def tauLeap(model, tmax, tau=1, track=False, silent=False, propagate=False, **kwargs) :

	# Initialisation ##########################################################

	# If user requested to propagate old results, don't build the model
	if not propagate : # initialise model

	# Time array
	t = [0]

	# Initialise the trace
	trace = model.X[:]

	# Timestep and tracking indices
	idx = 0
	tracking_idx = -1;

	# Start the progress bar
	if not silent :

	# Preallocate array of tracked reactions
	if track :
		tracked_trans_array = np.zeros((model.N_events,1)) #int(tmax/tau)))
		counter = 0

	# Which transitions need to be capped ?
	cappedEvents = -(model.transition * (model.transition < 0))

	# Simulation loop #########################################################
	while t[-1] < tmax :

		# Compute a rates vector
		rates = [rate(model.X, t[-1]) for rate in model.rates]

		# Ensure all rates are valid
		if np.any(np.array(rates) < 0) :
			raise helpers.SimulationError("Negative rates found.")

		# Ensure there are possible events to continue with
		if not np.any(np.array(rates) > 0) :
			if not silent :
				print "No more possible events, stopping early !"
			return (t, trace) if not track else (t, trace, tracked_trans_array)
def gillespie(model, tmax, track=False, silent=False, propagate=False, **kwargs) :

	# Initialise ##############################################################

	# Generate this many random uniforms at once, for speed
	randsize = 1000

	# Timestep at which random numbers were last updated
	tlast = 0

	# Time array
	t = [0]

	# If user requested to propagate old results, don't build the model
	if not propagate : # initialise model

	# Initialise the trace
	trace = []

	# Preallocate array of tracked reactions
	if track :
		tracked_trans_array = []

	# Pregenerate some random numbers
	rand = np.random.uniform(size=1000)
	rcount = 0

	# Start the progress bar
	if not silent :

	# Simulation loop #########################################################
	while t[-1] < tmax :

		# Compute a rates vector
		rates = [rate(model.X, t[-1]) for rate in model.rates]

		# Ensure all rates are statistically valid
		if np.any(np.array(rates) < 0) :
			raise helpers.SimulationError("Negative rates found.")

		# Ensure there are possible events to continue with
		if not np.any(np.array(rates) > 0) :
			if not silent :
				print("No more possible events, stopping early !")
			out = [t, np.array(trace)]
			if track :
			return out

		# Draw a waiting time
		t.append(t[-1] + np.random.exponential(1./np.sum(rates)))

		# Select which transition occurs
		trans = np.where(np.random.uniform() < \
			np.cumsum(rates / np.sum(rates)))[0][0]

		# Update the state space
		model.X += model.transition[:, trans].astype(int)

		# If we're tracking, keep track of the transition
		if track :
			currentevent = np.zeros(model.N_events)
			currentevent[trans] = 1
			tracked_trans_array[trans, tcount] = 1
			tcount += 1
			if tcount >= tracked_trans_array.shape[1] :
				tracked_trans_array = np.hstack((tracked_trans_array, \

		# At the end of randsize iterations, update randsize "adaptively"
		rcount += 1
		if rcount == randsize :
			rcount = 0
			randsize = max(1000, randsize * tmax / (tlast - t[-1]) - 1)
			rand = np.random.uniform(size=randsize)
			tlast = t[-1]

		# Append new state space to trace

		# Update progress bar
		if not silent :
			helpers.progBarUpdate(t[-2:], tmax)

	# Termination #############################################################

	# Reset state space
	if not propagate :
		model.X = np.array([model.initconds[x] for x in model.states],

	# Return
	out = [t, np.array(trace)]
	if track :

	return out
def tauLeap(model, tmax, tau=1, track=False, silent=False, propagate=False, noNegStatesAllowed = True, **kwargs) :

	# Initialisation ##########################################################

	# If user requested to propagate old results, don't build the model
	if not propagate : # initialise model

	# Time array
	t = [0]

	# Initialise the trace
	trace = []

	# Timestep and tracking indices
	idx = 0

	# Start the progress bar
	if not silent :

	# Array of tracked reactions
	if track :
		tracked_trans_array = []#np.zeros((model.N_events,1)) #int(tmax/tau)))


	# Simulation loop #########################################################
	while t[-1] < tmax :

		# Compute a rates vector
		rates = [rate(model.X, t[-1]) for rate in model.rates]

		# Ensure all rates are valid
		if np.any(np.array(rates) < 0) :
			raise helpers.SimulationError("Negative rates found.")

