def main(args, repo): if repo is None: repo = manager.resolve() with repo.lock: if len(args) == 0: import help as p_help p_help.main(["ignore"]) return 1 elif args[0] == "list": print "\n".join(repo.get_ignores()) elif args[0] == "remove": ignores = repo.get_ignores() for pattern in args[1:]: if not pattern in ignores: print 'Can\'t remove "%s" from ignores, not present' % pattern else: ignores.remove(pattern) repo.set_ignores(ignores) else: ignores = repo.get_ignores() ignores += args repo.set_ignores(ignores) return 0
def main(args, repo): if repo is None: repo = manager.resolve() with repo.lock: if len(args) == 0: import help as p_help p_help.main(['use']) return 1 if args[0] not in zip(*repo.list_snapshots())[0]: print 'Argument is not a snapshot name!' return 1 repo.restore(args[0]) return 0
def main(args, repo): if repo is None: repo = manager.resolve() with repo.lock: if len(args) == 0: import help as p_help p_help.main(['snap']) return 1 if args[0] in zip(*repo.list_snapshots())[0]: print 'There is already a snapshot named "%s"!' % args[0] return 1 repo.snapshot(args[0]) return 0
def main(args, repo): if repo is not None: import help as p_help p_help.main(['init']) return 1 try: manager.resolve() print 'No nested projects!' return 1 except Exception: pass if not any(not x.startswith('.') for x in os.listdir('.')): raise Exception('Not initializing empty directory!') ppath = os.environ['PWD'] phash = manager.shash(ppath) if len(args) < 1: args.append(raw_input("Give a name for this project: ")) #if len(args) < 2: # args.append(raw_input("Give the name of the executable for this project: ")) # TODO: validate names #try: # open(args[1]) #except: # print "Executable file doesn't exist!" # print 'it was "%s"' % args[1] # return 1 cfgdir = os.path.join(manager.PATH, phash) os.mkdir(cfgdir) os.symlink(cfgdir, os.path.join(manager.PATH, args[0])) os.mkdir(os.path.join(cfgdir, 'snapshots')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(cfgdir, 'config')) open(os.path.join(cfgdir, 'config/destination'), 'w').write(ppath) repo = manager.Project(cfgdir) with repo.lock: #repo.set_executable(args[1]) repo.set_ignores([]) repo.snapshot('original') return 0
def main(args): command = "" if len(args) > 1 : command = args[1] if command == "create": return create.main(args) elif command == "build": return build.main(args) else: return help.main(args)
def main(): # Help module controls that query and genbank are correctly provided and has a tutorial. query, Genbank = help.main() basename = os.path.basename( query) # We do not want the full path as the query name. # Results and Data directory are created if they do not exist. # Within them a directory with the basename of the query is created. # All the files will be saved to these directories. if not os.path.exists('Results'): os.mkdir('Results') if not os.path.exists('Results/' + str(basename)): os.mkdir('Results/' + str(basename)) if not os.path.exists('Data'): os.mkdir('Data') if not os.path.exists('Data/' + str(basename)): os.mkdir('Data/' + str(basename)) if not os.path.exists('Data/' + str(basename) + '/Queries'): os.mkdir('Data/' + str(basename) + '/Queries') # We check the query is in fasta format. If it is not, we end the execution. # If it is fasta, we create a separate fasta file for each sequence in the query. if fasta.is_it_fasta(query, basename): pass else: print("\n" + (query + ' is not fasta.').center(80)) print('Please check the format of your query_file.'.center(80) + "\n") try: os.rmdir('Results/' + str(basename)) # We delete this directory if it is empty. except: pass # If it is not empty we do not delete it. We do not want to delete previous analysis. shutil.rmtree( 'Data/' + str(basename) ) # We delete this directory which is not empty. We do not loose important information by deleting this directory. sys.exit() # We check the genbank file is in genbank format and do the same as with the query file. # If it is a genbank, this function gets al the protein sequences to make a multifasta. if gbk.is_it_genbank(Genbank, basename): pass else: print("\n" + (Genbank + ' is not a Genbank.').center(80)) print('Please check the format of your Genbank_file.'