def delete_demo(demo_type, demo_name):
    assert demo_type != '', 'DEMO TYPE needs to be valid.'
    assert demo_name != '', 'DEMO NAME needs to be valid.'
    demo_type_dir = osp.join(demo_files_dir, demo_type)
    demo_dir= osp.join(demo_type_dir, demo_name)
    if not osp.exists(demo_dir):
        redprint('%s does not exist! Invalid demo.'%demo_dir)
    yellowprint('This cannot be undone!')
    if not yes_or_no('Are you still sure you want to delete %s?'%demo_name):
    # If it was the last demo recorded, update the latest_demo.txt file
    # Otherwise don't bother
    latest_demo_file = osp.join(demo_type_dir, latest_demo_name)
    with open(latest_demo_file,'r') as fh: demo_num = int(
    if demo_name == demo_names.base_name%demo_num:
        with open(latest_demo_file,'w') as fh: fh.write(str(demo_num-1))
    # Delete contents of demo_dir
    # Update master_file
    master_file = osp.join(demo_type_dir, master_name)
    with open(master_file,"r") as fh: master_lines = fh.readlines()
    fh = open(master_file,"w")
    for line in master_lines:
      if demo_name not in line: fh.write(line)
def load_data(data_file, lr, freq=30.0):

    with open(data_file, 'r') as f:
        dat = cp.load(f)

    demo_dir    = osp.dirname(data_file)
    cam_types   = get_cam_types(demo_dir)
    T_cam2hbase = dat['T_cam2hbase']
    cam_tmin = float('inf')
    cam_info = {}
    for kname in dat[lr].keys():
        if 'cam' in kname:
            if kname != 'camera1': continue
            tfs = [tt[0] for tt in dat[lr][kname]]
            ts  = [tt[1] for tt in dat[lr][kname]]
            #ctype_name = int(kname[-1])
            ## don't append any empty-streams:
            if len(ts) > 0:
                cam_strm = streamize(tfs, ts, freq, avg_transform)#, tstart=-1./freq)
                cam_info[kname] = {'type'   : cam_types[kname],
                                   'stream' : cam_strm}
                cam_tmin = min(ts[0], cam_tmin)

    ## hydra data:
    hydra_tfs = [tt[0] for tt in dat[lr]['hydra']]     
    hydra_ts  = np.array([tt[1] for tt in dat[lr]['hydra']])
    if abs(cam_tmin - hydra_ts[0]) > 1000:
        hydra_ts += (cam_tmin - hydra_ts[0])
    if len(hydra_ts) <= 0:
        redprint("ERROR : No hydra data found in : %s"%(osp.basename(data_file)))
    hydra_strm = streamize(hydra_tfs, hydra_ts, freq, avg_transform)#, tstart=-1./freq)

    ## potentiometer angles:
    pot_vals = np.array([tt[0] for tt in dat[lr]['pot_angles']])
    pot_ts   = np.array([tt[1] for tt in dat[lr]['pot_angles']])
    print cam_tmin, pot_ts[0]
    if abs(cam_tmin - pot_ts[0]) > 1000:
        pot_ts += (cam_tmin - pot_ts[0])
    if len(pot_ts) <= 0:
        redprint("ERROR : No potentiometer data found in : %s"%(osp.basename(data_file)))
    pot_strm = streamize(pot_vals, pot_ts, freq, np.mean)#, tstart=-1./freq)
    print hydra_ts[0], pot_ts[0]

    return (T_cam2hbase, cam_info, hydra_strm, pot_strm)
def align_tf_streams(hydra_strm, cam_strm, wsize=0):
    Calculates the time-offset b/w the camera and hydra transform streams.
    It uses a hydra-stream because it is full -- it has no missing data-points.

      --> If that is not the case, first fit a spline to the hydra stream and then call this function.

