def play_game(clock, mf, mouth, bugs, event_handler): sound_eat = pygame.mixer.Sound('eat.wav') for _ in range(DEMO_LOOPS): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event_handler: ret = event_handler(event) if ret: return ret # Object for this frame nf = Frame(mf) # Draw the bugs as dots for bug in bugs: nf.set_pixel(bug.x, bug.y, GR.COLOR_BUG_AS_DOT) # Magnify the maze and bugs nf = MAG.draw_magnifier(nf, mouth.x - 8, mouth.y - 8, 17) # Draw any bugs appearing on the magnifier (not just dots) MAG.draw_bugs_on_magnifier(nf, mouth.x - 8, mouth.y - 8, 17, bugs) # Draw the mouth and check for bug collision hit_bug = MAG.draw_mouth_on_magnifier(nf, mouth) hit_bug = False # Render the frame hardware.render_frame(nf) if hit_bug: return "Mode: Splash" clock.tick(10) if mf.get_pixel(mouth.x, mouth.y) == GR.COLOR_DOT: # Leave a crumb (also erases the dot) if mouth.animation == 0: mf.set_pixel(mouth.x, mouth.y, GR.COLOR_CRUMB) # Erase crumbs taken by bugs for bug in bugs: if mf.get_pixel(bug.x, bug.y) == GR.COLOR_CRUMB: mf.set_pixel(bug.x, bug.y, 0) bug.move(mf) # Move the mouth mouth.move(mf, None, None) return "Mode: Splash"
def wipe_in(fin): #print('wipe in') nf = Frame(hardware.last_rendered_frame) for x in range(1, 64, 2): for y in range(96): nf.set_pixel(x, y, fin.get_pixel(x, y)) nf.set_pixel(x - 1, y, fin.get_pixel(x - 1, y)) nf.set_pixel(127 - x, y, fin.get_pixel(127 - x, y)) nf.set_pixel(127 - x + 1, y, fin.get_pixel(127 - x + 1, y)) if x != 63: nf.set_pixel(x + 1, y, GR.COLOR_LENS_BORDER) nf.set_pixel(127 - x - 1, y, GR.COLOR_LENS_BORDER) hardware.render_frame(nf)
def handle(clock): #print('Mode: Lose') last_maze_frame = hardware.last_rendered_frame SONG_END = pygame.USEREVENT + 1'gotcha.wav') bugimage = GR.BIG_BUG animation = 0 playing = True while playing: for event in pygame.event.get(): #print(event) if event.type == 25: playing = False #print(bugimage['dancing']) last_maze_frame.draw_image(3, 32, bugimage['dancing'][animation]) last_maze_frame.draw_image(108, 32, bugimage['dancing'][animation]) hardware.render_frame(last_maze_frame) animation += 1 animation &= 1 clock.tick(4) for _ in range(8): last_maze_frame.draw_image(3, 32, bugimage['dancing'][animation]) last_maze_frame.draw_image(108, 32, bugimage['dancing'][animation]) hardware.render_frame(last_maze_frame) animation += 1 animation &= 1 clock.tick(4) clock.tick(1) return "Mode: Splash"
def wipe_out(fin): nf = Frame(hardware.last_rendered_frame) #src = fin._pixels #dst = nf._pixels for x in range(1, 64, 2): #a = 63-x #b = 64+x for y in range(96): #dst[y*128+a] = src[y*128+a] #dst[y*128+b] = src[y*128+b] nf.set_pixel(63 - x, y, fin.get_pixel(63 - x, y)) nf.set_pixel(63 - x + 1, y, fin.get_pixel(63 - x + 1, y)) nf.set_pixel(64 + x, y, fin.get_pixel(64 + x, y)) nf.set_pixel(64 + x - 1, y, fin.get_pixel(64 + x - 1, y)) if x != 63: #dst[y*128+a-1] = GR.COLOR_LENS_BORDER #dst[y*128+b+1] = GR.COLOR_LENS_BORDER nf.set_pixel(63 - x - 1, y, GR.COLOR_LENS_BORDER) nf.set_pixel(64 + x + 1, y, GR.COLOR_LENS_BORDER) hardware.render_frame(nf)
