class RobotWebInterface(object):
    This is for scraping the web interface and can be used to implement
    features that are not yet available in the official API.
    def __init__(self, user=None, passwd=None):
        self.conn = None
        self.session_cookie = None
        self.user = user
        self.passwd = passwd
        self.logged_in = False
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("Robot scraper for {0}".format(user))

    def update_session(self, response):
        Parses the session cookie from the given response instance and updates
        self.session_cookie accordingly if a session cookie was recognized.
        for key, value in response.getheaders():
            if key.lower() != 'set-cookie':
            if not value.startswith("robot="):
            self.session_cookie = value.split(';', 1)[0]

    def connect(self, force=False):
        Establish a connection to the robot web interface if we're not yet
        connected. If 'force' is set to True, throw away the old connection and
        establish a new one, regardless of whether we are connected or not.
        if force and self.conn is not None:
            self.conn = None
        if self.conn is None:
            self.conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_WEBHOST)

    def login(self, user=None, passwd=None, force=False):
        Log into the robot web interface using self.user and self.passwd. If
        user/passwd is provided as arguments, those are used instead and
        self.user/self.passwd are updated accordingly.
        if self.logged_in and not force:


        # Update self.user and self.passwd in case we need to re-establish the
        # connection.
        if user is not None:
            self.user = user
        if passwd is not None:
            self.passwd = passwd

        if self.user is None or self.passwd is None:
            raise WebRobotError("Login credentials for the web user interface "
                                "are missing.")

        if self.user.startswith("#ws+"):
            raise WebRobotError("The user {0} is a dedicated web service user "
                                "and cannot be used for scraping the web user "

        # This is primarily for getting a first session cookie.
        response = self.request('/login', xhr=False)
        if response.status != 200:
            raise WebRobotError("Invalid status code {0} while visiting login"
                                " page".format(response.status))

        data = {'user': self.user, 'password': self.passwd}
        self.logger.debug("Logging in to Robot web frontend with user %s.",
        response = self.request('/login/check', data, xhr=False, log=False)

        if response.status != 302 or response.getheader('Location') is None:
            raise WebRobotError("Login to robot web interface failed.")

        self.logged_in = True

    def request(self, path, data=None, xhr=True, method=None, log=True):
        Send a request to the web interface, using 'data' for urlencoded POST
        data. If 'data' is None (which it is by default), a GET request is sent
        instead. A httplib.HTTPResponse is returned on success.

        By default this method uses headers for XMLHttpRequests, so if the
        request should be an ordinary HTTP request, set 'xhr' to False.

        If 'log' is set to False, don't log anything containing data. This is
        useful to prevent logging sensible information such as passwords.

        headers = {'Connection': 'keep-alive'}
        if self.session_cookie is not None:
            headers['Cookie'] = self.session_cookie
        if xhr:
            headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'

        if data is None:
            if method is None:
                method = 'GET'
            encoded = None
            if method is None:
                method = 'POST'
            encoded = urlencode(data)
            headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

        if log:
            self.logger.debug("Sending %s request to Robot web frontend "
                              "at %s with data %r.",
                              ("XHR " if xhr else "") + method, path, encoded)
        self.conn.request(method, path, encoded, headers)

            response = self.conn.getresponse()
        except ResponseNotReady:
            self.logger.debug("Connection closed by Robot web frontend,"
                              " retrying.")
            # Connection closed, so we need to reconnect.
            # FIXME: Try to avoid endless loops here!
            return self.request(path, data=data, xhr=xhr, log=log)

        if log:
            self.logger.debug("Got response from web frontend with status %d.",

        return response
class RobotWebInterface(object):
    This is for scraping the web interface and can be used to implement
    features that are not yet available in the official API.
    def __init__(self, user=None, passwd=None):
        self.conn = None
        self.session_cookie = None
        self.user = user
        self.passwd = passwd
        self.logged_in = False
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("Robot scraper for {0}".format(user))

    def update_session(self, response):
        Parses the session cookie from the given response instance and updates
        self.session_cookie accordingly if a session cookie was recognized.
        for key, value in response.getheaders():
            if key.lower() != 'set-cookie':
            if not value.startswith("robot="):
            self.session_cookie = value.split(';', 1)[0]

    def connect(self, force=False):
        Establish a connection to the robot web interface if we're not yet
        connected. If 'force' is set to True, throw away the old connection and
        establish a new one, regardless of whether we are connected or not.
        if force and self.conn is not None:
            self.conn = None
        if self.conn is None:
            self.conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_WEBHOST)

    def login(self, user=None, passwd=None, force=False):
        Log into the robot web interface using self.user and self.passwd. If
        user/passwd is provided as arguments, those are used instead and
        self.user/self.passwd are updated accordingly.
        if self.logged_in and not force:


        # Update self.user and self.passwd in case we need to re-establish the
        # connection.
        if user is not None:
            self.user = user
        if passwd is not None:
            self.passwd = passwd

        if self.user is None or self.passwd is None:
            raise WebRobotError("Login credentials for the web user interface "
                                "are missing.")

        if self.user.startswith("#ws+"):
            raise WebRobotError("The user {0} is a dedicated web service user "
                                "and cannot be used for scraping the web user "

        # This is primarily for getting a first session cookie.
        response = self.request('/login', xhr=False)
        if response.status != 200:
            raise WebRobotError("Invalid status code {0} while visiting login"
                                " page".format(response.status))

        data = {'user': self.user, 'password': self.passwd}
        self.logger.debug("Logging in to Robot web frontend with user %s.",
        response = self.request('/login/check', data, xhr=False, log=False)

        if response.status != 302 or response.getheader('Location') is None:
            raise WebRobotError("Login to robot web interface failed.")

        self.logged_in = True

    def request(self, path, data=None, xhr=True, method=None, log=True):
        Send a request to the web interface, using 'data' for urlencoded POST
        data. If 'data' is None (which it is by default), a GET request is sent
        instead. A httplib.HTTPResponse is returned on success.