.center(80) + "\n") try: os.rmdir('Results/' + str(basename)) # We delete this empty directory. except: pass shutil.rmtree('Data/' + str(basename)) sys.exit() Data_Dir = 'Data/' + str(basename) subject = Data_Dir + '/gbk_fasta.fa' # Query and Genbank files and their metadata are copied to Data directory. shutil.copy2(query, Data_Dir) shutil.copy2(Genbank, Data_Dir) # We run the program for each sequence in the query. with os.scandir(Data_Dir + '/Queries') as it: for query_file in it: # First, we ask for the coverage and identity thresholds. coverage, identity = blaster.coverage_identity( new_query = Data_Dir + '/Queries/' + # We define the directories for the results. Results_Dir = 'Results/' + str( basename) + '/' + + '_Cov_' + str( coverage) + '_Id_' + str(identity) + '/' Results_Blast = Results_Dir + 'Blast/' Results_Prosite = Results_Dir + 'Prosite/' Results_Muscle = Results_Dir + 'Muscle/' # If they do not exist, we create them. if not os.path.exists(Results_Dir): os.mkdir(Results_Dir) if not os.path.exists(Results_Blast): os.mkdir(Results_Blast) if not os.path.exists(Results_Prosite): os.mkdir(Results_Prosite) if not os.path.exists(Results_Muscle): os.mkdir(Results_Muscle) Process_log = open(Results_Dir + 'Process.log', "w") Process_log.write(' Analysis for query: %s '.center(80, '*') % ( Process_log.close( ) # We close the log file because other functions are going to open it. ## BLAST analysis ## blaster.blaster(new_query, subject, coverage, identity, basename, results_dir=Results_Dir) # BLAST analysis. # We continue with the analysis if at least one homologue is found for the criteria indicated. if len(open(Results_Blast + 'Blast_result.tsv').readlines() ) > 1: # The first row of the file is the header. plots.blast_plot('Blast_result.tsv', Results_Blast, identity) Hits = blaster.blaster_hits( Results_Blast + 'Blast_result.tsv') # List containing all the hits_ids. fasta.seq_from_id( subject, Hits ) # We get the hit sequences from the genbank converted to fasta. # We add the queries to the hits to have all the proteins together for the subsequent analyses. fasta.add_queries("HitsFile.txt", new_query) HitsFile = "HitsFile.txt" # Temporary fasta file with all the sequences. ## MUSCLE analysis ## muscle.align_seqs(HitsFile) # We save the alignment to MUSCLE folder shutil.copy2('HitsAligned.aln', Results_Muscle) AlignedHitsFile = 'HitsAligned.afa' # Temporary alignment file. # With the alignment, we create the Neighbor Joining tree with muscle in newick format. muscle.create_tree(AlignedHitsFile, Results_Dir=Results_Dir, Results_Muscle=Results_Muscle) # With the newick format tree, we draw a simple plot. Tree = muscle.draw_tree(Results_Muscle + 'NJ_Tree.phy', Results_Dir=Results_Muscle) ## PROSITE analysis ## Process_log = open( Results_Dir + 'Process.log', "a") ## The file is closed. We open in append mode. Process_log.write('\n\n\n' + ('Domain search in Prosite').center(80)) prosite_dat = 'prosite.dat' # We check the prosite.dat file is in the directory and has the correct format. if not os.path.isfile(prosite_dat): print('\n' + '\x1b[1;31;40m' + "Please, make sure you have a file named prosite.dat" .center(80) + '\x1b[0m') sys.exit() try: Process_log.write('\n\n' + ('Parsing ' + prosite_dat + '...').center(80)) PatternDict = prosite.dat_parser(prosite_dat) except: Process_log.write() Process_log.write('\n\n' + ('Errors encountered while parsing ' + prosite_dat).center(80)) print('Errors encountered while parsing ' + prosite_dat) sys.exit() Process_log.write( '\n\n' + ('Looking for domains in hits...').center(80)) HitsDict = prosite.hits_file_to_dict( HitsFile ) # Dictionary with BLAST hits as keys and no values. # We look for PROSITE domains in the hit sequences. ResultDict = prosite.pattern_search(PatternDict, HitsDict) prosite.output_results(prosite_dat, ResultDict, Results_Prosite) # More information about the domains? prosite.want_more_info("prosite.doc", ResultDict, Results_Prosite) # Printing information in Process.log file Process_log.write('\n\n' + ('Domain search completed').center(80) + '\n') Process_log.write(('Check Prosite results at: ' + Results_Prosite).center(80)) Process_log.write('\n\n\n' + ('Analysis completed').center(80) + '\n\n\n') Process_log.write(('Analysis summary').center(80) + '\n\n') Process_log.write('BLAST'.center(80) + '\n\n') Process_log.write('Coverage threshold: ' + str(coverage) + '\n') Process_log.write('Identity threshold: ' + str(identity) + '\n') Process_log.write('Query name: ' + + '\n') Process_log.write('Genbank: ' + os.path.basename(Genbank) + '\n') Process_log.write( 'Number of hits: ' + str(len(open('Blast_result.tsv').readlines())) + '\n\n') Process_log.write('PROSITE'.center(80) + '\n\n') for protein in ResultDict.keys(): Process_log.write('Number of domains found in ' + protein + ': ' + str(len(ResultDict[protein])) + '\n') Process_log.close() # If no homologues are found for the query protein with the thresholds indicated. else: print('\n' + '\x1b[1;31;40m' + 'BLAST analysis yielded no results'.center(80) + '\x1b[0m') Process_log = open( Results_Dir + 'Process.log', "a") ## The file is closed. We open in append mode. Process_log.write('\n\n\n' + ( 'Analysis ended because BLAST analysis yielded no results' ).center(80)) # Accessory files are deleted. try: os.remove(HitsFile) os.remove('Blast_result.tsv') os.remove('HitsAligned.afa') os.remove('HitsAligned.aln') shutil.rmtree(Data_Dir + '/Queries') except: pass return basename # byebye function needs basename to indicate where the results have been saved.
