def parse_single_entity_xml(self, xml, id, locale=None):
		Parse a single Entity tag
		If the locale argument is set, read it as single-locale.
		Otherwise, read it as merged-locales.
        entity = cardxml.CardXML(id)
        entity.version = int(xml.attrib["version"])
        self.entity_strings[id] = {k: {} for k in entity.strings}

        for e in xml:
            if e.tag == "Tag":
                tag = GameTag(int(e.attrib["enumID"]))
                if e.attrib["type"] == "String":
                    if locale:
                        self.entity_strings[id][tag][locale] = e.text
                        for loc in e:
                            self.entity_strings[id][tag][loc.tag] = loc.text
                    value = int(e.attrib["value"])
                    entity.tags[tag] = value
            elif e.tag == "ReferencedTag":
                tag = GameTag(int(e.attrib["enumID"]))
                value = int(e.attrib["value"])
                entity.referenced_tags[tag] = value
            elif e.tag == "MasterPower":
                entity.master_power = e.text.strip()
            elif e.tag == "Power":
                power = cardxml._read_power_tag(e)
            elif e.tag == "EntourageCard":
                card_id = e.attrib.pop("cardID")
                if not card_id:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Missing cardID on EntourageCard for entity %r" %
                if e.attrib:
                    raise NotImplementedError("EntourageCard attributes: %r" %
            elif e.tag == "TriggeredPowerHistoryInfo":
                effect_index = e.attrib.pop("effectIndex")
                show_in_history = string_to_bool(e.attrib.pop("showInHistory"))
                if e.attrib:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "TriggeredPowerHistoryInfo attributes: %r" %
                raise NotImplementedError("Unhandled tag: %r" % (e.tag))

        self.entities[id] = entity
    def merge(id, card, cardscript=None):
		Find the xmlcard and the card definition of \a id
		Then return a merged class of the two
        if card is None:
            card = cardxml.CardXML(id)

        if cardscript is None:
            cardscript = get_script_definition(id)

        if cardscript:
            card.scripts = type(id, (cardscript, ), {})
            card.scripts = type(id, (), {})

        scriptnames = ("activate", "combo", "deathrattle", "draw", "inspire",
                       "play", "enrage", "update", "powered_up", "outcast",

        for script in scriptnames:
            actions = getattr(card.scripts, script, None)
            if actions is None:
                # Set the action by default to avoid runtime hasattr() calls
                setattr(card.scripts, script, [])
            elif not callable(actions):
                if not hasattr(actions, "__iter__"):
                    # Ensure the actions are always iterable
                    setattr(card.scripts, script, (actions, ))

        for script in ("events", "secret"):
            events = getattr(card.scripts, script, None)
            if events is None:
                setattr(card.scripts, script, [])
            elif not hasattr(events, "__iter__"):
                setattr(card.scripts, script, [events])

        if not hasattr(card.scripts, "cost_mod"):
            card.scripts.cost_mod = None

        if not hasattr(card.scripts, "Hand"):
            card.scripts.Hand = type("Hand", (), {})

        if not hasattr(card.scripts.Hand, "events"):
   = []

        if not hasattr(, "__iter__"):
   = []

        if not hasattr(card.scripts.Hand, "update"):
            card.scripts.Hand.update = ()

        if not hasattr(card.scripts.Hand.update, "__iter__"):
            card.scripts.Hand.update = (card.scripts.Hand.update, )

        # Set choose one cards
        if hasattr(cardscript, "choose"):
            card.choose_cards = cardscript.choose[:]
            card.choose_cards = []

        if hasattr(cardscript, "tags"):
            for tag, value in cardscript.tags.items():
                card.tags[tag] = value

        if hasattr(cardscript, "requirements"):
            card.powers.append({"requirements": cardscript.requirements})
            card.powers.append({"requirements": {}})

        if hasattr(cardscript, "entourage"):
            card.entourage = cardscript.entourage

        if hasattr(cardscript, "dormant"):
            card.dormant = cardscript.dormant
            card.dormant = 0

        return card
	def merge(id, card, cardscript=None):
		Find the xmlcard and the card definition of \a id
		Then return a merged class of the two
		if card is None:
			card = cardxml.CardXML(id)

		if cardscript is None:
			cardscript = get_script_definition(id)

		if cardscript:
			card.scripts = type(id, (cardscript, ), {})
			card.scripts = type(id, (), {})

		scriptnames = (
			"activate", "combo", "deathrattle", "draw", "inspire", "play",
			"enrage", "update", "powered_up"

		for script in scriptnames:
			actions = getattr(card.scripts, script, None)
			if actions is None:
				# Set the action by default to avoid runtime hasattr() calls
				setattr(card.scripts, script, [])
			elif not callable(actions):
				if not hasattr(actions, "__iter__"):
					# Ensure the actions are always iterable
					setattr(card.scripts, script, (actions, ))

		for script in ("events", "secret"):
			events = getattr(card.scripts, script, None)
			if events is None:
				setattr(card.scripts, script, [])
			elif not hasattr(events, "__iter__"):
				setattr(card.scripts, script, [events])

		if not hasattr(card.scripts, "cost_mod"):
			card.scripts.cost_mod = None

		#Setup Hand defaults
		CardDB.setup_zone_script_defaults(card, "Hand")
		#Setup Deck defaults
		CardDB.setup_zone_script_defaults(card, "Deck")
		#Setup Discard defaults
		CardDB.setup_zone_script_defaults(card, "Discard")

		# Set choose one cards
		if hasattr(cardscript, "choose"):
			card.choose_cards = cardscript.choose[:]
			card.choose_cards = []

		if hasattr(cardscript, "tags"):
			for tag, value in cardscript.tags.items():
				card.tags[tag] = value

		# Set some additional events based on the base tags...
		if card.poisonous:

		return card