def __init__(self, valName, config): self.general = config.getGeneral() = self.general["name"] = valName self.config = config theUpdate = config.getResultingSection("preexisting"+self.valType+":", defaultDict = self.defaults, demandPars = self.mandatories) self.general.update(theUpdate) self.title = self.general["title"] if "|" in self.title or "," in self.title or '"' in self.title: msg = "The characters '|', '\"', and ',' cannot be used in the alignment title!" raise AllInOneError(msg) self.needsproxy = boolfromstring(self.general["needsproxy"], "needsproxy") self.jobid = self.general["jobid"] if self.jobid: try: #make sure it's actually a valid jobid output = getCommandOutput2("bjobs %(jobid)s 2>&1"%self.general) if "is not found" in output: raise RuntimeError except RuntimeError: raise AllInOneError("%s is not a valid jobid.\nMaybe it finished already?"%self.jobid) knownOpts = set(self.defaults.keys())|self.mandatories|self.optionals ignoreOpts = [] config.checkInput("preexisting"+self.valType+":", knownSimpleOptions = knownOpts, ignoreOptions = ignoreOpts) self.jobmode = None try: #initialize plotting options for this validation type result = PlottingOptions(self.config, self.valType) except KeyError: pass
def __init__(self, valName, alignment, config): import random = valName self.alignmentToValidate = alignment self.general = config.getGeneral() self.randomWorkdirPart = "%0i" % random.randint(1, 10e9) self.configFiles = [] self.config = config self.jobid = "" theUpdate = config.getResultingSection(self.valType + ":" +, defaultDict=self.defaults, demandPars=self.mandatories) self.general.update(theUpdate) self.jobmode = self.general["jobmode"] self.NJobs = int(self.general["parallelJobs"]) self.needsproxy = boolfromstring(self.general["needsproxy"], "needsproxy") # limit maximum number of parallel jobs to 40 # (each output file is approximately 20MB) maximumNumberJobs = 40 if self.NJobs > maximumNumberJobs: msg = ("Maximum allowed number of parallel jobs " + str(maximumNumberJobs) + " exceeded!!!") raise AllInOneError(msg) if self.NJobs > 1 and not isinstance(self, ParallelValidation): raise AllInOneError("Parallel jobs not implemented for {}!\n" "Please set parallelJobs = 1.".format( type(self).__name__)) self.jobid = self.general["jobid"] if self.jobid: try: #make sure it's actually a valid jobid output = getCommandOutput2("bjobs %(jobid)s 2>&1" % self.general) if "is not found" in output: raise RuntimeError except RuntimeError: raise AllInOneError( "%s is not a valid jobid.\nMaybe it finished already?" % self.jobid) self.cmssw = self.general["cmssw"] badcharacters = r"\'" for character in badcharacters: if character in self.cmssw: raise AllInOneError( "The bad characters " + badcharacters + " are not allowed in the cmssw\n" "path name. If you really have it in such a ridiculously named location,\n" "try making a symbolic link somewhere with a decent name.") try: os.listdir(self.cmssw) except OSError: raise AllInOneError("Your cmssw release " + self.cmssw + ' does not exist') if self.cmssw == os.environ["CMSSW_BASE"]: self.scramarch = os.environ["SCRAM_ARCH"] self.cmsswreleasebase = os.environ["CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE"] else: command = ( "cd '" + self.cmssw + "' && eval `scramv1 ru -sh 2> /dev/null`" ' && echo "$CMSSW_BASE\n$SCRAM_ARCH\n$CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE"') commandoutput = getCommandOutput2(command).split('\n') self.cmssw = commandoutput[0] self.scramarch = commandoutput[1] self.cmsswreleasebase = commandoutput[2] self.packages = {} for package in self.needpackages: for placetolook in self.cmssw, self.cmsswreleasebase: pkgpath = os.path.join(placetolook, "src", package) if os.path.exists(pkgpath): self.packages[package] = pkgpath break else: raise