results = helper.calculateResults(population, matrix, 

# 2.- Create graph
helper.createGraphs(population, results, matrix, ecuaParms)

minError = min(results)
mutationP = ecuaParms.mutationPercent

# 3.- Iterate
for i in range(ecuaParms.iterations):
    chosenParents = helper.getChosenParents(population, results, 
        ecuaParms.percent, ecuaParms.parentNum)

    population = helper.bitExchangeReproduction(population, 
        chosenParents, ecuaParms.parentNum, ecuaParms.bits)
    helper.mutation(population, mutationP, ecuaParms.bits)

    results = helper.calculateResults(population, matrix, 
    newMinError = min(results)
    if(minError == newMinError):
        #mutationP = 20
        helper.addRandomnes_1(population, ecuaParms)        
        #results = helper.calculateResults(population, matrix, ecuaParms.divisor)

    minError = newMinError
    helper.updateGraphs(i + 1, population, results, matrix, ecuaParms)
# Get best matrix to graph
bestChrom = helper.divideByFactor(population[minInd], 51)
zBestChrom = helper.aptitudFunction(bestChrom, x, y)

# 3D printing
fig = plt.figure(figsize=plt.figaspect(0.5))
ax = helper.graph3D(fig, x, y, zResult, zBestChrom, results[minInd])

acumError = results[minInd]
# 3.- Iterate
for i in range(iterations):
    chosenParents = helper.getChosenParents(population, results,
                                            tournamentPercent, 2)

    population = helper.bitExchangeReproduction(population, chosenParents, 2,

    helper.mutation(population, mutationPercent, 8)

    results = helper.calculateResults(x, y, population, zResult, 51)
    minInd = results.index(min(results))

    # Get best matrix to graph
    bestChrom = helper.divideByFactor(population[minInd], 51)
    zBestChrom = helper.aptitudFunction(bestChrom, x, y)
    helper.updateGraph3D(ax, x, y, zBestChrom, results[minInd])
    print("Iteration:", i, "Error:", results[minInd])

    if (acumError == results[minInd]):
        addChrom = helper.createPopulation(39, 5)
child_3 = helper.flipBits(parent_1, parent_2, 48, 8)
print("position:", 48, child_3)
child_4 = helper.flipBits(parent_1, parent_2, 20, 8)
print("position:", 20, child_4)

# Test 'getBestInTournament'
print("Testing getBestInTournament")
testErrors = [12, 23, 24, 54, 9, 2, 43, 31, 59, 100, 121, 38]
print("errors:", testErrors)
print("5%:", helper.getBestInTournament(testErrors, 5))
print("3%:", helper.getBestInTournament(testErrors, 3))
print("2%:", helper.getBestInTournament(testErrors, 2))
print("1%:", helper.getBestInTournament(testErrors, 1))

# Test 'bitExchangeReproduction'
print("Testing bitExchangeReproduction")
results = helper.calculateResults(population, matrix, 3)
helper.printPopulation(population, results)
chosen = helper.getChosenParents(population, results, 5, 2)
print("chosen parents:", chosen)
newPopulation = helper.bitExchangeReproduction(population, chosen, 2, 8)
newResults = helper.calculateResults(newPopulation, matrix, 3)
helper.printPopulation(newPopulation, newResults)

# Test 'mutation'
print("Testing mutation")
mutationPopulation = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [32, 45, 65, 76], [109, 209, 250, 199]]
helper.mutation(mutationPopulation, 2, 8)