        By default this method uses headers for XMLHttpRequests, so if the
        request should be an ordinary HTTP request, set 'xhr' to False.

        If 'log' is set to False, don't log anything containing data. This is
        useful to prevent logging sensible information such as passwords.

        headers = {'Connection': 'keep-alive'}
        if self.session_cookie is not None:
            headers['Cookie'] = self.session_cookie
        if xhr:
            headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'

        if data is None:
            if method is None:
                method = 'GET'
            encoded = None
            if method is None:
                method = 'POST'
            encoded = urlencode(data)
            headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

        if log:
                "Sending %s request to Robot web frontend "
                "at %s with data %r.", ("XHR " if xhr else "") + method, path,
        self.conn.request(method, path, encoded, headers)

            response = self.conn.getresponse()
        except ResponseNotReady:
            self.logger.debug("Connection closed by Robot web frontend,"
                              " retrying.")
            # Connection closed, so we need to reconnect.
            # FIXME: Try to avoid endless loops here!
            return self.request(path, data=data, xhr=xhr, log=log)

        if log:
            self.logger.debug("Got response from web frontend with status %d.",

        return response
class RobotConnection(object):
    def __init__(self, user, passwd):
        self.user = user
        self.passwd = passwd
        self.conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_HOST)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("Robot of {0}".format(user))

        # Provide this as a way to easily add unsupported API features.
        self.scraper = RobotWebInterface(user, passwd)

    def _request(self, method, path, data, headers, retry=1):
        self.conn.request(method.upper(), path, data, headers)
            return self.conn.getresponse()
        except BadStatusLine:
            # XXX: Sometimes, the API server seems to have a problem with
            # keepalives.
            if retry <= 0:

            return self._request(method, path, data, headers, retry - 1)

    def request(self, method, path, data=None, allow_empty=False):
        if data is not None:
            data = urlencode(data)

        auth = 'Basic {0}'.format(b64encode(
            "{0}:{1}".format(self.user, self.passwd).encode('ascii')

        headers = {'Authorization': auth}

        if data is not None:
            headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

        self.logger.debug("Sending %s request to Robot at %s with data %r.",
                          method, path, data)
        response = self._request(method, path, data, headers)
        raw_data = response.read().decode('utf-8')
        if len(raw_data) == 0 and not allow_empty:
            msg = "Empty response, status {0}."
            raise RobotError(msg.format(response.status), response.status)
        elif not allow_empty:
                data = json.loads(raw_data)
            except ValueError:
                msg = "Response is not JSON (status {0}): {1}"
                raise RobotError(msg.format(response.status, repr(raw_data)))
            data = None
            "Got response from Robot with status %d and data %r.",
            response.status, data

        if 200 <= response.status < 300:
            return data
            error = data.get('error', None)
            if error is None:
                raise RobotError("Unknown error: {0}".format(data),
                err = "{0} - {1}".format(error['status'], error['message'])
                missing = error.get('missing', [])
                invalid = error.get('invalid', [])
                fields = []
                if missing is not None:
                    fields += missing
                if invalid is not None:
                    fields += invalid
                if len(fields) > 0:
                    err += ", fields: {0}".format(', '.join(fields))
                raise RobotError(err, response.status)

    get = lambda s, p: s.request('GET', p)
    post = lambda s, p, d: s.request('POST', p, d)
    put = lambda s, p, d: s.request('PUT', p, d)
    delete = lambda s, p, d=None: s.request('DELETE', p, d, allow_empty=True)
    def login(self, user=None, passwd=None, force=False):
        Log into the robot web interface using self.user and self.passwd. If
        user/passwd is provided as arguments, those are used instead and
        self.user/self.passwd are updated accordingly.
        if self.logged_in and not force:


        # Update self.user and self.passwd in case we need to re-establish the
        # connection.
        if user is not None:
            self.user = user
        if passwd is not None:
            self.passwd = passwd

        if self.user is None or self.passwd is None:
            raise WebRobotError("Login credentials for the web user interface "
                                "are missing.")

        if self.user.startswith("#ws+"):
            raise WebRobotError("The user {0} is a dedicated web service user "
                                "and cannot be used for scraping the web user "

        # We need to first visit the Robot so that we later get an OAuth token
        # for the Robot from the authentication site.
        self.logger.debug("Visiting Robot web frontend for the first time.")
        auth_url = self.request('/', xhr=False).getheader('location')

        if not auth_url.startswith('https://' + ROBOT_LOGINHOST + '/'):
            msg = "https://{0}/ does not redirect to https://{1}/ " \
                  "but instead redirects to: {2}"
            raise WebRobotError(
                msg.format(ROBOT_WEBHOST, ROBOT_LOGINHOST, auth_url))

        self.logger.debug("Following authentication redirect to %r.", auth_url)

