        Cluster data using k-means
    # whiten the observations
    data_w = vq.whiten(data)

    # create the classifier object
    kmeans, labels = vq.kmeans2(data_w, k=4, iter=30)

    # fit the data
    return kmeans, labels

# the file name of the dataset
r_filename = '../../Data/Chapter04/bank_contacts.csv'

# read the data
csv_read = pd.read_csv(r_filename)

# select variables
selected = csv_read[[
    'n_duration', 'n_nr_employed', 'prev_ctc_outcome_success', 'n_euribor3m',
    'n_cons_conf_idx', 'n_age', 'month_oct', 'n_cons_price_idx',
    'edu_university_degree', 'n_pdays', 'dow_mon', 'job_student',
    'job_technician', 'job_housemaid', 'edu_basic_6y'

# cluster the data
centroids, labels = findClusters_kmeans(selected.as_matrix())

hlp.printClustersSummary(selected, labels, centroids)
    meanShift = cl.MeanShift(

    # fit the data
    return meanShift.fit(data)

# the file name of the dataset
r_filename = '../../Data/Chapter04/bank_contacts.csv'

# read the data
csv_read = pd.read_csv(r_filename)

# select variables
selected = csv_read[['n_duration','n_nr_employed',

# cluster the data
cluster = findClusters_meanShift(selected.as_matrix())

# assess the clusters effectiveness
labels = cluster.labels_
centroids = cluster.cluster_centers_

hlp.printClustersSummary(selected, labels, centroids)