def search(points, maxIterations, maxTabu, maxCandidates):
    # construct a random tour
    best = {}
    best["loopIter"] = constructInitialSolution(points)

    """Call constraint set solver to get distance d between 2 polyhedra"""
    best["cost"] = tourCost(best["loopIter"])
    tabuList = []
    while maxIterations > 0:
        # Generate candidates using stocahstic 2-opt near current best candidate
        # Use Tabu list to not revisit previous rewired edges
        candidates = []
        for index in range(0, maxCandidates):
            candidates.append(generateCandidates(best, tabuList, points))

        # Locate the best candidate
        # sort the list of candidates by cost
        # since it is an  involved sort, we write a function for getting the least cost candidate
        bestCandidate, bestCandidateEdges = locateBestCandidate(candidates)
        # compare with current best and update if necessary
        if bestCandidate["cost"] < best["cost"]:
            # set current to the best, so thatwe can continue iteration
            best = bestCandidate
            # update tabu list
            for edge in bestCandidateEdges:
                if len(tabuList) < maxTabu:

        maxIterations -= 1

    return best
def generateCandidates(best, tabuList, points):
    permutation, edges, result = None, None, {}
    while permutation == None or isTabu(best["loopIter"], tabuList):
        permutation, edges = stochasticTwoOptWithEdges(best["loopIter"])
    candidate = {}
    candidate["loopIter"] = permutation
    """Call constraint set solver to get distance d between 2 polyhedra"""
    candidate["cost"] = tourCost(candidate["loopIter"])
    result["candidate"] = candidate
    result["edges"] = edges
    return result