def avg_correlation(ts_files, thr=None):

    import numpy as np
    import numexpr as ne
    import hcp_corr

    # make empty avg corr matrix
    get_size = np.load(ts_files[0]).shape[0]
    full_shape = (get_size, get_size)
    if np.mod((get_size**2-get_size),2)==0.0:
        avg_corr = np.zeros((get_size**2-get_size)/2)
        print 'size calculation no zero mod'

    count = 0
    for ts in ts_files:
        # load time series
        print '...load %s'%ts
        rest = np.load(ts)

        # calculate correlations matrix
        print '...corrcoef'
        corr = hcp_corr.corrcoef_upper(rest)
        # corr = np.corrcocoef(rest)
        del rest
        # get upper triangular only
        # corr = corr[np.triu_indices_from(corr, k=1)]

        # threshold / transform
        if thr == None:
            # r-to-z transform and add to avg
            print '...transform'
            avg_corr += ne.evaluate('arctanh(corr)')
            # threshold and add to avg
            print '...threshold'
            thr = np.percentile(corr, 100-thr)
            avg_corr[np.where(corr>thr)] += 1

        del corr
        count += 1

    # divide by number of sessions included
    print '...divide'
    avg_corr /= count
    # transform back if necessary
    if thr == None:
        print '...back transform'
        avg_corr = np.nan_to_num(ne.evaluate('tanh(avg_corr)'))

    return avg_corr, full_shape
def avg_correlation(ts_files, thr=None):
    Calculates average connectivity matrix using hcp_corr package for memory 
    optimization: https://github.com/NeuroanatomyAndConnectivity/hcp_corr
    # make empty avg corr matrix
    if type(ts_files[0]) == str:
        get_size = np.load(ts_files[0]).shape[0]
    elif type(ts_files[0]) == np.ndarray:
        get_size = ts_files[0].shape[0]

    full_shape = (get_size, get_size)
    if np.mod((get_size**2 - get_size), 2) == 0.0:
        avg_corr = np.zeros((get_size**2 - get_size) / 2)
        print 'size calculation no zero mod'

    count = 0
    for rest in ts_files:
        # load time series
        if type(rest) == str:
            rest = np.load(rest)
        elif type(rest) == np.ndarray:
        # calculate correlations matrix
        print '...corrcoef'
        corr = hcp_corr.corrcoef_upper(rest)
        del rest
        # threshold / transform
        if thr == None:
            # r-to-z transform and add to avg
            print '...transform'
            avg_corr += ne.evaluate('arctanh(corr)')
            # threshold and add to avg
            print '...threshold'
            thr = np.percentile(corr, 100 - thr)
            avg_corr[np.where(corr > thr)] += 1
        del corr
        count += 1
    # divide by number of sessions included
    print '...divide'
    avg_corr /= count
    # transform back if necessary
    if thr == None:
        print '...back transform'
        avg_corr = np.nan_to_num(ne.evaluate('tanh(avg_corr)'))

    return avg_corr, full_shape
def avg_correlation(ts_files, thr=None):
    Calculates average connectivity matrix using hcp_corr package for memory 
    optimization: https://github.com/NeuroanatomyAndConnectivity/hcp_corr
    # make empty avg corr matrix
    if type(ts_files[0])==str:
        get_size = np.load(ts_files[0]).shape[0]
    elif type(ts_files[0])==np.ndarray:
        get_size = ts_files[0].shape[0]
    full_shape = (get_size, get_size)
    if np.mod((get_size**2-get_size),2)==0.0:
        avg_corr = np.zeros((get_size**2-get_size)/2)
        print 'size calculation no zero mod'

    count = 0
    for rest in ts_files:
        # load time series
        if type(rest)==str:
            rest = np.load(rest)
        elif type(rest)==np.ndarray:
        # calculate correlations matrix
        print '...corrcoef'
        corr = hcp_corr.corrcoef_upper(rest)
        del rest
        # threshold / transform
        if thr == None:
            # r-to-z transform and add to avg
            print '...transform'
            avg_corr += ne.evaluate('arctanh(corr)')
            # threshold and add to avg
            print '...threshold'
            thr = np.percentile(corr, 100-thr)
            avg_corr[np.where(corr>thr)] += 1
        del corr
        count += 1
    # divide by number of sessions included
    print '...divide'
    avg_corr /= count
    # transform back if necessary
    if thr == None:
        print '...back transform'
        avg_corr = np.nan_to_num(ne.evaluate('tanh(avg_corr)'))

    return avg_corr, full_shape
def avg_correlation(ts_files, thr=None):
    Calculates average connectivity matrix using hcp_corr package for memory
    optimization: https://github.com/NeuroanatomyAndConnectivity/hcp_corr
    # make empty avg corr matrix
    img0 = np.load(ts_files[0])
    get_size = img0.shape[1]
    del img0

    full_shape = (get_size, get_size)
    if np.mod((get_size**2-get_size), 2) == 0.0:
        avg_corr = np.zeros(int((get_size**2-get_size)/2))
        print('size calculation no zero mod')

    count = 0
    for rest in ts_files:

        # load time series
        rest = np.load(rest).T

        # calculate correlations matrix
        corr = hcp_corr.corrcoef_upper(rest)
        del rest

        # threshold / transform
        avg_corr += ne.evaluate('arctanh(corr)')
        del corr
        count += 1

    # divide by number of sessions included
    avg_corr /= count

    # transform back if necessary
    print('...back transform')
    avg_corr = np.nan_to_num(ne.evaluate('tanh(avg_corr)'))

    return avg_corr, full_shape
# list of all subjects as numpy array
subject_list = np.array(args.subject) # e.g. /ptmp/sbayrak/hcp/*

N = len(subject_list)

for i in range(0, N):
    subject = subject_list[i]
    print "do loop %d/%d, %s" % (i+1, N, subject)
    # load time-series matrix of the subject    
    K = hcp_corr.t_series(subject, hemisphere=args.hem, N_first=args.N_first,
    # get upper-triangular of correlation matrix of time-series as 1D array
    K = hcp_corr.corrcoef_upper(K)
    print "corrcoef data upper triangular shape: ", K.shape
#    # get the full corr matrix
#    N_orig = hcp_corr.N_original(K)
#    K.resize([N_orig, N_orig])
#    hcp_corr.upper_to_down(K)  

#    print "corrcoef data full matrix shape: ", K.shape

    # sum over all subjects 
    if i == 0:
        SUM = K
        SUM = ne.evaluate('SUM + K')
        full_shape=tuple((t1.shape[0], t1.shape[0]))

        if euclid:
            print 'euclid'
            t1_3_7_diff = sp.spatial.distance.pdist(t1[:,3:8], 'euclidean')
            f = h5py.File(euclid_file%('rh', '3_7'), 'w')
            f.create_dataset('upper', data=t1_3_7_diff)
            f.create_dataset('shape', data=full_shape)
            del t1_3_7_diff
        if corr:
            print 'corr'
            t1_3_7_corr = hcp_corr.corrcoef_upper(t1[:,3:8])
            f = h5py.File(corr_file%('rh', '3_7'), 'w')
            f.create_dataset('upper', data=t1_3_7_corr)
            f.create_dataset('shape', data=full_shape)
        if affinity:
            print 'chebychev'
            t1_3_7 = t1[:,3:8]
            coeff, poly = chebapprox(t1_3_7, degree=4)
            #coeff = t1.copy()
            print 'affinity'
            t1_3_7_affine = dist.compute_affinity(coeff, method=affine_method)
            t1_3_7_affine = t1_3_7_affine[np.triu_indices_from(t1_3_7_affine, k=1)]
            f = h5py.File(affinity_file, 'w')
            f.create_dataset('upper', data=t1_3_7_affine)
	matrix = masking.apply_mask(rest, mask)
	matrix = matrix.T
	cnt_zeros = 0 
	for i in range(0, matrix.shape[0]):
		if np.count_nonzero(matrix[i, :]) == 0:
			cnt_zeros += 1
	return cnt_zeros, matrix

#### Step 1, get all connectivity matrices of given subject #########
corr_All = []

for image_rest in glob.glob(data_dir + '/' + subject_id + '*' +
                      '/preprocessed/func/' +
                      'rest_preprocessed2mni_sm.nii.gz' ):
    [voxel_zeros, t_series] = mask_check(image_rest, image_mask)
    corr_upper = corrcoef_upper(t_series) 
    N_orig     = N_original(corr_upper)
    corr_upper.resize([N_orig, N_orig])
    corr       = upper_to_down(corr_upper)
    print image_rest, corr.shape

corr_All = np.array(corr_All)
corr_All = corr_All.T
print 'input data size...', corr_All.shape

##### Step 2, get concordance value per voxel ########################

W_voxels     = [] 
p_voxels     = []
Fdist_voxels = []