 def _test_jacobian(self, J, theta_vec):
     """ Checks a jacobian for correctness. This function compares delta_x1 = J(theta) * delta_theta
         and delta_x2 = FK(theta) - FK(theta + delta_theta) for a very small vector delta_theta.
         If delta_x1 and delta_x2 are not close, an exception is thrown.
             J: 6x15-matrix: The manipulator jacobian at theta_vec
             theta_vec: 1x15-vector: The joint angles for which the Jacobian is valid
     theta_vec = np.atleast_2d(theta_vec)
     delta_theta_small = np.zeros((self.n_DOFS, 1))
     std = 1e-4
     delta_theta_small[:, 0] = np.random.normal(loc=0,
     old_jc = theta_vec
     new_jc = theta_vec + delta_theta_small.T
     true_T = self.FK(old_jc)[0]
     new_T = self.FK(new_jc)[0]
     true_quat = quaternion_from_matrix(true_T[:3, :3])
     new_quat = quaternion_from_matrix(new_T[:3, :3])
     pos_error = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(new_T[:3, 3] - true_T[:3, 3])))
     ori_error = 2 * np.arccos(np.abs(np.inner(new_quat, true_quat)))
     cart_error_j = np.dot(J, delta_theta_small)
     pos_error_j = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(cart_error_j[:3])))
     ori_error_j = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(cart_error_j[3:])))
     threshold = 1e-7
     assert np.abs(pos_error -
                   pos_error_j) < threshold, "Jacobian test failed"
     assert np.abs(ori_error -
                   ori_error_j) < threshold, "Jacobian test failed"
    def __init__(self, robot, pred_cartesian, pred_joints, true_cartesian,
        """ Constructor:
                robot: object of the robot (e.g. class Compi) which contains the relevant robot parameters
                pred_cartesian: nx4x4- or nx7-matrix: predicted end effector poses in cartesian space,
                                either homogenous transformation matrices or positions+quaternions.
                                In the latter case, the first three columns have to represent the position.
                                n: number of samples
                pred_joints:    nxk-matrix: predictions in joint space (rad)
                                rows: samples
                                columns: joints
                true_cartesian: nx4x4- or nx7-matrix: true end effector poses in cartesian space,
                                either homogenous transformation matrices or positions+quaternions.
                                In the latter case, the first three columns have to represent the position.
                                n: number of samples
                true_joints:    nxk-matrix: true joint angles (rad)
                                rows: samples
                                columns: joints
        self.robot = robot
        self.pred_joints = pred_joints
        self.pred_cartesian = pred_cartesian
        self.true_joints = true_joints
        self.true_cartesian = true_cartesian

        if len(pred_cartesian.shape) == 3:
            #transformation matrix was given
            #convert it to position + quaternion
            pos_quat = np.zeros((pred_cartesian.shape[0], 7))
            pos_quat[:, :3] = pred_cartesian[:, :3, 3]
            pos_quat[:, 3:] = quaternion_from_matrix(pred_cartesian[:, :3, :3])
            self.pred_cartesian = pos_quat

        if len(true_cartesian.shape) == 3:
            #transformation matrix was given
            #convert it to position + quaternion
            pos_quat = np.zeros((true_cartesian.shape[0], 7))
            pos_quat[:, :3] = true_cartesian[:, :3, 3]
            pos_quat[:, 3:] = quaternion_from_matrix(true_cartesian[:, :3, :3])
            self.true_cartesian = pos_quat
    def min_cart_error(self):
        """ Calculates the comparative 3D cartesian error resulting from the given standard deviation in joint space.
                mean_min_cartesian_errors: 2x1-vector: comparative mean of the euclidean position error
                                           (same unit as robot link lengths) and the orientation error (rad)
                median_min_cartesian_errors: 2x1-vector: comparative median of the euclidean position error
                                             (same unit as link_lengths) and the orientation error (rad)

        if np.any(np.isnan(self.true_joints)):
            return [np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan]

        cartesian_errors = np.zeros((self.true_joints.shape[0], 6))
        eucl_cartesian_errors = np.zeros((self.true_joints.shape[0], 2))

