def planned_place(self): # Place approx. at the center bin binId = 0 drop_pose = get_params_yaml('bin{}_pose'.format(binId)) drop_pose[1] = drop_pose[1] + 0.03 # Place depending on the position of the COM of the contact patch image_list = self.capture_images() img0, aux, contact = crop_contact(self.back_img_list[0], image_list[0], gel_id=1, is_zeros=True) img1, aux, contact = crop_contact(self.back_img_list[1], image_list[1], gel_id=2, is_zeros=True) img0 = scipy.misc.imresize(img0, (224, 224, 3)) img1 = scipy.misc.imresize(img1, (224, 224, 3)) pos_pixel_img0 = get_center_of_mass(img0) pos_pixel_img1 = get_center_of_mass(img1) pos_pixel_avg = np.mean(np.array([pos_pixel_img0, pos_pixel_img1]), axis=0) # Compute actual motion for the robot and check if there is collision (x in pixel frame -> y in hand frame y in pixel frame -> -z in hand frame) pos_world_avg = np.nan_to_num( convert_image2world([225 / 2 - pos_pixel_avg[1], 0])) #np.array([y,-z]) print('Pixel positions: ', pos_pixel_avg, '. World positions: ', pos_world_avg) drop_pose[1] = drop_pose[1] + pos_world_avg[0] print(drop_pose) # Place object using graspingc self.rel_pose, self.BoxBody = vision_transform_precise_placing_with_visualization( self.bbox_info, viz_pub=self.viz_array_pub, listener=self.listener) place(listener=self.listener,, isExecute=self.isExecute, binId=binId, withPause=self.withPause, rel_pose=self.rel_pose, BoxBody=self.BoxBody, place_pose=drop_pose, viz_pub=self.viz_array_pub, is_drop=False, recorder=self.gdr)
def flip_image2(data, topic): #flip image using opencv bridge = CvBridge() cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "bgr8") # flip_cv_image = cv2.flip(cv_image,1) flip_cv_image = cv2.flip(cv_image, 0) outImage = flip_cv_image # cv2.imwrite('/home/mcube/background_1.png',outImage) if rospy.get_param('/is_high_viz', True): back_cv_image = cv2.imread('/home/mcube/background_1.png', 1) patch_cv_image, initial_img, contact_img = crop_contact(back_cv_image, flip_cv_image, gel_id=2, is_zeros=True) COM_pos = get_center_of_mass(contact_img) COM_pos = np.nan_to_num(COM_pos) print(COM_pos) #publish flipped image # Convert uint8 to float foreground = initial_img #foreground = foreground[:-140,55:-70] #im_crop_grasp = img_grasp[0:-120,135:-135] img = contact_img * 255 # threshold image ret, threshed_img = cv2.threshold( cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # find contours and get the external one image, contours, hier = cv2.findContours(threshed_img, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # with each contour, draw boundingRect in green # a minAreaRect in red and # a minEnclosingCircle in blue biggest_area = 0 biggest_rect = None for c in contours: # get the min area rect rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c) area = float(rect[1][0]) * float(rect[1][1]) if biggest_area < area: biggest_rect = rect biggest_area = area if biggest_rect: box = cv2.boxPoints(biggest_rect) # convert all coordinates floating point values to int box = np.int0(box) # draw a red 'nghien' rectangle cv2.drawContours(img, [box], 0, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.rectangle( img, (int(biggest_rect[0][0] - 10), int(biggest_rect[0][1] - 10)), (int(biggest_rect[0][0] + 10), int(biggest_rect[0][1] + 10)), (0, 255, 0), -1) cv2.rectangle(img, (int(COM_pos[1] - 10), int(COM_pos[0] - 10)), (int(COM_pos[1] + 10), int(COM_pos[0] + 10)), (0, 0, 255), -1) outimg = cv2.drawContours(img, contours, -1, (255, 255, 0), 2) # Normalize the alpha mask to keep intensity between 0 and 1 alpha = 0.8 #img = cv2.resize(img, (foreground.shape[1], foreground.shape[0])) # Add the masked foreground and background. outImage = cv2.addWeighted(foreground, alpha, img, 1 - alpha, 0) #rotation angle in degree rotated = cv2.pyrDown( cv2.imread('/home/mcube/vertical_nut.