def transition(sVals, action, bounds, trans, goal):
    dx = hcl.scalar(0, "dx")
    dy = hcl.scalar(0, "dy")
    mag = hcl.scalar(0, "mag")

    # Check if moving from a goal state
    dx[0] = sVals[0] - goal[0, 0]
    dy[0] = sVals[1] - goal[0, 1]
    mag[0] = hcl.sqrt((dx[0] * dx[0]) + (dy[0] * dy[0]))
    with hcl.if_(
            hcl.and_(mag[0] <= 1.0, sVals[2] <= goal[1, 1],
                     sVals[2] >= goal[1, 0])):
        trans[0, 0] = 0
    # Check if moving from an obstacle
    with hcl.elif_(
            hcl.or_(sVals[0] < bounds[0, 0] + 0.2,
                    sVals[0] > bounds[0, 1] - 0.2)):
        trans[0, 0] = 0
    with hcl.elif_(
            hcl.or_(sVals[1] < bounds[1, 0] + 0.2,
                    sVals[1] > bounds[1, 1] - 0.2)):
        trans[0, 0] = 0
    # Standard move
    with hcl.else_():
        trans[0, 0] = 1.0
        trans[0, 1] = sVals[0] + (0.6 * action[0] * hcl.cos(sVals[2]))
        trans[0, 2] = sVals[1] + (0.6 * action[0] * hcl.sin(sVals[2]))
        trans[0, 3] = sVals[2] + (0.6 * action[1])
        # Adjust for periodic dimension
        with hcl.while_(trans[0, 3] > 3.141592653589793):
            trans[0, 3] -= 6.283185307179586
        with hcl.while_(trans[0, 3] < -3.141592653589793):
            trans[0, 3] += 6.283185307179586
 def kernel(A):
     i = hcl.scalar(0)
     with hcl.while_(True):
         with hcl.if_(i[0] > 5):
         A[i[0]] = i[0]
         i[0] += 1
    def kernel(matrix_1, matrix_2):
        first_matrix = hcl.compute((m, k), lambda x, y : matrix_1[x, y] + matrix_2[x, y], "first_matrix")
        return_matrix = hcl.compute((m, k), lambda x, y : matrix_1[x, y] + matrix_2[x, y] + 7, "return_matrix")
        ax = hcl.scalar(0)
        with hcl.while_(ax.v < 3):
            matrix_A = hcl.compute((m, k), lambda x, y : matrix_1[x, y] + matrix_2[x, y] + 7, "matrix_A")

            with hcl.for_(0, 2, name="for_loop_in") as h:
                matrix_B = hcl.compute((m, k), lambda x, y : matrix_1[x, y] + matrix_2[x, y] + 8, "matrix_B")

                with hcl.if_(matrix_1[0, 2] >= 0):
                    matrix_C = hcl.compute((m, k), lambda x, y : matrix_1[x, x] + matrix_2[x, x] + 9, "matrix_C")
                    hcl.assert_(matrix_1[0, 0]> 0, "assert message in the if statement %d", matrix_C[0, 0])
                    matrix_D = hcl.compute((m, k), lambda x, y : matrix_1[x, x] + matrix_2[x, x] + 9, "matrix_D")
                    hcl.print(0, "in if statement\n")

                hcl.assert_(matrix_1[0, 0]> 1, "assert message for loop")
                matrix_F = hcl.compute((m, k), lambda x, y : matrix_1[x, y] + matrix_2[x, y] + 8, "matrix_F")
                hcl.print(0, "in for loop\n")

            hcl.assert_(matrix_1[0, 0]> 2, "assert error, matrix_A[1, 1]: %d matrix_A[2, 1]: %d matrix_A[3, 1]: %d", [matrix_A[1, 1], matrix_A[2, 1], matrix_A[3, 1]])
            hcl.print(0, "in the while loop\n")
            ax.v = ax.v + 1