        #draw delta_thetas from a gaussian distribution
        mean_error_sum = 0
        median_error_sum = 0
        num_draws = 1

        if self.robot.has_jacobian:
            #construct jacobians for given manipulator and joint configurations
            J = self.robot.jacobian(self.true_joints, test=False)

        for k in range(num_draws):
            delta_theta = np.zeros(
                (self.true_joints.shape[1], self.true_joints.shape[0]))
            for i in range(self.true_joints.shape[1]):
                delta_theta[i, :] = np.random.normal(

            if self.robot.has_jacobian:
                #delta_x = J * delta_theta
                for i in range(self.true_joints.shape[0]):
                    cartesian_errors[i, :] = np.dot(J[i], delta_theta[:, i])

                eucl_cartesian_errors[:, 0] = np.sqrt(
                    np.sum(np.square(cartesian_errors[:, :3]), axis=1))

                #jacobian multiplication leads to an axis*angle representation
                #hence, calculate the minimum rotation angle via the magnitude
                eucl_cartesian_errors[:, 1] = np.sqrt(
                    np.sum(np.square(cartesian_errors[:, 3:]), axis=1))

                #delta_x = FK(theta+delta_theta) - FK(theta)
                SE3_deltatheta = self.robot.FK(self.true_joints +
                pos_quat_deltatheta = np.zeros((SE3_deltatheta.shape[0], 7))
                pos_quat_deltatheta[:, :3] = SE3_deltatheta[:, :3, 3]
                pos_quat_deltatheta[:, 3:] = quaternion_from_matrix(
                    SE3_deltatheta[:, :3, :3])

                eucl_cartesian_errors[:, 0] = self._get_pos_differences(
                    pos_quat_deltatheta[:, :3], self.true_cartesian[:, :3])
                eucl_cartesian_errors[:, 1] = self._get_ori_differences(
                    pos_quat_deltatheta[:, 3:], self.true_cartesian[:, 3:])

            mean_min_cartesian_errors_tmp = np.mean(eucl_cartesian_errors,
            median_min_cartesian_errors_tmp = np.median(eucl_cartesian_errors,

            mean_error_sum += mean_min_cartesian_errors_tmp
            median_error_sum += median_min_cartesian_errors_tmp

        mean_min_cartesian_errors = mean_error_sum / num_draws
        median_min_cartesian_errors = median_error_sum / num_draws
        return mean_min_cartesian_errors, median_min_cartesian_errors
        dets = np.linalg.det(J)
        args_dets_sorted = np.argsort(np.abs(dets))
        val_data_after = val_data_before[
            args_dets_sorted[int(args_dets_sorted.shape[0] / 2):]]
        joint_configurations = np.vstack(
            (joint_configurations[:split], val_data_after))

    if not train_sampling == "cartesian":
        #transform the samples via FK to cartesian space
        SE3 = robot.FK(joint_configurations)

        #convert rotation matrices to quaternions
        #one sample shall be a pair {7-dim vector(x, y, z, 4-dim-quaternion), n_DOFS-dim vector(joint angles)}
        pos_quat = np.zeros((joint_configurations.shape[0], 7))
        pos_quat[:, :3] = SE3[:, :3, 3]
        pos_quat[:, 3:] = quaternion_from_matrix(SE3[:, :3, :3])

    #if specified, train on one half of the workspace, test on the other
    if use_hold_out_area:
        train_bools = pos_quat[:, 0] > 0
        assert np.sum(
        ) > split, "Not enough samples to extract the desired number of training samples. Increase the number of samples."

        #extract training data
        pos_quat_train = pos_quat[train_bools]
        pos_quat_train = pos_quat_train[:split]
        SE3_train = SE3[train_bools]
        SE3_train = SE3_train[:split]
        joint_configurations_train = joint_configurations[train_bools]
        joint_configurations_train = joint_configurations_train[:split]