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)) rows = rotated.shape[1] cols = rotated.shape[1] if (gripper.getGripperopening() > 0.03): if biggest_rect[1][0] > biggest_rect[1][1]: M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols / 2, rows / 2), rect[2] + 90, 1) else: M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols / 2, rows / 2), rect[2], 1) rotated = cv2.warpAffine(rotated, M, (cols, rows)) else: rotated = cv2.imread('/home/mcube/hor2_nut.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) rotated = cv2.resize(rotated, (outImage.shape[1], outImage.shape[0])) outImage = np.concatenate([outImage, rotated], axis=1) else: outImage = foreground flip_image_pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, sensor_msgs.msg.Image, queue_size=10) flip_image_pub.publish(bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(outImage, "bgr8"))
def use_center_patch(model, image_list, x_validation, rgb_img, out_dict, tcp_pose, binId): # Crop and Resize img0 = scipy.misc.imresize(image_list[0], (224, 224, 3)) img1 = scipy.misc.imresize(image_list[1], (224, 224, 3)) img0 = scipy.misc.imresize( crop_gelsight(img0, bottom_edge=40, top_edge=0, left_edge=15, right_edge=18), (224, 224, 3)) img1 = scipy.misc.imresize( crop_gelsight(img1, bottom_edge=25, top_edge=10, left_edge=37, right_edge=25), (224, 224, 3)) pos_pixel_img0 = get_center_of_mass(img0) pos_pixel_img1 = get_center_of_mass(img1) pos_pixel_avg = np.mean(np.array([pos_pixel_img0, pos_pixel_img1]), axis=0) #TODO: check axis # Compute actual motion for the robot and check if there is collision pos_world_0 = convert_image2world(pos_pixel_img0) #np.array([y,-z]) delta_pos_0 = np.array([0, pos_world_0[0], -pos_world_0[1]]) is_collision_0 = check_collision(tcp_pose, delta_pos_0, self.listener,, binId) pos_world_1 = convert_image2world(pos_pixel_img0) #np.array([y,-z]) delta_pos_1 = np.array([0, pos_world_1[0], -pos_world_1[1]]) is_collision_1 = check_collision(tcp_pose, delta_pos_1, self.listener,, binId) pos_world_avg = convert_image2world(pos_pixel_img0) #np.array([y,-z]) delta_pos_avg = np.array([0, pos_world_avg[0], -pos_world_avg[1]]) is_collision_avg = check_collision(tcp_pose, delta_pos_avg, self.listener,, binId) # Translate in all the possible options img0_0 = translate_image(img0, 225 / 2 - pos_pixel_img0[1], 0) #, borderValue=0#img0.mean(1).mean(0)) img1_0 = translate_image(img1, 225 / 2 - pos_pixel_img0[1], 0) #, borderValue=0#img1.mean(1).mean(0)) img0_1 = translate_image(img0, 225 / 2 - pos_pixel_img1[1], 0) #, borderValue=0#img0.mean(1).mean(0)) img1_1 = translate_image(img1, 225 / 2 - pos_pixel_img1[1], 0) #, borderValue=0#img1.mean(1).mean(0)) img0_avg = translate_image(img0, 225 / 2 - pos_pixel_avg[1], 0) #, borderValue=0#img0.mean(1).mean(0)) img1_avg = translate_image(img1, 225 / 2 - pos_pixel_avg[1], 0) #, borderValue=0#img1.mean(1).mean(0)) # Preporcess all the images img0_0 = preprocess_image(img0_0) img1_0 = preprocess_image(img1_0) img0_1 = preprocess_image(img0_1) img1_1 = preprocess_image(img1_1) img0_avg = preprocess_image(img0_avg) img1_avg = preprocess_image(img1_avg) img0 = preprocess_image(img0) img1 = preprocess_image(img1) # Evaluate the score of each image score_0 = model.predict( [np.expand_dims(img0_0, axis=0), np.expand_dims(img1_0, axis=0)])[0][0] score_1 = model.predict( [np.expand_dims(img0_1, axis=0), np.expand_dims(img1_1, axis=0)])[0][0] score_avg = model.predict([ np.expand_dims(img0_avg, axis=0), np.expand_dims(img1_avg, axis=0) ])[0][0] score_inital = model.predict( [np.expand_dims(img0, axis=0), np.expand_dims(img1, axis=0)])[0][0] # Find best way use CoM motion best_score = max([ score_initial, score_0 * (1 - int(is_collision_0)), score_1 * (1 - int(is_collision_1)), score_avg * (1 - int(is_collision_avg)) ]) if best_score == score_0: out_dict['images'].append(img0_0) out_dict['images2'].append(img1_0) out_dict['delta_pos'].append(delta_pos_0) print('Moving to the CoM of Gelsight 0') elif best_score == score_1: out_dict['images'].append(img0_1) out_dict['images2'].append(img1_1) out_dict['delta_pos'].append(delta_pos_1) print('Moving to the CoM of Gelsight 1') elif best_score == score_avg: out_dict['images'].append(img0_avg) out_dict['images2'].append(img1_avg) out_dict['delta_pos'].append(delta_pos_avg) print('Moving to the CoM of the average') else: #Do nothing # TODO: add the patch detection if needed !!! img0 = preprocess_image(img0) img1 = preprocess_image(img1) out_dict['images'].append(img0) out_dict['images2'].append(img1) out_dict['delta_pos'].append([0, 0, 0]) return out_dict
def use_center_patch(self, model, image_list, out_dict): # Crop and Resize img0 = scipy.misc.imresize(image_list[0], (224, 224, 3)) img1 = scipy.misc.imresize(image_list[1], (224, 224, 3)) # img0 = scipy.misc.imresize(crop_gelsight(img0, bottom_edge = 40, top_edge = 0, left_edge = 15, right_edge = 18), (224,224,3)) # img1 = scipy.misc.imresize(crop_gelsight(img1,bottom_edge = 25, top_edge = 10, left_edge = 37, right_edge = 25), (224,224,3)) pos_pixel_img0 = get_center_of_mass(img0) pos_pixel_img1 = get_center_of_mass(img1) pos_pixel_avg = np.mean(np.array([pos_pixel_img0, pos_pixel_img1]), axis=0) #TODO: check axis #x in pixel frame -> y in hand frame #y in pixel frame -> -z in hand frame # Compute actual motion for the robot and check if there is collision pos_world_0 = convert_image2world([225 / 2 - pos_pixel_img0[1], 0]) #np.array([y,-z]) delta_pos_0 = np.array([0, -pos_world_0[0], 0]) pos_world_1 = convert_image2world([225 / 2 - pos_pixel_img1[1], 0]) #np.array([y,-z]) delta_pos_1 = np.array([0, -pos_world_1[0], 0]) pos_world_avg = convert_image2world([225 / 2 - pos_pixel_avg[1], 0]) #np.array([y,-z]) delta_pos_avg = np.array([0, -pos_world_avg[0], 0]) print('Pixel positions') print(pos_pixel_img0) print(pos_pixel_img1) print(pos_pixel_avg) print('World positions') print(pos_world_avg) out_dict['images_initial'].append(img0) out_dict['images2_initial'].append(img1) # Translate in all the possible options img0_0 = translate_image(img0, 225 / 2 - pos_pixel_img0[1], 0) #, borderValue=0#img0.mean(1).mean(0)) img1_0 = translate_image(img1, 225 / 2 - pos_pixel_img0[1], 0) #, borderValue=0#img1.mean(1).mean(0)) img0_1 = translate_image(img0, 225 / 2 - pos_pixel_img1[1], 0) #, borderValue=0#img0.mean(1).mean(0)) img1_1 = translate_image(img1, 225 / 2 - pos_pixel_img1[1], 0) #, borderValue=0#img1.mean(1).mean(0)) img0_avg = translate_image(img0, 225 / 2 - pos_pixel_avg[1], 0) #, borderValue=0#img0.mean(1).mean(0)) img1_avg = translate_image(img1, 225 / 2 - pos_pixel_avg[1], 0) #, borderValue=0#img1.mean(1).mean(0)) out_dict['images_before'].append(img0_avg) out_dict['images2_before'].append(img1_avg) # Preporcess all the images img0_0 = preprocess_image(img0_0) img1_0 = preprocess_image(img1_0) img0_1 = preprocess_image(img0_1) img1_1 = preprocess_image(img1_1) img0_avg = preprocess_image(img0_avg) img1_avg = preprocess_image(img1_avg) img0 = preprocess_image(img0) img1 = preprocess_image(img1) out_dict['images'].append(img0_avg) out_dict['images2'].append(img1_avg) out_dict['delta_pos'].append(delta_pos_avg) print('Moving to