def _create_class_diagrams(path): """ Create class UML diagram :param path: path to the module file. :type path: str """ info("_create_class_diagrams") if not executables_available(["pynsource"]): return files = [ os.path.join(dir_path, f) for dir_path, dir_names, files in os.walk(path) for f in fnmatch.filter(files, "*.py") ] debug("files: {files}".format(files=repr(files))) for src_file in files: debug(src_file) name = src_file.replace(Project.herringfile_dir + "/", "").replace(".py", ".png").replace("/", ".") output = "classes_{name}".format(name=name) debug(output) if not os.path.isfile(output) or (os.path.isfile(output) and is_newer(output, src_file)): run_python( "pynsource -y {output} {source}".format(output=output, source=src_file), verbose=False, ignore_errors=True, )
def pycodestyle(): """Run pycodestyle checks""" if not executables_available(['pycodestyle']): return mkdir_p(Project.quality_dir) pycodestyle_text = os.path.join(Project.quality_dir, 'pycodestyle.txt') pycodestyle_out = os.path.join(Project.quality_dir, 'pycodestyle.out') pycodestyle_html = os.path.join(Project.quality_dir, 'pycodestyle.html') os.system("rm -f %s" % pycodestyle_text) os.system("PYTHONPATH=%s pycodestyle %s 2>/dev/null >%s" % (Project.pythonPath, Project.package, pycodestyle_text)) os.system("pepper8 -o %s %s" % (pycodestyle_html, pycodestyle_text)) # need to reorder the columns to make compatible with pylint file format # pycodestyle output: "{file}:{line}:{column}: {err} {desc}" # pylint output: "{file}:{line}: [{err}] {desc}" # noinspection PyArgumentEqualDefault with open(pycodestyle_text, 'r') as src_file: lines = src_file.readlines() with open(pycodestyle_out, 'w') as out_file: for line in lines: match = re.match(r"(.+):(\d+):(\d+):\s*(\S+)\s+(.+)", line) if match: out_file.write("{file}:{line}: [{err}] {desc}\n".format(,,,
def sloccount(): """Generate SLOCCount output file,, used by jenkins""" if not executables_available(['sloccount']): return sloc_data = qd('slocdata') mkdir_p(sloc_data) sloc_filename = qd('') with LocalShell() as local: output ="sloccount --datadir {data} --wide --details {src}".format(data=sloc_data, src=Project.package)) if os.path.isfile(sloc_filename): os.remove(sloc_filename) with open(sloc_filename, 'w') as sloc_file: sloc_file.write(output) counts = {'all': 0} for line in output.splitlines(): match = re.match(r"^(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)", line) if match: language = if language not in counts: counts[language] = 0 counts[language] += int( counts['all'] += int( with open(qd("sloccount.js"), 'w') as out_file: out_file.write("\n{name}_sloccount_data = {{\n".format( for key in sorted(counts.keys()): out_file.write(" \"{key}\": \"{value}\",\n".format(key=key, value=counts[key])) out_file.write("};\n")
def radon(): """ Cyclomatic complexity metrics """ if not executables_available(['radon']): return mkdir_p(Project.quality_dir) def qd(basename): """ get the relative path to report file in quality directory :param basename: the report base name. :returns: the relative path to the given report name in the quality directory. """ return os.path.join(Project.quality_dir, basename) with LocalShell() as local: local.system("radon cc -s --average --total-average {dir} > {out}".format( dir=Project.package, out=qd('radon_cc.txt'))) local.system("radon cc -s --average --total-average --json {dir} > {out}".format( dir=Project.package, out=qd('radon_cc.json'))) local.system("radon cc -s --average --total-average --xml {dir} > {out}".format( dir=Project.package, out=qd('radon_cc.xml'))) local.system("radon mi -s {dir} > {out}".format( dir=Project.package, out=qd('radon_mi.txt'))) local.system("radon raw -s {dir} > {out}".format( dir=Project.package, out=qd('radon_raw.txt'))) local.system("radon raw -s --json {dir} > {out}".format( dir=Project.package, out=qd('radon_raw.json')))