    WSIZE : is the window-size to search in : 
            This function gives the:
                argmin_{s \in [-wsize, ..,0,..., wsize]} dist(hydra_stream, cam_stream(t+s))
                where, dist is the euclidean norm (l2 norm).

    NOTE : (1) It uses only the position variables for distance calculations.
           (2) Further assumes that the two streams are on the same time-scale.       
    Xs_hy    = []
    Xs_cam   = []
    cam_inds = []
    idx = 0

    ## pre-empt if the stream is small:
    if len(cam_strm.get_data()[0]) <= wsize:
        return 0

    for tfm in cam_strm:
        if tfm != None:
        idx += 1

    for hydra_tfm in hydra_strm:   
        if hydra_tfm != None:
            #redprint("None hydra tfm!")
            if len(Xs_hy) > 0:

    ## chop-off wsized data from the start and end of the camera-data:
    start_idx, end_idx = 0, len(Xs_cam)-1
    while cam_inds[start_idx] < wsize and start_idx < len(Xs_cam) : start_idx += 1
    while cam_inds[end_idx] >= len(Xs_hy) - wsize and end_idx >= 0: end_idx -= 1

    dists    = []
    cam_inds = np.array(cam_inds[start_idx:end_idx+1])
    Xs_cam   = np.array(Xs_cam[start_idx:end_idx+1])
    Xs_hy    = np.array(Xs_hy)
    for shift in xrange(-wsize, wsize+1):
        dists.append(np.linalg.norm(Xs_hy[shift + cam_inds] - Xs_cam))

    shift = xrange(-wsize, wsize+1)[np.argmin(dists)]
    redprint("\t stream time-alignment shift is : %d (= %0.3f seconds)"%(shift,hydra_strm.dt*shift))
    return shift
def load_data(data_file, lr, freq=30.0, speed=1.0, hydra_only=False):
    Changed slightly from the one in demo_data_prep to include speed.
    with open(data_file, 'r') as f:
        dat = cp.load(f)

    demo_dir    = osp.dirname(data_file)
    with open(osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.camera_types_name),'r') as fh: cam_types = yaml.load(fh)
    T_cam2hbase = dat['T_cam2hbase']

    if not hydra_only:
        cam_info = {}
        for kname in dat[lr].keys():
            if 'cam' in kname:
                tfs = [tt[0] for tt in dat[lr][kname]]
                ts  = [tt[1] for tt in dat[lr][kname]]
                ctype_name = int(kname[-1])
                ## we will add empty stream
                cam_strm = streamize(tfs, ts, freq, avg_transform, speed=speed)#, tstart=-1./freq)
                cam_info[ctype_name] = {'type'   : cam_types[ctype_name],
                                        'stream' : cam_strm}

    ## hydra data:
    hydra_tfs = [tt[0] for tt in dat[lr]['hydra']]     
    hydra_ts  = np.array([tt[1] for tt in dat[lr]['hydra']])

    if len(hydra_ts) <= 0:
        redprint("ERROR : No hydra data found in : %s"%(osp.basename(data_file)))
    hydra_strm = streamize(hydra_tfs, hydra_ts, freq, avg_transform, speed=speed)#, tstart=-1./freq)

    ## potentiometer angles:
    pot_vals = np.array([tt[0] for tt in dat[lr]['pot_angles']])
    pot_ts   = np.array([tt[1] for tt in dat[lr]['pot_angles']])
    if len(pot_ts) <= 0:
        redprint("ERROR : No potentiometer data found in : %s"%(osp.basename(data_file)))
    pot_strm = streamize(pot_vals, pot_ts, freq, np.mean, speed=speed)#, tstart=-1./freq)

    if not hydra_only:
        return (T_cam2hbase, cam_info, hydra_strm, pot_strm)
        return (T_cam2hbase, hydra_strm, pot_strm)
def segment_streams(ann_dat, strms, time_shifts, demo_dir, base_stream='camera1'):
    Segments a list of streams based on the timings in the annotation file
    and the time-shift data.