the CoM of the average') best_score = 0 ''' # Evaluate the score of each image score_0 = model.predict([np.expand_dims(img0_0, axis=0), np.expand_dims(img1_0, axis=0)])[0][0] score_1 = model.predict([np.expand_dims(img0_1, axis=0), np.expand_dims(img1_1, axis=0)])[0][0] score_avg = model.predict([np.expand_dims(img0_avg, axis=0), np.expand_dims(img1_avg, axis=0)])[0][0] score_initial = model.predict([np.expand_dims(img0, axis=0), np.expand_dims(img1, axis=0)])[0][0] # Find best way use CoM motion best_score = score_avg #max([score_initial, score_0,score_1,score_avg]) if best_score == score_0: out_dict['images'].append(img0_0) out_dict['images2'].append(img1_0) out_dict['delta_pos'].append(delta_pos_0) print('Moving to the CoM of Gelsight 0') elif best_score == score_1: out_dict['images'].append(img0_1) out_dict['images2'].append(img1_1) out_dict['delta_pos'].append(delta_pos_1) print('Moving to the CoM of Gelsight 1') elif best_score == score_avg: out_dict['images'].append(img0_avg) out_dict['images2'].append(img1_avg) out_dict['delta_pos'].append(delta_pos_avg) print('Moving to the CoM of the average') else: #Do nothing # TODO: add the patch detection if needed !!! img0 =preprocess_image(img0) img1 =preprocess_image(img1) out_dict['images'].append(img0) out_dict['images2'].append(img1) out_dict['delta_pos'].append([0,0,0]) ''' return out_dict, best_score
def planned_place(self): if len(self.get_objects()) == 1: fixed_container = [self.tote_ID] else: fixed_container = [ 1 - self.tote_ID ] #TODO_M: planner only accepts bins 1,2,3 and names them as 0,1,2 if self.PlacingPlanner.visionType == 'real': #Update HM self.PlacingPlanner.update_real_height_map(fixed_container[0]) #Get obj dimensions: try: asking_for = '/obj/' + self.obj_ID aux_obj = rospy.get_param(asking_for) obj_dim = aux_obj['dimensions'] except: print('Could not get the object dimensions') obj_dim = [0.12, 0.12, 0.12] drop_pose = self.PlacingPlanner.place_object_local_best( obj_dim=obj_dim, containers=fixed_container ) #TODO_M : change placing to return drop_pose print('drop_pose', drop_pose) #~frank hack: drop pose drop_pose = get_params_yaml('bin' + str(fixed_container[0]) + '_pose') drop_pose[1] = drop_pose[1] + 0.03 ## TODO add here a correction depending on the com of the contact patch of the object? image_list = self.capture_images() image_list[0] = crop_contact(self.background_images[0], image_list[0], gel_id=1, is_zeros=use_COM) image_list[1] = crop_contact(self.background_images[1], image_list[1], gel_id=2, is_zeros=use_COM) img0 = scipy.misc.imresize(image_list[0], (224, 224, 3)) img1 = scipy.misc.imresize(image_list[1], (224, 224, 3)) pos_pixel_img0 = get_center_of_mass(img0) pos_pixel_img1 = get_center_of_mass(img1) pos_pixel_avg = np.mean(np.array([pos_pixel_img0, pos_pixel_img1]), axis=0) #TODO: check axis #x in pixel frame -> y in hand frame #y in pixel frame -> -z in hand frame # Compute actual motion for the robot and check if there is collision pos_world_avg = convert_image2world([225 / 2 - pos_pixel_avg[1], 0]) #np.array([y,-z]) delta_pos_avg = np.array([0, -pos_world_avg[0], 0]) print('Pixel positions: ', pos_pixel_avg, '. World positions: ', pos_world_avg) drop_pose[1] = drop_pose[1] + pos_world_avg[0] # Place object using graspingc self.rel_pose, self.BoxBody = vision_transform_precise_placing_with_visualization( self.bbox_info, viz_pub=self.viz_array_pub, listener=self.listener) place(listener=self.listener,, isExecute=self.isExecute, binId=fixed_container[0], withPause=self.withPause, rel_pose=self.rel_pose, BoxBody=self.BoxBody, place_pose=drop_pose, viz_pub=self.viz_array_pub, is_drop=False, recorder=self.gdr)