def speed_on_the_ground(graph: nx.DiGraph, filename: str): mpl.use("Agg") with commons.Section("Getting the background OSM map"): nodes = pd.DataFrame(data=nx.get_node_attributes(graph, name="pos"), index=["lon", "lat"]).T extent = maps.ax4(, nodes.lon) osmap = maps.get_map_by_bbox(maps.ax2mb(*extent)) with mpl.rc_context(PARAM['mpl_style']), commons.Axes() as ax1: velocity = pd.Series(nx.get_edge_attributes( graph, name="len")) / pd.Series( nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, name=PARAM['edge_time_attr'])) cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( name="noname", colors=["brown", "r", "orange", "g"]) ax1.imshow(osmap, extent=extent, interpolation='quadric', zorder=-100) nx.draw(graph, ax=ax1, pos=nx.get_node_attributes(graph, name="pos"), edgelist=list(velocity.index), edge_color=list(velocity), edge_cmap=cmap, edge_vmin=0, edge_vmax=7, with_labels=False, arrows=False, node_size=0, alpha=0.8, width=0.3) fn = PARAM['out_images_path'] / commons.myname() / F"{filename}.png" ax1.figure.savefig(commons.makedirs(fn))
def nx_draw_met_by_len(graph, edges_met=None, mpl_backend="Agg", printer=None): mpl.use(mpl_backend) with Section("Preparing to draw graph", out=printer): nodes = pd.DataFrame(data=nx.get_node_attributes(graph, name="loc"), index=["lat", "lon"]).T edges_len = pd.Series(data=nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, name="len"), name="len") if edges_met is not None: edges_met = pd.Series(name="met", data=edges_met) else: edges_met = pd.Series(name="met", data=nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, name="met")) cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( name="noname", colors=["g", "y", "r", "brown"]) with Section("Getting the background OSM map", out=printer): extent = maps.ax4(, nodes.lon) osmap = maps.get_map_by_bbox(maps.ax2mb(*extent)) with Section("Drawing image", out=printer): fig: plt.Figure ax1: plt.Axes (fig, ax1) = plt.subplots() # The background map ax1.imshow(osmap, extent=extent, interpolation='quadric', zorder=-100) ax1.axis("off") edge_colors = (edges_met / edges_len).clip(lower=0.9, upper=1.5) nx.draw(graph, ax=ax1, pos=nx.get_node_attributes(graph, name="pos"), edge_list=list(edge_colors.index), edge_color=list(edge_colors), edge_cmap=cmap, with_labels=False, arrows=False, node_size=0, alpha=1, width=0.4) ax1.set_xlim(extent[0:2]) ax1.set_ylim(extent[2:4]) try: # Note: # "yield (fig, ax1)" does not work with the "retry" context manager return iter([(fig, ax1)]) finally: plt.close(fig)
def compare_multiple_trajectories(table_name): mpl.use("Agg") # Number of trips to plot N = 10 # Number of trajectories per trip M = 12 graph = get_road_graph() nodes = pd.DataFrame(data=nx.get_node_attributes(graph, "loc"), index=["lat", "lon"]).T edges_len = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, name="len") where = "('2016-05-02 08:00' <= pickup_datetime) and (pickup_datetime <= '2016-05-02 09:00')" trips = get_trip_data(table_name, graph, order="", where=where) trips = trips.sample(min(N, len(trips)), random_state=1) logger.debug(F"{len(trips)} trips") with Section("Getting the background OSM map", out=logger.debug): extent = maps.ax4(, nodes.lon) osmap = maps.get_map_by_bbox(maps.ax2mb(*extent)) with{**PARAM['mpl_style'], 'font.size': 5}), Axes() as ax1: # The background