from os import path # Module is scripts/ from helper_functions import verify_file_locs, move_files, display_msg, run_avida EVN = "environment.cfg" CUSTOM_EVNS = ["native_environment.cfg", "invasive_environment.cfg"] # Required configuration files for this script EVENTS = "events.cfg" CUSTOM_EVENTS = "create_pop_events.cfg" AVIDA_DIR = path.join(os.pardir, 'avida') # Relative location of the avida directory verify_file_locs(CUSTOM_EVNS+[CUSTOM_EVENTS], AVIDA_DIR) seed = input("Please enter the seed number (digits of UT EID): ") username = raw_input("Please enter your first name: ").lower() moved_cfgs = move_files("temp", EVN, EVENTS) # If there already exists an environment.cfg or evemts.cfg file, move it out of the way try: os.rename(CUSTOM_EVENTS, EVENTS) for cfg in CUSTOM_EVNS: os.rename(cfg, EVN) run = 1 run_avida(seed) display_msg("Run "+str(run) +" of avida completed.") run += 1 os.rename(ENV, cfg) data_src = path.join('data','detail-100000.spop') data_dest = path.join(os.pardir, 'saved_data', username) dest = move_files(data_dest, data_src) if run == 1:
CUSTOM_ANALYZE = "invasive_analyze.cfg" POPULATION_FILES = ["native-detail-100000.spop", "invasive-detail-100000.spop"] NUM_OF_TRIALS = 5 NUM_OF_INVADERS = 5 # move the population files username = raw_input("Please enter your first name or the name of the directory\nin the 'saved_data' directory: ").lower() user_pops_dir = path.join(os.pardir, 'saved_data', username) user_pop_files = [] for pop in POPULATION_FILES: user_pop_files.append(path.join(user_pops_dir,pop)) required_files = [CUSTOM_EVENTS] + CUSTOM_EVNS + [CUSTOM_ANALYZE] + user_pop_files verify_file_locs(required_files, AVIDA_DIR) moved_cfgs = move_files("temp", EVN, ANALYZE) # If there already exists configuration files, move them out of the way moved_pop_files = move_files(os.curdir, *user_pop_files) try: os.rename(CUSTOM_EVNS[0], EVN) os.rename(CUSTOM_ANALYZE, ANALYZE) # find the dominant sequence run_avida(-1) display_msg("Analysis complete") moved_cfgs += move_files("temp", EVENTS) os.rename(ANALYZE, CUSTOM_ANALYZE) with open("data/dom_genotype.dat") as fp: for line in fp: if re.match(r'[^#]\w+', line): dom_genotype = line.strip()
from helper_functions import verify_file_locs, move_files, display_msg, run_avida EVN = "environment.cfg" CUSTOM_EVNS = ["native_environment.cfg", "invasive_environment.cfg" ] # Required configuration files for this script EVENTS = "events.cfg" CUSTOM_EVENTS = "create_pop_events.cfg" AVIDA_DIR = path.join(os.pardir, 'avida') # Relative location of the avida directory verify_file_locs(CUSTOM_EVNS + [CUSTOM_EVENTS], AVIDA_DIR) seed = input("Please enter the seed number (digits of UT EID): ") username = raw_input("Please enter your first name: ").lower() moved_cfgs = move_files( "temp", EVN, EVENTS ) # If there already exists an environment.cfg or evemts.cfg file, move it out of the way try: os.rename(CUSTOM_EVENTS, EVENTS) for cfg in CUSTOM_EVNS: os.rename(cfg, EVN) run = 1 run_avida(seed) display_msg("Run " + str(run) + " of avida completed.") run += 1 os.rename(ENV, cfg) data_src = path.join('data', 'detail-100000.spop') data_dest = path.join(os.pardir, 'saved_data', username) dest = move_files(data_dest, data_src)
NUM_OF_INVADERS = 5 # move the population files username = raw_input( "Please enter your first name or the name of the directory\nin the 'saved_data' directory: " ).lower() user_pops_dir = path.join(os.pardir, 'saved_data', username) user_pop_files = [] for pop in POPULATION_FILES: user_pop_files.append(path.join(user_pops_dir, pop)) required_files = [CUSTOM_EVENTS] + CUSTOM_EVNS + [CUSTOM_ANALYZE ] + user_pop_files verify_file_locs(required_files, AVIDA_DIR) moved_cfgs = move_files( "temp", EVN, ANALYZE ) # If there already exists configuration files, move them out of the way moved_pop_files = move_files(os.curdir, *user_pop_files) try: os.rename(CUSTOM_EVNS[0], EVN) os.rename(CUSTOM_ANALYZE, ANALYZE) # find the dominant sequence run_avida(-1) display_msg("Analysis complete") moved_cfgs += move_files("temp", EVENTS) os.rename(ANALYZE, CUSTOM_ANALYZE) with open("data/dom_genotype.dat") as fp: for line in fp: if re.match(r'[^#]\w+', line):