def test_hash_table_insertion_and_retrieval(self):
        ht = HashTable(8)

        ht.put("key-0", "val-0")
        ht.put("key-1", "val-1")
        ht.put("key-2", "val-2")
        ht.put("key-3", "val-3")
        ht.put("key-4", "val-4")
        ht.put("key-5", "val-5")
        ht.put("key-6", "val-6")
        ht.put("key-7", "val-7")
        ht.put("key-8", "val-8")
        ht.put("key-9", "val-9")

        return_value = ht.get("key-0")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-0")
        return_value = ht.get("key-1")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-1")
        return_value = ht.get("key-2")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-2")
        return_value = ht.get("key-3")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-3")
        return_value = ht.get("key-4")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-4")
        return_value = ht.get("key-5")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-5")
        return_value = ht.get("key-6")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-6")
        return_value = ht.get("key-7")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-7")
        return_value = ht.get("key-8")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-8")
        return_value = ht.get("key-9")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-9")
 def test_get1(self):
     table = HashTable(8, lambda x: x)
     for item in (range(10, 71, 10)):
     self.assertEqual(table.get(10), 2)
     self.assertEqual(table.get(20), 4)
     self.assertEqual(table.get(30), 6)
def test_get():
    foo = HashTable(size=1024)
    foo.hashtable[91].append(('foo', 'foo'))
    foo.hashtable[91].append(('spoofs', 'spoofs'))
    foo.hashtable[885].append(('utopia', 'utopia'))
    assert foo.get('foo') == 'foo'
    assert foo.get('spoofs') == 'spoofs'
    assert foo.get('utopia') == 'utopia'
 def test_set_and_get(self):
     ht = HashTable()
     ht.set('I', 1)
     ht.set('V', 5)
     ht.set('X', 10)
     assert ht.get('I') == 1
     assert ht.get('V') == 5
     assert ht.get('X') == 10
     assert ht.length() == 3
def test_set_after_delete(self):
    ht = HashTable()
    ht.set('G', 900)
    assert ht.get('G') == 900
    with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
    ht.set('G', 900)
    assert ht.get('G') == 900
    def test_my_set(self):
        ht = HashTable()
        ht.set('G', 4)
        ht.set('D', 4)
        assert ht.get('G') == 4
        assert ht.length() == 2

        ht.set('G', 5)
        assert ht.get('G') == 5
        assert ht.length() == 2
class Set(object):
    """Set Class."""
    def __init__(self, elements=None):
        self.setItems = HashTable()
        self.size = 0
        if elements:
            for element in elements:

    def contains(self, element):
        if isinstance(element, list):
            for item in element:
                if not self.setItems.get(item):
                    return False
            return True
            if self.setItems.get(element):
                return True
                return False

    def add(self, element):
        self.setItems.set(element, True)
        self.size += 1

    def remove(self, element):
        self.size -= 1

    def union(self, other_set):
        newSet = Set(self.setItems.keys())
        for element in other_set.setItems.keys():
            if not newSet.contains(element):
        return newSet

    def intersection(self, other_set):
        newSet = Set()
        for element in self.setItems.keys():
            if other_set.contains(element):
        return newSet

    def difference(self, other_set):
        newSet = Set()
        for element in other_set.setItems.keys():
            if not self.contains(element):
        return newSet

    def is_subset(self, other_set):
        for element in other_set.setItems.keys():
            if not self.contains(element):
                return False
        return True
def test_collision():
    ht = HashTable()
    ht.add('coffee', 'brew')
    ht.add('offeec', 'nonsense')
    ht.add('tea', 'steep')
    ht.add('eat', 'bite')

    assert ht.get('coffee') == 'brew'
    assert ht.get('offeec') == 'nonsense'
    assert ht.get('tea') == 'steep'
    assert ht.get('eat') == 'bite'
    def test_my_get(self):
        ht = HashTable()
        ht.set('G', 4)
        ht.set('D', 4)
        ht.set('A', 4)
        assert ht.get('G') == 4
        assert ht.get('D') == 4
        assert ht.get('A') == 4

