class AbstractProvider(object): PATH_SEARCH = 'kodimon/search' PATH_FAVORITES = 'kodimon/favorites' PATH_WATCH_LATER = 'kodimon/watch_later' RESULT_CACHE_TO_DISC = 'cache_to_disc' # (bool) LOCAL_FAVORITES = 'kodimon.favorites' LOCAL_FAVORITES_ADD = 'kodimon.favorites.add' LOCAL_FAVORITES_REMOVE = 'kodimon.favorites.remove' LOCAL_SEARCH = '' LOCAL_SEARCH_TITLE = '' LOCAL_SEARCH_NEW = '' LOCAL_SEARCH_REMOVE = '' LOCAL_LIBRARY = 'kodimon.library' LOCAL_HIGHLIGHTS = 'kodimon.highlights' LOCAL_ARCHIVE = 'kodimon.archive' LOCAL_NEXT_PAGE = 'kodimon.next_page' LOCAL_WATCH_LATER = 'kodimon.watch_later' LOCAL_WATCH_LATER_ADD = 'kodimon.watch_later.add' LOCAL_WATCH_LATER_REMOVE = 'kodimon.watch_later.remove' LOCAL_LATEST_VIDEOS = 'kodimon.latest_videos' def __init__(self, plugin=None): """ Default constructor for a new content provider. You can provide an alternative implementation of a plugin. If the given plugin is None we try to get a implementation the good way :) :param plugin: :return: """ # if no plugin is given (should be default) we create our own implementation if plugin is None: from . import Plugin self._plugin = Plugin() else: self._plugin = plugin pass # initialize class for caching results of functions from helper import FunctionCache, SearchHistory, FavoriteList, WatchLaterList import constants # initialize cache cache_path = os.path.join(self.get_plugin().get_data_path(), u'kodimon') max_cache_size_mb = self.get_plugin().get_settings().get_int(constants.SETTING_CACHE_SIZE, 5) self._cache = FunctionCache(os.path.join(cache_path, u'cache'), max_file_size_kb=max_cache_size_mb * 1024) # initialize search history max_search_history_items = self.get_plugin().get_settings().get_int(constants.SETTING_SEARCH_SIZE, 50, lambda x: x * 10) self._search = SearchHistory(os.path.join(cache_path, u'search'), max_search_history_items) self._favorites = FavoriteList(os.path.join(cache_path, u'favorites')) self._watch_later = WatchLaterList(os.path.join(cache_path, u'watch_later')) # map for regular expression (path) to method (names) self._dict_path = {} # map for localization: (string)<ID> => (int)<ID> self._dict_localization = {} # register some default paths self.register_path('^/$', '_internal_root') self.register_path('^/' + self.PATH_WATCH_LATER + '/(?P<command>add|remove|list)/?$', '_internal_watch_later') self.register_path('^/' + self.PATH_FAVORITES + '/(?P<command>add|remove|list)/?$', '_internal_favorite') self.register_path('^/' + self.PATH_SEARCH + '/(?P<command>new|query|list|remove)/?$', '_internal_search') """ Test each method of this class for the appended attribute '_re_match' by the decorator (RegisterPath). The '_re_match' attributes describes the path which must match for the decorated method. """ for method_name in dir(self): method = getattr(self, method_name) if hasattr(method, 'kodimon_re_path'): self.register_path(method.kodimon_re_path, method_name) pass pass self.set_localization({self.LOCAL_FAVORITES: 30100, self.LOCAL_FAVORITES_ADD: 30101, self.LOCAL_FAVORITES_REMOVE: 30108, self.LOCAL_SEARCH: 30102, self.LOCAL_SEARCH_TITLE: 30102, self.LOCAL_SEARCH_NEW: 30110, self.LOCAL_SEARCH_REMOVE: 30108, self.LOCAL_LIBRARY: 30103, self.LOCAL_HIGHLIGHTS: 30104, self.LOCAL_ARCHIVE: 30105, self.LOCAL_NEXT_PAGE: 30106, self.LOCAL_WATCH_LATER: 30107, self.LOCAL_WATCH_LATER_ADD: 30107, self.LOCAL_WATCH_LATER_REMOVE: 30108, self.LOCAL_LATEST_VIDEOS: 30109}) pass def shut_down(self): self._search = None self._cache = None self._watch_later = None pass def get_search_history(self): return self._search def get_favorite_list(self): return self._favorites def get_watch_later_list(self): return self._watch_later def get_function_cache(self): return self._cache def set_localization(self, *args): """ set_localization('', 50000) set_localization({' 50000, 'some.id2': 50001}) :param args: :return: """ if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict): self._dict_localization.update(args[0]) pass elif len(args) == 2: if isinstance(args[0], basestring) and isinstance(args[1], int): self._dict_localization[unicode(args[0])] = args[1] pass pass def get_settings(self): return self._plugin.get_settings() def localize(self, text_id, default_text=None): """ Returns the localized version of the given id. If no localization exists the default text