def _create_class_diagrams(path): """ Create class UML diagram :param path: path to the module file. :type path: str """ info("_create_class_diagrams") if not executables_available(['pynsource']): warning('pynsource not available') return files = [os.path.join(dir_path, f) for dir_path, dir_names, files in os.walk(path) for f in fnmatch.filter(files, '*.py')] debug("files: {files}".format(files=repr(files))) with open(os.path.join(Project.docs_dir, "pynsource.log"), "w") as outputter: for src_file in files: debug(src_file) name = src_file.replace(Project.herringfile_dir + '/', '').replace('.py', '.png').replace('/', '.') output = "classes_{name}".format(name=name) debug(output) if not os.path.isfile(output) or (os.path.isfile(output) and is_newer(output, src_file)): output = run_python("pynsource -y {output} {source}".format(output=output, source=src_file), verbose=False, ignore_errors=True) outputter.write(output)
def _create_module_diagrams(path): """ create module UML diagrams :param path: the module path :type path: str """ info("_create_module_diagrams") if not executables_available(['pyreverse']): warning('pyreverse not available') return with open(os.path.join(Project.docs_dir, "pyreverse.log"), "w") as outputter: for module_path in [root for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path) if os.path.basename(root) != '__pycache__']: debug("module_path: {path}".format(path=module_path)) init_filename = os.path.join(module_path, '') if os.path.exists(init_filename): info(init_filename) name = os.path.basename(module_path).split(".")[0] output = run_python('pyreverse -o svg -p {name} {module} '.format(name=name, module=module_path), verbose=True, ignore_errors=True) outputter.write(output) errors = [line for line in output.splitlines() if not line.startswith('parsing')] if errors: info(errors)
def cheesecake(): """ Run the cheesecake kwalitee metric """ if not executables_available(['cheesecake_index']): return mkdir_p(Project.quality_dir) cheesecake_log = os.path.join(Project.quality_dir, 'cheesecake.log') with LocalShell() as local: local.system("cheesecake_index --path=dist/%s-%s.tar.gz --keep-log -l %s" % (, Project.version, cheesecake_log))
def lint(): """ Run pylint with project overrides from pylint.rc """ if not executables_available(['pylint']): return mkdir_p(Project.quality_dir) options = '' if os.path.exists(Project.pylintrc): options += "--rcfile=pylint.rc" pylint_log = os.path.join(Project.quality_dir, 'pylint.log') with LocalShell() as local: local.system("pylint {options} {dir} > {log}".format(options=options, dir=Project.package, log=pylint_log))
def complexity(): """ Run McCabe code complexity """ if not executables_available(['pymetrics']): return mkdir_p(Project.quality_dir) quality_dir = Project.quality_dir complexity_txt = os.path.join(quality_dir, 'complexity.txt') graph = os.path.join(quality_dir, 'output.png') acc = os.path.join(quality_dir, 'complexity_acc.txt') metrics_html = os.path.join(quality_dir, 'complexity_metrics.html') with LocalShell() as local: local.system("touch %s" % complexity_txt) local.system("touch %s" % acc) local.system("pymetrics --nosql --nocsv `find %s/ -iname \"*.py\"` > %s" % (Project.package, complexity_txt))
def flake8(): """Run flake8 checks""" if not executables_available(['flake8']): return mkdir_p(Project.quality_dir) flake8_text = os.path.join(Project.quality_dir, 'flake8.txt') flake8_out = os.path.join(Project.quality_dir, 'flake8.out') flake8_html = os.path.join(Project.quality_dir, 'flake8.html') flake8_js = os.path.join(Project.quality_dir, 'flake8.js') os.system("rm -f %s" % flake8_text) os.system("PYTHONPATH=%s flake8 --show-source --statistics %s 2>/dev/null >%s" % (Project.pythonPath, Project.package, flake8_text)) os.system("pepper8 -o %s %s" % (flake8_html, flake8_text)) # need to reorder the columns to make compatible with pylint file format # flake8 output: "{file}:{line}:{column}: {err} {desc}" # pylint output: "{file}:{line}: [{err}] {desc}" # noinspection PyArgumentEqualDefault with open(flake8_text, 'r') as src_file: lines = src_file.readlines() errors = 0 warnings = 0 others = 0 with open(flake8_out, 'w') as out_file: for line in lines: match = re.match(r"(.+):(\d+):(\d+):\s*(\S+)\s+(.+)", line) if match: if'E'): errors += 1 elif'W'): warnings += 1 else: others += 1 out_file.write("{file}:{line}: [{err}] {desc}\n".format(,,, with open(flake8_js, 'w') as out_file: out_file.write(dedent(""" {name}_flake8_data = {{ "errors": "{errors}", "warnings": "{warnings}", "other": "{others}" }}; """.format(, errors=errors, warnings=warnings, others=others)))