		 # Ensure there are possible events to continue with
		if not np.any(np.array(rates) > 0) :
			if not silent :
				print("No more possible events, stopping early !")
			# Return
			out = [t, np.array(trace)]
			if track :
			return out

		#Estimate the total number of events per transition
		estEvents = np.array([np.random.poisson(rate * tau) \
           for rate in rates], dtype=int)

		# Calculate transitions by statespace
		#tempTransitions_array = model.transition * estEvents

		# Create array of state space values to test against transitions
		#tempStateSpace = np.tile(model.X.reshape([model.N_states,1]), model.N_events)

		# Calculate net transitions by statespace
		tempTransitions = np.sum(model.transition * estEvents, axis=1).astype(int) 

		# Calculate negative transitions by statespace
		negTransitions = deepcopy(model.transition)
		negTransitions[model.transition>=0] =0 
		tempNegTransitions = np.sum(negTransitions * estEvents, axis=1).astype(int)

		# If tracking is on, check if there are any total negative transitions that go below the number
		# individuals in the statespace 
		if track :
			if noNegStatesAllowed & np.any(model.X + tempNegTransitions <0) :
				# create blank new transitions vector
				tempNewNegTransitions = np.zeros(model.N_states)
				#create new Events vector
				newEvents = np.zeros(model.N_events)
				# initiate tempEvents vector as estEvents
				tempEvents = deepcopy(estEvents)
				while np.all(model.X + tempNewNegTransitions >0) :
					#randomly pick an event from est Events
					newEventIdx = np.random.choice(model.N_events,None,True, tempEvents.astype(float)/np.sum(tempEvents))
					newEvents[newEventIdx] +=1
					#create vector of new negative transitions
					tempNewNegTransitions = np.sum(negTransitions * newEvents, axis=1).astype(int)
				diff = estEvents-newEvents
				reductionRatio = min(1-diff[diff>0]/estEvents[diff>0])
				#reductionRatio = max(newEvents/estEvents)
				model.X += np.sum(model.transition*newEvents, axis=1).astype(int)
			else :
				model.X += np.sum(model.transition*estEvents, axis=1).astype(int)
		else :
			#Check if negative states exist and if they are allowed
			if noNegStatesAllowed & np.any(model.X + tempTransitions < 0) :
				#if negative states exist but are not allowed, find where they are                  
				tempNewModelStates =model.X + tempTransitions
				negidx= np.where(tempNewModelStates<0)
				#calculate ratio by which to reduce all transitions (max ratio of differences in events)
				reductionRatio = min(1-tempNewModelStates[negidx]/tempTransitions[negidx])
				#Adjust number of events done down by ratio
				estEvents_new = reductionRatio*estEvents
				# Update the state space
				model.X += np.sum(model.transition * estEvents_new, axis=1).astype(int)
				#update t by adjusted tau
				t.append(t[idx] + tau * reductionRatio)
			else :
			# Otherwise, add a full tau increment to the time array
				t.append(t[idx] + tau)
				# Update the state space
				model.X += np.sum(model.transition * estEvents, axis=1).astype(int)

		#check for negative
		# randomly until go negative -- keep track of new events vs est events -- that is ratio

		# #check if there are negative transitions
		# # check it total number of negative transitions goes below 0 
		# if noNegStatesAllowed & np.any((tempStateSpace + tempTransitions_array )<0) :
		# 	#if negative states exist but are not allowed, find where they are                  
		# 	tempNewStateSpaceChanges = (tempStateSpace+tempTransitions_array)
		# 	negidx = np.where(tempNewStateSpaceChanges <0) 
		# 	#calculate ratio by which to reduce all transitions (max ratio of differences in events)
		# 	reductionRatio = min(1-tempNewStateSpaceChanges[negidx]/tempTransitions_array[negidx])
		# 	#Adjust number of events done down by ratio
		# 	estEvents_new = reductionRatio*estEvents
		# 	# Update the state space
		# 	model.X += np.sum(model.transition * estEvents_new, axis=1).astype(int)

		# 	if track :
		# 		tracked_trans_array.append(estEvents_new)
		# 		print("time idx is")
		# 		print(idx)
		# 		print("time is")
		# 		print(t[idx])
		# 		print("estEvents_new are")
		# 		print(estEvents_new)
		# 		print("time idx is")
		# 		print(idx)
		# 		print("time is")
		# 		print(t[idx])
		# 	#update t by adjusted tau
		# 	t.append(t[idx] + tau * reductionRatio)
		# else :
		# # Otherwise, add a full tau increment to the time array
		# 	t.append(t[idx] + tau)
		# 	if track :
		# 		tracked_trans_array.append(estEvents)
		# 		print("time idx is")
		# 		print(idx)
		# 		print("time is")
		# 		print(t[idx])
		# 		print("estEvents are")
		# 		print(estEvents)