will be returned. :param text_id: :param default_text: :return: """ mapped_id = self._dict_localization.get(text_id, None) # no mapping was found if mapped_id is None: if default_text: return default_text return unicode(text_id) return self.get_plugin().localize(mapped_id, default_text) def create_next_page_item(self, current_page_index, path, params=None): """ Creates a default next page item based on the current path. :param current_page_index: current page index (int) :param path: current path :param params: :return: """ if not params: params = {} pass new_params = {} new_params.update(params) new_params['page'] = unicode(current_page_index + 1) name = self.localize(self.LOCAL_NEXT_PAGE, 'Next Page') if name.find('%d') != -1: name %= current_page_index + 1 pass from . import DirectoryItem return DirectoryItem(name, self.create_uri(path, new_params)) def get_fanart(self): """ Returns the fanart of the plugin :return: """ return self.get_plugin().get_fanart() def get_plugin(self): """ Returns the current implementation of a plugin. :return: """ return self._plugin def call_function_cached(self, partial_func, seconds, return_cached_only=False): """ Use this method to cache the result of a (partial) given method. :param partial_func: :param seconds: Time to live. :param return_cached_only: if True returns only a cached result without calling the given method. :return: """ return self._cache.get(partial_func=partial_func, seconds=seconds, return_cached_only=return_cached_only) def set_content_type(self, content_type): """ Sets the type of the content. :param content_type: :return: """ self.get_plugin().set_content_type(content_type) pass def add_sort_method(self, *sort_methods): """ Adds a sort method for the current content. :param sort_methods: :return: """ for sort_method in sort_methods: self.get_plugin().add_sort_method(sort_method) pass pass def register_path(self, re_path, method_name): """ Registers a new method by name (string) for the given regular expression :param re_path: regular expression of the path :param method_name: name of the method :return: """ self._dict_path[re_path] = method_name def navigate(self, path, params=None): if not params: params = {} pass for key in self._dict_path: re_match =, path, re.UNICODE) if re_match is not None: method_name = self._dict_path.get(key, '') method = getattr(self, method_name) if method is not None: result = method(path, params, re_match) if not isinstance(result, tuple): result = result, {} pass return result pass pass from . import KodimonException raise KodimonException("Mapping for path '%s' not found" % path) def on_search(self, search_text, path, params, re_match): """ This method must be implemented by the derived class if the default search will be used. :param search_text: :param path: :param params: :param re_match: :return: """ raise NotImplementedError() def on_root(self, path, params, re_match): """ This method must be implemented by the derived class :param path: :param params: :param re_match: :return: """ raise NotImplementedError() def on_watch_later(self, path, params, re_match): """ This method can be implemented by the derived class to set the content type or add a sort method. :param path: :param params: :param re_match: :return: """ pass def _internal_root(self, path, params, re_match): """ Internal method to call the on root event. :param path: :param params: :param re_match: :return: """ return self.on_root(path, params, re_match) def _internal_favorite(self, path, params, re_match): """ Internal implementation of handling favorites. :param path: :param params: :param re_match: :return: """ import constants self.add_sort_method(constants.SORT_METHOD_LABEL_IGNORE_THE) command ='command') if command == 'add': from . import json_to_item fav_item = json_to_item(params['item']) self._favorites.add(fav_item) pass elif command == 'remove': from . import json_to_item fav_item = json_to_item(params['item']) self._favorites.remove(fav_item) self.refresh_container() pass elif command == 'list': import contextmenu directory_items = self._favorites.list() for directory_item in directory_items: context_menu = [] remove_item = contextmenu.create_remove_from_favs(self.get_plugin(), self.localize(self.LOCAL_FAVORITES_REMOVE), directory_item) context_menu.append(remove_item) directory_item.set_context_menu(context_menu) pass