    STRMS      : A list of streams
    TIME_SHIFT : A dictionary of time-shifts applied to the streams wrt to the raw streams
    DEMO_DIR   : The demo-directory : used to get the annotation file
    BASE_STRM  : The stream relative to which the annotation times are specified

    RETURNS : a list of list of streams. len(list) == number of segments
              start_times: the shifted segment start times
    if base_stream not in time_shifts.keys():
        redprint("Cannot segment streams. Base time shift data is missing for : %s"%base_stream)
    n_segs = len(ann_dat)
    start_times = np.array([seg_info['look']+time_shifts[base_stream] for seg_info in ann_dat])
    stop_times  = np.array([seg_info['stop']+time_shifts[base_stream] for seg_info in ann_dat])
    nsteps      = map(int, (stop_times - start_times) / strms[0].dt) 
    print start_times
    strm_segs = []
    for strm in strms:
        strm_segs.append(segment_stream(strm, start_times, stop_times))

    out_segs = []
    for i in xrange(n_segs):
        if ann_dat[i]['name'] == 'done':
        si = []
        for n in xrange(len(strms)):
    return out_segs, nsteps, start_times
        if args.prompt_delete and yes_or_no('Do you want to delete %s?'%args.demo_name):
            delete_demo(args.demo_type, args.demo_name)
        first = args.first
        last = args.last
        demo_type_dir = osp.join(demo_files_dir, args.demo_type)
        if args.last == -1:
            latest_demo_file = osp.join(demo_type_dir, latest_demo_name)
            if osp.isfile(latest_demo_file):
                with open(latest_demo_file,'r') as fh:
                    last = int( + 1
                redprint("No demos!")

        for i in xrange (first, last+1):
            demo_name = demo_names.base_name%i
            demo_dir = osp.join(demo_files_dir, args.demo_type, demo_name)
            if osp.exists(demo_dir):
                if args.prompt:
                    raw_input('Hit enter for %s.'%demo_name)
                yellowprint("Visualizing: %s"%demo_name)
                if args.use_traj:
                    view_tracking_on_rviz(demo_type=args.demo_type, demo_name=demo_name, tps_model_fname=args.tps_fname,
                                          freq=args.freq, speed=args.speed, 
                                          use_smoother=args.use_smoother, prompt=args.prompt, verbose=args.verbose)
                    if args.hydra_only:
def plan_follow_traj(

    n_steps = len(new_hmats)
    assert old_traj.shape[0] == n_steps
    assert old_traj.shape[1] == 7

    arm_inds = robot.GetManipulator(manip_name).GetArmIndices()

    ee_linkname = ee_link.GetName()

    init_traj = old_traj.copy()
    # init_traj[0] = robot.GetDOFValues(arm_inds)
    end_pose = openravepy.poseFromMatrix(new_hmats[-1])

    request = {
        "basic_info": {"n_steps": n_steps, "manip": manip_name, "start_fixed": False},
        "costs": [
            {"type": "joint_vel", "params": {"coeffs": [n_steps / 5.0]}},
            {"type": "collision", "params": {"coeffs": [1], "dist_pen": [0.01]}},
        "constraints": [],
        "init_info": {"type": "given_traj", "data": [x.tolist() for x in init_traj]},

    request["costs"] += [
        {"type": "collision", "name": "cont_coll", "params": {"coeffs": [50], "dist_pen": [0.05]}},
        {"type": "collision", "name": "col", "params": {"continuous": False, "coeffs": [20], "dist_pen": [0.02]}},

    # impose that the robot goes to final ee tfm at last ts
    # the constraint works only when the arm is the 'grasp' arm; otherwise only cost is added