def handle(clock): #print('Mode: Win') mf = hardware.last_rendered_frame sound_step = pygame.mixer.Sound('step.wav') colors = [ GR.COLORS_SPLASH_TEXT, GR.COLORS_SPLASH_TEXT + 1, GR.COLORS_SPLASH_TEXT + 2, GR.COLORS_SPLASH_TEXT + 3 ] sc = 0 og = GR.COLOR_PALETTE[GR.COLORS_MAZE_WALL] for i in range(8): GR.COLOR_PALETTE[GR.COLORS_MAZE_WALL] = GR.COLOR_PALETTE[colors[sc]] sc += 1 if sc >= len(colors): sc = 0 hardware.render_frame(mf) clock.tick(4) GR.COLOR_PALETTE[GR.COLORS_MAZE_WALL] = og pic = Frame() text.draw_text(pic, 0x1E, 0x1B, "We'll Getcha", [GR.COLORS_SPLASH_TEXT + 1]) text.draw_text(pic, 0x27, 0x28, "Next Time", [GR.COLORS_SPLASH_TEXT + 2]) acc = Frame() seg = 0 y = 0 animation = 0 while True: for _ in pygame.event.get(): pass if seg == 0: if y > 0: for x in range(128): acc.set_pixel(x, y - 2, pic.get_pixel(x, y - 2)) acc.set_pixel(x, y - 1, pic.get_pixel(x, y - 1)) nf = Frame(acc) for i in range(32): nf.draw_image(0 + i * 8, y, GR.LITTLE_BUG[2][animation]) animation += 1 animation &= 1 y = y + 2 if y > 96: seg = 1 text.draw_text(pic, 0x5D, 0x28, "!", [GR.COLORS_SPLASH_TEXT + 3]) y = 0 hardware.render_frame(acc) clock.tick(1) hardware.render_frame(nf) clock.tick(10) elif seg == 1: if y > 0: for x in range(128): acc.set_pixel(x, y - 4, pic.get_pixel(x, y - 4)) acc.set_pixel(x, y - 3, pic.get_pixel(x, y - 3)) acc.set_pixel(x, y - 2, pic.get_pixel(x, y - 2)) acc.set_pixel(x, y - 1, pic.get_pixel(x, y - 1)) nf = Frame(acc) nf.draw_image(92, y, GR.LITTLE_BUG[2][animation]) animation += 1 animation &= 1 y = y + 4 if y > 96: seg = 3 hardware.render_frame(nf) clock.tick(15) else: clock.tick(1) return "Mode: Game"
def handle(clock, event_handler): #print('Mode: Demo') # Make the bugs (not too close to center) bugs = [] for _ in range(16): while True: cx = random.randint(0, 19) cy = random.randint(0, 15) if (cx >= 6 and cx < 14) and (cy >= 6 and cy < 14): continue break bugs.append(Bug(cx * 4 + 25, cy * 4 + 17, random.randint(0, 3))) pic = Frame() # Draw the bugs mega = Maze(20, 16, 192) mode_game.draw_maze(mega._maze, pic) # Draw the big bugs bugimage = GR.BIG_BUG pic.draw_image(3, 32, bugimage['standing']) pic.draw_image(108, 32, bugimage['standing']) # The mouth mouth = Mouth(25 + 10 * 4, 17 + 8 * 4, random.randint(0, 3)) # Don't start on a dot pic.set_pixel(mouth.x, mouth.y, 0) hs = str(mode_game.HIGH_SCORE).rjust(4, '0') text.draw_text(pic, 19, 4, 'High Score ' + hs, GR.COLOR_SCORE) text.draw_text(pic, 