return directory_items else: pass pass def _internal_watch_later(self, path, params, re_match): """ Internal implementation of handling a watch later list. :param path: :param params: :param re_match: :return: """ self.on_watch_later(path, params, re_match) command ='command') if command == 'add': from . import json_to_item item = json_to_item(params['item']) self._watch_later.add(item) pass elif command == 'remove': from . import json_to_item item = json_to_item(params['item']) self._watch_later.remove(item) self.refresh_container() pass elif command == 'list': video_items = self._watch_later.list() from . import contextmenu for video_item in video_items: context_menu = [] remove_item = contextmenu.create_remove_from_watch_later(self.get_plugin(), self.localize(self.LOCAL_WATCH_LATER_REMOVE), video_item) context_menu.append(remove_item) video_item.set_context_menu(context_menu) pass return video_items else: # do something pass pass def _internal_search(self, path, params, re_match): """ Internal implementation of handling a search. :param path: :param params: :param re_match: :return: """ from . import json_to_item, DirectoryItem command ='command') if command == 'new' or (command == 'list' and self._search.is_empty()): from . import input result, text = input.on_keyboard_input(self.localize(self.LOCAL_SEARCH_TITLE)) if result: self._search.update(text) # we adjust the path and params as would it be a normal query new_path = self.PATH_SEARCH+'/query/' new_params = {} new_params.update(params) new_params['q'] = text return self.on_search(text, new_path, new_params, re_match) pass elif command == 'remove': query = params['q'] self._search.remove(query) self.refresh_container() return True elif command == 'query': query = params['q'] self._search.update(query) return self.on_search(query, path, params, re_match) else: result = [] # 'New Search...' search_item = DirectoryItem('[B]' + self.localize(self.LOCAL_SEARCH_NEW) + '[/B]', self.create_uri([self.PATH_SEARCH, 'new']), image=self.create_resource_path('media/search.png')) search_item.set_fanart(self.get_fanart()) result.append(search_item) from . import contextmenu for search in self._search.list(): # little fallback for old history entries if isinstance(search, DirectoryItem): search = search.get_name() pass # we create a new instance of the SearchItem search_item = DirectoryItem(search, self.create_uri([self.PATH_SEARCH, 'query'], {'q': search}), image=self.create_resource_path('media/search.png')) search_item.set_fanart(self.get_fanart()) context_menu = [contextmenu.create_remove_from_search_history(self.get_plugin(), self.localize(self.LOCAL_SEARCH_REMOVE), search_item)] search_item.set_context_menu(context_menu) result.append(search_item) pass return result, {self.RESULT_CACHE_TO_DISC: False} return False def handle_exception(self, exception_to_handle): return True def refresh_container(self): """ Needs to be implemented by a mock for testing or the real deal. This will refresh the current container or list. :return: """ raise NotImplementedError() def show_notification(self, message, header='', image_uri='', time_milliseconds=5000): raise NotImplementedError() def log(self, text, log_level=2): from . import log log_line = '[%s] %s' % (self.get_plugin().get_id(), text) log(log_line, log_level) pass def create_resource_path(self, *args): return self._plugin.create_resource_path(*args) def create_uri(self, path=None, params=None): from . import create_plugin_uri return create_plugin_uri(self._plugin, path, params) def get_access_manager(self): """ Returns an AccessManager to help with credentials and access_tokens :return: AccessManager """ from helper import AccessManager return AccessManager(self._plugin.get_settings()) pass
