async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
    if hasattr(ctx.command, 'on_error'):
    if isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound):
        return await ctx.send(f'{e.INFO}Invalid command. Type `%help` for help.')
    if isinstance(error, errors.NotInUDB):
        return await ctx.send(f'{e.ERROR}You do not have an account. (type `%new` to register or type `%help` for help)')
    if isinstance(error, errors.TooNew):
        return await ctx.send(docs.too_new_msg)
    if isinstance(error, errors.LimChannel):
        return await ctx.send(docs.change_channel)
    if isinstance(error, (commands.MissingRequiredArgument, commands.BadArgument)):
        if ctx.command.name == 'withdraw':
            return await ctx.send(f'{e.INFO}To withdraw from your account type: `%wdr [address to send to] [amount-GRC]`\nA service fee of {g.tx_fee} GRC is subtracted from what you send. If you wish to send GRC to someone in the server, use `%give`')
        if ctx.command.name == 'donate':
            return await ctx.send(extras.index_displayer(f'{e.GIVE}Be generous! Below are possible donation options.\nTo donate, type `%donate [selection no.] [amount-GRC]`\n', await q.get_donors()))
        if ctx.command.name == 'rdonate':
            return await ctx.send(f'{e.GIVE}To donate to a random contributor type: `%rdonate [amount-GRC]`')
        if ctx.command.name == 'give':
            return await ctx.send(f'{e.INFO}To give funds to a member in the server, type `%give [discord mention of user] [amount to give]`.\nThe person must also have an account with the bot.')
        if ctx.command.name == 'fgive':
            return await ctx.send(f'{e.ERROR}Please specify an amount to give.')
        if ctx.command.name == 'rain':
            await ctx.send(await rbot.status())
            return await check_rain(ctx)
        if ctx.command.name == 'faq':
            return await ctx.send(extras.index_displayer(docs.faq_msg, index) + '\n*Thanks to LavRadis and Foxifi for making these resources.*')
        if ctx.command.name == 'block':
            return await ctx.send(await extras.show_block(await w.query('getblockcount', [])))
        if ctx.command.name == 'help':
            return await ctx.send(embed=help_docs.help_main())
    if isinstance(error, commands.NoPrivateMessage):
        return await ctx.send(docs.pm_restrict)
async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
    if hasattr(ctx.command, 'on_error'):

    if isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound):
        return await ctx.send(
            f'{e.INFO}Invalid command. Type `!help` for help.')
    if isinstance(error, errors.NotInUDB):
        return await ctx.send(
            f'{e.ERROR}You are not in user database. (try `!new` or type `!help` for help)'
    if isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument):
        if ctx.command.name == 'withdraw':
            return await ctx.send(
                f'{e.INFO}To withdraw from your account type: `!wdr [address to send to] [amount-PINK]`\nA service fee of {p.tx_fee} PINK is subtracted from what you send. If you wish to send PINK to someone in the server, use `!give`'
        if ctx.command.name == 'donate':
            return await ctx.send(
                    f'{e.GIVE}Be generous! Below are possible donation options.\nTo donate, type `!donate [selection no.] [amount-PINK]`\n',
        if ctx.command.name == 'rdonate':
            return await ctx.send(
                f'{e.GIVE}To donate to a random contributor type: `!rdonate [amount-PINK]`'
        if ctx.command.name == 'give':
            return await ctx.send(
                f'{e.INFO}To give funds to a member in the server, type `!give [discord mention of user] [amount to give]`.\nThe person must also have an account with the bot.'
        if ctx.command.name == 'fgive':
            return await ctx.send(f'{e.ERROR}Please specify an amount to give.'
        if ctx.command.name == 'rain':
            return await ctx.send(rbot.status())
            await check_rain(ctx)
        if ctx.command.name == 'block':
            return await ctx.send(await extras.show_block(await w.query(
                'getblockcount', [])))
        if ctx.command.name == 'help':
            return await ctx.send(help_docs.help_main())
    if isinstance(error, commands.NoPrivateMessage):
        return await ctx.send(docs.pm_restrict)
def help_interface(query):
        return help_docs.help_dict[query]
    except KeyError:
        return help_docs.help_main()