def test_no_hosts_multiple_filters(mfs, mf_hosts): """When multiple filters have no intersection, we should get nothing""" hf = mfs.get(filters=[ Filter(account_numbers=['1122334']), Filter(canonical_facts={ 'insights_uuid': '11223344-5566-7788-99AA-BBCCDDEEFF11' }) ]) assert isinstance(hf, list) assert len(hf) == 0
def test_one_host_multiple_filters(mfs, mf_hosts): """ We should be able to get a single host by multiple filters on account facts. Separate filters AND together - intersection of sets. """ hf = mfs.get(filters=[ Filter(account_numbers=['1122334']), Filter(facts={'advisor': {'role': 'host'}}) ]) assert isinstance(hf, list) assert len(hf) == 1 assert hf[0].display_name == mf_hosts[2].display_name
def test_one_filter_takes_out_all_reverse_order(mfs, mf_hosts): """ If one filter matches something that doesn't exist, and there are multiple filters, we should still get nothing (multiple fact first) """ hf = mfs.get(filters=[ Filter(account_numbers=['1122334']), Filter(canonical_facts={ 'insights_uuid': '11223344-5566-7788-99AA-000000000000' }), ]) assert isinstance(hf, list) assert len(hf) == 0
def test_one_host_account_and_uuid(mfs, mf_hosts): """ We should be able to get a single host by multiple filters on facts and canonical_facts. """ hf = mfs.get(filters=[ Filter(account_numbers=['1234567']), Filter(canonical_facts={ 'insights_uuid': '11223344-5566-7788-99AA-BBCCDDEEFF11', }) ]) assert isinstance(hf, list) assert len(hf) == 1 assert hf[0].display_name == mf_hosts[1].display_name
def test_one_hosts_single_id(mfs, mf_hosts): """We should be able to get one host by a single filter on ID.""" hosts_added = mfs.get() hf = mfs.get(filters=[Filter(ids=[hosts_added[0].id])]) assert isinstance(hf, list) assert len(hf) == 1 assert hf[0].display_name in [h.display_name for h in mf_hosts]
def test_multiple_hosts_one_account(mfs, mf_hosts): """ We should be able to get multiple hosts by a single filter on account. """ hf = mfs.get(filters=[Filter(account_numbers=['1122334'])]) assert isinstance(hf, list) assert len(hf) == 2 # Hosts are returned in random order, so check sorted lists assert sorted(h.display_name for h in hf) == sorted(h.display_name for h in mf_hosts[2:4])
def test_one_host_one_fact(mfs): """ We should be able to get one host by a single filter on canonical fact. """ hf = mfs.get(filters=[ Filter(canonical_facts={ 'insights_uuid': '11223344-5566-7788-99AA-BBCCDDEEFF11' }) ]) assert isinstance(hf, list) assert len(hf) == 1
def test_multiple_hosts_and_facts_one_filter(mfs, mf_hosts): """ We should be able to get multiple hosts with a single filter that looks for two separate account facts. In the same filter, facts OR together - union of sets. """ hf = mfs.get(filters=[ Filter(facts={'advisor': {'role': 'manager'}}, account_numbers=['1122334']) ]) assert isinstance(hf, list) assert len(hf) == 3 # Hosts are returned in random order, so check sorted lists assert sorted(h.display_name for h in hf) == sorted(h.display_name for h in mf_hosts[1:4])
def test_update(service): host = Host({ "insights_id": "1234", "hostname": "" }) service.create_or_update([host]) host = Host({"hostname": ""}, facts={"advisor": { "cpu.count": "4" }}) def validate(ret): assert ret.facts["advisor"]["cpu.count"] == "4" assert ret.canonical_facts["hostname"] == "" assert ret.canonical_facts["insights_id"] == "1234" host = service.create_or_update([host])[0] validate(host) validate(service.get([Filter(ids=[])])[0])
def test_get_one(service, host_list): filters = Filter(ids=[service.create_or_update(host_list)[0].id]) assert len(service.get([filters])) == 1
def test_create_and_get(service, host_list): r = service.create_or_update(host_list) ret_hosts = service.get([Filter(ids=[r[0].id])]) assert len(ret_hosts) == 1
def test_get_tag(service): tags = {"ns": {"env": "prod"}} h = Host({"insights_id": "a"}, tags=tags) service.create_or_update([h]) r = service.get([Filter(tags=tags)]) assert len(r) == 1
def test_get_fact(service): facts = {"ns": {"host": "test"}} h = Host({"insights_id": "a"}, facts=facts) service.create_or_update([h]) r = service.get([Filter(facts=facts)]) assert len(r) == 1