 def __init__(self):
     # Python 2.x
     super(PubSubNagiosPlugin, self).__init__()
     # Python 3.x
     # super().__init__()
     self.name = None
     self.default_host = 'localhost'
     self.default_port = None
     self.host = None
     self.port = None
     self.producer = None
     self.consumer = None
     self.key = os.path.basename(get_topfile()) + '-' + random_alnum(20)
     self.start_offset = None
     timestamp = time.time()
     # socket.getfqdn() hangs on network / DNS outage, use socket.gethostname() instead
     self.publish_message = "Test message from Hari Sekhon {0} on host {1} "\
                            .format(os.path.basename(get_topfile()), socket.gethostname()) + \
                             "at epoch {0} ({1}) with random token '{2}'"\
                            .format(timestamp, time.ctime(timestamp), random_alnum(20))
     self._consumed_message = None
     self._publish_timing = None
     self._consume_timing = None
     self.status = 'OK'
     self.warning = 1
     self.critical = 2
 def __init__(self):
     # Python 2.x
     super(PubSubNagiosPlugin, self).__init__()
     # Python 3.x
     # super().__init__()
     self.name = None
     self.default_host = 'localhost'
     self.default_port = None
     self.host = None
     self.port = None
     self.producer = None
     self.consumer = None
     self.key = os.path.basename(get_topfile()) + '-' + random_alnum(20)
     self.start_offset = None
     timestamp = time.time()
     # socket.getfqdn() hangs on network / DNS outage, use socket.gethostname() instead
     self.publish_message = "Test message from Hari Sekhon {0} on host {1} "\
                            .format(os.path.basename(get_topfile()), socket.gethostname()) + \
                             "at epoch {0} ({1}) with random token '{2}'"\
                            .format(timestamp, time.ctime(timestamp), random_alnum(20))
     self._consumed_message = None
     self._publish_time = None
     self._consume_time = None
     self._total_time = None
     self._precision = 3
     self.status = 'OK'
     self.warning_threshold_default = 1
     self.critical_threshold_default = 2
     self.__sleep_secs = 0
 def __init__(self):
     # Python 2.x
     super(CheckKafka, self).__init__()
     # Python 3.x
     # super().__init__()
     self.name = 'Kafka'
     self.default_host = 'localhost'
     self.default_port = '9092'
     self.producer = None
     self.consumer = None
     self.topic = None
     self.client_id = 'Hari Sekhon {prog} {version}'.format(
         prog=os.path.basename(get_topfile()), version=__version__)
     self.group_id = '{client_id} {pid} {random}'.format(
         client_id=self.client_id, pid=os.getpid(), random=random_alnum(10))
     self.acks = '1'
     self.retries = 0
     self.partition = None
     self.topic_partition = None
     self.brokers = None
     self.timeout_ms = None
     self.start_offset = None
     self.sleep_secs = 0
     self.sleep_usage = 'Sleep in seconds between producing and consuming from given topic' + \
                        ' (optional, default: {} secs)'.format(self.default_sleep_secs)
 def req(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs):
     if '://' not in url:
         url = 'http://' + url
     self.url = url
     log.debug('%s %s', str(method).upper(), url)
     req = None
     if 'headers' in kwargs:
         kwargs['headers']['User-Agent'] = get_topfile()
         kwargs['headers'] = {'User-Agent': get_topfile()}
         req = getattr(requests, method)(url, *args, **kwargs)
     except requests.exceptions.RequestException as _:
     return req
 def req(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs):
     if '://' not in url:
         url = 'http://' + url
     self.url = url
     log.debug('%s %s', str(method).upper(), url)
     req = None
     if 'headers' in kwargs:
         kwargs['headers']['User-Agent'] = get_topfile()
         kwargs['headers'] = {'User-Agent': get_topfile()}
         req = getattr(requests, method)(url, *args, **kwargs)
     except requests.exceptions.RequestException as _:
     return req
 def __init__(self):
     # Python 2.x
     super(KeyWriteNagiosPlugin, self).__init__()
     # Python 3.x
     # super().__init__()
     self.key = os.path.basename(get_topfile()) + "-" + random_alnum(20)
     self._write_value = random_alnum(20)
     self._write_timing = None
     self._delete_timing = None
 def __init__(self):
     # Python 2.x
     super(KeyWriteNagiosPlugin, self).__init__()
     # Python 3.x
     # super().__init__()
     self.key = os.path.basename(get_topfile()) + '-' + random_alnum(20)
     self._write_value = random_alnum(20)
     self._write_timing = None
     self._delete_timing = None
文件: cli.py 项目: HariSekhon/pylib
 def __init__(self):
     # instance attributes, feels safer
     self.name = None
     self.options = None
     self.args = None
     self.__verbose = None
     self.__verbose_default = 0
     self.__timeout = None
     self.__timeout_default = 10
     self.__timeout_max = 86400