def sloc(): """Run sloccount to get the source lines of code.""" if not executables_available(['sloccount']): return mkdir_p(Project.quality_dir) sloc_json = os.path.join(Project.quality_dir, 'sloc.json') totals_by_language = _sloc_totals_by_language() total_sloc = 0 for value in totals_by_language.values(): total_sloc += value[0] with open(sloc_json, 'w') as json_file: json.dump(totals_by_language, json_file) for lang in totals_by_language.keys(): info("{lang}: {total} ({percentage}%)".format(lang=lang, total=totals_by_language[lang][0], percentage=totals_by_language[lang][1])) info("Total SLOC: {total}".format(total=total_sloc))
def rstlint(): """Check the RST in the source files""" if not executables_available(['rst-lint']): return rst_files = [os.path.join(dir_path, f) for dir_path, dir_names, files in os.walk(Project.herringfile_dir) for f in fnmatch.filter(files, '*.rst')] src_files = [os.path.join(dir_path, f) for dir_path, dir_names, files in os.walk(Project.herringfile_dir) for f in fnmatch.filter(files, '*.py')] with LocalShell() as local: for src_file in rst_files + src_files: cmd_line = 'rst-lint {file}'.format(file=src_file) result = local.system(cmd_line, verbose=False) if not'No problems found', result): info(cmd_line) info(result)
def radon(): """ Cyclomatic complexity metrics """ if not executables_available(['radon']): return mkdir_p(Project.quality_dir) with LocalShell() as local: local.system("radon cc -s --average --total-average {dir} > {out}".format( dir=Project.package, out=qd('radon_cc.txt'))) local.system("radon cc -s --average --total-average --json {dir} > {out}".format( dir=Project.package, out=qd('radon_cc.json'))) local.system("radon cc -s --average --total-average --xml {dir} > {out}".format( dir=Project.package, out=qd('radon_cc.xml'))) local.system("radon mi -s {dir} > {out}".format( dir=Project.package, out=qd('radon_mi.txt'))) local.system("radon raw -s {dir} > {out}".format( dir=Project.package, out=qd('radon_raw.txt'))) local.system("radon raw -s --json {dir} > {out}".format( dir=Project.package, out=qd('radon_raw.json'))) grade_a = local.system("grep -c \" - A \" {txt}".format(txt=qd('radon_cc.txt'))).strip() grade_b = local.system("grep -c \" - B \" {txt}".format(txt=qd('radon_cc.txt'))).strip() grade_c = local.system("grep -c \" - C \" {txt}".format(txt=qd('radon_cc.txt'))).strip() grade_d = local.system("grep -c \" - D \" {txt}".format(txt=qd('radon_cc.txt'))).strip() grade_e = local.system("grep -c \" - E \" {txt}".format(txt=qd('radon_cc.txt'))).strip() grade_f = local.system("grep -c \" - F \" {txt}".format(txt=qd('radon_cc.txt'))).strip() with open(qd("radon_cc_summary.js"), 'w') as out_file: out_file.write(dedent(r""" {name}_code_complexity_data = {{ "A": "{a}", "B": "{b}", "C": "{c}", "D": "{d}", "E": "{e}", "F": "{f}", }}; """.format(, a=grade_a, b=grade_b, c=grade_c, d=grade_d, e=grade_e, f=grade_f)))
def _create_module_diagrams(path): """ create module UML diagrams :param path: the module path :type path: str """ info("_create_module_diagrams") if not executables_available(["pyreverse"]): return # TODO fixme hangs on tp-otto for module_path in [root for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path)]: info("module_path: {path}".format(path=module_path)) init_filename = os.path.join(module_path, "") if os.path.exists(init_filename): info(init_filename) name = os.path.basename(module_path).split(".")[0] output = run_python( "pyreverse -o svg -p {name} {module}".format(name=name, module=module_path), verbose=True, ignore_errors=True, ) info([line for line in output.splitlines() if not line.startswith("parsing")])