        # This is primarily for getting a first session cookie.
        login_conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_LOGINHOST)
        login_conn.request('GET', auth_url[len(ROBOT_LOGINHOST) + 8:], None)

        response = login_conn.getresponse()
        if response.status != 302:
            raise WebRobotError("Invalid status code {0} while visiting auth"
                                " URL".format(response.status))

        cookies = self._parse_cookies(response)
        if "PHPSESSID" not in cookies:
            msg = "Auth site didn't respond with a session cookie."
            raise WebRobotError(msg)

        self.logger.debug("Session ID for auth site is %r.",

        # Make sure that we always send the auth site's session ID in
        # subsequent requests.
        cookieval = '; '.join([k + '=' + v for k, v in cookies.items()])
        headers = {'Cookie': cookieval}

        self.logger.debug("Visiting login page at https://%s/login.",

        # Note that the auth site doesn't seem to support keep-alives, so we
        # need to reconnect here.
        login_conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_LOGINHOST)
        login_conn.request('GET', "/login", None, headers)

        response = login_conn.getresponse()
        if response.status != 200:
            raise WebRobotError("Invalid status code {0} while visiting login"
                                " page".format(response.status))

        data = urlencode({'_username': self.user, '_password': self.passwd})
        self.logger.debug("Logging in to auth site with user %s.", self.user)

        # Again, we need to reconnect here.
        login_conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_LOGINHOST)
        post_headers = headers.copy()
        post_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        login_conn.request('POST', '/login_check', data, post_headers)
        response = login_conn.getresponse()

        # Here, if the authentication is successful another session is started
        # and we get a new session ID.
        cookies = self._parse_cookies(response)
        if "PHPSESSID" not in cookies:
            raise WebRobotError("Login to robot web interface failed.")
        self.logger.debug("New session ID for auth site after login is %r.",
        cookieval = '; '.join([k + '=' + v for k, v in cookies.items()])
        headers['Cookie'] = cookieval

        # This should be the actual OAuth authorization URL.
        location = response.getheader('Location')

        if response.status != 302 or location is None:
            raise WebRobotError("Unable to get OAuth authorization URL.")

        if not location.startswith('https://' + ROBOT_LOGINHOST + '/'):
            msg = "https://{0}/ does not redirect to https://{1}/ " \
                  "but instead redirects to: {2}"
            raise WebRobotError(
                msg.format(ROBOT_LOGINHOST, ROBOT_LOGINHOST, location))

        self.logger.debug("Got redirected, visiting %r.", location)

        login_conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_LOGINHOST)
        login_conn.request('GET', location[len(ROBOT_LOGINHOST) + 8:], None,
        response = login_conn.getresponse()

        # We now should get an URL back to the Robot web interface.
        location = response.getheader('Location')
        if response.status != 302 or location is None:
            raise WebRobotError("Failed to get OAuth URL for Robot.")
        if not location.startswith('https://' + ROBOT_WEBHOST + '/'):
            msg = "https://{0}/ does not redirect to https://{1}/ " \
                  "but instead redirects to: {2}"
            raise WebRobotError(
                msg.format(ROBOT_LOGINHOST, ROBOT_WEBHOST, auth_url))

        self.logger.debug("Going back to Robot web interface via %r.",

        # Reconnect to Robot with the OAuth token.
        response = self.request(location[len(ROBOT_WEBHOST) + 8:], xhr=False)

        if response.status != 302:
            raise WebRobotError("Status after providing OAuth token should be"
                                " 302 and not {0}".format(response.status))

        if response.getheader('location') != 'https://' + ROBOT_WEBHOST + '/':
            raise WebRobotError("Robot login with OAuth token has failed.")

        self.logged_in = True
class RobotConnection(object):
    def __init__(self, user, passwd):
        self.user = user
        self.passwd = passwd
        self.conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_HOST)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("Robot of {0}".format(user))

        # Provide this as a way to easily add unsupported API features.
        self.scraper = RobotWebInterface(user, passwd)

    def _request(self, method, path, data, headers, retry=1):
        self.conn.request(method.upper(), path, data, headers)
            return self.conn.getresponse()
        except BadStatusLine:
            # XXX: Sometimes, the API server seems to have a problem with
            # keepalives.
            if retry <= 0:

            return self._request(method, path, data, headers, retry - 1)

    def request(self, method, path, data=None, allow_empty=False):
        if data is not None:
            data = urlencode(data)

        auth = 'Basic {0}'.format(
                self.user, self.passwd).encode('ascii')).decode('ascii'))

        headers = {'Authorization': auth}

        if data is not None:
            headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

        self.logger.debug("Sending %s request to Robot at %s with data %r.",
                          method, path, data)
        response = self._request(method, path, data, headers)
        raw_data = response.read().decode('utf-8')
        if len(raw_data) == 0 and not allow_empty:
            msg = "Empty response, status {0}."
            raise RobotError(msg.format(response.status), response.status)
        elif not allow_empty:
                data = json.loads(raw_data)
            except ValueError:
                msg = "Response is not JSON (status {0}): {1}"
                raise RobotError(msg.format(response.status, repr(raw_data)))
            data = None
            "Got response from Robot with status %d and data %r.",
            response.status, data)

        if 200 <= response.status < 300:
            return data
            error = data.get('error', None)
            if error is None:
                raise RobotError("Unknown error: {0}".format(data),
                err = "{0} - {1}".format(error['status'], error['message'])
                missing = error.get('missing', [])
                invalid = error.get('invalid', [])
                fields = []
                if missing is not None:
                    fields += missing
                if invalid is not None:
                    fields += invalid
                if len(fields) > 0:
                    err += ", fields: {0}".format(', '.join(fields))
                raise RobotError(err, response.status)

    def get(self, path):
        return self.request('GET', path)

    def post(self, path, data):
        return self.request('POST', path, data)

    def put(self, path, data):
        return self.request('PUT', path, data)

    def delete(self, path, data=None):
        return self.request('DELETE', path, data, allow_empty=True)
class RobotWebInterface(object):
    This is for scraping the web interface and can be used to implement
    features that are not yet available in the official API.
    def __init__(self, user=None, passwd=None):
        self.conn = None
        self.session_cookie = None
        self.user = user
        self.passwd = passwd
        self.logged_in = False
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("Robot scraper for {0}".format(user))

    def _parse_cookies(self, response):
        Return a dictionary consisting of the cookies from the given response.
        result = {}
        cookies = response.getheader('set-cookie')
        if cookies is None:
            return result

