def add_admin(username, password): """ Adds an admin to the database Params: username - A string containing the admin's username password - A string containing the admin's password Returns: None """ init_tables() conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_NAME) c = conn.cursor() PARAMS = (username, hash.password_hash(password)) c.execute(INSERT_QUERY, PARAMS) conn.commit() conn.close() return
def admin_exists(username, password): """ Check if an admin with specified username and password exists in the database Params: username - A string containing the admin's username password - A string containing the admin's password Returns: True if the specified admin exists (exactly once) in the database, False otherwise """ init_tables() conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_NAME) c = conn.cursor() PARAMS = (username , hash.password_hash(password)) result = list(c.execute(SELECT_QUERY, PARAMS)) conn.close() return len(result) == 1 # If > 1, then duplicate users
def set_password(self, password, salt=None): self.__hashed_password = password_hash(password, salt)