        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
 def test_set_and_get(self):
     ht = HashTable()
     ht.set('I', 1)
     ht.set('V', 5)
     ht.set('X', 10)
     assert ht.get('I') == 1
     assert ht.get('V') == 5
     assert ht.get('X') == 10
     assert ht.length() == 3
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
    def test_set_get_collisions(self):
        # without knowing hash function details, this is the only way
        # to ensure keys will collide by setting the size of the table
        h1 = HashTable(1)
        h1.set("test", 1776)
        h1.set("table", 1783)

        v1 = h1.get("test")
        v2 = h1.get("table")

        self.assertEqual(v2, 1783)
        self.assertEqual(v1, 1776)
    def test_hash_table_insertion_and_retrieval(self):
        ht = HashTable(0x10000)

        ht.put("key-0", "val-0")
        ht.put("key-1", "val-1")
        ht.put("key-2", "val-2")
        return_value = ht.get("key-0")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-0")
        return_value = ht.get("key-1")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-1")
        return_value = ht.get("key-2")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-2")
    def test_set_get_collisions(self):
        # without knowing hash function details, this is the only way
        # to ensure keys will collide by setting the size of the table
        h1 = HashTable(1)
        h1.set("test", 1776)
        h1.set("table", 1783)

        v1 = h1.get("test")
        v2 = h1.get("table")

        self.assertEqual(v2, 1783)
        self.assertEqual(v1, 1776)
 def test_set_twice_and_get(self):
     ht = HashTable()
     ht.set('I', 1)
     ht.set('V', 4)
     ht.set('X', 9)
     assert ht.length() == 3
     ht.set('V', 5)  # Update value
     ht.set('X', 10)  # Update value
     assert ht.get('I') == 1
     assert ht.get('V') == 5
     assert ht.get('X') == 10
     assert ht.length() == 3  # Check length is not overcounting
    def test_my_delete(self):
        ht = HashTable()
        ht.set('G', 4)
        ht.set('D', 4)
        assert ht.length() == 2

        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):

        assert ht.length() == 1
        ht.set('G', 4)
        assert ht.length() == 2
    def test_hash_table_resize(self):
        ht = HashTable(8)

        ht.put("key-0", "val-0")
        ht.put("key-1", "val-1")
        ht.put("key-2", "val-2")
        ht.put("key-3", "val-3")
        ht.put("key-4", "val-4")
        ht.put("key-5", "val-5")
        ht.put("key-6", "val-6")
        ht.put("key-7", "val-7")
        ht.put("key-8", "val-8")
        ht.put("key-9", "val-9")

        # ht.resize()

        self.assertTrue(len( == 16)

        return_value = ht.get("key-0")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-0")
        return_value = ht.get("key-1")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-1")
        return_value = ht.get("key-2")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-2")
        return_value = ht.get("key-3")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-3")
        return_value = ht.get("key-4")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-4")
        return_value = ht.get("key-5")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-5")
        return_value = ht.get("key-6")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-6")
        return_value = ht.get("key-7")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-7")
        return_value = ht.get("key-8")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-8")
        return_value = ht.get("key-9")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-9")

        # ht.delete("key-9")
        # ht.delete("key-8")
        # ht.delete("key-7")

        self.assertTrue(len( == 8)
class TestHashTable(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.hash_table = HashTable()