        # Not very accurate but sufficent enough for our use case.
        for cookieval in cookies.split(','):
            cookieattrs = cookieval.strip().split(';')
            if len(cookieattrs) <= 1:
            cookie = cookieattrs[0].strip().split('=', 1)
            if len(cookie) != 2:
            result[cookie[0]] = cookie[1]

        return result

    def update_session(self, response):
        Parses the session cookie from the given response instance and updates
        self.session_cookie accordingly if a session cookie was recognized.
        session = self._parse_cookies(response).get('robot')
        if session is not None:
            self.session_cookie = "robot=" + session

    def connect(self, force=False):
        Establish a connection to the robot web interface if we're not yet
        connected. If 'force' is set to True, throw away the old connection and
        establish a new one, regardless of whether we are connected or not.
        if force and self.conn is not None:
            self.conn = None
        if self.conn is None:
            self.conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_WEBHOST)

    def login(self, user=None, passwd=None, force=False):
        Log into the robot web interface using self.user and self.passwd. If
        user/passwd is provided as arguments, those are used instead and
        self.user/self.passwd are updated accordingly.
        if self.logged_in and not force:


        # Update self.user and self.passwd in case we need to re-establish the
        # connection.
        if user is not None:
            self.user = user
        if passwd is not None:
            self.passwd = passwd

        if self.user is None or self.passwd is None:
            raise WebRobotError("Login credentials for the web user interface "
                                "are missing.")

        if self.user.startswith("#ws+"):
            raise WebRobotError("The user {0} is a dedicated web service user "
                                "and cannot be used for scraping the web user "

        # We need to first visit the Robot so that we later get an OAuth token
        # for the Robot from the authentication site.
        self.logger.debug("Visiting Robot web frontend for the first time.")
        auth_url = self.request('/', xhr=False).getheader('location')

        if not auth_url.startswith('https://' + ROBOT_LOGINHOST + '/'):
            msg = "https://{0}/ does not redirect to https://{1}/ " \
                  "but instead redirects to: {2}"
            raise WebRobotError(
                msg.format(ROBOT_WEBHOST, ROBOT_LOGINHOST, auth_url))

        self.logger.debug("Following authentication redirect to %r.", auth_url)

        # This is primarily for getting a first session cookie.
        login_conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_LOGINHOST)
        login_conn.request('GET', auth_url[len(ROBOT_LOGINHOST) + 8:], None)

        response = login_conn.getresponse()
        if response.status != 302:
            raise WebRobotError("Invalid status code {0} while visiting auth"
                                " URL".format(response.status))

        cookies = self._parse_cookies(response)
        if "PHPSESSID" not in cookies:
            msg = "Auth site didn't respond with a session cookie."
            raise WebRobotError(msg)

        self.logger.debug("Session ID for auth site is %r.",

        # Make sure that we always send the auth site's session ID in
        # subsequent requests.
        cookieval = '; '.join([k + '=' + v for k, v in cookies.items()])
        headers = {'Cookie': cookieval}

        self.logger.debug("Visiting login page at https://%s/login.",

        # Note that the auth site doesn't seem to support keep-alives, so we
        # need to reconnect here.
        login_conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_LOGINHOST)
        login_conn.request('GET', "/login", None, headers)

        response = login_conn.getresponse()
        if response.status != 200:
            raise WebRobotError("Invalid status code {0} while visiting login"
                                " page".format(response.status))

        data = urlencode({'_username': self.user, '_password': self.passwd})
        self.logger.debug("Logging in to auth site with user %s.", self.user)

        # Again, we need to reconnect here.
        login_conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_LOGINHOST)
        post_headers = headers.copy()
        post_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        login_conn.request('POST', '/login_check', data, post_headers)
        response = login_conn.getresponse()

        # Here, if the authentication is successful another session is started
        # and we get a new session ID.
        cookies = self._parse_cookies(response)
        if "PHPSESSID" not in cookies:
            raise WebRobotError("Login to robot web interface failed.")
        self.logger.debug("New session ID for auth site after login is %r.",
        cookieval = '; '.join([k + '=' + v for k, v in cookies.items()])
        headers['Cookie'] = cookieval

        # This should be the actual OAuth authorization URL.
        location = response.getheader('Location')

        if response.status != 302 or location is None:
            raise WebRobotError("Unable to get OAuth authorization URL.")

        if not location.startswith('https://' + ROBOT_LOGINHOST + '/'):
            msg = "https://{0}/ does not redirect to https://{1}/ " \
                  "but instead redirects to: {2}"
            raise WebRobotError(
                msg.format(ROBOT_LOGINHOST, ROBOT_LOGINHOST, location))

        self.logger.debug("Got redirected, visiting %r.", location)

        login_conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_LOGINHOST)
        login_conn.request('GET', location[len(ROBOT_LOGINHOST) + 8:], None,
        response = login_conn.getresponse()