26, 84, 'Play Giga-Bug', GR.COLOR_SCORE) transitions.wipe_in(pic) """ base_frame = Frame() base_frame.draw_image(10,15, GR.CHARS['A']) # The letter 'A' base_frame.draw_text(5,5, GR.CHARS,'Demonstration') base_frame.draw_image(20,25, GR.BIG_BUG['standing']) # Bug standing base_frame.draw_image(50,25, GR.BIG_BUG['dancing'][0]) # Bug dancing ... base_frame.draw_image(70,25, GR.BIG_BUG['dancing'][1]) # ... two animations direction = 1 # 0=UP, 1=RIGHT, 2=DOWN, 3=LEFT animation = 0 # 0 or 1 ... two animations while True: frame = Frame(base_frame) frame.draw_image(10,60, GR.MOUTH[direction][animation]) hardware.render_frame(frame) animation = (animation + 1) % 2 time.sleep(0.25) """ clock.tick(0.75) nf = MAG.draw_magnifier(pic, mouth.x - 8, mouth.y - 8, 17) MAG.draw_mouth_on_magnifier(nf, mouth) hardware.render_frame(nf) clock.tick(0.75) # Play this setup return play_game(clock, pic, mouth, bugs, event_handler)
def handle(clock, event_handler): #print('Mode: Splash') hardware.set_colors(GR.COLOR_PALETTE) pic = Frame() color_start1 = 0 color_start2 = 1 color_start3 = 2 colors = [ GR.COLORS_SPLASH_TEXT, GR.COLORS_SPLASH_TEXT + 1, GR.COLORS_SPLASH_TEXT + 2, GR.COLORS_SPLASH_TEXT + 3 ] text.draw_text(pic, 22, 14, 'Bob Bishop', GR.COLOR_CRUMB) text.draw_text(pic, 22, 34, 'Steve Bjork', GR.COLOR_CRUMB) text.draw_text(pic, 22, 44, 'Datasoft 1982', GR.COLOR_CRUMB) text.draw_text(pic, 22, 74, 'Chris Cantrell', colors[1]) text.draw_text(pic, 10, 4, 'DUNG BEETLES', colors, color_start1) text.draw_text(pic, 10, 24, 'Mega-Bug', colors, color_start2) text.draw_text(pic, 10, 64, 'Giga-Bug', colors, color_start3) transitions.wipe_out(pic) SONG_END = pygame.USEREVENT + 1'splash.wav') while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == 25: return "Mode: Demo" if event_handler: ret = event_handler(event) if ret: return ret nf = Frame(pic) text.draw_text(nf, 10, 4, 'DUNG BEETLES', colors, color_start1) text.draw_text(nf, 10, 24, 'Mega-Bug', colors, color_start2) text.draw_text(nf, 10, 64, 'Giga-Bug', colors, color_start3) color_start1 += 1 if color_start1 >= 4: color_start1 = 0 color_start2 += 1 if color_start2 >= 4: color_start2 = 0 color_start3 += 1 if color_start3 >= 4: color_start3 = 0 hardware.render_frame(nf) clock.tick(10)
xxx,yyy ... xxx,yyy xxx,yyy ... xxx,yyy 255,031 ... xxx,yyy 192,031 ... xxx,yyy | | | | xxx,yyy ..< 192,000 191,000 ..< 128,000 000,000 >.. 063,000 064,000 >.. 128,000 | | | | 000,031 ... 063,031 064,031 ... 128,031 """ def draw_shape(fr, x, y): for i in range(8): fr.set_pixel(x + i, y, 4) fr.set_pixel(x, y + i, 4) fr.set_pixel(x + 1, y + 1, 1) fr.set_pixel(x + 2, y + 2, 2) fr.set_pixel(x + 3, y + 3, 3) fr = Frame() draw_shape(fr, 0, 0) hardware.render_frame(fr) print('sleeping') time.sleep(10)