def do_counter_mode(k, iv, x, blocksize, ivsize): aes = AES_ENCRYPT(k) long_k = bytearray() n = ceil(len(x) / blocksize) for i in range(0, n): c = aes((iv + i).to_bytes(ivsize, "big")) long_k += c return xor(x, long_k[:len(x)])
def build_key(key, c1, c2, c3): xm12, xm13, xm23 = xor(c1, c2), xor(c1, c3), xor(c2, c3) for i in range(0, len(c1)): if key[i] != 0: continue if c1[i] == c2[i] or c1[i] == c3[i] or c2[i] == c3[i]: continue m12, m13, m23 = xm12[i], xm13[i], xm23[i] if within_range(m13) and within_range(m23): key[i] = ord(" ") ^ c3[i] elif within_range(m12) and within_range(m23): key[i] = ord(" ") ^ c2[i] elif within_range(m12) and within_range(m13): key[i] = ord(" ") ^ c1[i]
def decrypt_cbc(msg, key, iv): cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB) blocks = [msg[i:i + 32] for i in range(0, len(msg), 32)] decrypted = '' prev = str2hex(iv) for block in blocks: dec = cipher.decrypt(block.decode('hex')).encode('hex') d = xor(prev, dec) prev = block decrypted += d return decrypted
def encrypt_cbc(msg, key, iv): cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB) msg = pad(msg, 16) msg = str2hex(msg) blocks = [msg[i:i + 32] for i in range(0, len(msg), 32)] encrypted = '' en = str2hex(iv) for block in blocks: ip = xor(en, block) en = cipher.encrypt(ip.decode('hex')).encode('hex') encrypted += en return encrypted
def encrypt_cbc(msg, key, iv='\x00' * 16, is_base64=False): cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB) if is_base64: msg = base64.b64decode(msg) msg = pad(msg, 16) blocks = [msg[i:i + 16] for i in range(0, len(msg), 16)] encrypted = '' en = iv for block in blocks: ip = xor(en, block) en = cipher.encrypt(ip) encrypted += en return encrypted
def decrypt_cbc(ct_string, k_string): ct, k = bytes.fromhex(ct_string), bytes.fromhex(k_string) assert len(ct) % BLOCKSIZE == 0, "Invalid format" n = len(ct) // BLOCKSIZE aes_decrypt = AES_DECRYPT(k) m = bytearray() for i in range(n - 1): start, mid, end = i * BLOCKSIZE, (i + 1) * BLOCKSIZE, (i + 2) * BLOCKSIZE cx, cy = ct[start:mid], ct[mid:end] d = aes_decrypt(cy) m += xor(cx, d) return unpad(m)
def decrypt_cbc(msg, key, iv='\x00' * 16, is_base64=False): cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB) if is_base64: print('Decoding base64...') msg = base64.b64decode(msg) blocks = [msg[i:i + 16] for i in range(0, len(msg), 16)] decrypted = '' prev = iv for block in blocks: dec = cipher.decrypt(block) d = xor(prev, dec) prev = block decrypted += d return decrypted
def encrypt_cbc(pt_string, k_string, blocksize=16): pt, k = bytearray(pt_string, 'utf-8'), bytes.fromhex(k_string) pad(pt) print(pt) n = len(pt) // BLOCKSIZE current = urandom(BLOCKSIZE) #IV aes_encrypt = AES_ENCRYPT(k) ct = bytearray(current) for i in range(n): start, end = i * blocksize, (i + 1) * blocksize m = pt[start:end] d = xor(m, current) current = aes_encrypt(d) ct += current print(len(ct)) return ct.hex()
def __init__(self, buffer): self.packet = buffer[0:74] self.frame_sync = self.packet[0:11] self.data_block = self.packet[11:56] self.batt_cond = (self.packet[13:15][::-1]) self.message_type = self.packet[15:18] self.unit_addr = int((self.packet[18:35][::-1]), 2) self.pressure = int((self.packet[35:42][::-1]), 2) self.batt_charge = \ ("{}%".format(int(int((self.packet[42:49][::-1]), 2) / 127 * 100))) self.spare = self.packet[49] self.valve_ckt_stat = self.packet[50] self.conf_ind = self.packet[51] self.turbine = self.packet[52] self.motion = self.packet[53] self.mkr_batt = self.packet[54] self.mkr_light = self.packet[55] self.checkbitsRx = self.packet[56:74] self.batt_cond_dict = { "11": "OK", "10": "Low", "01": "Very Low", "00": "Not Monitored" } self.batt_cond_text = self.batt_cond_dict[self.batt_cond] if (self.message_type == "111"): if (self.conf_ind == "0"): self.arm_status = "Arming" else: self.arm_status = "Armed" else: self.arm_status = "Normal" self.generator = '1111001101000001111' # BCH generator polynomial self.cipher_key = '101011011101110000' # XOR cipher key self.data_block = helpers.reverse(self.data_block) self.checkbits = helpers.checkbits(self.data_block, self.generator) self.checkbits_cipher = helpers.xor(self.checkbits, self.cipher_key) self.valid = (self.checkbits_cipher == self.checkbitsRx) # a match?
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import binascii sys.path.append('..') from helpers import abort, xor if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) == 3 and not sys.argv[1] == '-h': i1 = binascii.unhexlify(sys.argv[1]) i2 = binascii.unhexlify(sys.argv[2]) xored = xor(i1, i2) print(str(binascii.hexlify(xored), 'ascii')) elif len(sys.argv) == 4 and sys.argv[1] == '-h': i1 = binascii.unhexlify(sys.argv[2]) i2 = binascii.unhexlify(sys.argv[3]) xored = xor(i1, i2) print(str(xored, 'ascii')) else: abort(f'{sys.argv[0]}: [-h] input1 input2')