        # We now should get an URL back to the Robot web interface.
        location = response.getheader('Location')
        if response.status != 302 or location is None:
            raise WebRobotError("Failed to get OAuth URL for Robot.")
        if not location.startswith('https://' + ROBOT_WEBHOST + '/'):
            msg = "https://{0}/ does not redirect to https://{1}/ " \
                  "but instead redirects to: {2}"
            raise WebRobotError(
                msg.format(ROBOT_LOGINHOST, ROBOT_WEBHOST, auth_url))

        self.logger.debug("Going back to Robot web interface via %r.",

        # Reconnect to Robot with the OAuth token.
        response = self.request(location[len(ROBOT_WEBHOST) + 8:], xhr=False)

        if response.status != 302:
            raise WebRobotError("Status after providing OAuth token should be"
                                " 302 and not {0}".format(response.status))

        if response.getheader('location') != 'https://' + ROBOT_WEBHOST + '/':
            raise WebRobotError("Robot login with OAuth token has failed.")

        self.logged_in = True

    def request(self, path, data=None, xhr=True, method=None, log=True):
        Send a request to the web interface, using 'data' for urlencoded POST
        data. If 'data' is None (which it is by default), a GET request is sent
        instead. A httplib.HTTPResponse is returned on success.

        By default this method uses headers for XMLHttpRequests, so if the
        request should be an ordinary HTTP request, set 'xhr' to False.

        If 'log' is set to False, don't log anything containing data. This is
        useful to prevent logging sensible information such as passwords.

        headers = {'Connection': 'keep-alive'}
        if self.session_cookie is not None:
            headers['Cookie'] = self.session_cookie
        if xhr:
            headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'

        if data is None:
            if method is None:
                method = 'GET'
            encoded = None
            if method is None:
                method = 'POST'
            encoded = urlencode(data)
            headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

        if log:
                "Sending %s request to Robot web frontend "
                "at %s with data %r.", ("XHR " if xhr else "") + method, path,
        self.conn.request(method, path, encoded, headers)

            response = self.conn.getresponse()
        except ResponseNotReady:
            self.logger.debug("Connection closed by Robot web frontend,"
                              " retrying.")
            # Connection closed, so we need to reconnect.
            # FIXME: Try to avoid endless loops here!
            return self.request(path, data=data, xhr=xhr, log=log)

        if log:
            self.logger.debug("Got response from web frontend with status %d.",

        return response
    def login(self, user=None, passwd=None, force=False):
        Log into the robot web interface using self.user and self.passwd. If
        user/passwd is provided as arguments, those are used instead and
        self.user/self.passwd are updated accordingly.
        if self.logged_in and not force:


        # Update self.user and self.passwd in case we need to re-establish the
        # connection.
        if user is not None:
            self.user = user
        if passwd is not None:
            self.passwd = passwd

        if self.user is None or self.passwd is None:
            raise WebRobotError("Login credentials for the web user interface "
                                "are missing.")

        if self.user.startswith("#ws+"):
            raise WebRobotError("The user {0} is a dedicated web service user "
                                "and cannot be used for scraping the web user "

        # We need to first visit the Robot so that we later get an OAuth token
        # for the Robot from the authentication site.
        self.logger.debug("Visiting Robot web frontend for the first time.")
        auth_url = self.request('/', xhr=False).getheader('location')

        if not auth_url.startswith('https://' + ROBOT_LOGINHOST + '/'):
            msg = "https://{0}/ does not redirect to https://{1}/ " \
                  "but instead redirects to: {2}"
            raise WebRobotError(msg.format(ROBOT_WEBHOST, ROBOT_LOGINHOST,

        self.logger.debug("Following authentication redirect to %r.", auth_url)

        # This is primarily for getting a first session cookie.
        login_conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_LOGINHOST)
        login_conn.request('GET', auth_url[len(ROBOT_LOGINHOST) + 8:], None)

        response = login_conn.getresponse()
        if response.status != 302:
            raise WebRobotError("Invalid status code {0} while visiting auth"
                                " URL".format(response.status))

        cookies = self._parse_cookies(response)
        if "PHPSESSID" not in cookies:
            msg = "Auth site didn't respond with a session cookie."
            raise WebRobotError(msg)

        self.logger.debug("Session ID for auth site is %r.",

        # Make sure that we always send the auth site's session ID in
        # subsequent requests.
        cookieval = '; '.join([k + '=' + v for k, v in cookies.items()])
        headers = {'Cookie': cookieval}

        self.logger.debug("Visiting login page at https://%s/login.",

        # Note that the auth site doesn't seem to support keep-alives, so we
        # need to reconnect here.
        login_conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_LOGINHOST)
        login_conn.request('GET', "/login", None, headers)

        response = login_conn.getresponse()
        if response.status != 200:
            raise WebRobotError("Invalid status code {0} while visiting login"
                                " page".format(response.status))

        data = urlencode({'_username': self.user, '_password': self.passwd})
        self.logger.debug("Logging in to auth site with user %s.", self.user)

        # Again, we need to reconnect here.
        login_conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_LOGINHOST)
        post_headers = headers.copy()
        post_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        login_conn.request('POST', '/login_check', data, post_headers)
        response = login_conn.getresponse()

        # Here, if the authentication is successful another session is started
        # and we get a new session ID.
        cookies = self._parse_cookies(response)
        if "PHPSESSID" not in cookies:
            raise WebRobotError("Login to robot web interface failed.")
        self.logger.debug("New session ID for auth site after login is %r.",
        cookieval = '; '.join([k + '=' + v for k, v in cookies.items()])
        headers['Cookie'] = cookieval

        # This should be the actual OAuth authorization URL.
        location = response.getheader('Location')

        if response.status != 302 or location is None:
            raise WebRobotError("Unable to get OAuth authorization URL.")