class AbstractProvider(object): PATH_SEARCH = 'kodimon/search' PATH_FAVORITES = 'kodimon/favorites' PATH_WATCH_LATER = 'kodimon/watch_later' RESULT_CACHE_TO_DISC = 'cache_to_disc' # (bool) LOCAL_FAVORITES = 'kodimon.favorites' LOCAL_FAVORITES_ADD = 'kodimon.favorites.add' LOCAL_FAVORITES_REMOVE = 'kodimon.favorites.remove' LOCAL_SEARCH = '' LOCAL_SEARCH_TITLE = '' LOCAL_SEARCH_NEW = '' LOCAL_SEARCH_REMOVE = '' LOCAL_LIBRARY = 'kodimon.library' LOCAL_HIGHLIGHTS = 'kodimon.highlights' LOCAL_ARCHIVE = 'kodimon.archive' LOCAL_NEXT_PAGE = 'kodimon.next_page' LOCAL_WATCH_LATER = 'kodimon.watch_later' LOCAL_WATCH_LATER_ADD = 'kodimon.watch_later.add' LOCAL_WATCH_LATER_REMOVE = 'kodimon.watch_later.remove' LOCAL_LATEST_VIDEOS = 'kodimon.latest_videos' def __init__(self, plugin=None): """ Default constructor for a new content provider. You can provide an alternative implementation of a plugin. If the given plugin is None we try to get a implementation the good way :) :param plugin: :return: """ # if no plugin is given (should be default) we create our own implementation if plugin is None: from . import Plugin self._plugin = Plugin() else: self._plugin = plugin pass # initialize class for caching results of functions from helper import FunctionCache, SearchHistory, FavoriteList, WatchLaterList import constants # initialize cache cache_path = os.path.join(self.get_plugin().get_data_path(), u'kodimon') max_cache_size_mb = self.get_plugin().get_settings().get_int( constants.SETTING_CACHE_SIZE, 5) self._cache = FunctionCache(os.path.join(cache_path, u'cache'), max_file_size_kb=max_cache_size_mb * 1024) # initialize search history max_search_history_items = self.get_plugin().get_settings().get_int( constants.SETTING_SEARCH_SIZE, 50, lambda x: x * 10) self._search = SearchHistory(os.path.join(cache_path, u'search'), max_search_history_items) self._favorites = FavoriteList(os.path.join(cache_path, u'favorites')) self._watch_later = WatchLaterList( os.path.join(cache_path, u'watch_later')) # map for regular expression (path) to method (names) self._dict_path = {} # map for localization: (string)<ID> => (int)<ID> self._dict_localization = {} # register some default paths self.register_path('^/$', '_internal_root') self.register_path( '^/' + self.PATH_WATCH_LATER + '/(?P<command>add|remove|list)/?$', '_internal_watch_later') self.register_path( '^/' + self.PATH_FAVORITES + '/(?P<command>add|remove|list)/?$', '_internal_favorite') self.register_path( '^/' + self.PATH_SEARCH + '/(?P<command>new|query|list|remove)/?$', '_internal_search') """ Test each method of this class for the appended attribute '_re_match' by the decorator (RegisterPath). The '_re_match' attributes describes the path which must match for the decorated method. """ for method_name in dir(self): method = getattr(self, method_name) if hasattr(method, 'kodimon_re_path'): self.register_path(method.kodimon_re_path, method_name) pass pass self.set_localization({ self.LOCAL_FAVORITES: 30100, self.LOCAL_FAVORITES_ADD: 30101, self.LOCAL_FAVORITES_REMOVE: 30108, self.LOCAL_SEARCH: 30102, self.LOCAL_SEARCH_TITLE: 30102, self.LOCAL_SEARCH_NEW: 30110, self.LOCAL_SEARCH_REMOVE: 30108, self.LOCAL_LIBRARY: 30103, self.LOCAL_HIGHLIGHTS: 30104, self.LOCAL_ARCHIVE: 30105, self.LOCAL_NEXT_PAGE: 30106, self.LOCAL_WATCH_LATER: 30107, self.LOCAL_WATCH_LATER_ADD: 30107, self.LOCAL_WATCH_LATER_REMOVE: 30108, self.LOCAL_LATEST_VIDEOS: 30109 }) pass def shut_down(self): self._search = None self._cache = None self._watch_later = None pass def get_search_history(self): return self._search def get_favorite_list(self): return self._favorites def get_watch_later_list(self): return self._watch_later def get_function_cache(self): return self._cache def set_localization(self, *args): """ set_localization('', 50000) set_localization({' 50000, 'some.id2': 50001}) :param args: :return: """ if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict): self._dict_localization.update(args[0]) pass elif len(args) == 2: if isinstance(args[0], basestring) and isinstance(args[1], int): self._dict_localization[unicode(args[0])] = args[1] pass pass def get_settings(self): return self._plugin.get_settings() def localize(self, text_id, default_text=None): """ Returns the localized version of the given id. If no localization exists the default text will be returned. :param text_id: :param default_text: :return: """ mapped_id = self._dict_localization.get(text_id, None) # no mapping was found if mapped_id is None: if default_text: return default_text return unicode(text_id) return self.get_plugin().localize(mapped_id, default_text) def create_next_page_item(self, current_page_index, path, params=None): """ Creates a default next page item based on the current path. :param current_page_index: current page index (int) :param path: current path :param params: :return: """ if not params: params = {} pass new_params = {} new_params.update(params) new_params['page'] = unicode(current_page_index + 1) name = self.localize(self.LOCAL_NEXT_PAGE, 'Next Page') if name.find('%d') != -1: name %= current_page_index + 1 pass from . import DirectoryItem return DirectoryItem(name, self.create_uri(path, new_params)) def get_fanart(self): """ Returns the fanart of the plugin :return: """ return self.get_plugin().get_fanart() def get_plugin(self): """ Returns the current implementation of a plugin. :return: """ return self._plugin def call_function_cached(self, partial_func, seconds, return_cached_only=False): """ Use this method to cache the result of a (partial) given method. :param partial_func: :param seconds: Time to live. :param return_cached_only: if True returns only a cached result without calling the given method. :return: """ return self._cache.get(partial_func=partial_func, seconds=seconds, return_cached_only=return_cached_only) def set_content_type(self, content_type): """ Sets the type of the content. :param content_type: :return: """ self.get_plugin().set_content_type(content_type) pass def add_sort_method(self, *sort_methods): """ Adds a sort method for the current content. :param sort_methods: :return: """ for sort_method in sort_methods: self.get_plugin().add_sort_method(sort_method) pass pass def register_path(self, re_path, method_name): """ Registers a new method by name (string) for the given regular expression :param re_path: regular expression of the path :param method_name: name of the method :return: """ self._dict_path[re_path] = method_name def navigate(self, path, params=None): if not params: params = {} pass for key in self._dict_path: re_match =, path, re.UNICODE) if re_match is not None: method_name = self._dict_path.get(key, '') method = getattr(self, method_name) if method is not None: result = method(path, params, re_match) if not isinstance(result, tuple): result = result, {} pass return result pass pass from . import KodimonException raise KodimonException("Mapping for path '%s' not found" % path) def on_search(self, search_text, path, params, re_match): """ This method must be implemented by the derived class if the default search will be used. :param search_text: :param path: :param params: :param re_match: :return: """ raise NotImplementedError() def on_root(self, path, params, re_match): """ This method must be implemented by the derived class :param path: :param params: :param re_match: :return: """ raise NotImplementedError() def on_watch_later(self, path, params, re_match): """ This method can be implemented by the derived class to set the content type or add a sort method. :param path: :param params: :param re_match: :return: """ pass def _internal_root(self, path, params, re_match): """ Internal method to call the on root event. :param path: :param params: :param re_match: :return: """ return self.on_root(path, params, re_match) def _internal_favorite(self, path, params, re_match): """ Internal implementation of handling favorites. :param path: :param params: :param re_match: :return: """ import constants self.add_sort_method(constants.SORT_METHOD_LABEL_IGNORE_THE) command ='command') if command == 'add': from . import json_to_item fav_item = json_to_item(params['item']) self._favorites.add(fav_item) pass elif command == 'remove': from . import json_to_item fav_item = json_to_item(params['item']) self._favorites.remove(fav_item) self.refresh_container() pass elif command == 'list': import contextmenu directory_items = self._favorites.list() for directory_item in directory_items: context_menu = [] remove_item = contextmenu.create_remove_from_favs( self.get_plugin(), self.localize(self.LOCAL_FAVORITES_REMOVE), directory_item) context_menu.append(remove_item) directory_item.set_context_menu(context_menu) pass return directory_items else: pass pass def _internal_watch_later(self, path, params, re_match): """ Internal implementation of handling a watch later list. :param path: :param params: :param re_match: :return: """ self.on_watch_later(path, params, re_match) command ='command') if command == 'add': from . import json_to_item item = json_to_item(params['item']) self._watch_later.add(item) pass elif command == 'remove': from . import json_to_item item = json_to_item(params['item']) self._watch_later.remove(item) self.refresh_container() pass elif command == 'list': video_items = self._watch_later.list() from . import contextmenu for video_item in video_items: context_menu = [] remove_item = contextmenu.create_remove_from_watch_later( self.get_plugin(), self.localize(self.LOCAL_WATCH_LATER_REMOVE), video_item) context_menu.append(remove_item) video_item.set_context_menu(context_menu) pass return video_items else: # do something pass pass def _internal_search(self, path, params, re_match): """ Internal implementation of handling a search. :param path: :param params: :param re_match: :return: """ from . import json_to_item, DirectoryItem command ='command') if command == 'new' or (command == 'list' and self._search.is_empty()): from . import input result, text = input.on_keyboard_input( self.localize(self.LOCAL_SEARCH_TITLE)) if result: self._search.update(text) # we adjust the path and params as would it be a normal query new_path = self.PATH_SEARCH + '/query/' new_params = {} new_params.update(params) new_params['q'] = text return self.on_search(text, new_path, new_params, re_match) pass elif command == 'remove': query = params['q'] self._search.remove(query) self.refresh_container() return True elif command == 'query': query = params['q'] self._search.update(query) return self.on_search(query, path, params, re_match) else: result = [] # 'New Search...' search_item = DirectoryItem( '[B]' + self.localize(self.LOCAL_SEARCH_NEW) + '[/B]', self.create_uri([self.PATH_SEARCH, 'new']), image=self.create_resource_path('media/search.png')) search_item.set_fanart(self.get_fanart()) result.append(search_item) from . import contextmenu for search in self._search.list(): # little fallback for old history entries if isinstance(search, DirectoryItem): search = search.get_name() pass # we create a new instance of the SearchItem search_item = DirectoryItem( search, self.create_uri([self.PATH_SEARCH, 'query'], {'q': search}), image=self.create_resource_path('media/search.png')) search_item.set_fanart(self.get_fanart()) context_menu = [ contextmenu.create_remove_from_search_history( self.get_plugin(), self.localize(self.LOCAL_SEARCH_REMOVE), search_item) ] search_item.set_context_menu(context_menu) result.append(search_item) pass return result, {self.RESULT_CACHE_TO_DISC: False} return False def handle_exception(self, exception_to_handle): return True def refresh_container(self): """ Needs to be implemented by a mock for testing or the real deal. This will refresh the current container or list. :return: """ raise NotImplementedError() def show_notification(self, message, header='', image_uri='', time_milliseconds=5000): raise NotImplementedError() def log(self, text, log_level=2): from . import log log_line = '[%s] %s' % (self.get_plugin().get_id(), text) log(log_line, log_level) pass def create_resource_path(self, *args): return self._plugin.create_resource_path(*args) def create_uri(self, path=None, params=None): from . import create_plugin_uri return create_plugin_uri(self._plugin, path, params) def get_access_manager(self): """ Returns an AccessManager to help with credentials and access_tokens :return: AccessManager """ from helper import AccessManager return AccessManager(self._plugin.get_settings()) pass
def __init__(self, plugin=None): """ Default constructor for a new content provider. You can provide an alternative implementation of a plugin. If the given plugin is None we try to get a implementation the good way :) :param plugin: :return: """ # if no plugin is given (should be default) we create our own implementation if plugin is None: from . import Plugin self._plugin = Plugin() else: self._plugin = plugin pass # initialize class for caching results of functions from helper import FunctionCache, SearchHistory, FavoriteList, WatchLaterList import constants # initialize cache cache_path = os.path.join(self.get_plugin().get_data_path(), u'kodimon') max_cache_size_mb = self.get_plugin().get_settings().get_int(constants.SETTING_CACHE_SIZE, 5) self._cache = FunctionCache(os.path.join(cache_path, u'cache'), max_file_size_kb=max_cache_size_mb * 1024) # initialize search history max_search_history_items = self.get_plugin().get_settings().get_int(constants.SETTING_SEARCH_SIZE, 50, lambda x: x * 10) self._search = SearchHistory(os.path.join(cache_path, u'search'), max_search_history_items) self._favorites = FavoriteList(os.path.join(cache_path, u'favorites')) self._watch_later = WatchLaterList(os.path.join(cache_path, u'watch_later')) # map for regular expression (path) to method (names) self._dict_path = {} # map for localization: (string)<ID> => (int)<ID> self._dict_localization = {} # register some default paths self.register_path('^/$', '_internal_root') self.register_path('^/' + self.PATH_WATCH_LATER + '/(?P<command>add|remove|list)/?$', '_internal_watch_later') self.register_path('^/' + self.PATH_FAVORITES + '/(?P<command>add|remove|list)/?$', '_internal_favorite') self.register_path('^/' + self.PATH_SEARCH + '/(?P<command>new|query|list|remove)/?$', '_internal_search') """ Test each method of this class for the appended attribute '_re_match' by the decorator (RegisterPath). The '_re_match' attributes describes the path which must match for the decorated method. """ for method_name in dir(self): method = getattr(self, method_name) if hasattr(method, 'kodimon_re_path'): self.register_path(method.kodimon_re_path, method_name) pass pass self.set_localization({self.LOCAL_FAVORITES: 30100, self.LOCAL_FAVORITES_ADD: 30101, self.LOCAL_FAVORITES_REMOVE: 30108, self.LOCAL_SEARCH: 30102, self.LOCAL_SEARCH_TITLE: 30102, self.LOCAL_SEARCH_NEW: 30110, self.LOCAL_SEARCH_REMOVE: 30108, self.LOCAL_LIBRARY: 30103, self.LOCAL_HIGHLIGHTS: 30104, self.LOCAL_ARCHIVE: 30105, self.LOCAL_NEXT_PAGE: 30106, self.LOCAL_WATCH_LATER: 30107, self.LOCAL_WATCH_LATER_ADD: 30107, self.LOCAL_WATCH_LATER_REMOVE: 30108, self.LOCAL_LATEST_VIDEOS: 30109}) pass
def __init__(self, plugin=None): """ Default constructor for a new content provider. You can provide an alternative implementation of a plugin. If the given plugin is None we try to get a implementation the good way :) :param plugin: :return: """ # if no plugin is given (should be default) we create our own implementation if plugin is None: from . import Plugin self._plugin = Plugin() else: self._plugin = plugin pass # initialize class for caching results of functions from helper import FunctionCache, SearchHistory, FavoriteList, WatchLaterList import constants # initialize cache cache_path = os.path.join(self.get_plugin().get_data_path(), u'kodimon') max_cache_size_mb = self.get_plugin().get_settings().get_int( constants.SETTING_CACHE_SIZE, 5) self._cache = FunctionCache(os.path.join(cache_path, u'cache'), max_file_size_kb=max_cache_size_mb * 1024) # initialize search history max_search_history_items = self.get_plugin().get_settings().get_int( constants.SETTING_SEARCH_SIZE, 50, lambda x: x * 10) self._search = SearchHistory(os.path.join(cache_path, u'search'), max_search_history_items) self._favorites = FavoriteList(os.path.join(cache_path, u'favorites')) self._watch_later = WatchLaterList( os.path.join(cache_path, u'watch_later')) # map for regular expression (path) to method (names) self._dict_path = {} # map for localization: (string)<ID> => (int)<ID> self._dict_localization = {} # register some default paths self.register_path('^/$', '_internal_root') self.register_path( '^/' + self.PATH_WATCH_LATER + '/(?P<command>add|remove|list)/?$', '_internal_watch_later') self.register_path( '^/' + self.PATH_FAVORITES + '/(?P<command>add|remove|list)/?$', '_internal_favorite') self.register_path( '^/' + self.PATH_SEARCH + '/(?P<command>new|query|list|remove)/?$', '_internal_search') """ Test each method of this class for the appended attribute '_re_match' by the decorator (RegisterPath). The '_re_match' attributes describes the path which must match for the decorated method. """ for method_name in dir(self): method = getattr(self, method_name) if hasattr(method, 'kodimon_re_path'): self.register_path(method.kodimon_re_path, method_name) pass pass self.set_localization({ self.LOCAL_FAVORITES: 30100, self.LOCAL_FAVORITES_ADD: 30101, self.LOCAL_FAVORITES_REMOVE: 30108, self.LOCAL_SEARCH: 30102, self.LOCAL_SEARCH_TITLE: 30102, self.LOCAL_SEARCH_NEW: 30110, self.LOCAL_SEARCH_REMOVE: 30108, self.LOCAL_LIBRARY: 30103, self.LOCAL_HIGHLIGHTS: 30104, self.LOCAL_ARCHIVE: 30105, self.LOCAL_NEXT_PAGE: 30106, self.LOCAL_WATCH_LATER: 30107, self.LOCAL_WATCH_LATER_ADD: 30107, self.LOCAL_WATCH_LATER_REMOVE: 30108, self.LOCAL_LATEST_VIDEOS: 30109 }) pass