    def _determine_backend(self):
        from haystack import connections
        # A backend has been manually selected. Use it instead.
        if self._using is not None:
            self.query = connections[self._using].get_query()

        # No backend, so rely on the routers to figure out what's right.
        hints = {}

        if self.query:
            hints['models'] = self.query.models

        backend_alias = connection_router.for_read(**hints)

        if isinstance(backend_alias, (list, tuple)) and len(backend_alias):
            # We can only effectively read from one engine.
            backend_alias = backend_alias[0]

        # The ``SearchQuery`` might swap itself out for a different variant
        # here.
        if self.query:
            self.query = self.query.using(backend_alias)
            self.query = connections[backend_alias].get_query()
    def _determine_backend(self):
        from haystack import connections
        # A backend has been manually selected. Use it instead.
        if self._using is not None:
            self.query = connections[self._using].get_query()

        # No backend, so rely on the routers to figure out what's right.
        hints = {}

        if self.query:
            hints['models'] = self.query.models

        backend_alias = connection_router.for_read(**hints)

        if isinstance(backend_alias, (list, tuple)) and len(backend_alias):
            # We can only effectively read from one engine.
            backend_alias = backend_alias[0]

        # The ``SearchQuery`` might swap itself out for a different variant
        # here.
        if self.query:
            self.query = self.query.using(backend_alias)
            self.query = connections[backend_alias].get_query()
    def _determine_backend(self):
        # A backend has been manually selected. Use it instead.
        using = self.original_kwargs.get("using", None)
        if using is not None:
            connection = connections[using]
            # No backend, so rely on the routers to figure out what's right.
            hints = {"models": self.original_kwargs.get("models", None)}

            backend_alias = connection_router.for_read(**hints)

            connection = connections[backend_alias]

        backend = connection.get_backend()

        if not self.implementation:
            if hasattr(connection,
                       "solr_paginator") and self.original_kwargs.get(
                           "group", "false") == "true":
                self.implementation = connection.solr_paginator(
                    backend=backend, **self.original_kwargs)
            elif hasattr(connection,
                         "solr_paginator") and self.original_kwargs.get(
                             "percent_score", False):
                self.implementation = connection.solr_paginator(
                    backend=backend, **self.original_kwargs)
            elif hasattr(connection,
                         "solr_paginator") and self.original_kwargs.get(
                             "json_facets", None):
                self.implementation = connection.solr_paginator(
                    backend=backend, **self.original_kwargs)
                self.implementation = connection.paginator(
                    backend=backend, **self.original_kwargs)
        self.backend = backend
    def _determine_backend(self):
        """This is a hack somehow connection_router got wrong values
        from setting and did not loaded the LanguageRouter"""

        from haystack import connections, connection_router

        # A backend has been manually selected. Use it instead.
        if self._using is not None:
            self.query = connections[self._using].get_query()

        # No backend, so rely on the routers to figure out what's right.
        hints = {}

        if self.query:
            hints["models"] = self.query.models

        backend_alias = connection_router.for_read(**hints)

        if isinstance(backend_alias, (list, tuple)) and len(backend_alias):
            # We can only effectively read from one engine.
            backend_alias = backend_alias[0]

        # The ``SearchQuery`` might swap itself out for a different variant
        # here.
        if self.query:
            self.query = self.query.using(backend_alias)
            self.query = connections[backend_alias].get_query()
    def _determine_backend(self):
        # A backend has been manually selected. Use it instead.
        if self.using is not None:
            self.backend = connections[self.using].get_backend()

        # No backend, so rely on the routers to figure out what's right.
        hints = {'models': self.models}

        backend_alias = connection_router.for_read(**hints)

        self.backend = connections[backend_alias].get_backend()
    def _determine_backend(self):
        # A backend has been manually selected. Use it instead.
        if self._using is not None:
            self.query = connections[self._using].get_query()

        # No backend, so rely on the routers to figure out what's right.
        hints = {}

        if self.query:
            hints['models'] = self.query.models

        backend_alias = connection_router.for_read(**hints)

        # The ``SearchQuery`` might swap itself out for a different variant
        # here.
        if self.query:
            self.query = self.query.using(backend_alias)
            self.query = connections[backend_alias].get_query()
 def _determine_backend(self):
     # A backend has been manually selected. Use it instead.
     if self._using is not None:
         return self._using
     # No backend, so rely on the routers to figure out what's right.
     from haystack import connections
     hints = {}
     if self.query:
         hints['models'] = self.query.models
     backend_alias = connection_router.for_read(**hints)
     # The ``SearchQuery`` might swap itself out for a different variant
     # here.
     if self.query:
         self.query = self.query.using(backend_alias)
         self.query = connections[backend_alias].get_query()
def basic_search(source, target, language, start=0, rows=10, stopword_list=None):

    if language != 'latin':
        raise Exception('Only latin is supported for now. Sorry.')

    conn_alias = connection_router.for_read()
    if isinstance(conn_alias, (list, tuple)) and len(conn_alias):
        # We can only effectively read from one engine
        conn_alias = conn_alias[0]
    hs_info = settings.HAYSTACK_CONNECTIONS[conn_alias]
    solr_url = hs_info['URL']

    get_params = {
        'wt': 'python', # bitchin
        'tess.sq': 'volume_id:{0}'.format(source.id),
        'tess.sf': 'text',
        'tess.sfl': 'volume,author,text,title',
        'tess.tq': 'volume_id:{0}'.format(target.id),
        'tess.tf': 'text',
        'tess.tfl': 'volume,author,text,title',
        'start': str(start),
        'rows': str(rows)

    if stopword_list is not None:
        if _is_sequence(stopword_list):
            stopword_list = ','.join(stopword_list)
        elif not isinstance(stopword_list, (str, unicode)):
            raise ValueError('invalid type for stopword_list, expected a string or something iterable')
        get_params['tess.sl'] = str(stopword_list)

    response = requests.get(COMPARE_URL.format(solr_url), params=get_params)

    # This couldn't possibly be abused... cough
    return eval(str(response.text))
def is_whoosh_backend():
    backend_alias = connection_router.for_read()

    return connections[backend_alias].__class__.__name__ == "WhooshEngine"