	while log!= [CommProto.LOG, 1, CommProto.LOG_CRPT_MSG]:
		print 'Waiting for LOG message type 73 ...'
		log = recv(sock, COMMPROTO_MAX_MSG_SIZE)
		print 'Received: ', log
	print 'Good!' 
	return True

# Get default settings file
SRC_ROOT = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'src')
SETTINGS_FILE = os.path.join(SRC_ROOT, 'settings', 'VisionSettings.py')

# import helpers and settings file
from helpers.Importer import Importer
V_SETT = Importer.import_file(SETTINGS_FILE)
V_SETT.LOG_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(V_SETT.__file__), V_SETT.LOG_FILE)

# hack settings into __builtin__ so that other modules can access it
__builtin__.V_SETT = V_SETT

# import communication's protocol
from communication.CommProto import CommProto

port = ip = n = None
request = []

i = 1 # strat from first argument, 0 argument is scprit's filename
while i < len(sys.argv):
	if sys.argv[i] == '-s':
        print "Waiting for LOG message type 73 ..."
        log = recv(sock, COMMPROTO_MAX_MSG_SIZE)
        print "Received: ", log
    print "Good!"
    return True

# Get default settings file
SRC_ROOT = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "src")
SETTINGS_FILE = os.path.join(SRC_ROOT, "settings", "VisionSettings.py")

# import helpers and settings file
from helpers.Importer import Importer

V_SETT = Importer.import_file(SETTINGS_FILE)
V_SETT.LOG_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(V_SETT.__file__), V_SETT.LOG_FILE)

# hack settings into __builtin__ so that other modules can access it
__builtin__.V_SETT = V_SETT

# import communication's protocol
from communication.CommProto import CommProto

port = ip = n = None
request = []

i = 1  # strat from first argument, 0 argument is scprit's filename
while i < len(sys.argv):
    if sys.argv[i] == "-s":
					4 - binary image of region near yellow and blue robots

		--no-cam	use an image instead of live camera feed

	N.B. In case '-s' is supplied to load a different configuration file, please
		 note that relative path to settings_file.py will not work with
		 symbolic links. Also, the name of settings_file.py must be changed to
		 something different than VisionSettings.py, otherwise Python will load
		 the default settings file.

# append helpers package to PYTHONPATH so that each module from now on can
# access ot it.
SRC_ROOT = Importer.get_full_path_from_curr(os.path.dirname(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(SRC_ROOT, 'helpers'))

# Default settings module, could be overriden by '-s' argument.
SETTINGS_FILE = os.path.join(SRC_ROOT, 'settings', 'VisionSettings.py')
USE_CAM = True

i = 1
while i < len(sys.argv):
    if sys.argv[i] == '-s':
        i += 1
        # argument path is relative to dir of execution, so no changes needed
        SETTINGS_FILE = get_full_path_from_curr(sys.argv[i])
					4 - binary image of region near yellow and blue robots

		--no-cam	use an image instead of live camera feed

	N.B. In case '-s' is supplied to load a different configuration file, please
		 note that relative path to settings_file.py will not work with
		 symbolic links. Also, the name of settings_file.py must be changed to
		 something different than VisionSettings.py, otherwise Python will load
		 the default settings file.

# append helpers package to PYTHONPATH so that each module from now on can
# access ot it.
SRC_ROOT = Importer.get_full_path_from_curr(os.path.dirname(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(SRC_ROOT, 'helpers'))

# Default settings module, could be overriden by '-s' argument.
SETTINGS_FILE = os.path.join(SRC_ROOT, 'settings', 'VisionSettings.py')
USE_CAM = True

i = 1
while i < len(sys.argv):
	if sys.argv[i] == '-s':
		i += 1
		# argument path is relative to dir of execution, so no changes needed
		SETTINGS_FILE = get_full_path_from_curr(sys.argv[i])