     self.__total_run_time = time.time()
     self.topfile = get_topfile()
     self._docstring = get_file_docstring(self.topfile)
     if self._docstring:
         self._docstring = '\n' + self._docstring.strip() + '\n'
     if self._docstring is None:
         self._docstring = ''
     self._topfile_version = get_file_version(self.topfile)
     # this doesn't work in unit tests
     # if self._topfile_version:
     #     raise CodingError('failed to get topfile version - did you set a __version__ in top cli program?') # pylint: disable=line-too-long
     self._cli_version = self.__version__
     self._utils_version = harisekhon.utils.__version__
     # returns 'python -m unittest' :-/
     # prog = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
     self._prog = os.path.basename(self.topfile)
     self._github_repo = get_file_github_repo(self.topfile)
     # _hidden attributes are shown in __dict__
     self.version = '{prog} version {topfile_version} '.format(prog=self._prog,
                                                               topfile_version=self._topfile_version) + \
                    '=>  CLI version {cli_version} '.format(cli_version=self._cli_version) + \
                    '=>  Utils version {utils_version}'.format(utils_version=self._utils_version)
     self.usagemsg = 'Hari Sekhon{sep}{github_repo}\n\n{prog}\n{docstring}\n'.format(\
                         sep=' - ' if self._github_repo else '',
     self.usagemsg_short = 'Hari Sekhon%(_github_repo)s\n\n' % self.__dict__
     # set this in simpler client programs when you don't want to exclude
     # self.__parser = OptionParser(usage=self.usagemsg_short, version=self.version)
     # self.__parser = OptionParser(version=self.version)
     # will be added by default_opts later so that it's not annoyingly at the top of the option help
     # also this allows us to print full docstring for a complete description and not just the cli switches
     # description=self._docstring # don't want description printed for option errors
     width = os.getenv('COLUMNS', None)
     if not isInt(width) or not width:
             width = Terminal().width
         except _curses.error:
             width = 80
     width = min(width, 200)
     self.__parser = OptionParser(add_help_option=False, formatter=IndentedHelpFormatter(width=width))
     # duplicate key error or duplicate options, sucks
     # self.__parser.add_option('-V', dest='version', help='Show version and exit', action='store_true')
 def __init__(self):
     # instance attributes, feels safer
     self.options = None
     self.args = None
     self.__verbose = None
     self.__verbose_default = 0
     self.__timeout = None
     self.__timeout_default = 10
     self.__timeout_max = 86400
     self.topfile = get_topfile()
     # this gets utrunner.py in PyCharm and runpy.py from unittest
     if os.path.basename(self.topfile) in ('utrunner.py', 'runpy.py'):
         self.topfile = __file__
     #print('topfile = %s' % self.topfile)
     self._docstring = get_file_docstring(self.topfile)
     if self._docstring:
         self._docstring = '\n' + self._docstring.strip() + '\n'
     if self._docstring is None:
         self._docstring = ''
     self._topfile_version = get_file_version(self.topfile)
     # this doesn't work in unit tests
     # if self._topfile_version:
     #     raise CodingError('failed to get topfile version - did you set a __version__ in top cli program?') # pylint: disable=line-too-long
     self._cli_version = self.__version__
     self._utils_version = harisekhon.utils.__version__
     # returns 'python -m unittest' :-/
     # prog = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
     self._prog = os.path.basename(self.topfile)
     self._github_repo = get_file_github_repo(self.topfile)
     # if not self.github_repo:
     #     self.github_repo = 'https://github.com/harisekhon/pytools'
     if self._github_repo:
         self._github_repo = ' - ' + self._github_repo
     # _hidden attributes are shown in __dict__
     self.version = '%(_prog)s version %(_topfile_version)s ' % self.__dict__ + \
                    '=>  CLI version %(_cli_version)s  =>  Utils version %(_utils_version)s' % self.__dict__
     self.usagemsg = 'Hari Sekhon%(_github_repo)s\n\n%(_prog)s\n%(_docstring)s\n' \
                     % self.__dict__
     self.usagemsg_short = 'Hari Sekhon%(_github_repo)s\n\n' % self.__dict__
     # set this in simpler client programs when you don't want to exclude
     # self.__parser = OptionParser(usage=self.usagemsg_short, version=self.version)
     # self.__parser = OptionParser(version=self.version)
     # will be added by default_opts later so that it's not annoyingly at the top of the option help
     # also this allows us to print full docstring for a complete description and not just the cli switches
     # description=self._docstring # don't want description printed for option errors
     width = os.getenv('COLUMNS', None)
     if not isInt(width) or not width:
         width = Terminal().width
