def move_robber(player, to, stealfrom): game = if not ( #We're supposed to be moving the robber game.State == Game.States.MOVE_ROBBER and #this player is supposed to be moving the robber player.UserID == game.CurrentPlayerID and #the robber isn't being moved nowhere game.RobberHex != to and #the place where the robber is being moved is valid to in h.valid_hexes ) : return "failure" v1 = v.decompress(to) adjacent_vertices = map(v.compress, h.adjacent(v1)) vulnerable_players = db_session.query(Settlement.UserID). \ filter_by(GameID=game.GameID). \ filter(Settlement.Vertex.in_(adjacent_vertices)). \ filter(Settlement.UserID != player.UserID). \ all() if (len(vulnerable_players) == 0 and stealfrom is None) or (stealfrom,) in vulnerable_players: game.RobberHex = to game.State = Game.States.NORMAL_PLAY if stealfrom is not None: pass #TODO game.log(Log.robber_moved(player.UserID, to)) game.log(Log.req_turn(player.UserID)) db_session.commit() return "success" else: return "failure"
def give_cards(rolled): #gets hexes that have just yielded stuff rolled_hexes = db_session.query(Hex.Vertex, Hex.Type). \ filter_by(GameID=self.GameID). \ filter(Hex.Chit == rolled). \ filter(Hex.Vertex != self.RobberHex). \ all() """ Creates a dict of the form: (type -> (vertex -> count) where: type is the type of hex vertex is a vertex number adjacent to the hex count is the number of times that vertex would receive cards of type *type* It may be better to do sort | uniq here """ types = {} for (hex, type) in rolled_hexes: if not type in types: types[type] = {} adjacent = map(v.compress, h.adjacent(v.decompress(hex))) for i in adjacent: if not i in types[type]: types[type][i] = 0 types[type][i] += 1 """ Creates a dict of the form: (userid -> (type -> count)) where: userid is self explanatory type if the type of resource (equivalent to the type of hex) count is the number of cards of that resource type """ users = {} for t in types: #get all settlements that are adjacent to hexes #of type *type* settlements = Settlement.query. \ filter_by(GameID=self.GameID). \ filter(Settlement.Vertex.in_(types[t].keys())). \ all() for s in settlements: if not s.UserID in users: users[s.UserID] = {} if not t in users[s.UserID]: users[s.UserID][t] = 0 #give double for cities users[s.UserID][t] += \ (2 if s.Type == Settlement.CITY else 1) * \ types[t][s.Vertex] for u in users: allocated = list(map(lambda type: (users[u][type], type), users[u].keys())) GamePlayer.query. \ filter_by(GameID=self.GameID). \ filter_by(UserID=u).one(). \ add_cards(allocated)