + " [" + meta[
                    "parameters"][i]['bins'][0]["units"] + "]"
                ylabel = "col %d" % i

            units = meta["parameters"][i]["units"]
            nl = ""
            if len(name) + len(units) > 30:
                nl = "\n"

            zlabel = name + nl + " [" + units + "]"

            if 'bins' in meta['parameters'][i]:
                if 'ranges' in meta["parameters"][i]['bins'][0]:
                    bins = np.array(meta["parameters"][i]['bins'][0]["ranges"])
                    bins = np.array(
                bins = np.arange(meta['parameters'][i]['size'][0])

            dt = np.diff(Time)
            dtu = np.unique(dt)
            if len(dtu) > 1:
                #warning('Time values are not uniformly spaced. Bin width for '
                #        'time will be based on time separation of consecutive time values.')
                if False and 'cadence' in meta:

                    # Cadence != time bin width in general, so don't do this.
                    # See https://github.com/hapi-server/data-specification/issues/75
                    # Kept for future reference when Parameter.bin.window or
                    # Parameter.bin.windowWidth is added to spec.
                    import isodate
                    dt = isodate.parse_duration(meta['cadence'])
                    if 'timeStampLocation' in meta:
                        if meta['timeStampLocation'].lower() == "begin":
                            Time = np.vstack((Time, Time + dt))
                        if meta['timeStampLocation'].lower() == "end":
                            Time = np.vstack((Time - dt, Time))
                        if meta['timeStampLocation'].lower() == "center":
                            Time = np.vstack((Time - dt / 2, Time + dt / 2))
                        # Default is center
                        Time = np.vstack((Time - dt / 2, Time + dt / 2))

                    Time = np.transpose(Time)
            elif 'timeStampLocation' in meta:
                if meta['timeStampLocation'].lower() == "begin":
                    Time = np.append(Time, Time[-1] + dtu[0])
                if meta['timeStampLocation'].lower() == "end":
                    Time = Time - dtu[0]
                    Time = np.append(Time, Time[-1] + dtu[0])

            if opts['xlabel'] != '' and 'xlabel' not in opts['hmopts']:
                hmopts['xlabel'] = opts['xlabel']

            opts['hmopts']['ylabel'] = ylabel
            if opts['ylabel'] != '' and 'ylabel' not in opts['hmopts']:
                hmopts['ylabel'] = opts['ylabel']

            opts['hmopts']['title'] = title
            if opts['title'] != '' and 'title' not in opts['hmopts']:
                hmopts['title'] = opts['title']

            opts['hmopts']['zlabel'] = zlabel
            if opts['zlabel'] != '' and 'zlabel' not in opts['hmopts']:
                hmopts['zlabel'] = opts['zlabel']

            if False:
                opts['hmopts']['ztitle'] = ztitle
                if opts['ztitle'] != '' and 'ztitle' not in opts['hmopts']:
                    hmopts['ztitle'] = opts['ztitle']

            if opts['logx'] is not False:
                hmopts['logx'] = True
            if opts['logy'] is not False:
                hmopts['logy'] = True
            if opts['logz'] is not False:
                hmopts['logz'] = True

            for key, value in opts['hmopts'].items():
                hmopts[key] = value

            with rc_context(rc=opts['rcParams']):
                fig, cb = heatmap(Time, bins, np.transpose(z), **hmopts)

            meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot']['figure'] = fig
            meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot']['colorbar'] = cb


            tsopts = {
                'logging': opts['logging'],
                'returnimage': opts['returnimage'],
                'transparent': opts['rcParams']['savefig.transparent']

            ptype = meta["parameters"][i]["type"]
            if ptype == "isotime":
                y = hapitime2datetime(data[name])
            elif ptype == 'string':
                y = data[name].astype('U')
                y = np.asarray(data[name])

            if 'fill' in meta["parameters"][i] and meta["parameters"][i][
                if ptype == 'isotime' or ptype == 'string':
                    Igood = y != meta["parameters"][i]['fill']
                    # Note that json reader returns fill to U not b.
                    Nremoved = data[name].size - Igood.size
                    if Nremoved > 0:
                        # TODO: Implement masking so connected line plots will
                        # show gaps as they do for NaN values.
                        warning('Parameter ' + name + ' is of type ' + ptype +
                                ' and has ' + str(Nremoved) +
                                ' fill value(s). Masking is not implemented, '
                                'so removing fill elements before plotting.')
                        Time = Time[Igood]
                        y = y[Igood]
                if ptype == 'integer':
                    y = y.astype('<f8', copy=False)
                if ptype == 'integer' or ptype == 'double':
                    y = fill2nan(y, meta["parameters"][i]['fill'])

            units = None
            if 'units' in meta["parameters"][i] and meta["parameters"][i][
                units = meta["parameters"][i]["units"]

            nl = ""
            if type(units) == str:
                if len(name) + len(units) > 30:
                    nl = "\n"  # TODO: Automatically figure out when this is needed.