map ax1.imshow(osmap, extent=extent, interpolation='quadric', zorder=-100) ax1.axis("off") ax1.set_xlim(extent[0:2]) ax1.set_ylim(extent[2:4]) for (__, trip) in trips.iterrows(): with Section("Computing candidate trajectories", out=logger.debug): trajectories = pd.DataFrame(data={'path': [ path for (__, path) in zip(range(M), nx.shortest_simple_paths(graph, source=trip.u, target=trip.v)) ]}) trajectories['dist'] = [sum(edges_len[e] for e in pairwise(path)) for path in trajectories.path] trajectories = trajectories.sort_values(by='dist', ascending=False) marker = dict(markersize=2, markeredgewidth=0.2, markerfacecolor="None") ax1.plot(trip['pickup_longitude'], trip['pickup_latitude'], 'og', **marker) ax1.plot(trip['dropoff_longitude'], trip['dropoff_latitude'], 'xr', **marker) cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name="noname", colors=["g", "orange", "r", "brown"]) colors = cmap(pd.Series(trajectories['dist'] / trip['distance']).rank(pct=True)) for (c, path) in zip(colors, trajectories.path): (y, x) = nodes.loc[list(path)].values.T ax1.plot(x, y, c=c, alpha=0.5, lw=0.3) # Save to file fn = os.path.join(PARAM['out_images_path'], F"{myname()}/{table_name}.png") ax1.figure.savefig(makedirs(fn))
def trip_trajectories_ingraph(table_name): mpl.use("Agg") # Max number of trajectories to plot N = 1000 graph = get_road_graph() nodes = pd.DataFrame(data=nx.get_node_attributes(graph, "loc"), index=["lat", "lon"]).T trips = get_trip_data(table_name, graph) trips = trips.sample(min(N, len(trips))) logger.debug(F"{len(trips)} trips") logger.debug("Computing trajectories") trajectories = parallel_map(GraphPathDist(graph).path_only, zip(trips.u, trips.v)) with Section("Getting the background OSM map", out=logger.debug): extent = maps.ax4(, nodes.lon) osmap = maps.get_map_by_bbox(maps.ax2mb(*extent)) with{**PARAM['mpl_style'], 'font.size': 5}): with Axes() as ax1: # The background map ax1.imshow(osmap, extent=extent, interpolation='quadric', zorder=-100) ax1.axis("off") ax1.set_xlim(extent[0:2]) ax1.set_ylim(extent[2:4]) c = 'b' if ("green" in table_name): c = "green" if ("yello" in table_name): c = "orange" logger.debug("Plotting trajectories") for traj in trajectories: (y, x) = nodes.loc[list(traj)].values.T ax1.plot(x, y, c=c, alpha=0.1, lw=0.3) # Save to file fn = os.path.join(PARAM['out_images_path'], F"{myname()}/{table_name}.png") ax1.figure.savefig(makedirs(fn)) # Meta info json.dump({'number_of_trajectories': len(trips)}, open((fn + ".txt"), 'w'))
def trip_trajectories_initial(table_name): mpl.use("Agg") N = 10000 cols = [ "pickup_latitude", "pickup_longitude", "dropoff_latitude", "dropoff_longitude" ] sql = F"SELECT {(', '.join(cols))} FROM [{table_name}] ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT {N}" df = query(sql) df = df.rename(columns=dict(zip(cols, ["lat0", "lon0", "lat1", "lon1"]))) fig: plt.Figure ax1: plt.Axes (fig, ax1) = plt.subplots() ax1.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', labelsize='3') c = "b" if ("green" in table_name): c = "green" if ("yellow" in table_name): c = "orange" for (yy, xx) in zip(df[['lat0', 'lat1']].values, df[['lon0', 'lon1']].values): ax1.plot(xx, yy, c=c, ls='-', alpha=0.1, lw=0.1) ax1.axis("off") # Get the background map axis = ax1.axis() img_map = maps.get_map_by_bbox(maps.ax2mb(*axis)) ax1.imshow(img_map, extent=axis, interpolation='quadric', zorder=-100) fn = os.path.join(PARAM['out_images_path'], F"{myname()}/{table_name}.png") fig.savefig(makedirs(fn), **PARAM['savefig_args'])
