def create_sliceinfo_w(images_fn,
    # figure out the biggest slice
    if slice_no == None:
        slice_no = find_biggest_slice(path + labels_fn[i])
    print("Creating Weighted Slice Info... {}/{}: Slice {}".format(
        i + 1, len(images_fn), slice_no))

    # get the slice, label, and associated orientations
    slice_im, slice_im_or = get_nifti_slice(path + images_fn[i], slice_no)
    slice_lb, slice_lb_or = get_nifti_slice(path + labels_fn[i], slice_no)
    slice_ro, slice_ro_or = get_nifti_slice(path + regint_fn[i], slice_no)

    # if crop, we crop the image down
    if crop:
        crop_x, crop_y = crop
        start_x = slice_im.shape[0] / 2 - crop_x / 2
        end_x = start_x + crop_x
        start_y = slice_im.shape[1] / 2 - crop_y / 2
        end_y = start_y + crop_y

        slice_im = slice_im[start_x:end_x, start_y:end_y]
        slice_lb = slice_lb[start_x:end_x, start_y:end_y]
        slice_ro = slice_ro[start_x:end_x, start_y:end_y]

    # figure out the principal patches
    pc_payload = (slice_im, slice_lb)
    patches_m_pc, patches_n_pc, vals_m, vals_n = create_pc_patches_w(

    # compute gabor features for the patches
    feats_m = []
    feats_n = []
    intens_m = []
    intens_n = []
    for patch in patches_m_pc:
        feats_m.append(compute_feats(patch, kernels))
    for patch in patches_n_pc:
        feats_n.append(compute_feats(patch, kernels))

    # package it into a SliceInfo object
    si_payload = (images_fn[i], slice_no, slice_im, slice_im_or, slice_lb,
                  slice_lb_or, slice_ro, slice_ro_or, patches_m_pc,
                  patches_n_pc, feats_m, feats_n, intens_m, intens_n, vals_m,

    return SliceInfo(*si_payload)
def create_sliceinfo_w(images_fn, labels_fn, regint_fn, kernels, i, slice_no=None):
    # figure out the biggest slice
    if slice_no == None:    
        slice_no = find_biggest_slice(path + labels_fn[i])
    print("Creating Weighted Slice Info... {}/{}: Slice {}".format(i+1, len(images_fn), slice_no))
    # get the slice, label, and associated orientations
    slice_im, slice_im_or = get_nifti_slice(path + images_fn[i], slice_no)
    slice_lb, slice_lb_or = get_nifti_slice(path + labels_fn[i], slice_no)
    slice_ro, slice_ro_or = get_nifti_slice(path + regint_fn[i], slice_no)
    # if crop, we crop the image down
    if crop:    
        crop_x, crop_y = crop
        start_x = slice_im.shape[0] / 2 - crop_x / 2
        end_x = start_x + crop_x
        start_y = slice_im.shape[1] / 2 - crop_y / 2
        end_y = start_y + crop_y
        slice_im = slice_im[start_x:end_x, start_y:end_y]
        slice_lb = slice_lb[start_x:end_x, start_y:end_y]
        slice_ro = slice_ro[start_x:end_x, start_y:end_y]
    # figure out the principal patches
    pc_payload = (slice_im, slice_lb)
    patches_m_pc, patches_n_pc, vals_m, vals_n = create_pc_patches_w(*pc_payload)
    # compute gabor features for the patches
    feats_m = []
    feats_n = []
    intens_m = []
    intens_n = []
    for patch in patches_m_pc:
        feats_m.append(compute_feats(patch, kernels))
    for patch in patches_n_pc:
        feats_n.append(compute_feats(patch, kernels))
    # package it into a SliceInfo object
    si_payload = (images_fn[i], slice_no, 
                  slice_im, slice_im_or,
                  slice_lb, slice_lb_or,
                  slice_ro, slice_ro_or,
                  patches_m_pc, patches_n_pc,
                  feats_m, feats_n,
                  intens_m, intens_n,
                  vals_m, vals_n) 
    return SliceInfo(*si_payload)
def classify_patch_group(fn_rf, fn_kern, fn_patch_info):
    t0 = time()
    RF = dill.load(open(fn_rf, 'rb')) # unpack the RF classifier
    kernels = dill.load(open(fn_kern, 'rb')) # unpack the kernels
    patch_info = dill.load(open(fn_patch_info, 'rb')) # unpack the patch info
    a, b, c = patch_info[0] # get the bounds of the set
    patches_a = patch_info[1] # grab the set to classify
    patches_r = patch_info[2] # grab the set to compare with (atlas mask)
    results = []
    for i, patch in enumerate(patches_a): # go through each patch
        if np.all(patches_r[i]): # if the patch is entirely masked
            feat = compute_feats(patch, kernels).flatten().reshape(1, -1)
            intens = np.array(compute_intens(patch)).flatten().reshape(1, -1)
            feat = np.concatenate((feat, intens), axis=1)            
            prediction = RF.predict(feat)
            #print("Classifying patch {}/{}: {}".format(i, len(patches), prediction))
            results.append(np.full(patch.shape, prediction))
        else: # the associated ROI patch is totally zero
    dt = time() - t0
    print("Classified group {}-{}/{} in {:.2f} time".format(a, b, c, dt))
    return results
def classify_patch_group(fn_rf, fn_kern, fn_patch_info):
    t0 = time()
    RF = dill.load(open(fn_rf, "rb"))  # unpack the RF classifier
    kernels = dill.load(open(fn_kern, "rb"))  # unpack the kernels
    patch_info = dill.load(open(fn_patch_info, "rb"))  # unpack the patch info

    a, b, c = patch_info[0]  # get the bounds of the set
    patches_a = patch_info[1]  # grab the set to classify
    patches_r = patch_info[2]  # grab the set to compare with (atlas mask)