        hcl.assert_(matrix_1[0, 0]> 3, "assert message end")
        matrix_E = hcl.compute((m, k), lambda x, y : matrix_1[x, y] + matrix_2[x, y] + 10, "matrix_E")
        hcl.print(0, "this should not be printed\n")
        return return_matrix
 def kernel(A):
     with hcl.Stage():
         i = hcl.local(0)
         with hcl.while_(True):
             with hcl.if_(i[0] > 5):
             A[i[0]] = i[0]
             i[0] += 1
 def popcount(value):
     #Calculate the number of one in a binary number
     count = hcl.scalar(0, "count")
     numb = hcl.scalar(value, "numb", dtype=hcl.UInt(in_bw))
     with hcl.while_(numb.v > 0):
         count.v += 1
         numb.v &= numb.v - 1
     return count.v
def insertion_sort(A):

    # Introduce a stage.
    with hcl.Stage("S"):
        # for i in range(1, A.shape[0])
        # We can name the axis
        with hcl.for_(1, A.shape[0], name="i") as i:
            key = hcl.local(A[i], "key")
            j = hcl.local(i - 1, "j")
            # while(j >= 0 && key < A[j])
            with hcl.while_(hcl.and_(j >= 0, key < A[j])):
                A[j + 1] = A[j]
                j[0] -= 1
            A[j + 1] = key[0]
 def kernel(A):
     with hcl.Stage():
         a = hcl.scalar(0)
         with hcl.while_(a[0] < 10):
             A[a[0]] = a[0]
             a[0] += 1
 def solve_Qopt(Qopt, actions, intermeds, trans, interpV, gamma, epsilon,
                iVals, sVals, bounds, goal, ptsEachDim, count, maxIters,
                useNN, fillVal):
     reSweep = hcl.scalar(1, "reSweep")
     oldQ = hcl.scalar(0, "oldV")
     newQ = hcl.scalar(0, "newV")
     with hcl.while_(hcl.and_(reSweep[0] == 1, count[0] < maxIters[0])):
         reSweep[0] = 0
         # Perform value iteration by sweeping in direction 1
         with hcl.Stage("Sweep_1"):
             with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[0], name="i") as i:
                 with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[1], name="j") as j:
                     with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[2], name="k") as k:
                         with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[3], name="a") as a:
                             oldQ[0] = Qopt[i, j, k, a]
                             updateQopt(i, j, k, a, iVals, sVals, Qopt,
                                        actions, intermeds, trans, interpV,
                                        gamma, bounds, goal, ptsEachDim,
                                        useNN, fillVal)
                             newQ[0] = Qopt[i, j, k, a]
                             evaluateConvergence(newQ, oldQ, epsilon,
             count[0] += 1
         # Perform value iteration by sweeping in direction 2
         with hcl.Stage("Sweep_2"):
             # For all states
             with hcl.for_(1, Qopt.shape[0] + 1, name="i") as i:
                 with hcl.for_(1, Qopt.shape[1] + 1, name="j") as j:
                     with hcl.for_(1, Qopt.shape[2] + 1, name="k") as k:
                         i2 = Qopt.shape[0] - i
                         j2 = Qopt.shape[1] - j
                         k2 = Qopt.shape[2] - k
                         # For all actions
                         with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[3], name="a") as a:
                             oldQ[0] = Qopt[i2, j2, k2, a]
                             updateQopt(i2, j2, k2, a, iVals, sVals, Qopt,
                                        actions, intermeds, trans, interpV,
                                        gamma, bounds, goal, ptsEachDim,
                                        useNN, fillVal)
                             newQ[0] = Qopt[i2, j2, k2, a]
                             evaluateConvergence(newQ, oldQ, epsilon,
             count[0] += 1
         # Perform value iteration by sweeping in direction 3
         with hcl.Stage("Sweep_3"):
             # For all states
             with hcl.for_(1, Qopt.shape[0] + 1, name="i") as i:
                 with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[1], name="j") as j:
                     with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[2], name="k") as k:
                         i2 = Qopt.shape[0] - i
                         # For all actions
                         with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[3], name="a") as a:
                             oldQ[0] = Qopt[i2, j, k, a]
                             updateQopt(i2, j, k, a, iVals, sVals, Qopt,
                                        actions, intermeds, trans, interpV,
                                        gamma, bounds, goal, ptsEachDim,
                                        useNN, fillVal)
                             newQ[0] = Qopt[i2, j, k, a]
                             evaluateConvergence(newQ, oldQ, epsilon,
             count[0] += 1
         # Perform value iteration by sweeping in direction 4
         with hcl.Stage("Sweep_4"):
             # For all states
             with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[0], name="i") as i:
                 with hcl.for_(1, Qopt.shape[1] + 1, name="j") as j:
