def test_analysis(self): '''Check for an almost perfect match with reference. Will fail if physics algorithms are modified, so should probably be removed from test suite, or better: be made optional. ''' self.looper.loop() self.looper.write() rootfile = '/'.join([self.outdir, 'heppy.analyzers.GlobalEventTreeProducer.GlobalEventTreeProducer_1/tree.root']) mean, sigma = plot(rootfile) self.assertAlmostEqual(mean, 93.6, 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(sigma, 11.2, 1)
def test_analysis(self): '''Check for an almost perfect match with reference. Will fail if physics algorithms are modified, so should probably be removed from test suite, or better: be made optional. ''' self.looper.loop() self.looper.write() rootfile = '/'.join([self.outdir, 'heppy.analyzers.GlobalEventTreeProducer.GlobalEventTreeProducer_1/tree.root']) mean, sigma = plot(rootfile) self.assertAlmostEqual(mean, 90.13, 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(sigma, 10.54, 1)
def test_z_mumu_clic(self): '''Check for an almost perfect match with reference. Will fail if physics algorithms are modified, so should probably be removed from test suite, or better: be made optional. ''' from heppy.papas.detectors.CLIC import clic fname = '/'.join([os.environ['HEPPY'], 'test/data/ee_Z_mumu.root']) config.components[0].files = [fname] config.sequence[2].detector = clic self.looper = Looper(self.outdir, config, nEvents=500, nPrint=0) self.looper.loop() self.looper.write() rootfile = '/'.join([ self.outdir, 'heppy.analyzers.GlobalEventTreeProducer.GlobalEventTreeProducer_1/tree.root' ]) mean, sigma = plot(rootfile, nbins=400) self.assertAlmostEqual(mean, 90.84, 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(sigma, 1.32, 1)