文件: tasks.py 项目: hcwilhelm/EVEATS
def updateCorporation(corporation_id):
    logger = updateCorporation.get_logger()
    logger.debug("running updateCorporation for corporationId %s" % corporation_id)
    print "updateCorporation : " + str(corporation_id)

    corporation = Corporation.objects.get(pk=corporation_id)

    action = "/corp/CorporationSheet.xml.aspx"
    params = urllib.urlencode({'corporationID':corporation.corporationID})
    xml = getXMLFromEveAPI(action=action, params=params)

    # ===================
    # = Error Handling  =
    # ===================

    error = xml.find("error")

    if error is not None:
        errorCode     = error.get('code')
        errorMessage  = error.text
        print "updateCorporation xml error : " + str(errorCode) + " : " + errorMessage
        return False

    # =============
    # = No Error  =
    # =============


        print "updateCorporation xml ok"

        corporation.corporationName = xml.find("result/corporationName").text
        corporation.description     = xml.find("result/description").text

        ceo, created = Character.objects.get_or_create(characterID=xml.find("result/ceoID").text)

        if created:

            # we will store the ceo name here for noob corps, those chars are not
            # fetchable via api so we can't get the name during the update later
            # and storing chars without names would be very ugly!

            # NPC characterID's can be identified via the static data dump !

            print "create ceo"

            logger.info("Created character with id %s" % ceo.characterID)

        corporation.ceo         = ceo
        corporation.cachedUntil = datetime.datetime.strptime(xml.find("cachedUntil").text, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

    # ================
    # = Update done  =
    # ================

    return True
文件: tasks.py 项目: hcwilhelm/EVEATS
def updateConquerableStations():
    logger = updateConquerableStations.get_logger()
    logger.info("Updateing all onquerable stations!")

    action  = "/eve/ConquerableStationList.xml.aspx"
    xml     = getXMLFromEveAPI(action=action, params=None)

    # ===================
    # = Error handling  =
    # ===================

    error = xml.find("error")

    if error is not None:
        errorCode     = error.get('code')
        errorMessage  = error.text

        logger.warning("Error fetching ConquerableStationList from API: errorCode: '%s' errorMessage '%s'" % (errorCode, errorMessage))

        return False

    # ============
    # = No Error =
    # ============

    cachedUntil = datetime.datetime.strptime(xml.find("cachedUntil").text, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

    allOutposts = xml.findall("result/rowset[@name='outposts']/row")
    logger.info("Fetched %s conquerable stations from EVE API" % len(allOutposts))

    for outpost in allOutposts:
        stationID         = outpost.get('stationID')
        stationName       = outpost.get('stationName')
        stationTypeID     = outpost.get('stationTypeID')
        solarSystemID     = outpost.get('solarSystemID')
        corporationID     = outpost.get('corporationID')

        logger.debug("Processing station '%s' with ID '%s'" % (stationName, stationID))

        corporation, corpCreated = Corporation.objects.get_or_create(pk=corporationID)

        if corpCreated:

        station, created = ConquerableStation.objects.get_or_create(
          stationID       = stationID,
          stationName     = stationName,
          stationType_id  = stationTypeID,
          solarSystem_id  = solarSystemID,
          corporation     = corporation

        if not created:
            station.cachedUntil = cachedUntil
            station.corporation = corporation

    for station in ConquerableStation.objects.all():
        if station.expired():
            logger.info("Deleting '%s' outdated conquerable Stations" % station.pk)

    return True
文件: tasks.py 项目: hcwilhelm/EVEATS
def updateAssetList(object_id, type):

    print "ImportAssetListTask : " + str(object_id)

    object    = None
    xml_root  = None

    # Check if the object is a Character

    if type == "Character":

        object = Character.objects.get(pk=object_id)

        # Check if the object has a related APIKey

        if not object.apiKeys.all().exists():
            return False

        apiKey  = object.apiKeys.all()[0]
        char    = object
        action  = "/char/AssetList.xml.aspx"
        params  = urllib.urlencode({'keyID':apiKey.keyID, 'vCode':apiKey.vCode, 'characterID':char.characterID})

        xml_root     = getXMLFromEveAPI(action, params)

    # Check if the object is a Corporation

    elif type == "Corporation":

        object = Corporation.objects.get(pk=object_id)

        # Check if the object has a related APIKey

        if not object.apiKeys.all().exists():
            return False

        apiKey  = object.apiKeys.all()[0]
        char    = CorporationAPIKeys.objects.get(apiKey=apiKey, corporation=object).provider
        action  = "/corp/AssetList.xml.aspx"
        params  = urllib.urlencode({'keyID':apiKey.keyID, 'vCode':apiKey.vCode, 'characterID':char.characterID})

        xml_root     = getXMLFromEveAPI(action, params)

    # Do nothing for all other object types

        return False

    # Clean up older assets

    if object.assetList != None:

    # Error Handling

    if xml_root.find("error") != None:
        print xml_root.find("error").text
        return False

    # No Error

    xml_assets  = xml_root.find("result/rowset")
    xml_current = xml_root.find("currentTime")
    xml_until   = xml_root.find("cachedUntil")

    currentTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(xml_current.text, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    cachedUntil = datetime.datetime.strptime(xml_until.text, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

    assetList = AssetList(currentTime=currentTime, cachedUntil=cachedUntil)

    object.assetList = assetList

    bulk    = []
    stack   = [None]
    parent  = None
    context = etree.iterwalk(xml_assets, events=("start", "end"))

    total   = xml_assets.xpath('count(//row)')
    current = 0

    for action, element in context:
        if element.tag == "rowset":

            if element.get("name") == "assets":

            if action == "start" and element.get("name") == "contents":

            if action == "end" and element.get("name") == "contents":

        if element.tag == "row" and action == "start":
            asset             = Asset()
            asset.assetList   = assetList
            asset.parent      = stack[-1]
            asset.itemID      = element.get("itemID")

            if element.get("locationID") != None:

