def get_trigger_config(trigger_id):
    Get the configuration of a trigger

    :param trigger_id: id of the trigger
    :return: a dict containing the configuration of the trigger
        trigger_config = load_from_json_file(
            os.path.join(TRIGGERS_DIR, '%s.json' % trigger_id))
    except IOError:
        # Trigger does not exist yet, return empty dict
        trigger_config = {}

    return trigger_config
def get_action_config(action_id):
    Get the configuration of an action

    :param action_id: id of the action
    :return: a dict containing the configuration of the action
        action_config = load_from_json_file(
            os.path.join(ACTIONS_DIR, '%s.json' % action_id))
    except IOError:
        # Action does not exist yet, return empty dict
        action_config = {}

    return action_config
def check_authentication(headers, data):
    Checks if the headers contain valid authentication information
    This must include the following headers:
    - API_Key: an identifier for the account
    - API_Sign: a signature
    - API_Nonce: an integer, each request must have a nonce that is higher than the nonce of the previous request

    :param headers: The headers of the http request
    :param data: The json data of the http request
    :return: An AuthenticationStatus
    global LAST_NONCES

    api_keys = load_from_json_file(API_KEYS_FILE)
    if api_keys is None:
        return AuthenticationStatus.INVALID_JSON_FILE

    if 'API_Key' not in headers:
        return AuthenticationStatus.NO_API_KEY

    if 'API_Sign' not in headers:
        return AuthenticationStatus.NO_SIGNATURE

    if 'API_Nonce' not in headers:
        return AuthenticationStatus.NO_NONCE

    api_key = headers['API_Key']
    if api_key not in api_keys or 'secret' not in api_keys[api_key]:
        return AuthenticationStatus.INVALID_API_KEY

        nonce = int(headers['API_Nonce'])
    except Exception as ex:
        return AuthenticationStatus.INVALID_NONCE

    if api_key in LAST_NONCES and LAST_NONCES[api_key] >= nonce:
        return AuthenticationStatus.INVALID_NONCE

    LAST_NONCES[api_key] = nonce

    if headers['API_Sign'] == signature(data, nonce, api_keys[api_key]['secret']):
        return AuthenticationStatus.OK
        return AuthenticationStatus.INVALID_SIGNATURE
    def load(self, payment_request_id):
            data = load_from_json_file(filename=os.path.join(PAYMENT_PROCESSOR_DIR, '%s.json' % payment_request_id))
        except IOError as ex:
            LOG.error('Payment_request_id not found: %s' % ex)
            raise Exception('Unknown payment request id: %s' % payment_request_id)

        self.payment_request_id = payment_request_id
        self.seller_id = data['seller_id']
        self.amount_fiat = data['amount_fiat']
        self.currency = data['currency']
        self.price_btc = data['price_btc']
        self.price_timestamp = data['price_timestamp']
        self.amount_btc = data['amount_btc']
        self.note = data['note']

        self.status = data['status']
        self.address = data['address']
        self.txid = data['txid']
        self.confirmations = data['confirmations']

current_python_exe = config.get(section='RESTAPI',
python_exe = input('Enter the python exe to use (%s) ' %
                   current_python_exe) or current_python_exe
config.set(section='RESTAPI', option='python_exe', value=python_exe)

# Authentication settings
api_keys_file = os.path.join(PROGRAM_DIR, 'json', 'private', 'api_keys.json')
if not os.path.isfile(api_keys_file):
    print('Initializing api keys')

api_keys = load_from_json_file(filename=api_keys_file)

current_key = list(api_keys.keys())[0]
key = input(
    'Enter the API key or press enter to keep the current value (%s) ' %
    current_key) or current_key
config.set(section='Authentication', option='key', value=key)

current_secret = api_keys[key]['secret']
secret = input(
    'Enter the API secret or press enter to keep the current value (%s) ' %
    current_secret) or current_secret
config.set(section='Authentication', option='secret', value=secret)

# Wallet settings
current_wallet_dir = config.get(section='Wallet', option='wallet_dir')
import argparse
import os
import sys

PROGRAM_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
sys.path.insert(0, PROGRAM_DIR)

from darwin.evolver import Evolver
from helpers.jsonhelpers import load_from_json_file

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create main parser
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Evolver command line interface',

    parser.add_argument('config', help='name of the configuration file to use')

    # Parse the command line arguments
    args = parser.parse_args()

    evolver = Evolver()
    # evolver.save_config(filename=args.config)

    # Read the configuration
    config = load_from_json_file(filename=args.config)

    def load_directory(self, directory):
        filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, '*.json'))

        for filename in filenames:
            genome_data = load_from_json_file(filename=filename)