    @given(st.randoms(), st.randoms())
    def test_insertion(self, key, value):
        self.hash_table[key] = value
        self.assertEqual(self.hash_table.get(key), value)
    def test_insert_function(self):
        self.hash_table.insert("age", 55)
        self.assertEqual(self.hash_table.get("age"), 55)

    def test_deletion(self):
        self.hash_table["age"] = 55
        self.hash_table["name"] = "John"
        self.assertEqual(self.hash_table.get("age"), None)

    def test_update_if_key_exists(self):
        self.hash_table["age"] = 55
        self.hash_table["age"] = 66
        self.assertEqual(self.hash_table.get("age"), 66)

    def test_size(self):
        self.hash_table["age"] = 55
        self.hash_table["name"] = "John"
        self.assertEqual(len(self.hash_table), 2)

    def test_initial_size(self):
        self.assertEqual(len(self.hash_table._slot), 8)

    def test_increment_resize(self):
        for i in range(9):
            self.hash_table[f"{i}"] = "John"
        self.assertEqual(self.hash_table.get_slot_size(), 8 * 2)

    def test_decrement_resize(self):
        for i in range(14):
            self.hash_table[f"{i}"] = "John"
        for i in range(10):
        self.assertEqual(self.hash_table.get_slot_size(), 8)

    def test_size_after_update(self):
        self.hash_table["age"] = 55
        self.hash_table["name"] = "John"
        self.hash_table["name"] = "John"
        self.hash_table["name"] = "John"
        self.assertEqual(len(self.hash_table), 2)
    def test_hash_table_pution_overwrites_correctly(self):
        ht = HashTable(8)

        ht.put("key-0", "val-0")
        ht.put("key-1", "val-1")
        ht.put("key-2", "val-2")
        ht.put("key-3", "val-3")
        ht.put("key-4", "val-4")
        ht.put("key-5", "val-5")
        ht.put("key-6", "val-6")
        ht.put("key-7", "val-7")
        ht.put("key-8", "val-8")
        ht.put("key-9", "val-9")

        ht.put("key-0", "new-val-0")
        ht.put("key-1", "new-val-1")
        ht.put("key-2", "new-val-2")
        ht.put("key-3", "new-val-3")
        ht.put("key-4", "new-val-4")
        ht.put("key-5", "new-val-5")
        ht.put("key-6", "new-val-6")
        ht.put("key-7", "new-val-7")
        ht.put("key-8", "new-val-8")
        ht.put("key-9", "new-val-9")

        return_value = ht.get("key-0")
        print('return_value: ' + return_value)
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "new-val-0")

        return_value = ht.get("key-1")
        print('return_value: ' + return_value)
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "new-val-1")

        return_value = ht.get("key-2")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "new-val-2")
        return_value = ht.get("key-3")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "new-val-3")
        return_value = ht.get("key-4")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "new-val-4")
        return_value = ht.get("key-5")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "new-val-5")
        return_value = ht.get("key-6")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "new-val-6")
        return_value = ht.get("key-7")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "new-val-7")
        return_value = ht.get("key-8")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "new-val-8")
        return_value = ht.get("key-9")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "new-val-9")
def test_get():
    ht = HashTable()

    # test with integer keys
    ht.put(9, 100)
    ht.put(20, 110)

    # test with string keys
    ht.put('cat', 125)
    ht.put('meow', 'blah!')

    assert(ht.get(9) == 100)
    assert(ht.get(20) == 110)
    assert(ht.get('cat') == 125)
    assert(ht.get('meow') == 'blah!')
def test_collision_retrieved():
    hash = HashTable()
    hash.add('cat', 'meow')
    hash.add('atc', 'value')
    actual = 'value'
    expected = hash.get('atc')
    assert actual == expected
class WordJumble:
    def __init__(self):
        self.word_table = HashTable()  #initialize a hastable
        self.sort_all_words()  #call the sort all words function

    def sort_all_words(self):
        with open('/usr/share/dict/words') as f:
            words =
            words_list = words.split()
            for word in words_list:
                sorted_characters = sorted(word)
                sorted_word = ''.join(sorted_characters)
                self.word_table.set(sorted_word, word)

    def solve(self, jumble):
        if jumble is not None:
            assert isinstance(jumble, str)
            raise KeyError('jumble is not a string')
        sorted_word = ''.join(sorted(jumble))
        found_word = self.word_table.get(sorted_word)