     width = min(width, 200)
     self.__parser = OptionParser(add_help_option=False, formatter=IndentedHelpFormatter(width=width))
     # duplicate key error or duplicate options, sucks
     # self.__parser.add_option('-V', dest='version', help='Show version and exit', action='store_true')
 def __init__(self):
     # Python 2.x
     super(CheckKafka, self).__init__()
     # Python 3.x
     # super().__init__()
     self.name = 'Kafka'
     self.default_port = 9092
     self.producer = None
     self.consumer = None
     self.topic = None
     self.client_id = 'Hari Sekhon ' + os.path.basename(get_topfile()) + ' ' + __version__
     self.group_id = self.client_id + ' ' + str(os.getpid()) + ' ' + random_alnum(10)
     self.acks = '1'
     self.retries = 0
     self.partition = None
     self.topic_partition = None
     self.brokers = None
     self.timeout_ms = None
     self.start_offset = None
 def __init__(self):
     # Python 2.x
     super(LiveNodesNagiosPlugin, self).__init__()
     # Python 3.x
     # super().__init__()
     self.default_host = 'localhost'
     self.default_port = None
     self.host = None
     self.port = None
     self.name = None
     self.agent_name = 'node'
     self.state = 'online'
     self.node_count = None
     self.additional_info = ''
     self.additional_perfdata = ''
     topfile = get_topfile()
     if 'workers' in topfile:
         self.agent_name = 'worker'
     elif 'slaves' in topfile:
         self.agent_name = 'slave'
     elif 'agents' in topfile:
         self.agent_name = 'agent'
 def __init__(self):
     # Python 2.x
     super(LiveNodesNagiosPlugin, self).__init__()
     # Python 3.x
     # super().__init__()
     self.default_host = 'localhost'
     self.default_port = None
     self.host = None
     self.port = None
     self.name = None
     self.agent_name = 'node'
     self.state = 'online'
     self.node_count = None
     self.additional_info = ''
     self.additional_perfdata = ''
     topfile = get_topfile()
     if 'workers' in topfile:
         self.agent_name = 'worker'
     elif 'slaves' in topfile:
         self.agent_name = 'slave'
     elif 'agents' in topfile:
         self.agent_name = 'agent'
文件: cli.py 项目: FavioVazquez/pylib
 def __init__(self):
     # instance attributes, feels safer
     self.name = None
     self.default_host = None
     self.default_port = None
     self.default_user = None
     self.default_password = None
     self.options = None
     self.args = None
     self.__verbose_default = 0
     self.__verbose = self.__verbose_default
     self.__timeout_default = 10
     self.__timeout = None
     self.__timeout_max = 86400
     self.__total_run_time = time.time()
     self.topfile = get_topfile()
     self._docstring = get_file_docstring(self.topfile)
     if self._docstring:
         self._docstring = '\n' + self._docstring.strip() + '\n'
     if self._docstring is None:
         self._docstring = ''
     self._topfile_version = get_file_version(self.topfile)
     # this doesn't work in unit tests
     # if self._topfile_version:
     #     raise CodingError('failed to get topfile version - did you set a __version__ in top cli program?')
     self._cli_version = self.__version__
     self._utils_version = harisekhon.utils.__version__
     # returns 'python -m unittest' :-/
     # prog = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
     self._prog = os.path.basename(self.topfile)
     self._github_repo = get_file_github_repo(self.topfile)
     # _hidden attributes are shown in __dict__
     self.version = '{prog} version {topfile_version} '.format(prog=self._prog,
                                                               topfile_version=self._topfile_version) + \
                    '=>  CLI version {cli_version} '.format(cli_version=self._cli_version) + \
                    '=>  Utils version {utils_version}'.format(utils_version=self._utils_version)
     self.usagemsg = 'Hari Sekhon{sep}{github_repo}\n\n{prog}\n{docstring}\n'.format(\
                         sep=' - ' if self._github_repo else '',
     self.usagemsg_short = 'Hari Sekhon%(_github_repo)s\n\n' % self.__dict__
     # set this in simpler client programs when you don't want to exclude
     # self.__parser = OptionParser(usage=self.usagemsg_short, version=self.version)
     # self.__parser = OptionParser(version=self.version)
     # will be added by default_opts later so that it's not annoyingly at the top of the option help
     # also this allows us to print full docstring for a complete description and not just the cli switches
     # description=self._docstring # don't want description printed for option errors
     width = os.getenv('COLUMNS', None)
     if not isInt(width) or not width:
             width = Terminal().width
         except _curses.error:
             width = 80
     #width = min(width, 200)
     self.__parser = OptionParser(
     # duplicate key error or duplicate options, sucks
     # self.__parser.add_option('-V', dest='version', help='Show version and exit', action='store_true')