def validation_check(verbose=0): # Check on 100 images picked at random from validation set val_captions=list() for i in range(100): idx=np.random.randint(0,1093) c=generate_caption(image_dir+filenames_val[idx]) val_captions.append(copy(c)) if verbose: print_progress(i+1,100) return val_captions
def create_word_LUT(): word_lookup = list() for i in range(len(bow)): # for i in range(10): word = bow[i]['word'] indices = images_with_word(captions_train, word) entry = {'word': word, 'indices': indices} word_lookup.append(copy(entry)) print_progress(i + 1, len(bow)) return word_lookup
def bulk_generation_KNN(): num_test_images = np.shape(filenames_test)[0] generated_captions = list() for i in range(num_test_images): image_name = filenames_test[i] if i == 884: image_name = filenames_test[883] caption = KNN_score(image_name) generated_captions.append(caption) print_progress(i, num_test_images) return generated_captions
def generate_captions_testset(alpha): print("Generating captions for alpha =", alpha) generated_captions = list() for i in range(len(transfer_values_test)): transfer_value = transfer_values_test[i] generated_caption = generate_caption_reference(transfer_value, alpha=alpha) generated_captions.append(generated_caption) print_progress(i + 1, len(transfer_values_test)) filename = 'generated_captions_reference_alpha_' + str(alpha) + '.json' with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(generated_captions, f)
s4 = sentence_bleu(references[i], candidate_tokenized, weights=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25], smoothing_function=chencherry.method1) # First approach: the best sentence is the one with the best # BLEU sum bleuSum = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 bleuSums.append(bleuSum) bestIdx = np.argmax(bleuSums) # print(bestCaption,bleuSums) bestCaption = beamCaptions[i][bestIdx]['sentence'] bestCaptions.append(bestCaption[1:]) idxList.append(bestIdx) # plot progress print_progress(i + 1, num_samples) with open(out_dir + 'absolute_best.json', 'w') as outFile: json.dump(bestCaptions, outFile) # SECON METHOD # the best caption is the one with the best consensus score # VGG16 consensus print('\nChoosing best caption based on VGG16 consensus') image_dir = 'UAV/images/' VGG16_idxList = list() VGG16_bestCaptions = list() transfer_values_train = np.load(
def parse_links(names, src, menu_links, input_path, output_path, layer_level, recursion_depth): """ Parses links and organizes folders recursively - Finds suitable links in html file corresponding to input path - Changes the links by giving them unique names - Creates a new directory with that unique name in the output_path - Generates the modified html file in the output_path """ print_progress(layer_level) with open(input_path) as f: soup = BeautifulSoup( html_path = os.path.join(output_path, "index.html") parse_css_links(soup, layer_level) parse_images(soup, layer_level) save_html(soup, html_path) bread_tag = soup.find("div", attrs={"class": "breadcum"}) bread_count = 0 if bread_tag: if bread_tag.find_all('a'): for link_tag in reversed(bread_tag.find_all('a')): link_tag['href'] = bread_count*"../" if layer_level is 3: link_tag['href'] = bread_count*"../" + "../" bread_count = bread_count + 1 for link_tag in soup.find_all('a'): parse_menu_links(layer_level, link_tag, menu_links) link = link_tag.get('href') if link is None: continue elink = link_tag.get('href') if link.startswith("http://"): if (link in downloadablelinks): link = link[6:] link_tag['href'] = layer_level*"../" + "../external" + link if layer_level is 3: link_tag['href'] = 4*"../" + "../external" + link elif (link in activeallexternallinks): link_tag['href'] = 'javascript:var c=confirm("Do You wish to access internet?");if(c==true){window.location="'+elink+'";}' else: link_tag['href'] = 'javascript:alert("Link is dead");' if link_is_appropriate(link, layer_level): name = link_tag.string.strip(" \t\n\r").partition(' ')[0].lower() name = get_unique_name(name, names) if layer_level is 2: name = name + "/theory" link_tag['href'] = name new_output_path = os.path.join(output_path, name) make_new_directory(new_output_path) if recursion_depth > 0: parse_links(names, src, menu_links, input_path=os.path.join(src, link), output_path=new_output_path, layer_level=layer_level + 1, recursion_depth=recursion_depth - 1) if (layer_level is 1 and link.count('&') is 3): name2 = link_tag.string.strip(" \t\n\r").partition(' ')[0].lower() link_tag['href'] = name + "/" + name2 + "/theory" parse_last_layer(link_tag, names, src, menu_links, input_path, output_path, layer_level, recursion_depth) save_html(soup, html_path)
def parse_links(names, src, menu_links, input_path, output_path, layer_level, recursion_depth): """ Parses links and organizes folders recursively - Finds suitable links in html file corresponding to input path - Changes the links by giving them unique names - Creates a new directory with that unique name in the output_path - Generates the modified html file in the output_path """ print_progress(layer_level) with open(input_path) as f: soup = BeautifulSoup( html_path = os.path.join(output_path, "index.html") parse_css_links(soup, layer_level) parse_images(soup, layer_level) save_html(soup, html_path) bread_tag = soup.find("div", attrs={"class": "breadcum"}) bread_count = 0 if bread_tag: if bread_tag.find_all('a'): for link_tag in reversed(bread_tag.find_all('a')): link_tag['href'] = bread_count * "../" if layer_level is 3: link_tag['href'] = bread_count * "../" + "../" bread_count = bread_count + 1 for link_tag in soup.find_all('a'): parse_menu_links(layer_level, link_tag, menu_links) link = link_tag.get('href') if link is None: continue elink = link_tag.get('href') if link.startswith("http://"): if (link in downloadablelinks): link = link[6:] link_tag['href'] = layer_level * "../" + "../external" + link if layer_level is 3: link_tag['href'] = 4 * "../" + "../external" + link elif (link in activeallexternallinks): link_tag[ 'href'] = 'javascript:var c=confirm("Do You wish to access internet?");if(c==true){window.location="' + elink + '";}' else: link_tag['href'] = 'javascript:alert("Link is dead");' if link_is_appropriate(link, layer_level): name = link_tag.string.strip(" \t\n\r").partition(' ')[0].lower() name = get_unique_name(name, names) if layer_level is 2: name = name + "/theory" link_tag['href'] = name new_output_path = os.path.join(output_path, name) make_new_directory(new_output_path) if recursion_depth > 0: parse_links(names, src, menu_links, input_path=os.path.join(src, link), output_path=new_output_path, layer_level=layer_level + 1, recursion_depth=recursion_depth - 1) if (layer_level is 1 and link.count('&') is 3): name2 = link_tag.string.strip(" \t\n\r").partition(' ')[0].lower() link_tag['href'] = name + "/" + name2 + "/theory" parse_last_layer(link_tag, names, src, menu_links, input_path, output_path, layer_level, recursion_depth) save_html(soup, html_path)