        return found_word
def test_collision_retrieved():
    hash = HashTable()
    hash.add('cat', 'wendy')
    hash.add('act', 'cat')
    actual = 'cat'
    expected = hash.get('act')
    assert actual == expected
def test_collision_get():
    hash_table = HashTable(0)
    hash_table.add('cat', 'Jingles')
    hash_table.add('tac', 'ouchy')
    actual = 'ouchy'
    expected = hash_table.get('tac')
    assert actual == expected
 def test_set_get_latest(self):
     # the last entry for a key for a value should be the value
     h1 = HashTable(4)
     h1.set("A", 0)
     h1.set("A", 1)
     v = h1.get("A")
     self.assertEqual(v, 1)
    def test_set_get_simple(self):
        # the value set for a key should have that value when retrieved
        for hs in MyFuncTestCase.hash_size_instances:
            h1 = HashTable(hs)
            h1.set("XYTZ", 1776)
            v = h1.get("XYTZ")
            self.assertEqual(v, 1776)

            for k in MyFuncTestCase.key_instances:
                h1.set(k, len(k))
                v = h1.get(k)
                self.assertEqual(v, len(k))

            for k in MyFuncTestCase.key_instances:
                v = h1.get(k)
                self.assertEqual(v, len(k))
 def test_set_get_latest(self):
     # the last entry for a key for a value should be the value
     h1 = HashTable(4)
     h1.set("A", 0)
     h1.set("A", 1)
     v = h1.get("A")
     self.assertEqual(v, 1)
    def test_get(self):

        hash = HashTable(8000)
        hash.put("hello", "there")
        hash.put("test", "two")
        hash.put("another", "test")
        self.assertEqual(hash.get("hello"), "there")
    def test_set_get_simple(self):
        # the value set for a key should have that value when retrieved
        for hs in MyFuncTestCase.hash_size_instances:
            h1 = HashTable(hs)
            h1.set("XYTZ", 1776)
            v = h1.get("XYTZ")
            self.assertEqual(v, 1776)

            for k in MyFuncTestCase.key_instances:
                h1.set(k, len(k))
                v = h1.get(k)
                self.assertEqual(v, len(k))

            for k in MyFuncTestCase.key_instances:
                v = h1.get(k)
                self.assertEqual(v, len(k))
class Jumble(object):
    def __init__(self, words):
        """Initialize a new Hash Table and then clean up each line to get individual
        words. Add the dictionary words that equal the length of the scrambled words.
        self.words = words
        self.hash = HashTable()
        lengths = []
        #Determining the lengths of the scrambled words, increases speed greatly.
        for scrambled_word in words:
            if len(scrambled_word) not in lengths:

        with open("/usr/share/dict/words", 'r') as f:
            for word in f:
                #Remove endline characters
                word = word.strip().lower()
                #Adds the word back into a hash table from the dictionary
                #Also only sets the word if it equals the length of the scrambled words
                if len(word) in lengths:
                    self.hash.set(word, word)

    def get_permutations(self, scrambled_word):
        """Get every single permutation of the scrambled word."""
        permutations = []

        if len(scrambled_word) == 1:
            return scrambled_word
            for char in scrambled_word:
                #Replacing parts of the scrambled word until we get down to 1 letter,
                #then continue to re-add strings to the character in each call
                for string in self.get_permutations(
                        scrambled_word.replace(char, "", 1)):
                    #Checking to not repeat permutations
                    if (char + string) not in permutations:
                        permutations.append(char + string)

        return permutations

    def find_word(self, permutations):
        """Take each of the permutation of the scrambled word and look for it in the hash
        #Look up the word in the hash table
        for perm in permutations:
            if self.hash.contains(perm):
                return self.hash.get(perm)

        return "Word not Found"

    def unscramble(self):
        """Unscramble each word in our list of scrambled words."""
        unscrambled = []
        for word in self.words:

        return unscrambled
def test_get_form_collision():
    '''Successfully retrieve a value from a bucket within the hashtable that has a collision'''
    hash = HashTable()
    hash.add('dog', 'bark')
    hash.add('god', 'karb')
    actual = hash.get('dog')
    expected = 'bark'
    assert expected == actual
    def test_hash_table_pution_overwrites_correctly(self):
        ht = HashTable(0x10000)

        ht.put("key-0", "val-0")
        ht.put("key-1", "val-1")
        ht.put("key-2", "val-2")

        ht.put("key-0", "new-val-0")
        ht.put("key-1", "new-val-1")
        ht.put("key-2", "new-val-2")

        return_value = ht.get("key-0")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "new-val-0")
        return_value = ht.get("key-1")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "new-val-1")
        return_value = ht.get("key-2")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "new-val-2")
def test_set_and_get_word_list(word_list):
    foo = HashTable()
    words = word_list
    for word in words:
        foo.set(word, word)
    for word in words:
        value = foo.get(word)
        assert word == value
def test_get():
    '''Retrieving based on a key returns the value stored'''
    hash = HashTable()
    hash.add('dog', 'bark')
    hash.add('Freddie', 'Nightmare')
    actual = hash.get('Freddie')
    expected = 'Nightmare'
    assert expected == actual
 def testPutAndGet(self):
     ht = HashTable(16)
     ht.put('one', 1)
     ht.put('two', 2)
     ht.put('three', 3)
     ht.put('four', 4)
     v = ht.get('three')
     self.assertEqual(v, 3)
def test_add_multiple_hash_pass():
    hashtable = HashTable()
    hashtable.add('Chuck', 45)
    hashtable.add('kcuhC', 33)
    hashtable.add('Ckcuh', 11)
    actual = hashtable.get('Ckcuh')
    expected = 11
    assert actual == expected
    def test_hash_table_resize(self):
        ht = HashTable(0x10000)

        ht.put("key-0", "val-0")
        ht.put("key-1", "val-1")
        ht.put("key-2", "val-2")


        self.assertTrue(len( == 128)

        return_value = ht.get("key-0")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-0")
        return_value = ht.get("key-1")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-1")
        return_value = ht.get("key-2")
        self.assertTrue(return_value == "val-2")
def test_get_complete():
    hash_table = HashTable(1024)
    word_list = []
    with open('words') as f:
        for line in f:
            word = line.rstrip()
            hash_table.set(word, word)
    for word in word_list:
        assert hash_table.get(word) == word
    def test_set_get(self):
        for hs in MyFuncTestCase.hash_size_instances:
            h1 = HashTable(hs)

            # check different key types
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                for inst in MyFuncTestCase.non_string_instances:
                    h1.set(inst, inst)

            # do the set/get of some various typed values and check if the
            # value is set immediately after entry
            for inst in MyFuncTestCase.non_string_instances:
                h1.set(str(inst), inst)
                v = h1.get(str(inst))
                self.assertEqual(v, inst)

            # then, after all the values have been set, try to get them again
            for inst in MyFuncTestCase.non_string_instances:
                v = h1.get(str(inst))
                self.assertEqual(v, inst)
    def test_set_get_manywords(self):
        h1 = HashTable(10000)
        f = open('/usr/share/dict/words')

        if f is not None:
            for line in f:
                h1.set(line, 0)

            # now test get on all the words
            sum = 0
            for line in f:
                sum += h1.get(line)

            self.assertEqual(sum, 0)
def test_set_get():
    """set(key, val) should store the given val using the given key,
    get(key) should return the value stored with the given key"""
    # There are 235886 words in my dictionary.
    # 1.6 * the expected size is 377418, ideal for performance
    ideal_size = 377418
    table = HashTable(ideal_size)
    word = "init"

    table.set("hound", "puppy")
    assert table.get("hound") == "puppy"

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
        table.set(12345, "oogabooga")
        assert err.value == "Key must be a string"

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        table.set("oogabooga")  # key & value both required

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        table.get()  # key required

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
        assert err.value == "Key must be a string"

    with'/usr/share/dict/words') as words:
        while word != "":
            word = words.readline().strip()
            table.set(word, word)  # fill the table, key == value

    # Now, we should get the same stuff back.
    with'/usr/share/dict/words') as words:
        while word != "":
            word = words.readline().strip()
            assert table.get(word) == word

    with pytest.raises(KeyError):

    # Should also be able to reset stuff
    assert table.get("bacon") == "bacon"
    table.set("bacon", "delicious")
    assert table.get("bacon") == "delicious"
 def test_bucket_collision(self):
     h = HashTable(13)
     h.put('a', 1) # both will use bucket 6
     h.put('n', 2)
     self.assertEqual(h.get('a'), 1)
     self.assertEqual(h.get('n'), 2)
def test_get_missing_key():
    foo = HashTable()
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
 def test_distinct_buckets(self):
     h = HashTable(13)
     h.put('a', 1)
     h.put('b', 2)
     h.put('c', 3)
     self.assertEqual(h.get('a'), 1)
def test_duplicate_keys():
    hash_table = HashTable(1024)
    hash_table.set('foo', 1)
    hash_table.set('foo', 2)
    assert hash_table.get('foo') == 2
def test_get_simple():
    hash_table = HashTable(1024)
    hash_table.set('pig', 'pig')
    hash_table.set('sasquatch', 'sasquatch')
    assert hash_table.get('pig') == 'pig'
    assert hash_table.get('sasquatch') == 'sasquatch'
 def insertaElementoTest(self):
     h = HashTable()
def formatDataForPlot(dateInterval, sortedData, span):

    #start by creating empty arrays for the data and and names. this is later returned
    data = [None]*sortedData[1]
    names = [None]*sortedData[1]
    stats = [None]*sortedData[1]

    #go through the loop for each name
    for j in range(0,sortedData[1]):
        #hash table for data entry
        HT = HashTable(int(span)*365/12)
        #container for the final data

        #the start date--(current date)
        tempdate = dateInterval[0]

        #loop that goes through each day and fills it in with 0
        while tempdate < dateInterval[1]:

            #id for the hash table
            ID = hash(str(tempdate)[:4]+str(tempdate)[5:7]+str(tempdate)[8:10])

            #fill inn the day with 0

            #increment current date
            tempdate = tempdate + datetime.timedelta(days = 1)
        #for loop that goes through all the dates in the result set and sets the data for those dates 
        for i in range(0,len(sortedData[0][j])):

            value = float(sortedData[0][j][i][1])
            date = sortedData[0][j][i][3]
            ID = hash(date[:4]+date[5:7]+date[8:10])
        tempdate = dateInterval[0]

        #values to find out the min, max, and avr
        tempMax = -1000000000000
        tempMin = 1000000000000
        sum = 0
        count = 0
        tempAVR = 0

        #a loop that gets all the values for all the days in the span and puts it into an array
        while tempdate < dateInterval[1]:

            count += 1

            ID = hash(str(tempdate)[:4]+str(tempdate)[5:7]+str(tempdate)[8:10])

            data32 = HT.get(ID)
            if data32 > tempMax:
                tempMax = data32

            if data32 < tempMin:
                tempMin = data32
            sum += data32

            tempdate = tempdate + datetime.timedelta(days = 1)
        tempAVR = float(sum/float(count))
        AVR = "%.2f" % tempAVR
        #load the data into a new arrays
        data[j] = xdata
        names[j] = sortedData[0][j][0][0]
        stats[j] = [tempMax,tempMin,AVR]

    #return the formatted data
    return [data, names, stats]
def test_get_missing_key():
    hash_table = HashTable(1024)
    hash_table.set('pig', 'pig')
    hash_table.set('sasquatch', 'sasquatch')
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):