def do_summary(self, line): """Print results summary.""" if self.myconfig.CONFIG == {}: print("Current configuration is empty. First enter configuration mode and load a file or run the wizard.") else: print print(ruler("*")) print("SUMMARY") print(ruler("*"))
def __init__(self): Cmd.__init__(self) self.prompt = "hephaestus> " self.intro = ( "\n" + ruler("*") + "WELCOME to hephaestus\n" + ruler("*") + "hephaestus is the stateless firewall configuration parser for JunOS.\nGet help with 'help (<cmd>)' or '?', or issue 'userguide' to get started.\n" + ruler("*") + "\n" ) self.myconfig = Baseconfig() self.configinterpreter = Interpreter_config() self.configinterpreter.myconfig = self.myconfig self.scaninterpreter = Interpreter_scan() self.scaninterpreter.myconfig = self.myconfig self.updateinterpreter = Interpreter_update() self.updateinterpreter.myconfig = self.myconfig self.queryinterpreter = Interpreter_query() self.queryinterpreter.myconfig = self.myconfig self.resultsinterpreter = Interpreter_results() self.resultsinterpreter.myconfig = self.myconfig
def __init__(self): """Constructor calls parent constructor, sets the interpreter prompt and welcome message""" Cmd.__init__(self) self.prompt = "hephaestus(config)# " self.intro = "\n" + ruler("*") + "\nCONFIGURATION MODE\n" + ruler("*") + "\nDifferent commands are available, get help with 'help' or '?'\n" + ruler("*") + "\n"
elif overwrite == 'n': filename = raw_input("Enter new filename:") path = "etc/" + filename self.myconfig.CONFIGpath = path configparser.write_config(self.myconfig.CONFIGpath, self.myconfig.CONFIG) return elif validconfig and not validpath: filename = raw_input("Enter new filename:") path = "etc/" + filename self.myconfig.CONFIGpath = path configparser.write_config(self.myconfig.CONFIGpath, self.myconfig.CONFIG) elif not validconfig: print("Cannot save an empty configuration.") return else: print("Something went wrong here, perhaps your configuration or path is somehow invalid.") return def help_save(self): print("Save current configuration to disk.") if __name__ == '__main__': print("\n" + ruler("*") + "\nSelf-test\n" + ruler("*") + "\nInstantiating self...") obj = Interpreter_config() print("\nInstantiation successful, " + str(obj)) print("\nPrinting attributes...") print(dir(obj)) print("\nPrinting docstring...") print(inspect.getdoc(obj)) print("\n" + ruler("*") + "\n...done!\n")
def do_autoscan(self, line): """Automatically scan the network and identify any routers present.""" if self.myconfig.CONFIG == {}: print("Current configuration is empty. First enter configuration mode and load a file or run the wizard.") else: print print(ruler("*")) print("NETWORK SCAN") print(ruler("*")) print("Using current configuration, \"" + self.myconfig.CONFIG['info']) + "\"" print("Scanning for routers in prefixes " + self.myconfig.CONFIG['routerprefixes']) print(ruler("*")) print prefixes = self.myconfig.CONFIG['routerprefixes'].split() self.myconfig.CONFIG['routerips'] = [] for prefix in prefixes: network = ipaddr.IPNetwork(prefix) for ip in network.iterhosts(): self.myconfig.CONFIG['routerips'].append(str(ip)) numscanned = len(self.myconfig.CONFIG['routerips']) def autoscanThread(ip): client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.load_system_host_keys() key = paramiko.DSSKey.from_private_key_file(self.myconfig.CONFIG['jumpboxsshkey']) print(ip + '\t: connecting...') client.connect(self.myconfig.CONFIG['jumpboxhost'], username=self.myconfig.CONFIG['jumpboxsshuser'], pkey=key) command = 'snmpget -v 2c -c ' + self.myconfig.CONFIG['routersnmpcommunity'] + ' ' + str(ip) + '' print(ip + '\t: executing ' + "`" + command + "`") stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(str(command)) print(ip + '\t: waiting...') output = if "Router" in output: print(ip + '\t: is a router (' + output.split('"')[1] + ')') else: print(ip + '\t: is not a router') # prune from list self.myconfig.CONFIG['routerips'].remove(ip) executor = concurrentfutures.ThreadPoolExecutor(10) start = time.time() futures = [executor.submit(autoscanThread, ip) for ip in self.myconfig.CONFIG['routerips']] concurrentfutures.wait(futures) end = time.time() numfound = len(self.myconfig.CONFIG['routerips']) print print('Scanned\t\t: ' + str(numscanned) + ' IPs') print('Found\t\t: ' + str(numfound) + ' routers') diff = end - start print('Wall time\t: ' + "%.2f" % diff + ' seconds') print print("...done!") print # Now we've found which IPs belong to routers, we need to determine the unique loopback IPs, ignoring physical interface IPs self.myconfig.CONFIG['routerloopbackips'] = [] # Tell user what we're doing... print print('Now determining unique loopback interface IPs using these physical interface IPs...') print def autoscanCleanupThread(ip): client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.load_system_host_keys() key = paramiko.DSSKey.from_private_key_file(self.myconfig.CONFIG['jumpboxsshkey']) print(ip + '\t: connecting...') client.connect(self.myconfig.CONFIG['jumpboxhost'], username=self.myconfig.CONFIG['jumpboxsshuser'], pkey=key) command = 'ssh ' + self.myconfig.CONFIG['routersshuser'] + '@' + ip + ' -q -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "show configuration interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet | grep address"' print(ip + '\t: executing ' + "`" + command + "`") stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(str(command)) print(ip + '\t: waiting...') output = if "address" in output: loopback = output.split()[1].split('/')[0] fqdn = check_output(["host", loopback]).split()[4] print(ip + '\t: is a physical interface on ' + fqdn[:-1] + ' with loopback address ' + loopback) self.myconfig.CONFIG['routerloopbackips'].append(str(loopback)) else: print(ip + '\t: unknown response: ' + output + ' (ignoring...possible phy->lo0 firewall issue)') start = time.time() futures = [executor.submit(autoscanCleanupThread, ip) for ip in self.myconfig.CONFIG['routerips']] concurrentfutures.wait(futures) end = time.time() numscanned = len(self.myconfig.CONFIG['routerips']) foolist = self.myconfig.CONFIG['routerloopbackips'] self.myconfig.CONFIG['routerloopbackips'] = list(set(foolist)) numfound = len(self.myconfig.CONFIG['routerloopbackips']) print print('Scanned\t\t: ' + str(numscanned) + ' physical interface IPs') print('Found\t\t: ' + str(numfound) + ' loopback IPs') diff = end - start print('Wall time\t: ' + "%.2f" % diff + ' seconds')