        if not location.startswith('https://' + ROBOT_LOGINHOST + '/'):
            msg = "https://{0}/ does not redirect to https://{1}/ " \
                  "but instead redirects to: {2}"
            raise WebRobotError(msg.format(ROBOT_LOGINHOST, ROBOT_LOGINHOST,

        self.logger.debug("Got redirected, visiting %r.", location)

        login_conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_LOGINHOST)
        login_conn.request('GET', location[len(ROBOT_LOGINHOST) + 8:], None,
        response = login_conn.getresponse()

        # We now should get an URL back to the Robot web interface.
        location = response.getheader('Location')
        if response.status != 302 or location is None:
            raise WebRobotError("Failed to get OAuth URL for Robot.")
        if not location.startswith('https://' + ROBOT_WEBHOST + '/'):
            msg = "https://{0}/ does not redirect to https://{1}/ " \
                  "but instead redirects to: {2}"
            raise WebRobotError(msg.format(ROBOT_LOGINHOST, ROBOT_WEBHOST,

        self.logger.debug("Going back to Robot web interface via %r.",

        # Reconnect to Robot with the OAuth token.
        response = self.request(location[len(ROBOT_WEBHOST) + 8:], xhr=False)

        if response.status != 302:
            raise WebRobotError("Status after providing OAuth token should be"
                                " 302 and not {0}".format(response.status))

        if response.getheader('location') != 'https://' + ROBOT_WEBHOST + '/':
            raise WebRobotError("Robot login with OAuth token has failed.")

        self.logged_in = True
class RobotWebInterface(object):
    This is for scraping the web interface and can be used to implement
    features that are not yet available in the official API.
    def __init__(self, user=None, passwd=None):
        self.conn = None
        self.session_cookie = None
        self.user = user
        self.passwd = passwd
        self.logged_in = False
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("Robot scraper for {0}".format(user))

    def _parse_cookies(self, response):
        Return a dictionary consisting of the cookies from the given response.
        result = {}
        cookies = response.getheader('set-cookie')
        if cookies is None:
            return result

        # Not very accurate but sufficent enough for our use case.
        for cookieval in cookies.split(','):
            cookieattrs = cookieval.strip().split(';')
            if len(cookieattrs) <= 1:
            cookie = cookieattrs[0].strip().split('=', 1)
            if len(cookie) != 2:
            result[cookie[0]] = cookie[1]

        return result

    def update_session(self, response):
        Parses the session cookie from the given response instance and updates
        self.session_cookie accordingly if a session cookie was recognized.
        session = self._parse_cookies(response).get('robot')
        if session is not None:
            self.session_cookie = "robot=" + session

    def connect(self, force=False):
        Establish a connection to the robot web interface if we're not yet
        connected. If 'force' is set to True, throw away the old connection and
        establish a new one, regardless of whether we are connected or not.
        if force and self.conn is not None:
            self.conn = None
        if self.conn is None:
            self.conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_WEBHOST)

    def login(self, user=None, passwd=None, force=False):
        Log into the robot web interface using self.user and self.passwd. If
        user/passwd is provided as arguments, those are used instead and
        self.user/self.passwd are updated accordingly.
        if self.logged_in and not force:


        # Update self.user and self.passwd in case we need to re-establish the
        # connection.
        if user is not None:
            self.user = user
        if passwd is not None:
            self.passwd = passwd

        if self.user is None or self.passwd is None:
            raise WebRobotError("Login credentials for the web user interface "
                                "are missing.")

        if self.user.startswith("#ws+"):
            raise WebRobotError("The user {0} is a dedicated web service user "
                                "and cannot be used for scraping the web user "

        # We need to first visit the Robot so that we later get an OAuth token
        # for the Robot from the authentication site.
        self.logger.debug("Visiting Robot web frontend for the first time.")
        auth_url = self.request('/', xhr=False).getheader('location')

        if not auth_url.startswith('https://' + ROBOT_LOGINHOST + '/'):
            msg = "https://{0}/ does not redirect to https://{1}/ " \
                  "but instead redirects to: {2}"
            raise WebRobotError(msg.format(ROBOT_WEBHOST, ROBOT_LOGINHOST,

        self.logger.debug("Following authentication redirect to %r.", auth_url)

        # This is primarily for getting a first session cookie.
        login_conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_LOGINHOST)
        login_conn.request('GET', auth_url[len(ROBOT_LOGINHOST) + 8:], None)

        response = login_conn.getresponse()
        if response.status != 302:
            raise WebRobotError("Invalid status code {0} while visiting auth"
                                " URL".format(response.status))

        cookies = self._parse_cookies(response)
        if "PHPSESSID" not in cookies:
            msg = "Auth site didn't respond with a session cookie."
            raise WebRobotError(msg)

        self.logger.debug("Session ID for auth site is %r.",

        # Make sure that we always send the auth site's session ID in
        # subsequent requests.
        cookieval = '; '.join([k + '=' + v for k, v in cookies.items()])
        headers = {'Cookie': cookieval}

        self.logger.debug("Visiting login page at https://%s/login.",

        # Note that the auth site doesn't seem to support keep-alives, so we
        # need to reconnect here.
        login_conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_LOGINHOST)
        login_conn.request('GET', "/login", None, headers)

        response = login_conn.getresponse()
        if response.status != 200:
            raise WebRobotError("Invalid status code {0} while visiting login"
                                " page".format(response.status))

        data = urlencode({'_username': self.user, '_password': self.passwd})
        self.logger.debug("Logging in to auth site with user %s.", self.user)

        # Again, we need to reconnect here.
        login_conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_LOGINHOST)
        post_headers = headers.copy()
        post_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        login_conn.request('POST', '/login_check', data, post_headers)
        response = login_conn.getresponse()