                # ==========================================================================
                # = officeID to stationID conversion refer to eve dev for more information =
                # ==========================================================================

                locationID = int(element.get("locationID"))

                if locationID >= 66000000 and locationID < 67000000:
                    locationID -= 6000001

                asset.locationID_id  = locationID

                # ===================================================================
                # = if there is no location the asset inherits it's parent location =
                # ===================================================================

                asset.locationID_id = parent.locationID_id

            asset.typeID_id   = element.get("typeID")
            asset.quantity    = element.get("quantity")
            asset.flag_id     = element.get("flag")
            asset.singleton   = element.get("singleton")
            rawQuantity       = element.get("rawQuantity")

            parent = asset

            current += 1

            # Custom state to expose progress to the Frontend ;)
            updateAssetList.update_state(state="PROGRESS", meta={"current": current, "total": int(total)})

    print "ImportAssetListTask : " + str(object.pk) + " : Done"
    return True
文件: tasks.py 项目: hcwilhelm/EVEATS
def updateAPIKey(apiKey_id):
    print "ImportAPIKeyInfoTask : " + str(apiKey_id)

    apiKey  = APIKey.objects.get(pk=apiKey_id)

    action  = "/account/APIKeyInfo.xml.aspx"
    params  = urllib.urlencode({'keyID':apiKey.keyID, 'vCode':apiKey.vCode})
    xml     = getXMLFromEveAPI(action, params)

    #print etree.tostring(xml)

    if xml.find("error") != None:
        apiKey.valid        = False
        apiKey.cachedUntil  = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=15)

        xml_current = xml.find("currentTime")
        xml_key     = xml.find("result/key")
        xml_rowset  = xml.find("result/key/rowset")
        xml_until   = xml.find("cachedUntil")

        apiKey.valid        = True
        apiKey.currentTime  = datetime.datetime.strptime(xml_current.text, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        apiKey.accessMask   = xml_key.get("accessMask")
        apiKey.accountType  = xml_key.get("type")
        apiKey.expires      = None if xml_key.get("expires") == "" else datetime.datetime.strptime(xml_key.get("expires"), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        apiKey.cachedUntil  = datetime.datetime.strptime(xml_until.text, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")


        if apiKey.accountType == "Account" or apiKey.accountType == "Character":
            for xml_row in xml_rowset.iter("row"):

                character, created = Character.objects.get_or_create(pk=xml_row.get("characterID"))

                if created:

                # If created we could start an character update job.
                # Anyways a new created character is always expired so it will be update
                # by the next query.

                CharacterAPIKeys.objects.get_or_create(apiKey=apiKey, character=character)

        elif apiKey.accountType == "Corporation":
            for xml_row in xml_rowset.iter("row"):

                character, created = Character.objects.get_or_create(pk=xml_row.get("characterID"))

                if created:

                # If created we could start an character update job.
                # Anyways a new created character is always expired so it will be update
                # by the next query.

                corporation, created = Corporation.objects.get_or_create(pk=xml_row.get("corporationID"))

                if created:

                # If created we could start an corporation update job.
                # Anyways a new created character is always expired so it will be update
                # by the next query.

                CorporationAPIKeys.objects.get_or_create(apiKey=apiKey, corporation=corporation, provider=character)

            print "WTF"

    return True
文件: tasks.py 项目: hcwilhelm/EVEATS
def updateCharacter(character_id):
    logger = updateCharacter.get_logger()
    logger.info("Running updateCharacter for characterId %s" % character_id)

    character = Character.objects.get(pk=character_id)

    action = "/eve/CharacterInfo.xml.aspx"
    params = urllib.urlencode({'characterID':character.characterID})
    xml = getXMLFromEveAPI(action=action, params=params)

    error = xml.find("error")

    # ===================
    # = Error handling  =
    # ===================

    if error is not None:
        errorCode     = error.get('code')
        errorMessage  = error.text

        if errorCode == "105":
            logger.warning("Marking character '%s' with id '%s' as deleted, got errorcode 105 from EVE API" % (character.characterName, character.characterID))

            character.isDeleted = True

        elif errorCode == "522":
            logger.warning("Got errorcode 522 for characterID '%s' (Name: '%s') - setting cachedUntil +1day" % (character.characterID, character.characterName))

            character.cachedUntil = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)

            logger.error("Got this error from EVE API: '%s' - Code '%s' - characterID '%s' - characterName '%s'" % (errorMessage, errorCode, character.characterID, character.characterName))

    # ============
    # = No error =
    # ============

        character.characterName     = xml.find("result/characterName").text
        character.securityStatus    = xml.find("result/securityStatus").text
        character.bloodline         = xml.find("result/bloodline").text
        character.race              = xml.find("result/race").text
        character.cachedUntil       = datetime.datetime.strptime(xml.find("cachedUntil").text, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")


        for employment in xml.findall("result/rowset[@name='employmentHistory']/row"):

            corp, created = Corporation.objects.get_or_create(corporationID=employment.get('corporationID'))

            # If created we could start an Corporation update job.
            # Anyways a new created character is always expired so it will be update
            # by the next query.

            if created:

            startDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(employment.get('startDate'), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

            CharacterEmploymentHistory.objects.get_or_create(character=character, corporation=corp, startDate=startDate)

    # ================
    # = Update done  =
    # ================

    return True