                     with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[2], name="k") as k:
                         j2 = Qopt.shape[1] - j
                         # For all actions
                         with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[3], name="a") as a:
                             oldQ[0] = Qopt[i, j2, k, a]
                             updateQopt(i, j2, k, a, iVals, sVals, Qopt,
                                        actions, intermeds, trans, interpV,
                                        gamma, bounds, goal, ptsEachDim,
                                        useNN, fillVal)
                             newQ[0] = Qopt[i, j2, k, a]
                             evaluateConvergence(newQ, oldQ, epsilon,
             count[0] += 1
         # Perform value iteration by sweeping in direction 5
         with hcl.Stage("Sweep_5"):
             # For all states
             with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[0], name="i") as i:
                 with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[1], name="j") as j:
                     with hcl.for_(1, Qopt.shape[2] + 1, name="k") as k:
                         k2 = Qopt.shape[2] - k
                         # For all actions
                         with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[3], name="a") as a:
                             oldQ[0] = Qopt[i, j, k2, a]
                             updateQopt(i, j, k2, a, iVals, sVals, Qopt,
                                        actions, intermeds, trans, interpV,
                                        gamma, bounds, goal, ptsEachDim,
                                        useNN, fillVal)
                             newQ[0] = Qopt[i, j, k2, a]
                             evaluateConvergence(newQ, oldQ, epsilon,
             count[0] += 1
         # Perform value iteration by sweeping in direction 6
         with hcl.Stage("Sweep_6"):
             # For all states
             with hcl.for_(1, Qopt.shape[0] + 1, name="i") as i:
                 with hcl.for_(1, Qopt.shape[1] + 1, name="j") as j:
                     with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[2], name="k") as k:
                         i2 = Qopt.shape[0] - i
                         j2 = Qopt.shape[1] - j
                         # For all actions
                         with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[3], name="a") as a:
                             oldQ[0] = Qopt[i2, j2, k, a]
                             updateQopt(i2, j2, k, a, iVals, sVals, Qopt,
                                        actions, intermeds, trans, interpV,
                                        gamma, bounds, goal, ptsEachDim,
                                        useNN, fillVal)
                             newQ[0] = Qopt[i2, j2, k, a]
                             evaluateConvergence(newQ, oldQ, epsilon,
             count[0] += 1
         # Perform value iteration by sweeping in direction 7
         with hcl.Stage("Sweep_7"):
             # For all states
             with hcl.for_(1, Qopt.shape[0] + 1, name="i") as i:
                 with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[1], name="j") as j:
                     with hcl.for_(1, Qopt.shape[2] + 1, name="k") as k:
                         i2 = Qopt.shape[0] - i
                         k2 = Qopt.shape[2] - k
                         # For all actions
                         with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[3], name="a") as a:
                             oldQ[0] = Qopt[i2, j, k2, a]
                             updateQopt(i2, j, k2, a, iVals, sVals, Qopt,
                                        actions, intermeds, trans, interpV,
                                        gamma, bounds, goal, ptsEachDim,
                                        useNN, fillVal)
                             newQ[0] = Qopt[i2, j, k2, a]
                             evaluateConvergence(newQ, oldQ, epsilon,
             count[0] += 1
         # Perform value iteration by sweeping in direction 8
         with hcl.Stage("Sweep_8"):
             # For all states
             with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[0], name="i") as i:
                 with hcl.for_(1, Qopt.shape[1] + 1, name="j") as j:
                     with hcl.for_(1, Qopt.shape[2] + 1, name="k") as k:
                         j2 = Qopt.shape[1] - j
                         k2 = Qopt.shape[2] - k
                         # For all actions
                         with hcl.for_(0, Qopt.shape[3], name="a") as a:
                             oldQ[0] = Qopt[i, j2, k2, a]
                             updateQopt(i, j2, k2, a, iVals, sVals, Qopt,
                                        actions, intermeds, trans, interpV,
                                        gamma, bounds, goal, ptsEachDim,
                                        useNN, fillVal)
                             newQ[0] = Qopt[i, j2, k2, a]
                             evaluateConvergence(newQ, oldQ, epsilon,
             count[0] += 1
    def smith_waterman(seqA, seqB, consA, consB):
        def similarity_score(a, b):
            return == b, 1, penalty)