            ylabel = name
            if units is not None and type(units) is not list:
                ylabel = name + nl + " [" + units + "]"

            if type(units) == list:
                ylabel = name

            if not 'legendlabels' in opts['tsopts']:
                legendlabels = []
                if 'size' in meta['parameters'][i]:
                    for l in range(0, meta['parameters'][i]['size'][0]):
                        bin_label = ''
                        bin_name = ''
                        col_name = ''
                        if 'bins' in meta['parameters'][i]:
                            bin_name = meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][0]['name']
                            if 'label' in meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][0]:
                                if type(meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][0]
                                        ['label']) == str:
                                    bin_name = meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][
                                    bin_name = meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][
                            sep = ''
                            if 'centers' in meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][
                                    0] and 'ranges' in meta['parameters'][i][
                                bin_name = bin_name + ' bin with'
                                sep = ';'

                            bin_label = ''

                            if 'units' in meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][0]:
                                bin_units = meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][0][
                                if type(bin_units) == list:
                                    if type(bin_units[l]) == str:
                                        bin_units = ' [' + bin_units[l] + ']'
                                    elif bin_units[l] == None:
                                        bin_units = ' []'
                                        bin_units = ''
                                    if type(bin_units) == str:
                                        bin_units = ' [' + bin_units + ']'
                                        bin_units = ''
                            if 'centers' in meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][0]:
                                if meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][0]['centers'][
                                        l] is not None:
                                    bin_label = bin_label + ' center = ' + str(
                                        ['centers'][l]) + bin_units
                                    bin_label = bin_label + ' center = None'

                            if 'ranges' in meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][0]:
                                if type(meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][0]
                                        ['ranges'][l]) == list:
                                    bin_label = bin_label + sep + ' range = [' + str(
                                        ['ranges'][l][0]) + ', ' + str(
                                            ['ranges'][l][1]) + ']' + bin_units
                                    bin_label = bin_label + sep + ' range = [None]'

                            if bin_label != '':
                                bin_label = 'bin:' + bin_label
                                col_name = bin_name + '#%d' % l

                        if col_name == '':
                            col_name = 'col #%d' % l

                        if 'label' in meta['parameters'][i]:
                            if type(meta['parameters'][i]['label']) == list:
                                col_name = meta['parameters'][i]['label'][l]

                        if type(units) == list:
                            if len(units) == 1:
                                legendlabels.append(col_name + ' [' +
                                                    units[0] + '] ' +
                            elif type(units[l]) == str:
                                legendlabels.append(col_name + ' [' +
                                                    units[l] + '] ' +
                            elif units[l] == None:
                                legendlabels.append(col_name + ' [] ' +
                                legendlabels.append(col_name + ' ' + bin_label)
                            # Units are on y label
                            legendlabels.append(col_name + ' ' + bin_label)
                    tsopts['legendlabels'] = legendlabels

            # If xlabel in opts and opts['tsopts'], warn?
            if opts['xlabel'] != '' and 'xlabel' not in opts['tsopts']:
                tsopts['xlabel'] = opts['xlabel']

            tsopts['ylabel'] = ylabel
            if opts['ylabel'] != '' and 'ylabel' not in opts['tsopts']:
                tsopts['ylabel'] = opts['ylabel']

            tsopts['title'] = title
            if opts['title'] != '' and 'title' not in opts['tsopts']:
                tsopts['title'] = opts['title']

            if opts['logx'] is not False and 'logx' not in opts['tsopts']:
                tsopts['logx'] = True
            if opts['logy'] is not False and 'logy' not in opts['tsopts']:
                tsopts['logy'] = True

            # Apply tsopts
            for key, value in opts['tsopts'].items():
                tsopts[key] = value

            with rc_context(rc=opts['rcParams']):
                fig = timeseries(Time, y, **tsopts)

            meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot']['figure'] = fig

        if opts['saveimage']:
            log('Writing %s' % fnameimg, opts)
            meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot']['imagefile'] = fnameimg
            from io import BytesIO
            fnameimg = BytesIO()

        if opts['returnimage']:
            with rc_context(rc=opts['rcParams']):

            if opts['saveimage']:
                with open(fnameimg, mode='rb') as f:
                    meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot']['image'] = f.read()
                meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot']['image'] = fnameimg.getvalue(
            with rc_context(rc=opts['rcParams']):

