 def searchStructure(self, structType='sslsnoop.ctypes_openssh.session_state'):
   return size of structure and list of addresses and values )
   from haystack import abouchet
   import ctypes
   #import sslsnoop #?
   # DEBUG stop at the first instance, lazy me  
   instances = abouchet.searchIn(structType, mappings=self.mappings, targetMappings=[self.mapping], maxNum=1)
   if len(instances) > 0:
     log.debug('received %d struct of size %d'%(len(instances),len(instances[0][0])))
   # init graphical element
   resultsViewer = searchinfoview.SearchInfoView(self.scene, QtCore.Qt.green, withDetails=True, parent=self.tab_search_structures)
   for value, addr in instances:
     offset = addr - self.mapping.start
     #instanceList.append(widgets.Structure( offset, value, color=QtCore.Qt.green, scene=self.scene))
     log.debug('the value is an %s'%type(value) )
     resultsViewer.addResult( offset, value, color=QtCore.Qt.green)
   # fill the scene
   log.debug('Found %d instances'%(len(instances)) )
   ## make the toolbox title and add the widget
   searchName = 'Results for %s'%(structType)
   self.tab_search_structures.addItem(resultsViewer, searchName)
   nb = self.tab_search_structures.count()
   ##self.tab_search_structures.setItemEnabled(nb-1, True)
   return instances
 def search_regexp(self, regexp, searchName, color=QtCore.Qt.black):
   reSearcher = signature.RegexpSearcher(self.mapping, regexp)
   # add a entry into the tabView on the right so we can play with it more easily
   resultsViewer = searchinfoview.SearchInfoView(self.scene, color, parent=self.tab_search_structures)
   for addr, value in reSearcher:
     offset = addr-self.mapping.start
     # add item to viewer + graphicsScene
     it = resultsViewer.addResult( offset, value, color)
   self.tab_search_structures.addItem(resultsViewer, searchName)
   nb = self.tab_search_structures.count()
   self.tab_search_structures.setItemEnabled(nb-1, True)
   # resize 
   return res