child_frame, parent_frame) sleeper.sleep() thread.start_new_thread(spin_pub, ()) def open_frac(th): thmax = 33 return th/thmax; if __name__ == '__main__': demo_num = 6 freq = 30. data_dir = os.getenv('HD_DATA_DIR') #if data_dir is None: bag = rosbag.Bag(hd_path + '/hd_data/demos/recorded/demo'+str(demo_num)+'.bag') #else: # bag = rosbag.Bag(osp.join(data_dir,'demos/recorded/demo'+str(demo_num)+'.bag')) rospy.init_node('process_pc') ## get the point-cloud stream pc1_strm = streamize_pc(bag, '/camera1/depth_registered/points', freq) pc2_strm = streamize_pc(bag, '/camera2/depth_registered/points', freq) pc = None while pc is None: pc = print type(pc)
def rviz_kalman(demo_dir, bag_file, data_file, calib_file, freq, use_rgbd, use_smoother, use_spline, customized_shift, single_camera): ''' For rgbd, data_file and bag_file are redundant Otherwise, demo_dir is redundant ''' if use_rgbd: bag_file = osp.join(demo_dir, 'demo.bag') rgbd1_dir = osp.join(demo_dir, 'camera_#1') rgbd2_dir = osp.join(demo_dir, 'camera_#2') data_file = osp.join(demo_dir, '') bag = rosbag.Bag(bag_file) else: bag = rosbag.Bag(bag_file) dat = cp.load(open(data_file)) grippers = dat.keys() pub = rospy.Publisher('/point_cloud1', PointCloud2) pub2= rospy.Publisher('/point_cloud2', PointCloud2) c1_tfm_pub = {} c2_tfm_pub = {} hydra_tfm_pub = {} T_filt = {} ang_strm = {} ar1_strm = {} ar2_strm = {} hy_strm = {} smooth_hy = {} ## publishers for unfiltered-data: for lr in grippers: c1_tfm_pub[lr] = rospy.Publisher('/%s_ar1_estimate'%(lr), PoseStamped) c2_tfm_pub[lr] = rospy.Publisher('/%s_ar2_estimate'%(lr), PoseStamped) hydra_tfm_pub[lr] = rospy.Publisher('/%s_hydra_estimate'%(lr), PoseStamped) _, _, _, ar1_strm[lr], ar2_strm[lr], hy_strm = relative_time_streams(data_file, lr, freq, single_camera) ## run the kalman filter: nsteps, tmin, F_means, S,A,R = run_kalman_filter(data_file, lr, freq, use_spline, True, single_camera) ## run the kalman smoother: S_means, _ = smoother(A, R, F_means, S) X_kf = np.array(F_means) X_kf = np.reshape(X_kf, (X_kf.shape[0], X_kf.shape[1])).T X_ks = np.array(S_means) X_ks = np.reshape(X_ks, (X_ks.shape[0], X_ks.shape[1])).T # Shifting between filter and smoother: if customized_shift != None: shift = customized_shift else: shift = correlation_shift(X_kf, X_ks) X_ks = np.roll(X_ks,shift,axis=1) X_ks[:,:shift] = X_ks[:,shift][:,None] if use_smoother: T_filt[lr] = state_to_hmat(list(X_ks.T)) else: T_filt[lr] = state_to_hmat(list(X_kf.T)) ## load the potentiometer-angle stream: pot_data = cp.load(open(data_file))[lr]['pot_angles'] ang_ts = np.array([tt[1] for tt in pot_data]) ## time-stamps ang_vals = [tt[0] for tt in pot_data] ## angles # plt.plot(ang_vals) # ang_vals = [0*open_frac(x) for x in ang_vals] ang_strm[lr] = streamize(ang_vals, ang_ts, freq, lambda x : x[-1], tmin) if use_spline: smooth_hy[lr] = (t for t in fit_spline_to_stream(hy_strm, nsteps)) else: smooth_hy[lr] = hy_strm ## get the point-cloud stream cam1_frame_id = '/camera1_rgb_optical_frame' cam2_frame_id = '/camera2_rgb_optical_frame' if use_rgbd: pc1_strm = streamize_rgbd_pc(rgbd1_dir, cam1_frame_id, freq, tmin) if single_camera: pc2_strm = streamize_rgbd_pc(None, cam2_frame_id, freq, tmin) else: pc2_strm = streamize_rgbd_pc(rgbd2_dir, cam2_frame_id, freq, tmin) else: pc1_strm = streamize_pc(bag, '/camera1/depth_registered/points', freq, tmin) if single_camera: pc2_strm = streamize_pc(bag, None, freq, tmin) else: pc2_strm = streamize_pc(bag, '/camera2/depth_registered/points', freq, tmin) ## get the relative-transforms between the cameras: cam_tfm = get_cam_transform(calib_file) publish_static_tfm(cam1_frame_id, cam2_frame_id, cam_tfm) ## frame of the filter estimate: sleeper = rospy.Rate(freq) T_far = np.eye(4) T_far[0:3,3] = [10,10,10] handles = [] prev_ang = {'l': 0, 'r': 0} for i in xrange(nsteps): #raw_input("Hit next when ready.") print "Kalman ts: ", tmin+(0.0+i)/freq ## show the point-cloud: found_pc = False try: pc = if pc is not None: print "pc1 ts:", pc.header.stamp.to_sec() pc.header.stamp = pub.publish(pc) found_pc = True else: print "pc1 ts:",None except StopIteration: print "pc1 ts: finished" #print "no more point-clouds" pass try: pc2 = if pc2 is not None: #print "pc2 not none" print "pc2 ts:", pc2.header.stamp.to_sec() pc2.header.stamp = pub2.publish(pc2) found_pc = True else: print "pc2 ts:", None except StopIteration: print "pc2 ts: finished" pass ang_vals = [] T_filt_lr = [] for lr in grippers: ang_val = soft_next(ang_strm[lr]) if ang_val != None: prev_ang[lr] = ang_val ang_val = ang_val else: ang_val = prev_ang[lr] ang_vals.append(ang_val) T_filt_lr.append(T_filt[lr][i]) handles = draw_trajectory(cam1_frame_id, T_filt_lr, color=(1,1,0,1), open_fracs=ang_vals) # draw un-filtered estimates: for lr in grippers: ar1_est = soft_next(ar1_strm[lr]) if ar1_est != None: c1_tfm_pub[lr].publish(pose_to_stamped_pose(hmat_to_pose(ar1_est), cam1_frame_id)) else: c1_tfm_pub[lr].publish(pose_to_stamped_pose(hmat_to_pose(T_far), cam1_frame_id)) ar2_est = soft_next(ar2_strm[lr]) if ar2_est != None: c2_tfm_pub[lr].publish(pose_to_stamped_pose(hmat_to_pose(ar2_est), cam1_frame_id)) else: c2_tfm_pub[lr].publish(pose_to_stamped_pose(hmat_to_pose(T_far), cam1_frame_id)) hy_est = soft_next(smooth_hy[lr]) if hy_est != None: hydra_tfm_pub[lr].publish(pose_to_stamped_pose(hmat_to_pose(hy_est), cam1_frame_id)) else: hydra_tfm_pub[lr].publish(pose_to_stamped_pose(hmat_to_pose(T_far), cam1_frame_id)) sleeper.sleep()