def trip_trajectories_velocity(table_name): mpl.use("Agg") # Max number of trajectories to use N = 10000 graph = get_road_graph() nodes = pd.DataFrame(data=nx.get_node_attributes(graph, "loc"), index=["lat", "lon"]).T edge_name = pd.Series(nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, name="name")) where = "('2016-05-02 08:00' <= pickup_datetime) and (pickup_datetime <= '2016-05-02 09:00')" trips = get_trip_data(table_name, graph, order="", limit=N, where=where) trips['velocity'] = trips['distance'] / trips['duration/s'] trips = trips.sort_values(by='velocity', ascending=True) logger.debug(F"{len(trips)} trips") with Section("Computing estimated trajectories", out=logger.debug): trips['traj'] = parallel_map(GraphPathDist(graph).path_only, zip(trips.u, trips.v)) with Section("Getting the background OSM map", out=logger.debug): extent = maps.ax4(, nodes.lon) osmap = maps.get_map_by_bbox(maps.ax2mb(*extent)) with Section("Computing edge velocities", out=logger.debug): edge_vel = defaultdict(list) for (traj, v) in zip(trips.traj, trips.velocity): for e in pairwise(traj): edge_vel[e].append(v) edge_vel = pd.Series({e: np.mean(v or np.nan) for (e, v) in edge_vel.items()}, index=graph.edges) edge_vel = edge_vel.dropna() with{**PARAM['mpl_style'], 'font.size': 5}), Axes() as ax1: # The background map ax1.imshow(osmap, extent=extent, interpolation='quadric', zorder=-100) ax1.axis("off") ax1.set_xlim(extent[0:2]) ax1.set_ylim(extent[2:4]) cmap_velocity = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name="noname", colors=["brown", "r", "orange", "g"]) # marker = dict(markersize=0.5, markeredgewidth=0.1, markerfacecolor="None") # ax1.plot(trips['pickup_longitude'], trips['pickup_latitude'], 'og', **marker) # ax1.plot(trips['dropoff_longitude'], trips['dropoff_latitude'], 'xr', **marker) # for e in edge_name[edge_name == "65th Street Transverse"].index: # print(e, edge_vel[e]) edge_vel: pd.Series # edge_vel = edge_vel.rank(pct=True) edge_vel = edge_vel.clip(lower=2, upper=6).round() edge_vel = (edge_vel - edge_vel.min()) / (edge_vel.max() - edge_vel.min()) edge_vel = edge_vel.apply(cmap_velocity) nx.draw_networkx_edges( graph.edge_subgraph(edge_vel.index), ax=ax1, pos=nx.get_node_attributes(graph, name="pos"), edge_list=list(edge_vel.index), edge_color=list(edge_vel), # edge_cmap=cmap_velocity, # vmin=0, vmax=1, with_labels=False, arrows=False, node_size=0, alpha=0.8, width=0.3, ) # Save to file fn = os.path.join(PARAM['out_images_path'], F"{myname()}/{table_name}.png") ax1.figure.savefig(makedirs(fn)) # Meta info json.dump({'number_of_trajectories': len(trips)}, open((fn + ".txt"), 'w'))