AllInOneError( "Package {} does not exist in {} or {}!".format( package, self.cmssw, self.cmsswreleasebase)) self.AutoAlternates = True if config.has_option("alternateTemplates", "AutoAlternates"): try: self.AutoAlternates = json.loads( config.get("alternateTemplates", "AutoAlternates").lower()) except ValueError: raise AllInOneError( "AutoAlternates needs to be true or false, not %s" % config.get("alternateTemplates", "AutoAlternates")) knownOpts = set( self.defaults.keys()) | self.mandatories | self.optionals ignoreOpts = [] config.checkInput(self.valType + ":" +, knownSimpleOptions=knownOpts, ignoreOptions=ignoreOpts)
def __init__(self, valName, alignment, config): import random = valName self.alignmentToValidate = alignment self.general = config.getGeneral() self.randomWorkdirPart = "%0i"%random.randint(1,10e9) self.configFiles = [] self.config = config self.jobid = "" theUpdate = config.getResultingSection(self.valType+":", defaultDict = self.defaults, demandPars = self.mandatories) self.general.update(theUpdate) self.jobmode = self.general["jobmode"] self.NJobs = int(self.general["parallelJobs"]) self.needsproxy = boolfromstring(self.general["needsproxy"], "needsproxy") # limit maximum number of parallel jobs to 40 # (each output file is approximately 20MB) maximumNumberJobs = 40 if self.NJobs > maximumNumberJobs: msg = ("Maximum allowed number of parallel jobs " +str(maximumNumberJobs)+" exceeded!!!") raise AllInOneError(msg) if self.NJobs > 1 and not isinstance(self, ParallelValidation): raise AllInOneError("Parallel jobs not implemented for {}!\n" "Please set parallelJobs = 1.".format(type(self).__name__)) self.jobid = self.general["jobid"] if self.jobid: try: #make sure it's actually a valid jobid output = getCommandOutput2("bjobs %(jobid)s 2>&1"%self.general) if "is not found" in output: raise RuntimeError except RuntimeError: raise AllInOneError("%s is not a valid jobid.\nMaybe it finished already?"%self.jobid) self.cmssw = self.general["cmssw"] badcharacters = r"\'" for character in badcharacters: if character in self.cmssw: raise AllInOneError("The bad characters " + badcharacters + " are not allowed in the cmssw\n" "path name. If you really have it in such a ridiculously named location,\n" "try making a symbolic link somewhere with a decent name.") try: os.listdir(self.cmssw) except OSError: raise AllInOneError("Your cmssw release " + self.cmssw + ' does not exist') if self.cmssw == os.environ["CMSSW_BASE"]: self.scramarch = os.environ["SCRAM_ARCH"] self.cmsswreleasebase = os.environ["CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE"] else: command = ("cd '" + self.cmssw + "' && eval `scramv1 ru -sh 2> /dev/null`" ' && echo "$CMSSW_BASE\n$SCRAM_ARCH\n$CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE"') commandoutput = getCommandOutput2(command).split('\n') self.cmssw = commandoutput[0] self.scramarch = commandoutput[1] self.cmsswreleasebase = commandoutput[2] self.packages = {} for package in self.needpackages: for placetolook in self.cmssw, self.cmsswreleasebase: pkgpath = os.path.join(placetolook, "src", package) if os.path.exists(pkgpath): self.packages[package] = pkgpath break else: raise AllInOneError("Package {} does not exist in {} or {}!".format(package, self.cmssw, self.cmsswreleasebase)) self.AutoAlternates = True if config.has_option("alternateTemplates","AutoAlternates"): try: self.AutoAlternates = json.loads(config.get("alternateTemplates","AutoAlternates").lower()) except ValueError: raise AllInOneError("AutoAlternates needs to be true or false, not %s" % config.get("alternateTemplates","AutoAlternates")) knownOpts = set(self.defaults.keys())|self.mandatories|self.optionals ignoreOpts = [] config.checkInput(self.valType+":", knownSimpleOptions = knownOpts, ignoreOptions = ignoreOpts)