        def find_max(A, len_):
            max_ = hcl.local(A[0], "max")
            act_ = hcl.local(0, "act")
            with hcl.for_(0, len_) as i:
                with hcl.if_(A[i] > max_[0]):
                    max_[0] = A[i]
                    act_[0] = i
            return max_[0], act_[0]

        matrix_max = hcl.local(0, "maxtrix_max")
        i_max = hcl.local(0, "i_max")
        j_max = hcl.local(0, "j_max")

        matrix = hcl.compute((lenA + 1, lenB + 1), lambda x, y: 0, "matrix")
        action = hcl.compute(matrix.shape, lambda x, y: 3, "action")

        def populate_matrix(i, j):
            trace_back = hcl.compute((4, ), lambda x: 0, "trace_back")

            with hcl.if_(hcl.and_(i != 0, j != 0)):
                trace_back[0] = matrix[i-1, j-1] + \
                                similarity_score(seqA[i-1], seqB[j-1])
                trace_back[1] = matrix[i - 1, j] + penalty
                trace_back[2] = matrix[i, j - 1] + penalty
                trace_back[3] = 0
                matrix[i, j], action[i, j] = find_max(trace_back, 4)
                with hcl.if_(matrix[i, j] > matrix_max[0]):
                    matrix_max[0] = matrix[i, j]
                    i_max[0] = i
                    j_max[0] = j

        P = hcl.mutate((lenA + 1, lenB + 1),
                       lambda i, j: populate_matrix(i, j))

        def align(curr_i, curr_j, next_i, next_j):
            outA = hcl.local(0, "a")
            outB = hcl.local(0, "b")

            with hcl.if_(next_i[0] == curr_i[0]):
                outA[0] = 0
            with hcl.else_():
                outA[0] = seqA[curr_i[0] - 1]

            with hcl.if_(next_j[0] == curr_j[0]):
                outB[0] = 0
            with hcl.else_():
                outB[0] = seqB[curr_j[0] - 1]
            return outA[0], outB[0]

        def get_next(action, i, j):
            act_ = hcl.local(action[i][j], "act")
            next_i = hcl.local(0, "next_i")
            next_j = hcl.local(0, "next_j")
            with hcl.if_(act_[0] == 0):
                next_i[0] = i - 1
                next_j[0] = j - 1
            with hcl.elif_(act_[0] == 1):
                next_i[0] = i - 1
                next_j[0] = j
            with hcl.elif_(act_[0] == 2):
                next_i[0] = i
                next_j[0] = j - 1
            with hcl.else_():
                next_i[0] = i
                next_j[0] = j
            return next_i[0], next_j[0]

        with hcl.Stage("T"):
            curr_i = hcl.local(i_max[0], "curr_i")
            curr_j = hcl.local(j_max[0], "curr_j")
            next_i = hcl.local(0, "next_i")
            next_j = hcl.local(0, "next_j")
            next_i[0], next_j[0] = get_next(action, curr_i[0], curr_j[0])
            tick = hcl.local(0, "tick")