            # Two calls to fig.tight_layout() may be needed b/c of bug in PyQt:
            # https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/10361
            if opts['_rcParams']['figure.bbox'] == 'tight':

    return meta
def read_STEREO(download_start, download_end, spacecraft):
    server = 'https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/hapi'
    dataset = 'ST' + spacecraft + '_L2_MAGPLASMA_1M'
    start = download_start
    stop = download_end
    parameters = 'BTOTAL,BFIELDRTN,Np,Vp,Tp,Vth,Beta,Total_Pressure,Cone_Angle,Magnetic_Pressure,Dynamic_Pressure,Vp_RTN,HEE,R'
    #parameters = 'BTOTAL,BFIELDRTN,Np,Vp,Tp,Vth,Beta,Total_Pressure,Cone_Angle,Magnetic_Pressure,Dynamic_Pressure,Vp_RTN,HEE,R'
    opts = {'logging': True, 'use_cache': True}
    data, meta = hapi(server, dataset, parameters, start, stop, **opts)

    aux_date_time = [str(data['Time'][i]) for i in range(0, len(data['Time']))]
    date_time = [
        datetime.strptime(aux_date_time[i], "b'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'")
        for i in range(0, len(aux_date_time))
    #save_time = [datetime.strftime(date_time[0],"%Y%m%d")]
    #save_time = save_time[0] #+ '_' + str(dfpar.ICME_doystart[index])

    HEEQx = data['HEE'][:, 0]
    HEEQy = data['HEE'][:, 1]
    HEEQz = data['HEE'][:, 2]
    Angle = [
        round(math.atan2(HEEQy[index], HEEQx[index]) * 180 / math.pi, 1)
        for index in range(len(HEEQx))
    Latitude = [
        round(HEEQz[index] * 180 / math.pi, 1) for index in range(len(HEEQz))

    d = {
        'date_time': date_time,
        'B': data['BTOTAL'],
        'Bx': data['BFIELDRTN'][:, 0],
        'By': data['BFIELDRTN'][:, 1],
        'Bz': data['BFIELDRTN'][:, 2],
        'Np': data['Np'],
        'Vp': data['Vp'],
        'Tp': data['Tp'],
        'Vth': data['Vth'],
        'beta': data['Beta'],
        'Ptot': data['Total_Pressure'],
        'Vsw': data['Vp_RTN'],
        'Angle': Angle,
        'Latitude': Latitude,
        'HEEx': HEEQx,
        'HEEy': HEEQy,
        'HEEz': HEEQz,
        'Radi': data['R']
    df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)

    aux_datetitle = []
    aux_xticks = []
    aux_doy = []
    aux_ddoy = []
    aux_year = []
    aux_day = []
    aux_hour = []
    aux_minute = []

    for index in range(0, len(date_time)):
        aux_datetitle.append(date_time[index].strftime('%b %-d, %Y %H:%M:%S'))
        aux_xticks.append(str(date_time[index].strftime('%b %-d')))
        year = date_time[index].timetuple(
        ).tm_year  #year, day, hour, minute, sec as floats
        day = date_time[index].timetuple().tm_mday
        hour = date_time[index].timetuple().tm_hour
        minute = date_time[index].timetuple().tm_min
        sec = date_time[index].timetuple().tm_sec
        day_fraction = float(hour * 3600 + minute * 60 + sec) / float(
            24 * 3600)
        aux_doy.append(date_time[index].timetuple().tm_yday)  #doy calculation
            float(date_time[index].timetuple().tm_yday) +
            day_fraction)  #decimal doy calculation

    aux_xticks = [(str(round(aux_ddoy[i], 1)) + '\n' + str(aux_xticks[i]))
                  for i in range(0, len(aux_doy))
                  ]  #date format for xticks axis
    df['doy'] = copy.deepcopy(aux_doy)  #new columns to DataFrame
    df['ddoy'] = copy.deepcopy(aux_ddoy)
    df['datetime'] = copy.deepcopy(aux_datetitle)
    df['minute'] = copy.deepcopy(aux_minute)
    df['hour'] = copy.deepcopy(aux_hour)
    df['day'] = copy.deepcopy(aux_day)
    df['year'] = copy.deepcopy(aux_year)
    df['xplot'] = copy.deepcopy(aux_xticks)

    filter_vals = (df.B > 1e-10) & (df.Vth < 90) & (df.Vth > 0)
    df = df[filter_vals]

    return df
if False:
    import numpy as np
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    from hapiclient.hapi import hapi
    from hapiclient.hapiplot import hapitime2datetime

    from hapiclient.util.datetick import datetick

    server = 'http://hapi-server.org/servers/TestData/hapi'
    dataset = 'dataset1'
    start = '1970-01-01Z'
    stop = '1970-01-01T00:00:11Z'
    parameters = 'spectra'
    opts = {'logging': True, 'use_cache': True}
    data, meta = hapi(server, dataset, parameters, start, stop, **opts)

