    def __getitem__(self, args):
        assert len(self.variable_list)>1
        # 1. map args to var-nodes

        arg_list = remove_tuples(args)
        unset = len(self.variable_list)
        for i in range(len(arg_list)):
            idNode = self.variable_list[i]
            atype = self.env.get_type_by_node(idNode)
            value = build_arg_by_type(atype, arg_list)
            self.env.set_value(idNode.idName, value)
            unset = unset -1
        # TODO: 2. compute missing bound variables 
        # only implemented one case: {P(x,y)}(x) returning y
        if not unset==1:
            print unset, "unset bound variables:", [x.idName for x in self.variable_list[unset:]]
            raise NotImplementedError()
        from enumeration import try_all_values
        result = None
        for possible in try_all_values(self.predicate, self.env, self.variable_list[unset:]):
            if possible:
                result = self.env.get_value(self.variable_list[-1].idName)
        self.env.pop_frame() # exit scope
        return result    
 def __contains__(self, args):
     args = remove_tuples(args)
     varList = self.variable_list
     #print len(varList), varList
     for i in range(len(varList)):
         idNode = varList[i]
         # type needed to map args to value
         atype = self.env.get_type_by_node(idNode)
         value = build_arg_by_type(atype, args)
         self.env.set_value(idNode.idName, value)
     result = self.interpret(self.predicate, self.env) 
     self.env.pop_frame() # exit scope
         return result.bvalue
     return result  
 def __contains__(self, args):
     args = remove_tuples(args)
     varList = self.variable_list
     for i in range(len(varList)):
         idNode = varList[i]
         atype = self.env.get_type_by_node(idNode)
         value = build_arg_by_type(atype, args)
         self.env.set_value(idNode.idName, value)
     domain_value = self.interpret(self.predicate, self.env)
     image_value  = self.interpret(self.expression, self.env) 
     self.env.pop_frame() # exit scope
         return domain_value.bvalue and image_value.__eq__(args[-1])
         return domain_value and image_value==args[-1]
def _revise(node, env, var_node):
        from rpython_interp import interpret
        from interp import interpret
    if isinstance(node, AEqualPredicate):
        # if elements of the set are equal to some expression, a set has to be generated
        # e.g {x| x:NAT & x=42}  results in {42}
        if isinstance(node.children[0], AIdentifierExpression) and node.children[0].idName == var_node.idName:
            value = interpret(node.children[1], env)
            # FIXME: TypeError: unhashable instance e.g. run C578.EML.014/CF_CV_1
            # somehow a set type is returned!
            if isinstance(value, SymbolicSet):
                return frozenset([value.enumerate_all()])
            return frozenset([value])
        if isinstance(node.children[1], AIdentifierExpression) and node.children[1].idName == var_node.idName:
            value = interpret(node.children[0], env)
            if isinstance(value, SymbolicSet):
                return frozenset([value.enumerate_all()])
            return frozenset([value])
        if isinstance(node.children[0], ACoupleExpression):
            # 2.1 search n-tuple for matching var (to be constraint)
            element_list = couple_tree_to_conj_list(node.children[0])
            index = 0
            match = False
            for e in element_list:
                if isinstance(e, AIdentifierExpression) and e.idName == var_node.idName:
                    match = True
                index = index + 1

            # 2.2. compute set if match found
            if match:
                # FIXME: no caching! Recomputation at every call
                aset = interpret(node.children[1], env)
                # print
                # assert isinstance(set, frozenset)
                # 2.3. return correct part of the set corresponding to position of
                # searched variable inside the tuple on the left side
                return frozenset([remove_tuples(aset)[index]])
    elif isinstance(node, AMemberPredicate):
        # belong-case 1: left side is just an id
        if isinstance(node.children[0], AIdentifierExpression) and node.children[0].idName == var_node.idName:
            # print var_node.idName, node.children[1]
            aset = interpret(node.children[1], env)
            # print "xxx", aset
            # e.g. x:{1,2,3} or x:S
            # return finite set on the left as test_set/constraint domain
            # FIXME: isinstance('x', frozenset) -> find enumeration order!
            if not isinstance(aset, frozenset):
                return aset.enumerate_all()  # explicit domain needed
            return aset
        # belong-case 2: n-tuple on left side
        elif isinstance(node.children[0], ACoupleExpression):
            # e.g. (x,y){x|->y:{(1,2),(3,4)}...} (only one id-constraint found in this pass)
            # e.g. (x,y,z){x|->(y|->z):{(1,(2,3)),(4,(5,6))..}
            # TODO: Handle ((x|->y),(z|->a)):S

            # 2.1 search n-tuple for matching var (to be constraint)
            element_list = couple_tree_to_conj_list(node.children[0])
            index = 0
            match = False
            for e in element_list:
                if isinstance(e, AIdentifierExpression) and e.idName == var_node.idName:
                    match = True
                index = index + 1

            # 2.2. compute set if match found
            if match:
                aset = interpret(node.children[1], env)
                # FIXME: C578.EML.014/R_PLACE_MAINTENANCE_2 returns SymbolicUnionSet
                if isinstance(aset, SymbolicSet):
                    return frozenset([remove_tuples(t)[index] for t in aset.enumerate_all()])
                assert isinstance(aset, frozenset)
                # 2.3. return correct part of the set corresponding to position of
                # searched variable inside the tuple on the left side
                return frozenset([remove_tuples(t)[index] for t in aset])
    # this is only called because both branches (node.childern[0] and node.childern[1])
    # of the disjunction are computable in finite time. (as analysed by _analyze_predicates)
    elif isinstance(node, ADisjunctPredicate):
        set0 = _revise(node.children[0], env, var_node)
        set1 = _revise(node.children[1], env, var_node)
        return set0.union(set1)
    elif isinstance(node, AConjunctPredicate):
            set0 = _revise(node.children[0], env, var_node)
                set1 = _revise(node.children[1], env, var_node)
                return set0.intersection(set1)
            except PredicateDoesNotMatchException:
                return set0
        except PredicateDoesNotMatchException:
            set1 = _revise(node.children[1], env, var_node)
            return set1
        raise PredicateDoesNotMatchException()