        # Here, if the authentication is successful another session is started
        # and we get a new session ID.
        cookies = self._parse_cookies(response)
        if "PHPSESSID" not in cookies:
            raise WebRobotError("Login to robot web interface failed.")
        self.logger.debug("New session ID for auth site after login is %r.",
        cookieval = '; '.join([k + '=' + v for k, v in cookies.items()])
        headers['Cookie'] = cookieval

        # This should be the actual OAuth authorization URL.
        location = response.getheader('Location')

        if response.status != 302 or location is None:
            raise WebRobotError("Unable to get OAuth authorization URL.")

        if not location.startswith('https://' + ROBOT_LOGINHOST + '/'):
            msg = "https://{0}/ does not redirect to https://{1}/ " \
                  "but instead redirects to: {2}"
            raise WebRobotError(msg.format(ROBOT_LOGINHOST, ROBOT_LOGINHOST,

        self.logger.debug("Got redirected, visiting %r.", location)

        login_conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_LOGINHOST)
        login_conn.request('GET', location[len(ROBOT_LOGINHOST) + 8:], None,
        response = login_conn.getresponse()

        # We now should get an URL back to the Robot web interface.
        location = response.getheader('Location')
        if response.status != 302 or location is None:
            raise WebRobotError("Failed to get OAuth URL for Robot.")
        if not location.startswith('https://' + ROBOT_WEBHOST + '/'):
            msg = "https://{0}/ does not redirect to https://{1}/ " \
                  "but instead redirects to: {2}"
            raise WebRobotError(msg.format(ROBOT_LOGINHOST, ROBOT_WEBHOST,

        self.logger.debug("Going back to Robot web interface via %r.",

        # Reconnect to Robot with the OAuth token.
        response = self.request(location[len(ROBOT_WEBHOST) + 8:], xhr=False)

        if response.status != 302:
            raise WebRobotError("Status after providing OAuth token should be"
                                " 302 and not {0}".format(response.status))

        if response.getheader('location') != 'https://' + ROBOT_WEBHOST + '/':
            raise WebRobotError("Robot login with OAuth token has failed.")

        self.logged_in = True

    def request(self, path, data=None, xhr=True, method=None, log=True):
        Send a request to the web interface, using 'data' for urlencoded POST
        data. If 'data' is None (which it is by default), a GET request is sent
        instead. A httplib.HTTPResponse is returned on success.

        By default this method uses headers for XMLHttpRequests, so if the
        request should be an ordinary HTTP request, set 'xhr' to False.

        If 'log' is set to False, don't log anything containing data. This is
        useful to prevent logging sensible information such as passwords.

        headers = {'Connection': 'keep-alive'}
        if self.session_cookie is not None:
            headers['Cookie'] = self.session_cookie
        if xhr:
            headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'

        if data is None:
            if method is None:
                method = 'GET'
            encoded = None
            if method is None:
                method = 'POST'
            encoded = urlencode(data)
            headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

        if log:
            self.logger.debug("Sending %s request to Robot web frontend "
                              "at %s with data %r.",
                              ("XHR " if xhr else "") + method, path, encoded)
        self.conn.request(method, path, encoded, headers)

            response = self.conn.getresponse()
        except ResponseNotReady:
            self.logger.debug("Connection closed by Robot web frontend,"
                              " retrying.")
            # Connection closed, so we need to reconnect.
            # FIXME: Try to avoid endless loops here!
            return self.request(path, data=data, xhr=xhr, log=log)

        if log:
            self.logger.debug("Got response from web frontend with status %d.",

        return response
class RobotConnection(object):
    def __init__(self, user, passwd):
        self.user = user
        self.passwd = passwd
        self.conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_HOST)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("Robot of {0}".format(user))

        # Provide this as a way to easily add unsupported API features.
        self.scraper = RobotWebInterface(user, passwd)

    def _request(self, method, path, data, headers, retry=1):
        self.conn.request(method.upper(), path, data, headers)
            return self.conn.getresponse()
        except BadStatusLine:
            # XXX: Sometimes, the API server seems to have a problem with
            # keepalives.
            if retry <= 0:

            return self._request(method, path, data, headers, retry - 1)

    def _encode_phpargs(self, node, path=[]):
        Encode the given 'node' in a way PHP recognizes.

        See https://php.net/manual/function.http-build-query.php for a
        description of the format.

        >>> robot = RobotConnection(None, None)
        >>> enc = lambda arg: sorted(robot._encode_phpargs(arg).items())
        >>> enc({'foo': [1, 2, 3]})
        [('foo[0]', 1), ('foo[1]', 2), ('foo[2]', 3)]
        >>> enc(['a', 'b', 'c'])
        [('0', 'a'), ('1', 'b'), ('2', 'c')]
        >>> enc({'a': {'b': [1, 2, 3], 'c': 'd'}})
        [('a[b][0]', 1), ('a[b][1]', 2), ('a[b][2]', 3), ('a[c]', 'd')]
        >>> enc({})
        >>> enc({'a': {'b': {'c': {}}}})
        >>> enc({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': {'c': 4}})
        [('a[0]', 1), ('a[1]', 2), ('a[2]', 3), ('b[c]', 4)]
        if isinstance(node, list):
            enum = enumerate(node)
        elif isinstance(node, dict):
            enum = node.items()
        elif len(path) == 0:
            return node
            # TODO: Implement escaping of keys.
            flatkey = map(lambda x: '[' + str(x) + ']', path[1:])
            return {str(path[0]) + ''.join(flatkey): node}

        encoded = [self._encode_phpargs(v, path + [k]) for k, v in enum]
        return functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a.update(b) or a, encoded, {})