def callModule(tokList, lineNo): #this function will be incharge of analyzing the token list, and calling the relative call_module #incase the line is a comment, that is it starts with a hash, no processing needed if(tokList[0][0] == '#'): return #the command to execute will be the first word, hence, look up the commands command = tokList[0] #if else ladder of the commands if command == "get": tokListLists = preprocess(tokList, lineNo) if tokListLists == -1: #identifier not found return -1 for tokenList in tokListLists: status = get.main(tokenList, lineNo) if(status == -1): return status elif command == "help": status = help.main(tokList, lineNo) return status elif command == "view": tokListLists = preprocess(tokList, lineNo) if tokListLists == -1: #identifier not found return -1 for tokenList in tokListLists: status = view.main(tokenList, lineNo) if(status == -1): return status elif command == "let": status = let.main(tokList, lineNo, varTable, listTable) #if status is -1, error has occoured, or else, add variable to the table if status != -1: varTable[status[0]] = status[1] return status elif command == "list": status = listCmd.main(tokList, lineNo, varTable, listTable) #if status is -1, error has occoured, or else, add list to the table if status != -1: listTable[status[0]] = status[1] return status elif command == "freevar": #this block of code is to remove all the variables that user wants to delete varToDelete = tokList[1:] #error checking to ensure all the variables do infact exist flag=1 for var in varToDelete: if var in varTable: continue else: print("Error on line " + str(lineNo) + " no variable: " + var + " found") flag=0 if(flag==0): #if flag is 0, the command is incorrect return -1 #now to go about and deleting all the variables from the varTable for var in varToDelete: del varTable[var] elif command == "freelist": #this block of code is to remove all the lists that the user wants to delete listsToDelete = tokList[1:] #error checking to ensure all the lists do infact exist flag=1 for list_ in listsToDelete: if list_ in listTable: continue else: print("Error on line " + str(lineNo) + " no list: " + list_ + " found") flag=0 if(flag==0): #if flag is 0, the command is incorrect return -1 #now to go about and deleting all the variables from the varTable for list_ in listsToDelete: del listTable[list_] elif command == "mem": status = mem.main(tokList, lineNo, varTable, listTable) #if an error is there in the command if(status == -1): return status else: print("Unkown command: " + command + " on line no: " + str(lineNo)) return -1
def main(argString=''): pd.set_option('display.width', 1366) sep = os.path.sep dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + sep cmd = 'main' arg = '' modCache = {} while True: I = input('stock-{}> '.format(cmd)).strip() if I == '': continue elif I in ('exit', 'e'): if cmd == 'main': return else: cmd = 'main' arg = '' continue elif I in ('cache', 'c', 'list', 'l'): continue elif I in ('help', 'h'): import help help.main(cmd) continue elif len(I) == 6 and I.isdigit(): import detail detail.main(I) continue elif I[0:6].upper() in ('SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE'): arg = I elif I.isdigit(): arg = 'page:' + I elif I in ('n', '>', '.'): arg = 'page:+1' elif I in ('p', '<', ','): arg = 'page:-1' elif (I.startswith('+') or I.startswith('-')) and I[1:].isdigit(): arg = 'page:' + I # 省略命令 elif I.split()[0].find(':') > 0: arg = I elif I in ('asc', 'a'): arg = 'asc:True' elif I in ('desc', 'd'): arg = 'asc:False' elif I in ('rerender', 'r'): pass else: i = (I + ' ').find(' ') _cmd, _arg = I[:i], I[i:].strip() if modCache.get(_cmd) is None: if os.path.isfile(dirname + _cmd + '.py'): modCache[_cmd] = importlib.import_module(_cmd) else: print('Command error, please input again.') continue cmd = _cmd arg = _arg if cmd == 'main': continue else: modCache.get(cmd).main(arg)