def reg_logistic_regression(y,
    #Regularized logistic regression using gradient descent
    :param y: labels
    :type y: numpy 1D array
    :param lambda_: trade-off parameter (how big part of the loss/cost function to give to regularization function)
    :type lambda_: float64
    :param tx: extended (contains bias column) feature matrix, where each row is a datapoint and each          column a feature
    :type tx: numpy 2D array
    :param initial_w: initial value of weights
    :type initial_w: numpy 1D array
    :param max_iters: the number of maximal iterations
    :type max_iters: int
    :param gamma: learning rate
    :type gamma: float64
    if all_losses == False
    :return: trained weights , value of the loss/cost function at the last step (the value of the loss function at the end of learning)
    :rtype:  numpy array,  float64
    if all_losses == True and return_total_number_of_iterations == False
    :return: trained weights , all values of the loss/cost function per step/iteration of training before the update rule is applied to the weights
    :rtype:  numpy array,  numpy array

    # Define parameters to store weights and the value of the loss(cost) funcion
    loss = 0.0
    w = initial_w
    losses = []
    for n_iter in range(max_iters):
        # compute the gradient at the given point
        gradient = gradient_of_logistic_regression(tx, y, w, lambda_)
        # update weights accordint to the BGD
        w = w - gamma * gradient
        losses.append(loss_of_logistic_regression(tx, y, w))
    # calculate loss function
    loss = loss_of_logistic_regression(tx, y, w, lambda_)
    if all_losses:
        return w, losses

    return w, loss
def reg_batch_logistic_regression(y, tx, lambda_, initial_w, max_iters, gamma,
    #Regularized logistic regression using gradient descent
    :param y: labels
    :type y: numpy 1D array
    :param lambda_: trade-off parameter (how big part of the loss/cost function to give to regularization function)
    :type lambda_: float64
    :param tx: extended (contains bias column) feature matrix, where each row is a datapoint and each          column a feature
    :type tx: numpy 2D array
    :param initial_w: initial value of weights
    :type initial_w: numpy 1D array
    :param max_iters: the number of maximal iterations
    :type max_iters: int
    :param gamma: learning rate
    :type gamma: float64
    :return: trained weights , value of the loss/cost function at the last step (the value of the loss function at the end of learning)
    :rtype:  numpy array,  float64
    n = len(y)
    # Define parameters to store weights and the value of the loss(cost) funcion
    loss = 0.0
    w = initial_w
    for n_iter in range(max_iters):
        batch_indices = np.random.randint(n, size=batch_size)
        batch_y = y[batch_indices]
        batch_tx = tx[batch_indices]
        # compute the gradient at the given point
        gradient = gradient_of_logistic_regression(batch_tx, batch_y, w,
        # update weights accordint to the BGD
        w = w - gamma * gradient
    # calculate loss function
    loss = loss_of_logistic_regression(tx, y, w, lambda_)
    return w, loss
def logistic_regression(y, tx, initial_w, max_iters, gamma, all_losses=False):
    #Logistic regression using gradient descent
    :param y: labels
    :type y: numpy 1D array
    :param tx: extended (contains bias column) feature matrix, where each row is a datapoint and each          column a feature
    :type tx: numpy 2D array
    :param initial_w: initial value of weights
    :type initial_w: numpy 1D array
    :param max_iters: the number of maximal iterations
    :type max_iters: int
    :param gamma: learning rate
    :type gamma: float64
    if all_losses == False
    :return: trained weights , value of the loss/cost function at the last step (the value of the loss function at the end of learning)
    :rtype:  numpy array,  float64
    if all_losses == True
    :return: trained weights , all values of the loss/cost function per step/iteration of training before the update rule is applied to the weights
    :rtype:  numpy array,  numpy array
    loss = 0.0
    w = initial_w
    losses = []
    for n_iter in range(max_iters):
        # compute the gradient at the given point
        gradient = gradient_of_logistic_regression(tx, y, w)
        if all_losses:
            losses.append(loss_of_logistic_regression(tx, y, w))
        w = w - gamma * gradient
    # calculate loss function
    loss = loss_of_logistic_regression(tx, y, w)

    if all_losses:
        return w, losses
    return w, loss
def reg_logistic_regression_smart(y,
    #Reg. Logistic regression using gradient descent with smart feature,
    that will stop if the absolute difference of two consecutive values
    of the loss function is smaller than desired argument called epsilon
    :param y: labels
    :type y: numpy 1D array
    :param lambda_: trade-off parameter (how big part of the loss/cost function to give to regularization function)
    :type lambda_: float64
    :param tx: extended (contains bias column) feature matrix, where each row is a datapoint and each          column a feature
    :type tx: numpy 2D array
    :param initial_w: initial value of weights
    :type initial_w: numpy 1D array
    :param max_iters: the number of maximal iterations
    :type max_iters: int
    :param gamma: learning rate
    :type gamma: float64
    if all_losses == False
    :return: trained weights , value of the loss/cost function at the last step (the value of the loss function at the end of learning)
    :rtype:  numpy array,  float64
    if all_losses == True and return_total_number_of_iterations == False
    :return: trained weights , all values of the loss/cost function per step/iteration of training before the update rule is applied to the weights
    :rtype:  numpy array,  numpy array
    if all_losses == True and return_total_number_of_iterations == True
    :return: trained weights , all values of the loss/cost function per step/iteration of training before the update rule is applied to the weights, 
    total number of steps before achieving the desired predefined EPSILON precision
    :rtype:  numpy array,  numpy array, int
    loss = 0.0
    w = initial_w
    losses = []
    prev_loss = loss_of_logistic_regression(tx, y, w, lambda_)
    total_number_of_iteratiorns = max_iters
    for n_iter in range(max_iters):
        # compute the gradient at the given point
        gradient = gradient_of_logistic_regression(tx, y, w, lambda_)
        # update weights
        w = w - gamma * gradient
        # calculate the current value of the loss function
        current_loss = loss_of_logistic_regression(tx, y, w, lambda_)
        # save the current value of the loss function
        # calculate the differences between two consecutive values
        # of the loss functions, and if it is less than defined
        # epsilon then break because we reached desired precision
        if (abs(current_loss - prev_loss) <= epsilon):
            total_number_of_iteratiorns = n_iter
        prev_loss = current_loss

    if return_total_number_of_iterations and all_losses:
        return w, losses, total_number_of_iteratiorns

    if all_losses:
        return w, losses
        # calculate the final loss function
        loss = loss_of_logistic_regression(tx, y, w, lambda_)
        return w, loss