    # if end_pose_constraint or not is_fake_motion(new_hmats, 0.1):
    # hack to avoid missing grasp
    if rope_cloud != None:
        closest_point = find_closest_point(rope_cloud, end_pose[4:7])
        dist = np.linalg.norm(end_pose[4:7] - closest_point)
        if dist > rope_constraint_thresh and dist < 0.05:
            end_pose[4:7] = closest_point
            redprint("grasp hack is active, dist = %f" % dist)
            blueprint("grasp hack is inactive, dist = %f" % dist)
        # raw_input()

    request["constraints"] += [
            "type": "pose",
            "params": {
                "xyz": end_pose[4:7].tolist(),
                "wxyz": end_pose[0:4].tolist(),
                "link": ee_linkname,
                "pos_coeffs": [100, 100, 100],
                "rot_coeffs": [10, 10, 10],

    poses = [openravepy.poseFromMatrix(hmat) for hmat in new_hmats]

    for (i_step, pose) in enumerate(poses):
                "type": "pose",
                "params": {
                    "xyz": pose[4:7].tolist(),
                    "wxyz": pose[0:4].tolist(),
                    "link": ee_linkname,
                    "timestep": i_step,
                    "pos_coeffs": [100, 100, 100],
                    "rot_coeffs": [10, 10, 10],

    s = json.dumps(request)
    prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, robot.GetEnv())  # create object that stores optimization problem
    result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)  # do optimization
    traj = result.GetTraj()

    saver = openravepy.RobotStateSaver(robot)
    pos_errs = []
    with saver:
        for i_step in xrange(1, n_steps):
            row = traj[i_step]
            robot.SetDOFValues(row, arm_inds)
            tf = ee_link.GetTransform()
            pos = tf[:3, 3]
            pos_err = np.linalg.norm(poses[i_step][4:7] - pos)
    pos_errs = np.array(pos_errs)
    print "planned trajectory for %s. max position error: %.3f. all position errors: %s" % (

    return traj
def plan_fullbody(

    collision_free = True
    for part_name in new_hmats_by_bodypart:
        n_steps = len(new_hmats_by_bodypart[part_name])

    state = np.random.RandomState(None)

    init_dofs = []
    if "base" in old_traj_by_bodypart.keys():
        if "rightarm" in old_traj_by_bodypart.keys():
            init_dofs += old_traj_by_bodypart["rightarm"].tolist()
            init_dofs += robot.GetDOFValues(robot.GetManipulator("rightarm").GetArmIndices()).tolist()
        if "leftarm" in old_traj_by_bodypart.keys():
            init_dofs += old_traj_by_bodypart["leftarm"].tolist()
            init_dofs += robot.GetDOFValues(robot.GetManipulator("leftarm").GetArmIndices()).tolist()

        init_dofs += old_traj_by_bodypart["base"]
        arm_dofs = []
        if "rightarm" in old_traj_by_bodypart.keys():
            arm_dofs = old_traj_by_bodypart["rightarm"]
        if "leftarm" in old_traj_by_bodypart.keys():
            arm_dofs = np.c_[arm_dofs, old_traj_by_bodypart["leftarm"]]
        init_dofs = arm_dofs

        if allow_base:
            x, y, rot = mat_to_base_pose(robot.GetTransform())
            base_dofs = np.c_[x, y, rot]
            init_dofs = np.c_[init_dofs, np.repeat(base_dofs, init_dofs.shape[0], axis=0)]

        init_dofs = init_dofs.tolist()

    bodyparts = new_hmats_by_bodypart.keys()
    if "base" in bodyparts:  # problem
        bodyparts += ["rightarm", "leftarm"]
    elif allow_base:

    costs = []
    constraints = []
    if "base" in bodyparts:
        if old_traj_by_bodypart is None:
            raise Exception("Base motion planning must have init_dofs")

        n_dofs = len(init_dofs[0])
        cost_coeffs = n_dofs * [5]
        cost_coeffs[-1] = 500
        cost_coeffs[-2] = 500
        cost_coeffs[-3] = 500

