# BOOT WIRING from hexappmodel import App, Thing from hexpersistence import PersistenceMock, PersistenceMock2 #app = App(PersistenceMock()) app = App(PersistenceMock2()) # UNIT TEST app.Load() print app.model thing1 = app.GetThing(0) app.AddInfoToThing(thing1, "once") print app.model app.New() app.CreateThing("once") app.CreateThing("upon a time") app.Save() print app.model app.New() print app.model app.Load() print app.model
# HEXMVC BOOT WIRING v2 - assumes app and model in the same import module from hexappmodel import App from hexpersistence import PersistenceMock2 from hexserver import Server1 from hexmvcgui import MyWxApp import wx # Create Gui wxapp = MyWxApp(redirect=False) gui = wxapp.myframe # arguably too wx based to be a true adapter, but as long # as we call nothing wx specific, it acts as an adapter ok. # Create Server server = Server1(host="localhost", port=8081) # Create Persistence persistence = PersistenceMock2() # Create Core Hexagon App and inject adapters app = App(persistence, server, gui) wx.CallAfter(app.Boot) # Start Gui wxapp.MainLoop() print("DONE")