    Time = hapitime2datetime(data['Time'])

    Cl = np.array(meta['parameters'][1]['bins'][0]['centers'], dtype='d')
    Rl = Time
    M = data['spectra']
    fig = plt.gcf()

    ax = plt.gca()
    #im = ax.pcolormesh(Rl, Cl, np.transpose(M))
    im, ax, cb = plotmatrix(Cl, Rl, np.transpose(M))
    fig = plt.gcf()
    datetick('x', (fig, ax))
def readcompare(server, dataset, parameters, run, opts):

    # Note that for this dataset, there are differences in
    # the numeric values that seem not to be due to issues
    # with the reader. This needs investigation.
    dataset = 'dataset1'
    start = '1970-01-01'

    allpass = True
    if run == 'short':
        stop = '1970-01-01T00:00:03' # Returns 3 time values

    if run == 'long':
        stop= '1970-01-02T00:00:00' # Returns 86400 time values

    # Checks that all four read methods give same result.
    # Does not check that an individual read is correct. 
    # Do this manually.
    opts['format'] = 'csv'
    print('\nParameter(s) = %s; run = %s. cache = %s; usecache = %s' % (parameters, run, opts['cache'], opts['usecache']))
    if opts['cache']:
        print('Method           read/parse  download ')
        print('Method         create buff   download/parse')
    opts['method'] = 'numpynolength'
    data, meta  = hapi(server, dataset, parameters, start, stop, **opts)
    info = requestinfo(server, dataset, parameters, start, stop, opts['cachedir'])
    print('numpy no length   %5.2f ms %8.4f s' % (1000.*info['x_readTime'], info['x_downloadTime']))
    datalast = data 
    opts['method'] = 'pandasnolength'
    data, meta  = hapi(server, dataset, parameters, start, stop, **opts)
    info = requestinfo(server, dataset, parameters, start, stop, opts['cachedir'])
    if np.array_equal(data, datalast):
        print('pandas no length  %5.2f ms %8.4f s' % (1000.*info['x_readTime'], info['x_downloadTime']))
        print('pandas no length  %5.2f ms %8.4f s (diffs in float values <= 1e-15)' % (1000.*info['x_readTime'], info['x_downloadTime']))
    allpass = comparisonOK(data, datalast)
    datalast = data
    opts['method'] = 'numpy'
    data, meta  = hapi(server, dataset, parameters, start, stop, **opts)
    info = requestinfo(server, dataset, parameters, start, stop, opts['cachedir'])
    if np.array_equal(data, datalast):
        print('numpy             %5.2f ms %8.4f s' % (1000.*info['x_readTime'], info['x_downloadTime']))
        print('numpy             %5.2f ms %8.4f s (diffs in float values <= 1e-15)' % (1000.*info['x_readTime'], info['x_downloadTime']))
    allpass = comparisonOK(data, datalast)
    datalast = data
    opts['method'] = 'pandas'
    data, meta  = hapi(server, dataset, parameters, start, stop, **opts)
    info = requestinfo(server, dataset, parameters, start, stop, opts['cachedir'])
    if np.array_equal(data, datalast):
        print('pandas            %5.2f ms %8.4f s' % (1000.*info['x_readTime'], info['x_downloadTime']))
        print('pandas            %5.2f ms %8.4f s (diffs in float values <= 1e-15)' % (1000.*info['x_readTime'], info['x_downloadTime']))

    allpass = comparisonOK(data, datalast)
    datalast = data
    opts['format'] = 'binary'
    opts['method'] = '' # Ignored
    data, meta  = hapi(server, dataset, parameters, start, stop, **opts)
    info = requestinfo(server, dataset, parameters, start, stop, opts['cachedir'])
    if np.array_equal(data, datalast):
        print('binary            %5.2f ms %8.4f s' % (1000.*info['x_readTime'], info['x_downloadTime']))
        print('binary            %5.2f ms %8.4f s (diffs in float values <= 1e-15)' % (1000.*info['x_readTime'], info['x_downloadTime']))

    allpass = comparisonOK(data, datalast)

    return allpass