        joint_vel_cost = {"type": "joint_vel", "params": {"coeffs": cost_coeffs}}


        joint_vel_cost = {
            "type": "joint_vel",  # joint-space velocity cost
            "params": {"coeffs": [5]},  # a list of length one is automatically expanded to a list of length n_dofs

    for manip, poses in new_hmats_by_bodypart.items():
        if manip == "rightarm":
            link = "r_gripper_tool_frame"
        elif manip == "leftarm":
            link = "l_gripper_tool_frame"
        elif manip == "base":
            link = "base_footprint"

        if manip in ["rightarm", "leftarm"]:
            if not end_pose_constraints[manip] and is_fake_motion(poses, 0.1):

        if manip in ["rightarm", "leftarm"]:
            if end_pose_constraints[manip] or not is_fake_motion(poses, 0.1):
                end_pose = openravepy.poseFromMatrix(poses[-1])

                if rope_cloud != None:
                    closest_point = find_closest_point(rope_cloud, end_pose[4:7])
                    dist = np.linalg.norm(end_pose[4:7] - closest_point)
                    if dist > rope_constraint_thresh and dist < 0.2:
                        end_pose[4:7] = closest_point
                        redprint("grasp hack is active, dist = %f" % dist)

                        "type": "pose",
                        "params": {
                            "xyz": end_pose[4:7].tolist(),
                            "wxyz": end_pose[0:4].tolist(),
                            "link": link,
                            "pos_coeffs": [10, 10, 10],
                            "rot_coeffs": [10, 10, 10],

        poses = [openravepy.poseFromMatrix(hmat) for hmat in poses]

        for t, pose in enumerate(poses):
                    "type": "pose",
                    "params": {
                        "xyz": pose[4:].tolist(),
                        "wxyz": pose[:4].tolist(),
                        "link": link,
                        "pos_coeffs": [20, 20, 20],
                        "rot_coeffs": [20, 20, 20],
                        "timestep": t,

    traj, total_cost = generate_traj(robot, env, costs, constraints, n_steps, init_dofs, collision_free)
    bodypart_traj = traj_to_bodypart_traj(traj, bodyparts)

    # Do multi init if base planning
    if "base" in bodypart_traj and not allow_base:
        waypoint_step = (n_steps - 1) // 2
        env_min, env_max = get_environment_limits(env, robot)
        current_dofs = robot.GetActiveDOFValues().tolist()
        waypoint_dofs = list(current_dofs)

        MAX_INITS = 10
        n = 0
        while True:
            collisions = get_traj_collisions(bodypart_traj, robot)
            if collisions == []:

        n += 1
        if n > MAX_INITS:
            print "Max base multi init limit hit!"
            return bodypart_traj, total_cost  # return arbitrary traj with collisions

        print "Base planning failed! Trying random init. Iteration {} of {}".format(n, MAX_INITS)

        # randomly sample x, y within env limits + some padding to accommodate robot
        padding = 5.0
        env_min_x = env_min[0] - padding
        env_min_y = env_min[1] - padding
        env_max_x = env_max[0] + padding
        env_max_y = env_max[1] + padding

        waypoint_x = state.uniform(env_min_x, env_max_x)
        waypoint_y = state.uniform(env_min_y, env_max_y)

        waypoint_dofs[-3] = waypoint_x
        waypoint_dofs[-2] = waypoint_y

        init_data = np.empty((n_steps, robot.GetActiveDOF()))
        init_data[: waypoint_step + 1] = mu.linspace2d(current_dofs, waypoint_dofs, waypoint_step + 1)
        init_data[waypoint_step:] = mu.linspace2d(waypoint_dofs, init_dofs, n_steps - waypoint_step)

        traj, total_cost = generate_traj(robot, env, costs, constraints, n_steps, collision_free, init_dofs, init_data)
        bodypart_traj = traj_to_bodypart_traj(traj, bodyparts)

    return bodypart_traj, total_cost