# do not modify the code in here ##############################
from helper.JsonReadWriter import JsonReadWriter
from helper.TableDisplay import TableDisplay
from helper.NavigationDisplay import NavigationDisplay

DATA_PATH_JSON = "data/patients.json"

# load data
jsonRW = JsonReadWriter(DATA_PATH_JSON)
data = jsonRW.load()

DATA_FIELDS = data[0].keys()

# create display instance
tableDisplay = TableDisplay(DATA_FIELDS)
navDisplay = NavigationDisplay()
# do not delete the code in here ##############################
# 1. Open the data file patients.json in the data folder. Observe the keys of each data item
# 2. Create a Patient class, defining a constructor and initialising the instance variables.
# In the constructor, you need to use the EXACT field names as you saw in step 1.
# 3. Observe the functionalities available in the NavigationDisplay class's displaymainMenu method
# 4. Use input to get user action and cast it to integer.
# 5. Use if statements to handle multiple functionalities. For example, if user inputs 1, you should write code
# to handle adding new data.
# 6. To display the table with data, use tableDisplay.display(data)
# 7. To save data to JSON file, use jsonRW.save(data)
# 8. To add new entry to the data variable, append it with the Dictionary form of the Patient class instance
# 9. This is a fairly open-ended coding challenge. Time to put that Creative mind to good use. Happy coding!
from helper.CsvReadWriter import CsvReadWriter
from helper.JsonReadWriter import JsonReadWriter
from helper.NavigationDisplay import NavigationDisplay
from helper.TableDisplay import TableDisplay
from helper.Utility import clearScreen
import random
import time

SYMBOLS = ["'", "/", "\\", "?", "."]
DATA_PATH_CSV_QUESTIONS = "data/questions.csv"
DATA_PATH_JSON_SCOREBOARD = "data/scoreBoard.json"

scoreBoardData = jsonRW.load()

questionsData = csvRW.loadAsDictionary()

SCOREBOARD_FIELDS = scoreBoardData[0].keys()
tableDisplay = TableDisplay(SCOREBOARD_FIELDS)

scoreBoardData.sort(key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True)
highestScore = scoreBoardData[0]["score"]

navDisplay = NavigationDisplay()

def showMessage(message):
from helper.JsonReadWriter import JsonReadWriter
from helper.NavigationDisplay import NavigationDisplay
from helper.TableDisplay import TableDisplay
from helper.Utility import clearScreen
from Birthdate import Birthdate
from datetime import date, datetime
from config import DATE_FORMAT
import time


jsonRW = JsonReadWriter("data/birthdays.json")
data = jsonRW.load()

DATA_FIELDS = list(data[0].keys())

tableDisplay = TableDisplay(data[0].keys())
navDisplay = NavigationDisplay()


def showMessage(message):
    input("Press any key to continue: ")

def generateDataID():
    listOfIDs = [int(item["ID"]) for item in data]
    maxID = max(listOfIDs)
    return maxID + 1
# 1. From the folder helper, there's a file named JsonReadWriter.py
#   from that folder, import the class JsonReadWriter
# 2. Import the Python's built in library called `pprint`
# 3. Instantiate the JsonReadWriter class by passing in the path
#   to the data file. The data is in `data/json/students.json`
# 4. Load the Json data and store in a variable, using the JsonReadWriter's `load()`
#   method. Print the result if necessary.
# 5. Instantiate the pprint class by calling `pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)`
# 6. Now, use the pprint instance you created to display the data nicely to screen, by
#   calling its `pprint(data)` instance method.
# 7. Display the third student's names, class, and mobile number to the screen nicely.

from helper.JsonReadWriter import JsonReadWriter
import pprint

jsonRW = JsonReadWriter("data/json/students.json")
data = jsonRW.load()
# print(data)

pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

# thrid student's name, class, mobile number
student = data[2]
print("Name: ", student["firstName"] + " " + student["lastName"])
print("Class: ", student["class"])
print("Mobile: ", student["contact"]["mobile"])