def graph_complexity(): """ Create Cyclomatic Complexity graphs. """ import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') # Must be before importing matplotlib.pyplot or pylab! from matplotlib import pyplot if not executables_available(['radon']): return mkdir_p(Project.quality_dir) graphic_type_ext = 'svg' with LocalShell() as local: data_json ="radon cc -s --json {dir}".format(dir=Project.package)) data = json.loads(data_json) # info(pformat(data)) components = {'function': {}, 'method': {}, 'class': {}} for path in data.keys(): for component in data[path]: if isinstance(component, dict): complexity_score = component['complexity'] if complexity_score not in components[component['type']]: components[component['type']][complexity_score] = [] # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences components[component['type']][complexity_score].append(component) # else: # warning("{path}: {component}".format(path=path, component=pformat(component))) component_names = { 'all': 'Components', 'function': 'Functions', 'class': 'Classes', 'method': 'Methods' } fig_number = 1 x = {} y = {} for component_type in components.keys(): info(component_type) x[component_type] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25] y[component_type] = [0] * 25 for score in sorted(components[component_type].keys()): cnt = len(components[component_type][score]) # info("{complexity}: {cnt}".format(complexity=score, cnt=cnt)) if score < 25: y[component_type][score - 1] += cnt else: y[component_type][-1] += cnt info("fig_number: %d" % fig_number) # plot_number = 110 + fig_number plot_number = 111 info("plot_number: %d" % plot_number) fig = pyplot.figure(fig_number) pyplot.subplot(plot_number) fig.suptitle("Cyclomatic Complexity of {type}".format(type=component_names[component_type]))[component_type][0:4], y[component_type][0:4], align='center', color='green')[component_type][5:9], y[component_type][5:9], align='center', color='blue')[component_type][10:14], y[component_type][10:14], align='center', color='yellow')[component_type][15:19], y[component_type][15:19], align='center', color='orange')[component_type][20:], y[component_type][20:], align='center', color='red') pyplot.xlabel('Cyclomatic Complexity') pyplot.ylabel('Number of {type}'.format(type=component_names[component_type])) pyplot.savefig(os.path.join(Project.quality_dir, "cc_{type}.{ext}".format(type=component_type, ext=graphic_type_ext))) fig_number += 1 info("fig_number: %d" % fig_number) # plot_number = 110 + fig_number plot_number = 111 info("plot_number: %d" % plot_number) fig = pyplot.figure(fig_number) pyplot.subplot(plot_number) fig.suptitle("Cyclomatic Complexity of All Components") hatch = {'class': '/', 'method': '+', 'function': '*'} bottom = [0] * 25 legend_bar = {} for component_type in components.keys(): legend_bar[component_type] =[component_type][0:4], y[component_type][0:4], align='center', color='green', hatch=hatch[component_type], bottom=bottom[0:4])[component_type][5:9], y[component_type][5:9], align='center', color='blue', hatch=hatch[component_type], bottom=bottom[5:9])[component_type][10:14], y[component_type][10:14], align='center', color='yellow', hatch=hatch[component_type], bottom=bottom[10:14])[component_type][15:19], y[component_type][15:19], align='center', color='orange', hatch=hatch[component_type], bottom=bottom[15:19])[component_type][20:24], y[component_type][20:24], align='center', color='red', hatch=hatch[component_type], bottom=bottom[20:24]) bottom = list([bottom[j] + y[component_type][j] for j in range(len(bottom))]) pyplot.xlabel('Cyclomatic Complexity') pyplot.ylabel('Number of Components') pyplot.legend((legend_bar[component_type] for component_type in components.keys()), (component_type for component_type in components.keys())) pyplot.savefig(os.path.join(Project.quality_dir, "cc_all.{ext}".format(ext=graphic_type_ext))) if '--display' in task.argv: