def maximumLikelihoodFit(likelihood, parameters, samples,
                         normalization_range=None, extended_fn=None,
                         verbose=False, minos=False):
    """Perform an unbinned maximum likelihood fit.

    Fit the 'parameters' of a 'likelihood' function to maximize the
    likelihood of 'samples'.

    If 'extended_fn' is provided, performs an extended maximum
    likelihood fit, where 'extended_fn' is the scale function for
    'likelihood'.  If 'extended_fn' is not provided, performs an
    ordinary maximum likelihood fit.

    'likelihood' -- The likelihood function or expression.

    'parameters' -- A sequence of parameters.  Each is of the form
    '(name, initial_value, step_size, lower_bound, upper_bound)', where
    everything after the 'name' may be omitted.

    'samples' -- An iterable of samples.  Each item is a mapping of
    sample variable name to value.  An iterator must not be used here;
    the function needs to iterate over the samples multiple times.

    'normalization_range' -- The likelihood function in a maximum
    likelihood fit must be normalized over the sample space.  If
    'likelihood' is already normalized, this parameter may be 'None'.
    Otherwise, it is a sequence of integration ranges of the form
    '(var_name, lo, hi)', over which the likelihood function is
    numerically integrated for each choice of parameters.  The 'lo' and
    'hi' values may be constants or expressions involving the

    'extended_fn' -- If provided, the function to use in an extended
    maximum likelihood fit.

    returns -- A minimization 'Result' object."""

    # Convert the likelihood function to an expression object.
    likelihood = hep.expr.asExpression(likelihood)
    # Set the types of the symbols for the sample variables and
    # parameters to 'float'.  This will produce better compiled
    # expressions.
    likelihood = hep.expr.op.setTypesFixed(likelihood, None, float)

    # Clean up the parameters specification.
    parameters = normalizeParameters(parameters)

    if normalization_range is not None:
        # Convert the normalization range bounds to expression objects. 
        normalization_range = [
            (var, hep.expr.asExpression(lo), hep.expr.asExpression(hi))
             for (var, lo, hi) in normalization_range ]

    if extended_fn is not None:
        # Convert the extended function to an expression object.
        extended_fn = hep.expr.asExpression(extended_fn)
        # As with the likelihood function, all symbol types are floats.
        extended_fn = hep.expr.op.setTypesFixed(extended_fn, None, float)
        # Use its evaluate function.
        extended_fn = extended_fn.evaluate

    # Get busy.
    result = ext.minuit_maximumLikelihoodFit(
        likelihood, parameters, samples, normalization_range,
        extended_fn, verbose, minos)
    result.parameters = dict([ (p[0], p[1 :]) for p in parameters ])

    # Construct the resulting likelihood function.
    fit_likelihood = hep.expr.substitute(likelihood, **result.values)
    # Normalize it, if necessary.
    if normalization_range is not None:
        from hep.cernlib import integrate
        integral = integrate(fit_likelihood, *[
            (name, lo(**result.values), hi(**result.values))
            for (name, lo, hi) in normalization_range ])
        fit_likelihood = hep.expr.Multiply(
            fit_likelihood, hep.expr.Constant(1 / integral))
    result.likelihood = fit_likelihood
    return result
# imports

from __future__ import division

from   hep.cernlib import integrate
from   hep.test import compare
from   math import *

# tests

compare(integrate("x ** 2", ("x", 0, 1)),
        1 / 3, precision=1e-6)

compare(integrate("gaussian(0, 1, x)", ("x", -1, 1)),
        0.682689, precision=1e-6)

compare(integrate("cos(x)", ("x", -100, 100)),
        2 * sin(100), precision=1e-6)

compare(integrate("sqrt(1 - x ** 2)", ("x", 0, 1)),
        pi / 4, precision=1e-6)

def foo(x):
    return sin(x) / x

# imports

from __future__ import division

from   hep.cernlib import integrate
from   hep.test import compare
from   math import *

# tests

compare(integrate("(x + y) ** 2", ("x", 0, 1), ("y", 0, 1)),
        7 / 6, precision=1e-6)

compare(integrate("r", ("r", 0, 2), ("y", 0, 2 * pi)),
        4 * pi, precision=1e-6)

compare(integrate("r", ("r", 0, 2), ("y", 0, 2 * pi)),
        4 * pi, precision=1e-6)

compare(integrate("cos(x + y) * sin(x - y)", ("x", -1, 1), ("y", 0, 1)),
        -sin(1) ** 2, precision=1e-6)

compare(integrate("sin(sqrt(x**2 + 2 * y**2)) / (1 + sqrt(2 * x**2 + y**2))",
                  ("x", -5, 5), ("y", -5, 5), accuracy=1e-4),
        0.086, precision=0.01)