		# 	# Update the state space
		# 	model.X += np.sum(model.transition * estEvents, axis=1).astype(int)
		# Append new state space to trace, increment timestep index
		idx += 1

		# Update progress bar
		if not silent :

		# Record tracked reactions
		#if track :
		#	tracked_trans_array.append(estEvents)

	# Termination #############################################################

	# Reset state space unless the user wants to carry it forward
	if not propagate :
		model.X = np.array([model.initconds[x] for x in model.states], dtype=int)

	# Return
	out = [t, np.array(trace)]
	if track :

	return out
def tauLeap(model, tmax, tau=1, track=False, silent=False, propagate=False, **kwargs) :

	# Initialisation ##########################################################

	# If user requested to propagate old results, don't build the model
	if not propagate : # initialise model

	# Time array
	t = [0]

	# Initialise the trace
	trace = model.X[:]

	# Timestep and tracking indices
	idx = 0
	tracking_idx = -1;

	# Start the progress bar
	if not silent :

	# Preallocate array of tracked reactions
	if track :
		tracked_trans_array = np.zeros((model.N_events,int(tmax/tau)))
		counter = 0

	# Which transitions need to be capped ?
	cappedEvents = -(model.transition * (model.transition < 0))

	# Simulation loop #########################################################
	while t[-1] < tmax :

		# Compute a rates vector
		rates = [rate(model.X, t[-1]) for rate in model.rates]

		# Ensure all rates are valid
		if np.any(np.array(rates) < 0) :
			raise helpers.SimulationError("Negative rates found.")

		# Ensure there are possible events to continue with
		if not np.any(np.array(rates) > 0) :
			if not silent :
				print "No more possible events, stopping early !"
			return (t, trace) if not track else (t, trace, tracked_trans_array)

		# What the hell was this madness ?
		# It's here for book-keeping until next update, but
		# serves no purpose... Too much caffeine ?!
		# Determine which events occurred after ensuring that there's
		# a valid transition, and update the state space
		if np.sum(rates) <= 0 :
			if not silent :
				print "Stopping early - no valid transitions !"
			trace = np.delete(trace,range(idx+1,int(tmax/tau)+1),0)
			t = np.delete(t,range(idx+1,int(tmax/tau)+1),0)
			if track:
				tracked_trans_array = np.delete(tracked_trans_array,range(idx+1,int(tmax/tau)+1),1)

		# Estimate the total number of events per transition
		estEvents = np.array([np.random.poisson(rate * tau) \
			for rate in rates], dtype=int)

		# Find the maximum number of removals from a state that can occur
		maxEvents = (cappedEvents * estEvents).sum(1)

		# If we want more removals than are possible from that state :
		if np.any((model.X - maxEvents) < 0) :

			# Find the largest discrepancy
			discrepancy = np.argmin(model.X - maxEvents)

			# Adjust done events
			estEvents = np.floor(estEvents * \
				model.X[discrepancy] / float(maxEvents[discrepancy])).astype(int)

		else :
			# Otherwise, there's no discrepancy between our estimate and the possible max
			discrepancy = -1

		# If there's at least one event but we can't do them all :
		if (discrepancy > -1) and np.sum(estEvents) > 0 :
			# Then we do fewer events, so adjust time increment accordingly
			t.append(t[idx] + tau * model.X[discrepancy] / float(maxEvents[discrepancy]))
		else :
			# Otherwise, add a full tau increment to the time array
			t.append(t[idx] + tau)

		# Update the state space
		model.X += np.sum(model.transition * estEvents, axis=1).astype(int)

		# Append new state space to trace, increment timestep index
		idx += 1
		trace = np.vstack((trace, model.X))

		# Record tracked reactions
		if track :
			tracked_trans_array[:, idx] = estEvents

		# Update progress bar
		if not silent :
			helpers.progBarUpdate(t[idx:(idx+1)], len(t))

	# Termination #############################################################

	# Reset state space unless the user wants to carry it forward
	if not propagate :
		model.X = np.array([model.initconds[x] for x in model.states], dtype=int)

	# Return
	return (t, trace, tracked_trans_array) if track else (t, trace)