            with hcl.while_(
                    hcl.or_(curr_i[0] != next_i[0], curr_j[0] != next_j[0])):
                consA[tick[0]], consB[tick[0]] = \
                    align(curr_i, curr_j, next_i, next_j)
                curr_i[0], curr_j[0] = next_i[0], next_j[0]
                next_i[0], next_j[0] = get_next(action, curr_i[0], curr_j[0])
                tick[0] += 1
 def solve_Vopt(Vopt, actions, intermeds, trans, interpV, gamma, epsilon,
                iVals, sVals, bounds, goal, ptsEachDim, count, maxIters,
     reSweep = hcl.scalar(1, "reSweep")
     oldV = hcl.scalar(0, "oldV")
     newV = hcl.scalar(0, "newV")
     with hcl.while_(hcl.and_(reSweep[0] == 1, count[0] < maxIters[0])):
         reSweep[0] = 0
         # Perform value iteration by sweeping in direction 1
         with hcl.Stage("Sweep_1"):
             with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[0], name="i") as i:
                 with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[1], name="j") as j:
                     with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[2], name="k") as k:
                         with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[3], name="l") as l:
                             with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[4], name="m") as m:
                                 oldV[0] = Vopt[i, j, k, l, m]
                                 updateVopt(MDP_object, i, j, k, l, m,
                                            iVals, sVals, actions, Vopt,
                                            intermeds, trans, interpV,
                                            gamma, bounds, goal, ptsEachDim,
                                 newV[0] = Vopt[i, j, k, l, m]
                                     newV, oldV, epsilon, reSweep)
             count[0] += 1
         # Perform value iteration by sweeping in direction 2
         with hcl.Stage("Sweep_2"):
             with hcl.if_(useNN[0] == 1):
                 with hcl.for_(1, Vopt.shape[0] + 1, name="i") as i:
                     with hcl.for_(1, Vopt.shape[1] + 1, name="j") as j:
                         with hcl.for_(1, Vopt.shape[2] + 1, name="k") as k:
                             with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[3], name="l") as l:
                                 with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[4],
                                               name="m") as m:
                                     i2 = Vopt.shape[0] - i
                                     j2 = Vopt.shape[1] - j
                                     k2 = Vopt.shape[2] - k
                                     oldV[0] = Vopt[i2, j2, k2, l, m]
                                     updateVopt(MDP_object, i2, j2, k2, l,
                                                m, iVals, sVals, actions,
                                                Vopt, intermeds, trans,
                                                interpV, gamma, bounds,
                                                goal, ptsEachDim, useNN)
                                     newV[0] = Vopt[i2, j2, k2, l, m]
                                         newV, oldV, epsilon, reSweep)
             count[0] += 1
         # Perform value iteration by sweeping in direction 3
         with hcl.Stage("Sweep_3"):
             with hcl.if_(useNN[0] == 1):
                 with hcl.for_(1, Vopt.shape[0] + 1, name="i") as i:
                     with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[1], name="j") as j:
                         with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[2], name="k") as k:
                             with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[3], name="l") as l:
                                 with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[4],
                                               name="m") as m:
                                     i2 = Vopt.shape[0] - i
                                     oldV[0] = Vopt[i2, j, k, l, m]
                                     updateVopt(MDP_object, i2, j, k, l, m,
                                                iVals, sVals, actions, Vopt,
                                                intermeds, trans, interpV,
                                                gamma, bounds, goal,
                                                ptsEachDim, useNN)
                                     newV[0] = Vopt[i2, j, k, l, m]
                                         newV, oldV, epsilon, reSweep)
             count[0] += 1
         # Perform value iteration by sweeping in direction 4
         with hcl.Stage("Sweep_4"):
             with hcl.if_(useNN[0] == 1):
                 with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[0], name="i") as i:
                     with hcl.for_(1, Vopt.shape[1] + 1, name="j") as j:
                         with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[2], name="k") as k:
                             with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[3], name="l") as l:
                                 with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[4],
                                               name="m") as m:
                                     j2 = Vopt.shape[1] - j
                                     oldV[0] = Vopt[i, j2, k, l, m]
                                     updateVopt(MDP_object, i, j2, k, l, m,
                                                iVals, sVals, actions, Vopt,
                                                intermeds, trans, interpV,
                                                gamma, bounds, goal,