    def request(self, method, path, data=None, allow_empty=False):
        if data is not None:
            data = urlencode(self._encode_phpargs(data))

        auth = 'Basic {0}'.format(b64encode(
            "{0}:{1}".format(self.user, self.passwd).encode('ascii')

        headers = {'Authorization': auth}

        if data is not None:
            headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

        self.logger.debug("Sending %s request to Robot at %s with data %r.",
                          method, path, data)
        response = self._request(method, path, data, headers)
        raw_data = response.read().decode('utf-8')
        if len(raw_data) == 0 and not allow_empty:
            msg = "Empty response, status {0}."
            raise RobotError(msg.format(response.status), response.status)
        elif not allow_empty:
                data = json.loads(raw_data)
            except ValueError:
                msg = "Response is not JSON (status {0}): {1}"
                raise RobotError(msg.format(response.status, repr(raw_data)))
            data = None
            "Got response from Robot with status %d and data %r.",
            response.status, data

        if 200 <= response.status < 300:
            return data
            error = data.get('error', None)
            if error is None:
                raise RobotError("Unknown error: {0}".format(data),
                err = "{0} - {1}".format(error['status'], error['message'])
                missing = error.get('missing', [])
                invalid = error.get('invalid', [])
                fields = []
                if missing is not None:
                    fields += missing
                if invalid is not None:
                    fields += invalid
                if len(fields) > 0:
                    err += ", fields: {0}".format(', '.join(fields))
                raise RobotError(err, response.status)

    def get(self, path):
        return self.request('GET', path)

    def post(self, path, data):
        return self.request('POST', path, data)

    def put(self, path, data):
        return self.request('PUT', path, data)

    def delete(self, path, data=None):
        return self.request('DELETE', path, data, allow_empty=True)
class RobotConnection(object):
    def __init__(self, user, passwd):
        self.user = user
        self.passwd = passwd
        self.conn = ValidatedHTTPSConnection(ROBOT_HOST)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("Robot of {0}".format(user))

        # Provide this as a way to easily add unsupported API features.
        self.scraper = RobotWebInterface(user, passwd)

    def _request(self, method, path, data, headers, retry=1):
        self.conn.request(method.upper(), path, data, headers)
            return self.conn.getresponse()
        except BadStatusLine:
            # XXX: Sometimes, the API server seems to have a problem with
            # keepalives.
            if retry <= 0:

            return self._request(method, path, data, headers, retry - 1)

    def _encode_phpargs(self, node, path=[]):
        Encode the given 'node' in a way PHP recognizes.

        See https://php.net/manual/function.http-build-query.php for a
        description of the format.

        >>> robot = RobotConnection(None, None)
        >>> enc = lambda arg: sorted(robot._encode_phpargs(arg).items())
        >>> enc({'foo': [1, 2, 3]})
        [('foo[0]', 1), ('foo[1]', 2), ('foo[2]', 3)]
        >>> enc(['a', 'b', 'c'])
        [('0', 'a'), ('1', 'b'), ('2', 'c')]
        >>> enc({'a': {'b': [1, 2, 3], 'c': 'd'}})
        [('a[b][0]', 1), ('a[b][1]', 2), ('a[b][2]', 3), ('a[c]', 'd')]
        >>> enc({})
        >>> enc({'a': {'b': {'c': {}}}})
        >>> enc({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': {'c': 4}})
        [('a[0]', 1), ('a[1]', 2), ('a[2]', 3), ('b[c]', 4)]
        if isinstance(node, list):
            enum = enumerate(node)
        elif isinstance(node, dict):
            enum = node.items()
        elif len(path) == 0:
            return node
            # TODO: Implement escaping of keys.
            flatkey = map(lambda x: '[' + str(x) + ']', path[1:])
            return {str(path[0]) + ''.join(flatkey): node}

        encoded = [self._encode_phpargs(v, path + [k]) for k, v in enum]
        return functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a.update(b) or a, encoded, {})

    def request(self, method, path, data=None, allow_empty=False):
        if data is not None:
            data = urlencode(self._encode_phpargs(data))

        auth = 'Basic {0}'.format(
                self.user, self.passwd).encode('ascii')).decode('ascii'))

        headers = {'Authorization': auth}

        if data is not None:
            headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

        self.logger.debug("Sending %s request to Robot at %s with data %r.",
                          method, path, data)
        response = self._request(method, path, data, headers)
        raw_data = response.read().decode('utf-8')
        if len(raw_data) == 0 and not allow_empty:
            msg = "Empty response, status {0}."
            raise RobotError(msg.format(response.status), response.status)
        elif not allow_empty:
                data = json.loads(raw_data)
            except ValueError:
                msg = "Response is not JSON (status {0}): {1}"
                raise RobotError(msg.format(response.status, repr(raw_data)))
            data = None
            "Got response from Robot with status %d and data %r.",
            response.status, data)

        if 200 <= response.status < 300:
            return data
            error = data.get('error', None)
            if error is None:
                raise RobotError("Unknown error: {0}".format(data),
                err = "{0} - {1}".format(error['status'], error['message'])
                missing = error.get('missing', [])
                invalid = error.get('invalid', [])
                fields = []
                if missing is not None:
                    fields += missing
                if invalid is not None:
                    fields += invalid
                if len(fields) > 0:
                    err += ", fields: {0}".format(', '.join(fields))
                raise RobotError(err, response.status)

    def get(self, path):
        return self.request('GET', path)

    def post(self, path, data):
        return self.request('POST', path, data)

    def put(self, path, data):
        return self.request('PUT', path, data)

    def delete(self, path, data=None):
        return self.request('DELETE', path, data, allow_empty=True)