def admin(): ''' * Displays the admin user control page that lists all non-admin users. \n Args: None \n Returns: * Displays the admin page. ''' all_users = list(mongo.db.users.find()) if session: if 'user' in session: if session["user"] == "admin": pagination, users_paginated = paginated_and_pagination_args( all_users, 30, "page", "per_page") return render_template('admin.html', all_users=users_paginated, pagination=pagination) else: flash("You do not have permission to access this page!") abort(403) else: flash("You do not have permission to access this page!") abort(403) else: flash("You must be logged in to access this page!") abort(403)
def search(): ''' * Takes the user inputed search query and filters back images that match the criterion. \n Args: 1. query (str): User input from the search form. \n Returns: * Renders an array of paginated and filtered photo objects that match the search criterion on the browse template. ''' source_url = request.referrer category = request.args.get("category") query = request.args.get("query") awards = [int(n) for n in request.args.getlist("award")] filtered_photos = filter_user_search(category, query, awards, mongo) pagination, photos_paginated = paginated_and_pagination_args( filtered_photos, 10, "page", "per_page") if not filtered_photos: flash("I'm sorry, but your search did not return any images.") return render_template("browse_images.html", photos=photos_paginated, pagination=pagination, source_url=source_url, category=category, query=query, awards=awards)
def admin_search(): ''' * Takes the admin's inputed search query and filters back users that match the keyword criterion. \n Args: 1. query (str): Admin input from the admin search form. \n Returns: * Renders an array of paginated and filtered photo objects that match the search criterion on the browse template. ''' if session: if 'user' in session: if session["user"] == 'admin': source_url = request.referrer query = request.args.get("query") filtered_users = filter_admin_search(query, mongo) pagination, users_paginated = \ paginated_and_pagination_args( filtered_users, 10, "page", "per_page") if not filtered_users: flash("I'm sorry, but your\ search did not return any images.") return render_template("admin.html", all_users=users_paginated, pagination=pagination, source_url=source_url, query=query) else: flash("You do not have permission to access this page!") abort(403) else: flash("You do not have permission to access this page!") abort(403) else: flash("You must be logged in to access this page!") abort(403)
def browse(): ''' * Fetches all the photos entered into the competition from all time and paginates them for quicker loading times. \n Args: None \n Returns: * Template displaying all the images to the user, paginated. ''' all_photos = list({"type": "entry"})) pagination, photos_paginated = paginated_and_pagination_args( all_photos, 10, "page", "per_page") return render_template("browse_images.html", photos=photos_paginated, pagination=pagination)
def compete(): ''' * If method is GET this renders the compete template which outlines the competition rules, upload guidelines and entry form. If the method is POST this uploads the new entry and its data to the db and confirms the upload with a flash message. If the POST is unsuccessful a flash message is displayed detailing the issue. \n Args: 1. user input from form(str & file): title, story, camera, lens, aperture, shutter, iso & photo file. \n Return: * Saves the data to the db & reloads the compete page whether successful or not, uses flash messages to inform the user of which. ''' date_time = photo_user_voted_for = None if session: if 'user' in session: current_user = mongo.db.users.find_one( {"username": session["user"]}) this_weeks_entries = list( {"week_and_year": date_time.strftime("%V%G")})) # If the user has voted if current_user["votes_to_use"] == 0: for img in current_user["photos_voted_for"]: for entry in this_weeks_entries: if img == entry["_id"]: photo_user_voted_for = img else: photo_user_voted_for = None current_week_number = int("%V")) this_weeks_comp_category = get_competition( current_week_number)["category"] this_weeks_comp_instructions = get_competition( current_week_number)["instructions"] if request.method == 'POST': if current_user["can_enter"] is True: upload_comp_entry(request, mongo, app, this_weeks_comp_category, current_user) flash("Entry Received!") return redirect(url_for('compete')) else: flash("I'm sorry, but you've already entered \ an image in this week's competition!") this_weeks_entries = list( {"week_and_year": date_time.strftime("%V%G")})) pagination, photos_paginated = \ paginated_and_pagination_args( this_weeks_entries, 50, "page", "per_page") photos_paginated_copy = photos_paginated.copy() photos_paginated_shuffled = shuffle_array(photos_paginated_copy) return render_template( "compete.html", this_weeks_entries=photos_paginated_shuffled, datetime=date_time, category=this_weeks_comp_category, instructions=this_weeks_comp_instructions, pagination=pagination, user=current_user, photo_user_voted_for=photo_user_voted_for) else: flash("You must be logged in to view the competition page.") return redirect(url_for("login")) else: flash("You must be logged in to view the competition page.") return redirect(url_for("login"))