def mm_callback(result): if (result['status'] == "zero"): print("(Preparing)") if (result['status'] == "init"): print("(Optimizing)") if (result['status'] == "opti"): if ( < result.get('nfu', dt.datetime.min)): return if (result['status'] == "done"): print("(Done)") if (result['status'] == "zero"): fig: plt.Figure ax: plt.Axes (fig, ax) = plt.subplots() for (n, (y, x)) in enumerate(result['waypoints']): ax.plot(x, y, 'bo') ax.axis(commons.niceaxis(ax.axis(), expand=1.1)) ax.autoscale(enable=False) # Download the background map try: mapi = maps.get_map_by_bbox(maps.ax2mb(*ax.axis()), token=mapbox_token) except maps.URLError: commons.logger.warning("No map (no connection?)") mapi = None result['plt'] = { 'fig': fig, 'ax': ax, 'map': mapi, 'bbox': ax.axis() } if (result['status'] in ["zero", "opti", "done"]): fig: plt.Figure ax: plt.Axes (fig, ax, mapi, bbox) = commons.inspect({'plt': ('fig', 'ax', 'map', 'bbox')})(result) # Clear the axes ax.cla() # Apply the background map if mapi: img = ax.imshow(mapi, extent=bbox, interpolation='none', zorder=-100) for (n, (y, x)) in enumerate(result['waypoints']): ax.plot(x, y, 'o', c='m', markersize=4) if ('geo_path' in result): (y, x) = zip(*result['geo_path']) ax.plot(x, y, 'b--', linewidth=2, zorder=-50) if ('(edge_clouds)' in result): for (nc, pc) in enumerate(result['(edge_clouds)']): for (e, p) in pc.items(): (y, x) = zip(*[g.nodes[i]['pos'] for i in e]) c = ('g' if (result['(active_edges)'][nc] == e) else 'r') ax.plot(x, y, '-', c=c, linewidth=2, alpha=(p / max(pc.values())), zorder=150) ax.axis(bbox) plt.pause(0.1) if (result['status'] == "opti"): # Next figure update result['nfu'] = + dt.timedelta(seconds=4) if (result['status'] == "done"): open("graph_mm_callback.gpx", 'w').write( simple_gpx(result['waypoints'], [result['geo_path']]).to_xml())
def nx_draw(graph, nodes=None, edges=None): # mpl.use("Agg") logger.debug("Preparing to draw graph") if nodes is None: nodes = pd.DataFrame(data=nx.get_node_attributes(graph, name="loc"), index=["lat", "lon"]).T if edges is None: edges = pd.DataFrame([ pd.Series(data=nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, name="met"), name="met"), pd.Series(data=nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, name="len"), name="len"), ]).T edges['color'] = (edges.met / edges.len) cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name="noname", colors=["g", "y", "r", "brown"]) # Axes window # extent = # [[min(nodes.lon), max(nodes.lon)], [min(, max(]], # (lambda s: np.asarray([[1 + s, -s], [-s, 1 + s]]))(0.01) # ).flatten() # Manhattan south extent = [-74, -73.96, 40.73, 40.78] logger.debug("Getting the background OSM map") osmap = maps.get_map_by_bbox(maps.ax2mb(*extent), style=maps.MapBoxStyle.streets) fig: plt.Figure ax1: plt.Axes (fig, ax1) = plt.subplots() logger.debug("Drawing image") # The background map ax1.imshow(osmap, extent=extent, interpolation='quadric', zorder=-100) ax1.axis("off") edges.color[edges.color > 1.5] = 1.5 edges.color[edges.color < 0.9] = 0.9 g = nx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, ax=ax1, pos=nx.get_node_attributes(graph, name="pos"), edge_list=list(edges.index), edge_color=list(edges.color), edge_cmap=cmap, with_labels=False, arrows=False, node_size=0, alpha=1, width=2) # (vmin, vmax) = (np.min(edges.color), np.max(edges.color)) sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)) sm._A = [] plt.colorbar(sm) # # pc = mpl.collections.PatchCollection(g, cmap=cmap) # pc.set_array(list(edges.color)) # plt.colorbar(pc) # cax = fig.add_axes([ax1.get_position().x1 + 0.01, ax1.get_position().y0, 0.02, ax1.get_position().height]) # cbar = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax) ax1.set_xlim(extent[0:2]) ax1.set_ylim(extent[2:4]) logger.debug("OK") try: yield (fig, ax1) finally: plt.close(fig)