    results = []

    for i, patch in enumerate(patches_a):  # go through each patch
        if np.all(patches_r[i]):  # if the patch is entirely masked
            feat = compute_feats(patch, kernels).flatten().reshape(1, -1)
            intens = np.array(compute_intens(patch)).flatten().reshape(1, -1)
            feat = np.concatenate((feat, intens), axis=1)
            prediction = RF.predict(feat)
            # print("Classifying patch {}/{}: {}".format(i, len(patches), prediction))
            results.append(np.full(patch.shape, prediction))
        else:  # the associated ROI patch is totally zero
    dt = time() - t0
    print("Classified group {}-{}/{} in {:.2f} time".format(a, b, c, dt))
    return results
def check_classify(RF, kernels, patch, patch_label, i, tot):
    # kernel the patch
    print("Checking Classifying patch {}/{}".format(i, tot))
    feat = compute_feats(patch, kernels)
    feat = feat.flatten().reshape(1, -1)
    prediction = RF.predict(feat)
    if prediction == patch_label:
        return True
        return False
def classify_patch_w(fn, kernels, patches, i):
    RF = joblib.load(fn)
    patch = patches[i]
    feat = compute_feats(patch, kernels)
    feat = feat.flatten().reshape(1, -1)
    hogs = compute_hogs(patch)
    hogs = hogs.flatten().reshape(1, -1)
    feat = np.concatenate((feat, hogs), axis=1)

    prediction = RF.predict(feat)
    print("Classifying patch {}/{}: {}".format(i, len(patches), prediction))
    if prediction == 'M':
        return np.ones(patch.shape)
    elif prediction == 'N':
        return np.zeros(patch.shape)
        return np.full(patch.shape, prediction)
def process(filename, filename_label, slice_no):
    # Grab the image
    image_slice, orientation_slice = get_nifti_slice(filename, slice_no)
    if SHOW_IMG:
        plt.imshow(image_slice, cmap =
    # Grab the labels
    label_slice, orientation_label = get_nrrd_data(filename_label, slice_no)
    if SHOW_IMG:

    # Show the mask
    if SHOW_IMG:
        print("Masked version: ")
        mask = np.where(label_slice == 0, label_slice, image_slice)
    # Extract patches in ROI
    patches_mask, patches_nonmask = extract_roi_patches(image_slice, 
    # Get the decomposed patches
    eigens_mask = get_eigenpatches(patches_mask, PATCH_SIZE, MAX_EIGEN)
    eigens_nonmask = get_eigenpatches(patches_nonmask, PATCH_SIZE, MAX_EIGEN)
    # Show the eigens, if you want
    if SHOW_IMG:
    # Generate Gabor Kernels
    kernels = generate_kernels()
    # Show the Gabors
    if SHOW_IMG:

    # Store all the features and Gabor responses    
    all_features_mask = []
    all_powers_mask = []
    complete_features_mask = []
    all_features_nonmask = []
    all_powers_nonmask = []
    complete_features_nonmask = []
    for eigen in eigens_mask:
        all_features_mask.append(compute_feats(eigen, kernels))
        all_powers_mask.append(compute_powers(eigen, kernels))
    for eigen in eigens_nonmask:
        all_features_nonmask.append(compute_feats(eigen, kernels))
        all_powers_nonmask.append(compute_powers(eigen, kernels))
#    for patch in patches_mask:
#        complete_features_mask.append(compute_feats(patch, kernels))
#    for patch in patches_nonmask:
#        complete_features_nonmask.append(compute_feats(patch, kernels))
    return SliceInfo(filename, slice_no, image_slice, orientation_slice, 
                     label_slice, orientation_label, kernels,
                     patches_mask, eigens_mask,
                     all_features_mask, all_powers_mask,
                     patches_nonmask, eigens_nonmask,
                     all_features_nonmask, all_powers_nonmask)
def process(filename, filename_label, slice_no):

    # Grab the image
    image_slice, orientation_slice = get_nifti_slice(filename, slice_no)
    image_slice = normalise(image_slice)
    if SHOW_IMG:

    # Grab the labels
    label_slice, orientation_label = get_nrrd_data(filename_label, slice_no)
    #if SHOW_IMG:
    #    plt.imshow(label_slice,

    # Show the mask
    if SHOW_IMG:
        print("Masked version: ")
        mask = np.where(label_slice == 0, label_slice, image_slice)

    # Extract patches in ROI
    patches_mask, patches_nonmask = extract_roi_patches(
        image_slice, label_slice, PATCH_SIZE)

    # Get the decomposed patches
    eigens_mask = get_randoms(patches_mask, MAX_EIGEN)
    eigens_nonmask = get_randoms(patches_nonmask, MAX_EIGEN)

    # Show the eigens, if you want
    if SHOW_IMG:

    # Generate Gabor Kernels
    kernels = generate_kernels()

    # Show the Gabors
    if SHOW_IMG:

    # Store all the features and Gabor responses
    all_features_mask = []
    all_powers_mask = []

    all_features_nonmask = []
    all_powers_nonmask = []

    for eigen in eigens_mask:
        all_features_mask.append(compute_feats(eigen, kernels))
        all_powers_mask.append(compute_powers(eigen, kernels))

    for eigen in eigens_nonmask:
        all_features_nonmask.append(compute_feats(eigen, kernels))
        all_powers_nonmask.append(compute_powers(eigen, kernels))

    return SliceInfo(filename, slice_no, image_slice, orientation_slice,
                     label_slice, orientation_label, kernels, patches_mask,
                     eigens_mask, all_features_mask, all_powers_mask,
                     patches_nonmask, eigens_nonmask, all_features_nonmask,