def show_song(inp="Winner"):
    # default winner ... but also could be something else if it works correctly
    # which it does not (put in description and remove this clarity)
    songs_resp = helper_functions.get_and_cache_songs(
        random.choice(["win", "winner", "hurrah", "hooray"]))
    song_objs = [helper_functions.Song(s) for s in songs_resp["results"]]
    single_song = helper_functions.random_song(song_objs)
    return single_song
def show_song(inp="Winner"):
    songs_resp = helper_functions.get_and_cache_songs(
        random.choice(["win", "winner", "hurrah", "hooray"]))
    song_objs = [helper_functions.Song(s) for s in songs_resp["results"]]
    single_song = helper_functions.random_song(song_objs)
    return single_song