                                                ptsEachDim, useNN)
                                     newV[0] = Vopt[i, j2, k, l, m]
                                         newV, oldV, epsilon, reSweep)
             count[0] += 1
         # Perform value iteration by sweeping in direction 5
         with hcl.Stage("Sweep_5"):
             with hcl.if_(useNN[0] == 1):
                 with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[0], name="i") as i:
                     with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[1], name="j") as j:
                         with hcl.for_(1, Vopt.shape[2] + 1, name="k") as k:
                             with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[3], name="l") as l:
                                 with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[4],
                                               name="m") as m:
                                     k2 = Vopt.shape[2] - k
                                     oldV[0] = Vopt[i, j, k2, l, m]
                                     updateVopt(MDP_object, i, j, k2, l, m,
                                                iVals, sVals, actions, Vopt,
                                                intermeds, trans, interpV,
                                                gamma, bounds, goal,
                                                ptsEachDim, useNN)
                                     newV[0] = Vopt[i, j, k2, l, m]
                                         newV, oldV, epsilon, reSweep)
             count[0] += 1
         # Perform value iteration by sweeping in direction 6
         with hcl.Stage("Sweep_6"):
             with hcl.if_(useNN[0] == 1):
                 with hcl.for_(1, Vopt.shape[0] + 1, name="i") as i:
                     with hcl.for_(1, Vopt.shape[1] + 1, name="j") as j:
                         with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[2], name="k") as k:
                             with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[3], name="l") as l:
                                 with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[4],
                                               name="m") as m:
                                     i2 = Vopt.shape[0] - i
                                     j2 = Vopt.shape[1] - j
                                     oldV[0] = Vopt[i2, j2, k, l, m]
                                     updateVopt(MDP_object, i2, j2, k, l, m,
                                                iVals, sVals, actions, Vopt,
                                                intermeds, trans, interpV,
                                                gamma, bounds, goal,
                                                ptsEachDim, useNN)
                                     newV[0] = Vopt[i2, j2, k, l, m]
                                         newV, oldV, epsilon, reSweep)
             count[0] += 1
         # Perform value iteration by sweeping in direction 7
         with hcl.Stage("Sweep_7"):
             with hcl.if_(useNN[0] == 1):
                 with hcl.for_(1, Vopt.shape[0] + 1, name="i") as i:
                     with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[1], name="j") as j:
                         with hcl.for_(1, Vopt.shape[2] + 1, name="k") as k:
                             with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[3], name="l") as l:
                                 with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[4],
                                               name="m") as m:
                                     i2 = Vopt.shape[0] - i
                                     k2 = Vopt.shape[2] - k
                                     oldV[0] = Vopt[i2, j, k2, l, m]
                                     updateVopt(MDP_object, i2, j, k2, l, m,
                                                iVals, sVals, actions, Vopt,
                                                intermeds, trans, interpV,
                                                gamma, bounds, goal,
                                                ptsEachDim, useNN)
                                     newV[0] = Vopt[i2, j, k2, l, m]
                                         newV, oldV, epsilon, reSweep)
             count[0] += 1
         # Perform value iteration by sweeping in direction 8
         with hcl.Stage("Sweep_8"):
             with hcl.if_(useNN[0] == 1):
                 with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[0], name="i") as i:
                     with hcl.for_(1, Vopt.shape[1] + 1, name="j") as j:
                         with hcl.for_(1, Vopt.shape[2] + 1, name="k") as k:
                             with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[3], name="l") as l:
                                 with hcl.for_(0, Vopt.shape[4],
                                               name="m") as m:
                                     j2 = Vopt.shape[1] - j
                                     k2 = Vopt.shape[2] - k
                                     oldV[0] = Vopt[i, j2, k2, l, m]
                                     updateVopt(MDP_object, i, j2, k2, l, m,
                                                iVals, sVals, actions, Vopt,
                                                intermeds, trans, interpV,
                                                gamma, bounds, goal,
                                                ptsEachDim, useNN)
                                     newV[0] = Vopt[i, j2, k2, l, m]
                                         newV, oldV, epsilon, reSweep)
                 count[0] += 1